THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Brought to you by FlyHeart terjemahan - THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Brought to you by FlyHeart Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Stephen Covey has written a remarkable book about the human condition, so elegantly written, so
understanding of our embedded concerns, so useful for our organization and personal lives, that it's
going to be my gift to everyone I know.
-- Warren Bennis, author of On Becoming a Leader
I've never known any teacher or mentor on improving personal effectiveness to generate such an
overwhelmingly positive reaction.... This book captures beautifully Stephen's philosophy of principles.
I think anyone reading it will quickly understand the enormous reaction I and others have had to Dr.
Covey's teachings.
-- John Pepper, President, Procter and Gamble
Stephen Covey is an American Socrates, opening your mind to the 'permanent things' -- values,
family, relationships, communicating.
-- Brian Tracy, author of Psychology of Achievement
Stephen R. Covey's book teaches with power, conviction, and feeling. Both the content and the
methodology of these principles form a solid foundation for effective communication. As an educator,
I think this book to be a significant addition to my library.
-- William Rolfe Kerr, Utah Commissioner of Higher Education
Few students of management and organization -- and people -- have thought as long and hard about
first principles as Stephen Covey. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he offers us an
opportunity, not a how-to guide. The opportunity is to explore ourselves and our impact on others,
and to do so by taking advantage of his profound insights. It is a wonderful book that could change
your life.
-- Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence
The ethical basis for human relations in this book defines a way of life, not just a methodology for
succeeding at business. That it works is apparent.
-- Bruce L. Christensen, President, Public Broadcasting Service
At a time when American organizations desperately need to energize people and produce leaders at
all levels, Covey provides an empowering philosophy for life that is also the best guarantee of success
in business...a perfect blend of wisdom, compassion, and practical experience.
-- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, editor of the Harvard Business Review and author of When Giants Learn to Dance
I have learned so much from Stephen Covey over the years that every time I sit down to write, I'm
worried about subconscious plagiarism! Seven Habits is not pop psychology or trendy self-help. It is
solid wisdom and sound principles.
-- Richard M. Eyre, author of Life Balance and Teaching Children Values
We could do well to make the reading and use of this book a requirement for anyone at any level of
public service. It would be far more effective than any legislation regarding ethical conduct.
-- Senator Jake Garn, first senator in space
When Stephen Covey talks, executives listen.
-- Dun's Business Month
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Brought to you by FlyHeart Stephen Covey has written a remarkable book about the human condition, so elegantly written, so understanding of our embedded concerns, so useful for our organization and personal lives, that it's going to be my gift to everyone I know. -- Warren Bennis, author of On Becoming a Leader I've never known any teacher or mentor on improving personal effectiveness to generate such an overwhelmingly positive reaction.... This book captures beautifully Stephen's philosophy of principles. I think anyone reading it will quickly understand the enormous reaction I and others have had to Dr. Covey's teachings. -- John Pepper, President, Procter and Gamble Stephen Covey is an American Socrates, opening your mind to the 'permanent things' -- values, family, relationships, communicating. -- Brian Tracy, author of Psychology of Achievement Stephen R. Covey's book teaches with power, conviction, and feeling. Both the content and the methodology of these principles form a solid foundation for effective communication. As an educator, I think this book to be a significant addition to my library. -- William Rolfe Kerr, Utah Commissioner of Higher Education Few students of management and organization -- and people -- have thought as long and hard about first principles as Stephen Covey. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he offers us an opportunity, not a how-to guide. The opportunity is to explore ourselves and our impact on others,
and to do so by taking advantage of his profound insights. It is a wonderful book that could change
your life.
-- Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence
The ethical basis for human relations in this book defines a way of life, not just a methodology for
succeeding at business. That it works is apparent.
-- Bruce L. Christensen, President, Public Broadcasting Service
At a time when American organizations desperately need to energize people and produce leaders at
all levels, Covey provides an empowering philosophy for life that is also the best guarantee of success
in business...a perfect blend of wisdom, compassion, and practical experience.
-- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, editor of the Harvard Business Review and author of When Giants Learn to Dance
I have learned so much from Stephen Covey over the years that every time I sit down to write, I'm
worried about subconscious plagiarism! Seven Habits is not pop psychology or trendy self-help. It is
solid wisdom and sound principles.
-- Richard M. Eyre, author of Life Balance and Teaching Children Values
We could do well to make the reading and use of this book a requirement for anyone at any level of
public service. It would be far more effective than any legislation regarding ethical conduct.
-- Senator Jake Garn, first senator in space
When Stephen Covey talks, executives listen.
-- Dun's Business Month
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tujuh Kebiasaan Manusia yang Sangat Efektif Dibawa ke anda oleh Flyheart
Stephen Covey telah menulis sebuah buku yang luar biasa tentang kondisi manusia, begitu elegan ditulis, sehingga
pemahaman tentang keprihatinan kami tertanam, sehingga berguna untuk organisasi kami dan kehidupan pribadi, bahwa itu
akan menjadi saya hadiah untuk semua orang yang saya tahu.
- Warren Bennis, penulis On Menjadi Pemimpin
Saya tidak pernah tahu setiap guru atau mentor pada peningkatan efektivitas pribadi untuk menghasilkan seperti
reaksi sangat positif .... Buku ini menangkap indah filosofi Stephen prinsip.
Saya pikir siapa pun yang membaca dengan cepat akan memahami reaksi saya yang sangat besar dan lain-lain harus Dr.
ajaran Covey.
- John Lada, Presiden, Procter and Gamble
Stephen Covey adalah seorang Amerika Socrates, membuka pikiran Anda ke 'hal-hal yang permanen' - nilai-nilai,
keluarga, hubungan, berkomunikasi.
- Brian Tracy, penulis Psikologi Prestasi
buku Stephen R. Covey mengajarkan dengan kekuatan, keyakinan, dan perasaan. Baik isi dan
metodologi prinsip-prinsip ini membentuk dasar yang kuat untuk komunikasi yang efektif. Sebagai pendidik,
saya pikir buku ini menjadi tambahan yang signifikan ke perpustakaan saya.
- William Rolfe Kerr, Komisaris Utah Pendidikan Tinggi
Beberapa mahasiswa manajemen dan organisasi - dan orang-orang - berpikir panjang dan keras tentang
prinsip-prinsip pertama sebagai Stephen Covey. Dalam Tujuh Kebiasaan Manusia yang Sangat Efektif, ia menawarkan kita
kesempatan, bukan bagaimana-untuk panduan. Kesempatan adalah untuk mengeksplorasi diri kita sendiri dan dampak terhadap orang lain,
dan untuk melakukannya dengan mengambil keuntungan dari wawasan yang mendalam. Ini adalah buku indah yang bisa mengubah
hidup Anda.
- Tom Peters, penulis In Search of Excellence
Dasar etis bagi hubungan manusia dalam buku ini mendefinisikan cara hidup, bukan hanya metodologi untuk
berhasil di bisnis. Bahwa ia bekerja jelas.
- Bruce L. Christensen, Presiden, Layanan Penyiaran Publik
Pada saat organisasi Amerika sangat membutuhkan untuk memberi energi orang dan menghasilkan para pemimpin di
semua tingkatan, Covey memberikan filosofi pemberdayaan bagi kehidupan yang juga merupakan jaminan terbaik dari sukses
dalam bisnis ... perpaduan sempurna dari kebijaksanaan, belas kasih, dan pengalaman praktis.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, editor Harvard Business Review dan penulis Ketika Giants Belajar Dance
Saya telah belajar banyak dari Stephen Covey selama bertahun-tahun yang setiap kali saya duduk untuk menulis, aku
khawatir tentang plagiarisme bawah sadar! Tujuh Kebiasaan tidak psikologi pop atau trendi swadaya. Ini adalah
kebijaksanaan yang solid dan prinsip-prinsip suara.
- Richard M. Eyre, penulis Life Balance dan Mengajar Anak-anak Nilai
Kita bisa melakukannya dengan baik untuk membuat pembacaan dan penggunaan buku ini persyaratan untuk setiap orang di setiap tingkat
pelayanan publik. Ini akan jauh lebih efektif daripada undang-undang mengenai perilaku etis.
- Senator Jake Garn, senator pertama di luar angkasa
Ketika Stephen Covey pembicaraan, eksekutif mendengarkan.
- Dun Business Bulan
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