uantity surveyors perform a wide variety of tasks throughout the compl terjemahan - uantity surveyors perform a wide variety of tasks throughout the compl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

uantity surveyors perform a wide va

uantity surveyors perform a wide variety of tasks throughout the complete life cycle of a construction project.

Typical responsibilities include:

seeking funding sources and submitting bids
carrying out feasibility studies
preparing plans, contracts, budgets, bills of quantities and other documentation
performing risk analysis evaluations
cost control
writing reports
preparing and submitting final accounts
making valuations
arranging payments to suppliers and contractors
providing advice and forecasts about costs
supervising staff.

Typical employers of quantity surveyors

Private practices
Civil and structural engineering contractors
Local and central government
Housing associations
Commercial organisations
Construction companies.

Vacancies are advertised by careers services, specialist recruitment agencies and in national and local newspapers and a range of relevant publications. These include Property Week, Estates Gazette, Building, The Valuer and Opportunities.

Useful publications include RICS Chartered Surveyors Regional Directories, RICS Yearbook, and TARGETjobs Property. Many employers offer opportunities for overseas work.
Qualifications and training required

Qualification as a chartered quantity surveyor necessitates obtaining a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) accredited qualification. A minimum of two years' vocational experience is also required, part of which can be obtained via relevant placements or vacation work.

Graduates with non-accredited degrees must normally gain at least three years' relevant experience. It pays to apply early for vacancies and make the most of networking opportunities. Speculative approaches to employers are also a good route into this area of work.
Key skills for chartered surveyors

Excellent verbal and written English
Teamworking skills
Strong numerical and IT skills

Next: search graduate jobs

View our Graduate quantity surveying and building surveying vacancies

Extra information elsewhere:

Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Find and compare postgraduate study courses on TARGETpostgrad

More help from TARGETjobs:

What graduate quantity surveyors do in their jobs
Skills and competenc
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
uantity surveyor melakukan berbagai macam tugas seluruh siklus hidup lengkap proyek konstruksi.Khas tanggung jawab meliputi: mencari sumber dana dan mengirimkan tawaran melaksanakan studi kelayakan mempersiapkan rencana, kontrak, anggaran, tagihan dari jumlah dan dokumentasi lainnya melakukan evaluasi analisis risiko biaya kontrol menulis laporan mempersiapkan dan mengirimkan akhir account membuat penilaian mengatur pembayaran kepada pemasok dan kontraktor memberikan saran dan perkiraan tentang biaya Staf Pengawas.Khas pengusaha dari surveyor kuantitas Praktek-praktek pribadi Kontraktor teknik sipil dan struktural Pemerintah daerah dan pusat Arsitek Perumahan Asosiasi Organisasi komersial Perusahaan konstruksi.Kekosongan yang diiklankan oleh layanan karir, agen perekrutan spesialis dan nasional dan lokal Surat Kabar dan berbagai publikasi yang relevan. Ini termasuk properti minggu, lembaran Estates, bangunan, The Marketing dan peluang.Publikasi yang berguna meliputi RICS Chartered Surveyors Regional direktori, buku tahunan RICS, dan TARGETjobs properti. Banyak majikan menawarkan kesempatan untuk bekerja di luar negeri.Kualifikasi dan pelatihan yang diperlukanKualifikasi sebagai surveyor kuantitas sewaan memerlukan memperoleh kualifikasi Royal lembaga of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) terakreditasi. Minimal dua tahun pengalaman kejuruan juga diperlukan, yang dapat diperoleh melalui penempatan yang relevan atau liburan kerja.Graduates with non-accredited degrees must normally gain at least three years' relevant experience. It pays to apply early for vacancies and make the most of networking opportunities. Speculative approaches to employers are also a good route into this area of work.Key skills for chartered surveyors Commitment Excellent verbal and written English Independence Teamworking skills Strong numerical and IT skillsNext: search graduate jobs View our Graduate quantity surveying and building surveying vacanciesExtra information elsewhere: Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Find and compare postgraduate study courses on TARGETpostgradMore help from TARGETjobs: What graduate quantity surveyors do in their jobs Skills and competenc
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
uantity surveyors perform a wide variety of tasks throughout the complete life cycle of a construction project.

Typical responsibilities include:

seeking funding sources and submitting bids
carrying out feasibility studies
preparing plans, contracts, budgets, bills of quantities and other documentation
performing risk analysis evaluations
cost control
writing reports
preparing and submitting final accounts
making valuations
arranging payments to suppliers and contractors
providing advice and forecasts about costs
supervising staff.

Typical employers of quantity surveyors

Private practices
Civil and structural engineering contractors
Local and central government
Housing associations
Commercial organisations
Construction companies.

Vacancies are advertised by careers services, specialist recruitment agencies and in national and local newspapers and a range of relevant publications. These include Property Week, Estates Gazette, Building, The Valuer and Opportunities.

Useful publications include RICS Chartered Surveyors Regional Directories, RICS Yearbook, and TARGETjobs Property. Many employers offer opportunities for overseas work.
Qualifications and training required

Qualification as a chartered quantity surveyor necessitates obtaining a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) accredited qualification. A minimum of two years' vocational experience is also required, part of which can be obtained via relevant placements or vacation work.

Graduates with non-accredited degrees must normally gain at least three years' relevant experience. It pays to apply early for vacancies and make the most of networking opportunities. Speculative approaches to employers are also a good route into this area of work.
Key skills for chartered surveyors

Excellent verbal and written English
Teamworking skills
Strong numerical and IT skills

Next: search graduate jobs

View our Graduate quantity surveying and building surveying vacancies

Extra information elsewhere:

Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Find and compare postgraduate study courses on TARGETpostgrad

More help from TARGETjobs:

What graduate quantity surveyors do in their jobs
Skills and competenc
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