Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Secondary inhibiting loopsAs we have seen, people create loops to protect theprimary inhibiting loops, and so we have loopsnested within loops that inhibit learning. ModelI blinds people to their weaknesses. For instance,the six corporate presidents were unable to realizehow incapable they were of questioning their assumptionsand breaking through to fresh understanding.They were under the illusion that theycould learn, when in reality they just kept runningaround the same track.President A told the group that Vice President Z,whom he had viewed as a prime candidate to be thenext president, was too submissive and did not showenough initiative. The presidents questioned A carefully,and they soon produced evidence that A mightbe the cause of Z's behavior. A was surprised andirked about his own lack of awareness, but he waspleased with the help he got. He invented a solutionbased on the new diagnosis, which was, ineffect, "to lay off the vice president and give himmore breathing space."His colleagues were able to help A to see that thesolution was simplistic. As one said, "If I were Zand you suddenly changed by letting me alone, Iwould wonder if you had given up on me." A, againsurprised and irked, nevertheless learned. Next, hetried out the solution that he and the others finallydesigned, with his peers acting as Z. In all cases,what he produced was not what he and they hadinvented.The point to this story is that A honestly thoughtthat he was doing the right things. What he learnedwas that he did not have the skills to discover, toinvent, to produce double loop solutions, and thathe was unaware of this fact.What happens is that people provide incompleteand distorted feedhack to each other; each knowsthat this is the case; each knows that the otherknows; and each knows that this game is not usuallydiscussable. The second set of factors, therefore, thathelps to create secondary inhibitions are the gamespeople play in order not to upset each other. Thesegames can become complex and spread quicklythroughout an organization.For example, the R&D people, not being able tomeet a promised deadline, assure the top managementthat they have at least enhanced the state ofthe art. Then there are the hudget games, such as"throwing the dead cat into the other department'syard." There is also the game of starting a crisisin order to get attention and to obtain more of thescarce financial resources.These factors tend to reinforce each other. Eventuallythey form a tight system that inhibits individualand organizational learning. I call this a Model0-1 (see Exhibit U) learning system, and I have foundsuch a system in most of the organizations I havestudied, both private and public, product- or serviceoriented.The result is that people are taught to have a limitedset of maps for how they must act, and they erectrumit, defensif asap layar yang mencegah keduadiri sendiri dan orang lain dari menantang baiktindakan mereka atau asumsi-asumsi yang mereka busurBerdasarkan.
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