Cyberwarfare is becoming a very serious problem. Attacks have become much more wide spread, sophisticated, and potentially devastating. The U.S. Department of Defense networks experience 250,000 probes every hour and cyberattacks on U.S. federal agencies ingeneral have increased 150 percent since 2008.Cyberwarfare comes in the form of distributed denial-of-service attacks that have taken down Web sites at the White House, the Treasury, the Federal Trade Commission, the Defense Department, the Secret Service, and many others. The attacks slowed down most of the U.S.sites and forced several sites in foreign countries to stop operating altogether. Over the years,hackers have stolen plans for missile tracking systems, satellite navigation devices,surveillance drones, and leading-edge jet fighters.
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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Menghadapi peperangan Maya menjadi masalah yang sangat serius. Serangan telah menjadi jauh lebih tersebar luas, canggih dan berpotensi merugikan. Departemen Pertahanan AS jaringan pengalaman 250.000 probe setiap jam dan cyberattacks pada US agen-agen federal ingeneral telah meningkat 150 persen sejak 2008.Cyberwarfare datang dalam bentuk didistribusikan denial-of-service serangan yang telah diturunkan situs Web di Gedung Putih, Departemen Keuangan, Federal Trade Commission, Departemen Pertahanan, Secret Service, dan banyak orang lain. Serangan melambat sebagian besar U.S.sites dan memaksa beberapa situs di luar negeri untuk berhenti beroperasi sama sekali. Selama bertahun-tahun, hacker telah mencuri rencana untuk pelacakan sistem, perangkat navigasi satelit, pengawasan drone dan terdepan jet pejuang rudal.
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