The Valiant Little Tailor One summer's morning a little tailor was sit terjemahan - The Valiant Little Tailor One summer's morning a little tailor was sit Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Valiant Little Tailor One summe

The Valiant Little Tailor

One summer's morning a little tailor was sitting on his table by the window, he was in good spirits, and sewed with all his might. Then came a peasant woman down the street crying, good jams, cheap. Good jams, cheap. This rang pleasantly in the tailor's ears, he stretched his delicate head out of the window, and called, come up here, dear woman, here you will get rid of your goods. The woman came up the three steps to the tailor with her heavy basket, and he made her unpack all the pots for him. He inspected each one, lifted it up, put his nose to it, and at length said, the jam seems to me to be good, so weigh me out four ounces, dear woman, and if it is a quarter of a pound that is of no consequence. The woman who had hoped to find a good sale, gave him what he desired, but went away quite angry and grumbling. Now, this jam shall be blessed by God, cried the little tailor, and give me health and strength. So he brought the bread out of the cupboard, cut himself a piece right across the loaf and spread the jam over it. This won't taste bitter, said he, but I will just finish the jacket before I take a bite.

He laid the bread near him, sewed on, and in his joy, made bigger and bigger stitches. In the meantime the smell of the sweet jam rose to where the flies were sitting in great numbers, and they were attracted and descended on it in hosts. HI, who invited you, said the little tailor, and drove the unbidden guests away. The flies, however, who understood no german, would not be turned away, but came back again in ever-increasing companies. The little tailor at last lost all patience, and drew a piece of cloth from the hole under his work-table, and saying, wait, and I will give it to you, struck it mercilessly on them.

When he drew it away and counted, there lay before him no fewer than seven, dead and with legs stretched out. Are you a fellow of that sort, said he, and could not help admiring his own bravery. The whole town shall know of this. And the little tailor hastened to cut himself a girdle, stitched it, and embroidered on it in large letters, seven at one stroke. What, the town, he continued, the whole world shall hear of it. And his heart wagged with joy like a lamb's tail. The tailor put on the girdle, and resolved to go forth into the world, because he thought his workshop was too small for his valor. Before he went away, he sought about in the house to see if there was anything which he could take with him, however, he found nothing but an old cheese, and that he put in his pocket. In front of the door he observed a bird which had caught itself in the thicket. It had to go into his pocket with the cheese. Now he took to the road boldly, and as he was light and nimble, he felt no fatigue. The road led him up a mountain, and when he had reached the highest point of it, there sat a powerful giant looking peacefully about him. The little tailor went bravely up, spoke to him, and said, good day, comrade, so you are sitting there overlooking the wide-spread world. I am just on my way thither, and want to try my luck. Have you any inclination to go with me. The giant looked contemptuously at the tailor, and said, you ragamuffin. You miserable creature.

Oh, indeed, answered the little tailor, and unbuttoned his coat, and showed the giant the girdle, there may you read what kind of a man I am. The giant read, seven at one stroke. And thought that they had been men whom the tailor had killed, and began to feel a little respect for the tiny fellow. Nevertheless, he wished to try him first, and took a stone in his hand and squeezed it together so that water dropped out of it. Do that likewise, said the giant, if you have strength. Is that all, said the tailor, that is child's play with us, and put his hand into his pocket, brought out the soft cheese, and pressed it until the liquid ran out of it. Faith, said he, that was a little better, wasn't it. The giant did not know what to say, and could not believe it of the little man. Then the giant picked up a stone and threw it so high that the eye could scarcely follow it. Now, little mite of a man, do that likewise. Well thrown, said the tailor, but after all the stone came down to earth again, I will throw you one which shall never come back at all. And he put his hand into his pocket, took out the bird, and threw it into the air. The bird, delighted with its liberty, rose, flew away and did not come back. How does that shot please you, comrade, asked the tailor.

You can certainly throw, said the giant, but now we will see if you are able to carry anything properly. He took the little tailor to a mighty oak tree which lay there felled on the ground, and said, if you are strong enough, help me to carry the tree out of the forest. Readily, answered the little man, take the trunk on your shoulders, and I will raise up the branches and twigs, after all, they are the heaviest. The giant took the trunk on his shoulder, but the tailor seated himself on a branch, and the giant who could not look round, had to carry away the whole tree, and the little tailor into the bargain, he behind, was quite merry and happy, and whistled the song, three tailors rode forth from the gate, as if carrying the tree were child's play. The giant, after he had dragged the heavy burden part of the way, could go no further, and cried, hark you, I shall have to let the tree fall. The tailor sprang nimbly down, seized the tree with both arms as if he had been carrying it, and said to the giant, you are such a great fellow, and yet can not even carry the tree.

They went on together, and as they passed a cherry-tree, the giant laid hold of the top of the tree where the ripest fruit was hanging, bent it down, gave it into the tailor's hand, and bade him eat. But the little tailor was much too weak to hold the tree, and when the giant let it go, it sprang back again, and the tailor was tossed into the air with it. When he had fallen down again without injury, the giant said, what is this. Have you not strength enough to hold the weak twig. There is no lack of strength, answered the little tailor. Do you think that could be anything to a man who has struck down seven at one blow. I leapt over the tree because the huntsmen are shooting down there in the thicket. Jump as I did, if you can do it. The giant made the attempt, but could not get over the tree, and remained hanging in the branches, so that in this also the tailor kept the upper hand.

The giant said, if you are such a valiant fellow, come with me into our cavern and spend the night with us. The little tailor was willing, and followed him. When they went into the cave, other giants were sitting there by the fire, and each of them had a roasted sheep in his hand and was eating it. The little tailor looked round and thought, it is much more spacious here than in my workshop. The giant showed him a bed, and said he was to lie down in it and sleep. The bed, however, was too big for the little tailor, he did not lie down in it, but crept into a corner. When it was midnight, and the giant thought that the little tailor was lying in a sound sleep, he got up, took a great iron bar, cut through the bed with one blow, and thought he had finished off the grasshopper for good. With the earliest dawn the giants went into the forest, and had quite forgotten the little tailor, when all at once he walked up to them quite merrily and boldly. The giants were terrified, they were afraid that he would strike them all dead, and ran away in a great hurry.

The little tailor went onwards, always following his own pointed nose. After he had walked for a long time, he came to the courtyard of a royal palace, and as he felt weary, he lay down on the grass and fell asleep. Whilst he lay there, the people came and inspected him on all sides, and read on his girdle, seven at one stroke. Ah, said they, what does the great warrior here in the midst of peace. He must be a mighty lord. They went and announced him to the king, and gave it as their opinion that if war should break out, this would be a weighty and useful man who ought on no account to be allowed to depart. The counsel pleased the king, and he sent one of his courtiers to the little tailor to offer him military service when he awoke. The ambassador remained standing by the sleeper, waited until he stretched his limbs and opened his eyes, and then conveyed to him this proposal. For this reason have I come here, the tailor replied, I am ready to enter the king's service. He was therefore honorably received and a special dwelling was assigned him.

The soldiers, however, were set against the little tailor, and wished him a thousand miles away. What is to be the end of this, they said among themselves. If we quarrel with him, and he strikes about him, seven of us will fall at every blow, not one of us can stand against him. They came therefore to a decision, betook themselves in a body to the king, and begged for their dismissal. We are not prepared, said they, to stay with a man who kills seven at one stroke. The king was sorry that for the sake of one he should lose all his faithful servants, wished that he had never set eyes on the tailor, and would willingly have been rid of him again. But he did not venture to give him his dismissal, for he dreaded lest he should strike him and all his people dead, and place himself on the royal throne. He thought about it for a long time, and at last found good counsel. He sent to the little tailor and caused him to be informed that as he was such a great warrior, he had one request to make of him.

In a forest of his country lived two giants who caused great mischief with their robbing, murdering, ravaging, and burning, and no one could approach them without putting himself in danger of death. If the tailor conquered and killed these two giants, h
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Penjahit kecil berani Satu pagi musim panas yang seorang penjahit kecil sedang duduk di meja dengan jendela, ia dalam semangat yang baik dan menjahit dengan segala kepahlawanannya. Kemudian datang seorang petani di jalan menangis, kemacetan yang baik, murah. Baik kemacetan, murah. Ini menyenangkan berdering di telinga penjahit, dia menggeliat kepalanya halus dari jendela, dan disebut, datang di sini, dear wanita, di sini Anda akan membuang barang Anda. Wanita datang tiga langkah ke penjahit dengan keranjang berat nya, dan ia membuat dia membongkar semua panci baginya. Dia diperiksa masing-masing, mengangkat itu, meletakkan hidung untuk itu, dan panjang lebar berkata, kemacetan tampaknya saya untuk menjadi baik, begitu berat saya keluar empat ons, perempuan, tengoklah dan jika itu adalah seperempat dari satu pon yang tidak ada konsekuensinya. Wanita yang berharap untuk menemukan sale yang baik, memberikan kepadanya apa yang ia inginkan, tetapi pergi cukup marah dan menggerutu. Sekarang, selai ini akan diberkati oleh Allah, menangis penjahit kecil, dan memberikan kesehatan dan kekuatan. Jadi ia membawa roti dari lemari, memotong sendiri sepotong kanan di roti dan menyebar kemacetan di atasnya. Ini tidak akan rasa pahit, katanya, tapi aku hanya akan menyelesaikan jaket sebelum mengambil menggigit. Ia meletakkan roti di dekatnya, menjahit pada, dan kegembiraan, membuat jahitan besar. Sementara itu bau manis kemacetan naik ke mana lalat duduk dalam jumlah besar, dan mereka menarik dan turun di atasnya dalam host. HI, yang mengundang Anda, kata penjahit kecil, dan mengusir para unbidden. Lalat, namun, yang dipahami tidak ada Jerman, akan tidak berbalik pergi, tetapi kembali lagi pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang terus meningkat. Penjahit sedikit akhirnya kehilangan semua kesabaran, dan menarik sepotong kain dari lubang di bawah meja kerja nya, dan berkata, tunggu, dan aku akan memberikannya kepada Anda, menyerang tanpa ampun pada mereka. Ketika ia menarik kaki dan dihitung, tidak meletakkan sebelum dia tidak kurang dari tujuh, mati dan dengan kaki mengulurkan. Apakah Anda seorang fellow semacam itu, katanya, dan tidak bisa mengagumi keberanian sendiri. Seluruh kota akan tahu ini. Dan penjahit kecil bergegas untuk memotong dirinya dan ikat pinggang, dijahit ini disulam dalam huruf besar, tujuh pada satu stroke. Apa, kota, lanjutnya, seluruh dunia akan mendengar itu. Dan menggeleng hatinya dengan sukacita seperti ekor anak domba. Penjahit mengenakan ikat pinggang, dan memutuskan untuk pergi ke dalam dunia, karena dia pikir workshop adalah terlalu kecil untuk keberanian nya. Sebelum ia pergi, ia mencari tentang di rumah untuk melihat apakah ada sesuatu yang dia bisa dengan dia, namun, ia menemukan apa-apa kecuali keju lama, dan bahwa ia dimasukkan ke dalam saku. Ke depan pintu ia mengamati burung yang telah menangkap itu sendiri dalam rumpun. Itu harus pergi ke dalam saku dengan keju. Sekarang ia mengambil jalan dengan berani, dan karena ia ringan dan gesit, ia merasa tidak kelelahan. Jalan membawanya ke gunung, dan ketika ia telah mencapai titik tertinggi dari itu, tidak duduk raksasa kuat mencari damai tentang dirinya. Penjahit kecil pergi dengan berani, dan berbicara dengan dia, dan berkata, baik hari, kawan, sehingga Anda akan duduk di sana menghadap dunia luas. Saya hanya pada saya cara ke sana, dan ingin mencoba keberuntungan saya. Punya Anda kecenderungan untuk pergi dengan saya. Raksasa sewenang-wenangnya memandang penjahit, dan berkata, ragamuffin Anda. Makhluk menyedihkan Anda. Oh, memang, menjawab penjahit kecil, dan membuka kancing mantel nya, dan menunjukkan raksasa bunganya, tidak mungkin Anda membaca apa seorang laki-laki saya. Raksasa membaca, tujuh pada satu stroke. Dan berpikir bahwa mereka telah Hakhmoni penjahit telah membunuh, dan mulai merasa sedikit menghormati sesama kecil. Namun demikian, ia berharap untuk mencoba nya pertama, dan mengambil sebuah batu di tangannya dan diperas bersama-sama sehingga air jatuh dari itu. Melakukannya demikian juga, kata raksasa, jika Anda memiliki kekuatan. Adalah bahwa semua, kata penjahit, yang adalah permainan anak-anak kita, dan meletakkan tangannya ke dalam saku, mengeluarkan keju lembut, dan ditekan sampai cairan berlari dari itu. Iman, kata dia, yang sedikit lebih baik, bukan. Raksasa tidak tahu apa yang harus dikatakan, dan tidak bisa percaya itu laki-laki kecil. Kemudian raksasa mengambil sebuah batu dan melemparkannya begitu tinggi bahwa mata hampir tidak bisa mengikutinya. Sekarang, sedikit tungau manusia, melakukan yang demikian juga. Baik dibuang, mengatakan penjahit, tapi setelah semua batu datang turun ke bumi lagi, aku akan melemparkan Anda salah satu yang tidak pernah akan datang kembali sama sekali. Dan dia meletakkan tangannya ke dalam saku, mengeluarkan burung, dan melemparkannya ke udara. Burung, senang dengan liberty, mawar, terbang menjauh dan tidak datang kembali. Bagaimana Apakah itu ditembak silahkan Anda, kawan, meminta penjahit. Anda pasti bisa melempar, berkata raksasa, tetapi sekarang kita akan melihat apakah Anda dapat melakukan sesuatu dengan benar. Dia mengambil sedikit penjahit Perkasa oak pohon yang terbaring disana ditebang di tanah, dan berkata, jika Anda cukup kuat, membantu saya untuk membawa pohon dari hutan. Mudah, jawab laki-laki kecil, mengambil batang pada bahu Anda, dan aku akan membangkitkan cabang-cabang dan ranting, setelah semua, mereka adalah yang paling berat. Raksasa mengambil batang di bahunya, tapi penjahit duduk sendiri di cabang, dan raksasa yang tidak bisa melihat bulat, harus membawa pergi seluruh pohon, dan penjahit kecil ke dalam tawar-menawar, dia di belakang, cukup merry dan bahagia, dan bersiul lagu, tiga penjahit naik keluar dari gerbang, seolah-olah membawa pohon adalah permainan anak-anak. Raksasa, setelah ia telah menyeret bagian beban berat dari cara, dapat melanjutkan lagi, dan menangis, hark Anda, aku harus membiarkan pohon jatuh. Penjahit melompat gesit turun, menyita pohon dengan kedua lengan seolah-olah dia telah membawa itu, dan dikatakan raksasa, Anda adalah seorang fellow besar, dan belum dapat tidak bahkan membawa pohon. Mereka pergi bersama-sama, dan ketika mereka melewati sebuah pohon ceri, raksasa meletakkan memegang bagian atas pohon mana buah ripest adalah gantung, membungkuk itu, memberikannya ke tangan penjahit dan menyuruhnya makan. Namun penjahit kecil adalah jauh terlalu lemah untuk memegang pohon, dan ketika raksasa membiarkannya pergi, itu melompat kembali lagi, dan penjahit melemparkan ke udara dengan itu. Ketika dia telah jatuh lagi tanpa cedera, raksasa berkata, apa ini. Apakah Anda tidak kekuatan cukup untuk menahan ranting lemah. Ada tidak ada kurangnya kekuatan, menjawab penjahit kecil. Apakah Anda pikir itu bisa menjadi apa pun untuk seorang pria yang telah dipukul tujuh orang dalam satu pukulan. Aku melompat alih pohon karena huntsmen menembak di sana dalam rumpun. Melompat seperti yang saya lakukan, jika Anda bisa melakukannya. Raksasa membuat usaha, tapi tidak bisa atas pohon, dan tetap tergantung di cabang-cabang, sehingga ini juga penjahit memelihara tangan atas. Raksasa berkata, jika Anda seorang rekan yang gagah berani, datang dengan saya ke dalam gua kami dan menghabiskan malam dengan kami. Penjahit sedikit bersedia, dan mengikutinya. Ketika mereka pergi ke dalam gua, raksasa lainnya sedang duduk di sana oleh api, dan masing-masing telah domba panggang di tangannya dan makan itu. Sedikit menyesuaikan tampak bulat dan berpikir, ini jauh lebih luas di sini daripada di lokakarya. Raksasa menunjukkan kepadanya tempat tidur, dan mengatakan dia untuk berbaring di dalamnya dan tidur. Tempat tidur, bagaimanapun, adalah terlalu besar untuk penjahit sedikit, ia tidak berbohong di dalamnya, tetapi merayap ke sudut. Ketika tengah malam, dan raksasa berpikir bahwa sedikit penjahit berbaring dalam suara tidur, ia bangun, mengambil sebuah bar besar besi, memotong melalui tempat tidur dengan satu pukulan, dan mengira ia telah selesai dari belalang untuk kebaikan. Dengan fajar awal raksasa pergi ke hutan, dan cukup melupakan penjahit kecil, ketika semua sekaligus dia berjalan ke mereka cukup riang dan berani. Raksasa yang takut, kuatir dan takut bahwa ia akan menyerang mereka semua mati, dan lari terburu-buru besar. Penjahit kecil pergi dan seterusnya, selalu mengikuti hidungnya menunjuk. Setelah dia telah berjalan untuk waktu yang lama, ia datang ke halaman istana, dan ketika ia merasa lelah, ia berbaring di atas rumput dan jatuh tertidur. Sementara dia berbaring di sana, orang-orang datang dan diperiksa dia di semua sisi, dan membaca pada pinggangnya, tujuh pada satu stroke. Ah, kata mereka, Apakah prajurit besar di sini di tengah-tengah kedamaian. Dia harus menjadi Tuhan Perkasa. Mereka pergi dan mengumumkan dirinya kepada raja, dan memberikannya sebagai pendapat mereka bahwa jika perang harus istirahat, ini akan menjadi seorang berat dan berguna yang seharusnya pada account tidak akan diizinkan untuk berangkat. Nasihat senang raja, dan dia telah mengutus salah satu abdi dalem nya ke penjahit kecil menawarkan layanan militer ketika ia terbangun. Duta besar tetap berdiri oleh tidur, menunggu sampai dia menggeliat tubuhnya dan membuka matanya, dan kemudian disampaikan kepadanya proposal ini. Untuk alasan ini telah saya datang ke sini, penjahit menjawab, aku siap untuk melayani raja. Dia hormat karena itu diterima dan sebuah hunian yang khusus ditugaskan kepadanya. The soldiers, however, were set against the little tailor, and wished him a thousand miles away. What is to be the end of this, they said among themselves. If we quarrel with him, and he strikes about him, seven of us will fall at every blow, not one of us can stand against him. They came therefore to a decision, betook themselves in a body to the king, and begged for their dismissal. We are not prepared, said they, to stay with a man who kills seven at one stroke. The king was sorry that for the sake of one he should lose all his faithful servants, wished that he had never set eyes on the tailor, and would willingly have been rid of him again. But he did not venture to give him his dismissal, for he dreaded lest he should strike him and all his people dead, and place himself on the royal throne. He thought about it for a long time, and at last found good counsel. He sent to the little tailor and caused him to be informed that as he was such a great warrior, he had one request to make of him. In a forest of his country lived two giants who caused great mischief with their robbing, murdering, ravaging, and burning, and no one could approach them without putting himself in danger of death. If the tailor conquered and killed these two giants, h
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