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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Gaucher disease is an inherited disorder that affects many of the body's organs and tissues. The signs and symptoms of this condition vary widely among affected individuals. Researchers have described several types of Gaucher disease based on their characteristic features.Type 1 Gaucher disease is the most common form of this condition. Type 1 is also called non-neuronopathic Gaucher disease because the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) are usually not affected. The features of this condition range from mild to severe and may appear anytime from childhood to adulthood. Major signs and symptoms include enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly), a low number of red blood cells (anemia), easy bruising caused by a decrease in blood platelets (thrombocytopenia), lung disease, and bone abnormalities such as bone pain, fractures, and arthritis.Types 2 and 3 Gaucher disease are known as neuronopathic forms of the disorder because they are characterized by problems that affect the central nervous system. In addition to the signs and symptoms described above, these conditions can cause abnormal eye movements, seizures, and brain damage. Type 2 Gaucher disease usually causes life-threatening medical problems beginning in infancy. Type 3 Gaucher disease also affects the nervous system, but it tends to worsen more slowly than type 2.Jenis yang paling parah Gaucher penyakit disebut bentuk mematikan perinatal. Kondisi ini menyebabkan komplikasi parah atau mengancam kehidupan yang dimulai sebelum kelahiran atau dalam masa kanak-kanak. Fitur dari bentuk mematikan perinatal dapat mencakup luas pembengkakan disebabkan oleh akumulasi cairan sebelum kelahiran (hydrops fetalis); kering, bersisik kulit (ichthyosis) atau kelainan kulit lainnya; hepatosplenomegaly; fitur wajah yang berbeda; dan masalah-masalah neurologis yang serius. Seperti namanya menunjukkan, kebanyakan bayi dengan bentuk mematikan perinatal Gaucher penyakit bertahan hanya beberapa hari setelah kelahiran.Bentuk lain dari Gaucher penyakit ini dikenal sebagai jenis kardiovaskular karena terutama mempengaruhi jantung, menyebabkan katup jantung mengeras (calcify). Orang-orang dengan bentuk Gaucher penyakit kardiovaskular juga mungkin memiliki kelainan mata, penyakit tulang dan ringan pembesaran limpa (splenomegali).
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