Within a certain forest in the Valley of Hundred Bends, a layer of ice terjemahan - Within a certain forest in the Valley of Hundred Bends, a layer of ice Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Within a certain forest in the Vall

Within a certain forest in the Valley of Hundred Bends, a layer of ice condensed on the trees and grasses. Cold air lingered around and it filled the area.

Lin Ran was still standing in the middle of it while raising his head to look at the starry night. His chest rose up and down and his eyes were filled with astonishment. Only after a good while did he slowly calm down.

“He clearly isn’t in the Heaven realm yet he can resist the air and walk? Did he grasp the Imperial Sky Sage’s unique skill?”

Lin Ran tightly frowned but he did not continue chasing. He only turned around and went back. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to chase, since after seeing all of Chu Feng’s methods, he hated himself for not taking everything that Chu Feng had for himself; but sadly, he truly could not do anything about Chu Feng who could walk on air.

Lin Ran returned to where Gong Luyun was. He discovered that the paw marks as well as the huge claw holes were still there. However, compared to before when he left, change happened. Six small water pillars were currently spraying out from the claw holes.

“A single finger contained so much power! These tunnels link to the underground water streams!” Lin Ran tightly frowned and shock filled his gaze.

“Grandfather, did that person really use a legendary Secret Skill?” Seeing that, Gong Luyun went over to ask because he still remembered the terrifying might that Chu Feng displayed earlier.

“Although I haven’t personally seen it, I have researched Secret Skills. No matter if you look at it in terms of the might, or the power, what Mr. Grey-cloak used what undoubtedly a Secret Skill.”

“Also, not only did that person grasp a Secret skill, he also grasped a very powerful bodily martial skill.” Lin Ran’s face was full of admiration when he remembered the scene in which Chu Feng walked on air.

Originally, he thought that with his high cultivation, he could have completely suppressed Chu Feng, but it was in vain as the methods Chu Feng grasped were mysterious to the extreme. It truly made his heart itch and it was quite intolerable.

“He grasped other methods? What kind of methods?” Gong Luyun expressed curiosity.

“No need to ask about that. After all, those are the methods of other people. If, in the future, I can get a Secret Skill, I will certainly pass it down to you.”

“Luyun, although your talent is not bad, it isn’t the best in the continent of the Nine Provinces. When you do things, you must do them to a certain level. That Mr. Grey-cloak would not attack you for no cause or reason. He must have some sort of relationship with Chu Feng, so it’s better if you be more careful in the future.” Lin Ran reminded.

“That mysterious Mr. Grey-cloak is related to Chu Feng?” He felt that it was quite strange when he thought that Mr. Grey-cloak who grasped so many special methods was related to Chu Feng. Gong Luyun had no way of accepting it.

“Although it’s just a guess, it is extremely possible. Even I will find it hard to catch Mr. Grey-cloak if he snuck into this place, and even if I report back to the Prince’s Mansion, I’m sure that they can’t do anything about him.”

“According to the rules, with my status, although I can protect all of you as you come in, I cannot stay for a long time. To avoid anymore attacks on you, it’s best for you to abandon this hunt.” Lin Ran said.

“Grandfather, this…” After hearing those words, Gong Luyun’s face greatly changed.

“No this or that. Is you little life important, or is this tiny bit of Profound medicine important? Do you want to become the same as your dog-like friends and become a heap of broken flesh and pool of blood?”

Lin Ran sharply yelled, and then added, “With me here, are you afraid that you won’t have any cultivating resources? Don’t worry. I have already applied towards the Mansion’s lord to let you join my Qilin Prince’s Mansion. At that time, I can pass all my abilities down to you.”

“Thank you grandfather for your benevolence and kindness.” After hearing those words, Gong Luyun went from misery to happiness, and his happiness was quite unexpected. The Qilin Prince’s Mansion was the true overlord of the Azure Province!

“Go return, I’ll hiddenly protect you.” Lin Ran smiled and waved his hand. He was quite kind and his gaze was full of love.

Of course Gong Luyun did not dare to refute. With a happy mood, he went back onto the road that he came from. He who had Lin Ran hiddenly protecting him did not have a single trace of worry.

After Gong Luyun went far away, Lin Ran took out a letter from his chest pocket. After opening the letter, there were a few rows of graceful characters.

“Lord Lin Ran, do you remember a female who saved your life twenty years ago outside of the Black Tortoise City, and also lost her chastity to you?”

“Although I am currently the wife of the Black Tortoise City’s lord, Luyun is the child between you and me. He is not the son of Gong Changshan. He is your child.”

“Originally I didn’t want to mention this matter to you, because after all, to you, a female like me is not even worth mentioning. However, at the end, Luyun is your child.”

“Gong Changshan is too stubborn and he had to send Luyun to the second-rate school, the Azure Dragon School, to cultivate and he wasted Luyun’s good talent for nothing. I hope that you, lord, can see Luyun as your own flesh and blood to bring Luyun away from the Azure Dragon School and to give him a better future.”

After reading it, Lin Ran reluctantly folded the letter back. He did not put it in his Cosmos Sack, but back into his chest pocket and reminiscently said,

“I’ve searched for you for twenty years, but I never would have thought that you gave me such a surprise in addition to finding you. Don’t worry, I won’t let our son be someone who will not be known.”

As Lin Ran thought about his own lover, Chu Feng was still walking in the air. At that moment, he already arrived in the clouds and he was running within them. He was like a dragon, going up, going down, and endlessly turning over.

“Haha, this is the feeling of walking on the air! It’s too refreshing!”

Chu Feng was incomparably joyful. Although it wasn’t the first time that he flew into the air, when compared to sitting on the White-headed Eagle, clearly, it was quite a bit better when he himself went towards the horizon as he wished.

“Mm? What’s that?” Suddenly, borrowing the light from the moon, Chu Feng discovered a mountain peak, and that mountain peak did not enter the clouds.

Also, on the summit of the mountain peak, Chu Feng saw light. Vaguely, it seemed like a building, and after nearing, indeed, there was a temple hall. Someone lived there.

Chu Feng couldn’t avoid being shocked because he discovered that the mountain peak was abnormally steep. It simply rose up perfectly straight like a ladder to the heavens.

That shape. That height. Without a certain cultivation, it would be very difficult to climb to that place, let alone the temple hall built on the summit of the mountain peak.

After all, the Valley of Hundred Bends was a forbidden land. Every year, it would only be opened for a bit over a dozen days. After that, no one was allowed to enter, so who would build a temple hall in that place?

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dalam hutan tertentu di lembah membungkuk ratus, lapisan es kental pada pohon dan rumput. Udara dingin berlama-lama di sekitar dan itu diisi daerah.Lin Ran itu masih berdiri di tengah itu sambil mengangkat kepalanya melihat malam berbintang. Dadanya naik naik dan turun dan matanya dipenuhi dengan takjub. Hanya setelah sementara baik apakah ia perlahan-lahan tenang."Dia jelas tidak di bidang surga namun ia dapat menahan udara dan berjalan? Dia mengerti keterampilan unik Imperial Sky Sage?"Lin Ran erat disukai tapi dia terus mengejar. Dia hanya berbalik dan kembali. Bukan bahwa dia tidak ingin mengejar, karena setelah melihat semua metode Chu Feng, ia membenci dirinya sendiri untuk tidak mengambil segala sesuatu yang telah Chu Feng bagi dirinya sendiri; tapi sayangnya, dia benar-benar tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa tentang Feng Chu yang bisa berjalan di udara.Lin Ran kembali ke tempat Gong Luyun. Ia menemukan bahwa tanda cakar serta lubang-lubang besar cakar yang masih ada. Namun, dibandingkan dengan sebelum ketika ia meninggalkan, perubahan terjadi. Enam pilar kecil air saat ini penyemprotan keluar dari lubang cakar."Satu jari berisi begitu banyak kekuasaan! Terowongan ini link ke aliran air bawah tanah!" Lin Ran erat mengerutkan kening dan shock diisi dengan tatapan."Kakek, apakah orang itu benar-benar menggunakan keterampilan rahasia legendaris?" Melihat bahwa, Gong Luyun pergi ke bertanya karena ia masih ingat mengerikan mungkin yang Chu Feng ditampilkan sebelumnya."Meskipun saya belum melihat itu secara pribadi, saya telah meneliti rahasia keterampilan. Tidak masalah jika Anda melihat itu dalam hal kekuatan, atau kekuatan, apa Mr Grey-jubah digunakan apa pasti keterampilan rahasia. ""Juga, tidak hanya orang yang mengerti rahasia keterampilan, ia juga memahami keterampilan secara jasmaniah bela diri yang sangat kuat. Lin Ran wajah itu penuh kekaguman ketika dia ingat adegan di mana Chu Feng berjalan di udara.Awalnya, dia berpikir bahwa dengan budidaya nya tinggi, dia bisa benar-benar ditekan Chu Feng, tapi itu sia-sia karena metode Chu Feng dipertahankan misterius yang ekstrim. Itu benar-benar membuat hatinya terasa gatal dan itu cukup tak tertahankan."Dia memahami metode lain? Apa jenis metode?" Gong Luyun mengungkapkan rasa ingin tahu."Tidak perlu bertanya tentang hal itu. Setelah semua, mereka adalah metode untuk orang lain. Jika, di masa depan, saya bisa mendapatkan keterampilan rahasia, saya akan pasti menularkannya ke Anda.""Luyun, meskipun bakat Anda bukanlah hal yang buruk, bukan yang terbaik di benua sembilan provinsi. Ketika Anda melakukan hal-hal, Anda harus melakukan mereka ke tingkat tertentu. Bahwa Mr Grey-jubah tidak akan menyerang Anda untuk tidak ada alasan atau alasan. Dia harus memiliki beberapa jenis hubungan dengan Chu Feng, sehingga lebih baik jika Anda lebih berhati-hati di masa depan." Lin Ran mengingatkan."Mr Grey-jubah yang misterius terkait dengan Chu Feng?" Ia merasa bahwa itu cukup aneh ketika ia berpikir bahwa Mr Grey-jubah yang dipertahankan begitu banyak metode khusus berkaitan Chu Feng. Gong Luyun tidak punya cara untuk menerimanya."Meskipun hanya menebak, itu sangat mungkin. Bahkan aku akan sulit untuk menangkap Mr Grey-jubah jika ia menyelinap ke tempat ini, dan bahkan jika saya melaporkan kembali ke Pangeran Mansion, saya yakin bahwa mereka tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa kepadanya.""Menurut aturan, dengan status saya, meskipun saya dapat melindungi Anda saat Anda datang, aku tidak bisa tinggal untuk waktu yang lama. Untuk menghindari lagi serangan pada Anda, itu terbaik bagi Anda untuk meninggalkan berburu ini." Lin Ran mengatakan."Kakek, ini..." Setelah mendengar kata-kata, Gong Luyun wajah sangat berubah."Tidak ada ini atau itu. Apakah Anda sedikit hidup penting, atau penting ini sedikit obat-obatan mendalam? Apakah Anda ingin menjadi sama seperti teman-teman seperti anjing Anda dan menjadi tumpukan rusak daging dan darah?"Lin Ran tajam berteriak, dan kemudian menambahkan, "dengan saya di sini, Apakah Anda takut bahwa Anda tidak akan memiliki sumber daya miskin? Jangan khawatir. Saya telah sudah diterapkan terhadap rumah Tuhan untuk membiarkan Anda bergabung dengan saya Qilin Prince's Mansion. Pada waktu itu, saya bisa lulus semua kemampuan saya untuk Anda.""Kakek terima kasih untuk Anda dan kebajikan." Setelah mendengar kata-kata, Gong Luyun pergi dari penderitaan untuk kebahagiaan, dan kebahagiaan adalah cukup tak terduga. Pangeran Qilin Mansion adalah benar overlord Provinsi Azure!"Pergi kembali, aku hiddenly akan melindungimu." Lin Ran tersenyum dan melambaikan tangan. Dia cukup baik dan dengan tatapan penuh kasih.Of course Gong Luyun did not dare to refute. With a happy mood, he went back onto the road that he came from. He who had Lin Ran hiddenly protecting him did not have a single trace of worry.After Gong Luyun went far away, Lin Ran took out a letter from his chest pocket. After opening the letter, there were a few rows of graceful characters.“Lord Lin Ran, do you remember a female who saved your life twenty years ago outside of the Black Tortoise City, and also lost her chastity to you?”“Although I am currently the wife of the Black Tortoise City’s lord, Luyun is the child between you and me. He is not the son of Gong Changshan. He is your child.”“Originally I didn’t want to mention this matter to you, because after all, to you, a female like me is not even worth mentioning. However, at the end, Luyun is your child.”“Gong Changshan is too stubborn and he had to send Luyun to the second-rate school, the Azure Dragon School, to cultivate and he wasted Luyun’s good talent for nothing. I hope that you, lord, can see Luyun as your own flesh and blood to bring Luyun away from the Azure Dragon School and to give him a better future.”After reading it, Lin Ran reluctantly folded the letter back. He did not put it in his Cosmos Sack, but back into his chest pocket and reminiscently said,“I’ve searched for you for twenty years, but I never would have thought that you gave me such a surprise in addition to finding you. Don’t worry, I won’t let our son be someone who will not be known.”As Lin Ran thought about his own lover, Chu Feng was still walking in the air. At that moment, he already arrived in the clouds and he was running within them. He was like a dragon, going up, going down, and endlessly turning over.“Haha, this is the feeling of walking on the air! It’s too refreshing!”Chu Feng was incomparably joyful. Although it wasn’t the first time that he flew into the air, when compared to sitting on the White-headed Eagle, clearly, it was quite a bit better when he himself went towards the horizon as he wished.“Mm? What’s that?” Suddenly, borrowing the light from the moon, Chu Feng discovered a mountain peak, and that mountain peak did not enter the clouds.Also, on the summit of the mountain peak, Chu Feng saw light. Vaguely, it seemed like a building, and after nearing, indeed, there was a temple hall. Someone lived there.Chu Feng couldn’t avoid being shocked because he discovered that the mountain peak was abnormally steep. It simply rose up perfectly straight like a ladder to the heavens.That shape. That height. Without a certain cultivation, it would be very difficult to climb to that place, let alone the temple hall built on the summit of the mountain peak.After all, the Valley of Hundred Bends was a forbidden land. Every year, it would only be opened for a bit over a dozen days. After that, no one was allowed to enter, so who would build a temple hall in that place?
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