III. DISCUSSIONResearch Model Development Based background and literat terjemahan - III. DISCUSSIONResearch Model Development Based background and literat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

III. DISCUSSIONResearch Model Devel

Research Model Development
Based background and literature review above, researchers arrived at a concept of thought that based on theory of consumer behavior, especially regarding services and empirical studies on effect of adherence on Sharia Principles (SPA) on customer loyalty with CSR and trust as mediation. Conceptual framework is derived from the formulation of research problems that have been described previously as well as an explanation of each variable and pattern of relationships formed by these variables. From the results of previous studies as well as studies of the theory of consumer behavior, especially in services shows that variable Sharia Principle Adherence (SPA), CSR and Trust are important variables to shape customer loyalty in BMT. SPA is a form of commitment or obedience to commands or prohibitions of Allah based on Quran and Hadith. Good relationship with God and fellow human beings should be based on Qur'an and Hadith. Likewise, muamalah affairs or economy, also must submit to Sharia principles that have governed by Qur'an and Hadith. Indicators of human remains submissive and obedient to God's command (obey the Islamic principles), especially on issue of commerce, is adherence to three fundamental things that are forbidden by God in Islamic finance, namely to avoid riba, gharar and gambling (Abdullah and Chee, 2012). This is consistent with studies of Naser et al. (1999), that religious reasons have an important role in selecting Islamic banks. Thus, their adherence to Islamic principles makes BMT as a goal for Muslims in transaction.
Furthermore, presence a number of verses in Qur'an and hadith stated that humans must establish socio-economic justice to responsible socially. Therefore, BMT should run CSR programs. The more observant, a BMT have stronger the desire to run a CSR.Furthermore, research from Mandhachitara and Poolthong (2009) indicate that CSR initiatives have an important role in perceived service quality, which in turn affects the trust and brand effect. Research of Poolthong and Mandhachitara (2011), shows that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a significant and positive relationship with loyalty attitude. Perception of service quality mediates the relationship between CSR with intention to buy back (repeat patronage intention), as form of loyalty behavioral. These results show that loyalty attitude can be formed if there are mediating variables such as the implementation of CSR to increase customer trust and loyalty. This is because, public will be sympathetic to companies that have done good thing to surrounding community with its CSR programs, where the sympathy will ultimately form a positive image in eyes of society or consumer. When the positive image is formed, it will be created customers trust in a bank. Higher level of customer trust in a product/service banking (BMT) makes customer will reluctant to switch to another service, so this will further increase consumer loyalty. This is consistent with results of Poolthong Mandhachitara (2011); Chen et al. (2012); Lee et al. (2012); Gupta et al. (2008), who found that CSR activities have positive effect on loyalty.Mandhachitara Poolthong (2009, 2011) showed that CSR affect the trust and customers loyalty . This is basis to put CSR, trust and loyalty as a research variable, because CSR can improve the perception and consumer trust, which in turn will increase the customer‟s loyalty of the bank (Murray and Vogel, 1997).
Chen et al. (2012) discusses the effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer loyalty and identify areas of emphasis organizational involvement and support for CSR in airline business of Taiwan. This study found that customer loyalty can be enhanced through CSR initiatives, which the ASR (Airline Social Responsibility) has a marginal effect on behavioral loyalty. Furthermore, safety was found become most important consumer concern, followed by consumer rights, environmental protection, and public participation, all of whom received a relatively high score based on ASR performance evaluation. Consumers who believe that company meets the legal services and social and ethical norms are more likely to get satisfaction because they feel company behaves consistently with consumer's self-concept (Marin and Ruiz, 2007). Consumers who hold these trusts and positive attitudes toward company will also be more likely to survive in a business relationship with company (Dick and Basu, 1994).Brown and balance scales (1997) found that CSR affect on consumers' attitude towards the product through the overall evaluation of company. Murray and Vogel (1997) investigated the effect on consumers for a combined program of social responsibility of business practices, led to a promotion, community volunteers, as well as proactive economic factors and consumer protection.
Research found that CSR programs can improve attitudes toward company, including trust in company honesty, customer responsiveness, and increased support for company. Sen and Bhattacharya (2001) provide support that company's business in various domains of CSR has a direct effect on attractiveness of company's products, in addition to positive effect on evaluation of company by consumers.CSR itself was developed in concept of the triple bottom line, namely economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social justice. This concept said that company is not only pursuit profit, they should also be involved in fulfillment of social welfare (people), and actively participate in protecting the environment (planet). This concept is illustrated by triangle where stakeholders to be considered in middle of his quest for profit, namely economic, environmental, and social. Trust according to Lau and Lee (1999) is someone willingness to hang himself to others with certain amount of risk. According to Trust Commitment theory (Morgan and Hunt, 1994), trust is the key to keep and maintaining long-term relationships. Long-term relationship will increase the level of customers' trust (Gwinner et al., 2005) thereby reducing the anxiety of the customer for service received. Miles & Covin (2000) also said that in order to gain trust, customer required a good perception about company. This is consistent with Kartini (2009) that implementation of CSR programs will give non-financial rewards for company, one of which is trust.Wulf et al. (2001) stated that trust is formed from relationship quality between company and customer. Therefore, service companies such as BMT can increase level of customers trust by program that can increase the positive perception and long-term relationships. One example is CSR programs. Implementation of CSR programs will certainly increase the positive perception in customer‟s eyes. Positive perceptions, will increase customer trust, which in turn will lead to customer loyalty.
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III. DISKUSIPenelitian Pengembangan Model Berdasarkan latar belakang dan kajian pustaka di atas, peneliti tiba di sebuah konsep pemikiran yang didasarkan pada teori perilaku konsumen, terutama mengenai layanan dan empiris studi tentang efek kepatuhan pada prinsip-prinsip Syariah (SPA) pada loyalitas pelanggan dengan CSR dan kepercayaan sebagai mediasi. Kerangka konseptual berasal dari perumusan masalah-masalah penelitian yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya serta penjelasan tentang setiap variabel dan pola hubungan yang dibentuk oleh variabel ini. Dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya serta studi teori perilaku konsumen, terutama dalam Layanan menunjukkan variabel kepatuhan Prinsip Syariah (SPA), CSR dan kepercayaan adalah variabel penting untuk bentuk loyalitas pelanggan pada BMT. SPA adalah bentuk komitmen atau ketaatan kepada perintah atau larangan Allah berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Hadis. Hubungan yang baik dengan Tuhan dan sesama manusia harus didasarkan pada Al-Qur'an dan hadits. Demikian juga, urusan muamalah atau ekonomi, juga harus tunduk kepada prinsip Syariah yang telah diatur oleh Al Qur'an dan Hadis. Indikator manusia tetap tunduk dan patuh kepada perintah Tuhan (mematuhi prinsip-prinsip Islam), terutama pada masalah perdagangan, adalah kepatuhan terhadap tiga hal mendasar yang dilarang oleh Allah dalam keuangan Islam, yaitu untuk menghindari riba, gharar dan perjudian (Abdullah dan Chee, 2012). Hal ini konsisten dengan studi Naser et al. (1999), bahwa alasan agama memiliki peran penting dalam memilih Bank Syariah. Dengan demikian, kepatuhan terhadap prinsip-prinsip Islam membuat BMT sebagai tujuan untuk Muslim dalam transaksi.Selanjutnya, kehadiran sejumlah ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dan hadits dinyatakan bahwa manusia harus mendirikan keadilan sosial ekonomi untuk bertanggung jawab secara sosial. Oleh karena itu, BMT harus menjalankan program CSR. Semakin jeli, BMT memiliki lebih kuat keinginan untuk CSR. Selain itu, penelitian dari Mandhachitara dan Poolthong (2009) menunjukkan bahwa inisiatif CSR memiliki peran penting dalam kualitas layanan dirasakan, yang pada gilirannya mempengaruhi efek kepercayaan dan merek. Penelitian Poolthong dan Mandhachitara (2011), menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR) memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dan positif dengan sikap kesetiaan. Persepsi mengenai kualitas layanan memediasi hubungan antara CSR dengan niat untuk membeli kembali (ulangi patronase niat), sebagai bentuk kesetiaan perilaku. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap kesetiaan dapat terbentuk jika ada mediasi variabel seperti Pelaksanaan CSR untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan dan loyalitas. Hal ini karena, publik akan bersimpati kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah melakukan hal yang baik ke sekitar masyarakat dengan program-program CSR, mana simpati pada akhirnya akan membentuk gambaran yang positif di mata masyarakat atau konsumen. Ketika citra positif terbentuk, itu akan dibuat kepercayaan pelanggan di bank. Tingkat lebih tinggi dari pelanggan percaya suatu produk/jasa perbankan (BMT) membuat pelanggan akan enggan untuk beralih ke layanan lain, jadi ini akan lebih meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen. Ini konsisten dengan hasil Poolthong Mandhachitara (2011); Chen et al. (2012); Lee et al. (2012); Gupta et al. (2008), yang menemukan bahwa kegiatan CSR memiliki efek positif pada kesetiaan. Mandhachitara Poolthong (2009, 2011) menunjukkan bahwa CSR mempengaruhi kepercayaan dan pelanggan loyalitas. Ini adalah dasar untuk menempatkan CSR, kepercayaan dan kesetiaan sebagai variabel penelitian, karena CSR dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan persepsi dan konsumen, yang pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan loyalitas customer‟s Bank (Murray dan Vogel, 1997).Chen et al. (2012) membahas efek dari tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan pada loyalitas konsumen dan mengidentifikasi daerah-daerah penekanan keterlibatan organisasi dan dukungan untuk CSR dalam bisnis maskapai penerbangan Taiwan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa loyalitas pelanggan dapat ditingkatkan melalui inisiatif CSR, yang memiliki ASR (maskapai Social Responsibility) marjinal efek pada perilaku kesetiaan. Selain itu, keselamatan ditemukan menjadi perhatian konsumen yang paling penting, diikuti oleh hak konsumen, perlindungan lingkungan, dan partisipasi publik, semua yang menerima nilai relatif tinggi berdasarkan evaluasi kinerja ASHAR. Konsumen yang percaya bahwa perusahaan memenuhi pelayanan hukum dan norma-norma sosial dan etika yang lebih mungkin untuk mendapatkan kepuasan karena mereka merasa perusahaan berperilaku secara konsisten dengan konsep-diri konsumen (Marin dan Ruiz, 2007). Konsumen yang memegang kepercayaan dan sikap positif perusahaan ini juga akan lebih cenderung untuk bertahan hidup dalam sebuah hubungan bisnis dengan perusahaan (Dick dan Basu, 1994). Skala Brown dan keseimbangan (1997) ditemukan yang mempengaruhi CSR pada konsumen sikap terhadap produk melalui evaluasi secara keseluruhan perusahaan. Murray dan Vogel (1997) menyelidiki efek pada konsumen untuk gabungan program tanggung jawab sosial praktek bisnis, menyebabkan promosi, komunitas sukarelawan, serta faktor-faktor ekonomi yang proaktif dan perlindungan konsumen.Research found that CSR programs can improve attitudes toward company, including trust in company honesty, customer responsiveness, and increased support for company. Sen and Bhattacharya (2001) provide support that company's business in various domains of CSR has a direct effect on attractiveness of company's products, in addition to positive effect on evaluation of company by consumers.CSR itself was developed in concept of the triple bottom line, namely economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social justice. This concept said that company is not only pursuit profit, they should also be involved in fulfillment of social welfare (people), and actively participate in protecting the environment (planet). This concept is illustrated by triangle where stakeholders to be considered in middle of his quest for profit, namely economic, environmental, and social. Trust according to Lau and Lee (1999) is someone willingness to hang himself to others with certain amount of risk. According to Trust Commitment theory (Morgan and Hunt, 1994), trust is the key to keep and maintaining long-term relationships. Long-term relationship will increase the level of customers' trust (Gwinner et al., 2005) thereby reducing the anxiety of the customer for service received. Miles & Covin (2000) also said that in order to gain trust, customer required a good perception about company. This is consistent with Kartini (2009) that implementation of CSR programs will give non-financial rewards for company, one of which is trust.Wulf et al. (2001) stated that trust is formed from relationship quality between company and customer. Therefore, service companies such as BMT can increase level of customers trust by program that can increase the positive perception and long-term relationships. One example is CSR programs. Implementation of CSR programs will certainly increase the positive perception in customer‟s eyes. Positive perceptions, will increase customer trust, which in turn will lead to customer loyalty.
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