At this time, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month et al. the at­tacks also f terjemahan - At this time, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month et al. the at­tacks also f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At this time, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Che

At this time, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month et al. the at­tacks also fol­lowed, Lin Wan Er raised the dag­ger was ad­vanc­ing BOSS, the edges of var­i­ous god con­sec­u­tively three struck to rum­ble BOSS has reached as high as 1 W + HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously started the ice blade edge ma­neu­ver ef­fect, above the dou­ble dag­ger surged in­cor­rupt­ible, had the enor­mous prob­a­bil­ity to be able ice-bound BOSS, „brushed” three cut­ting , a king low roar, first time by ice-bound suc­cess.
Arrow arrow and magic in all di­rec­tions flew in abun­dance to BOSS, the fire­power was suf­fi­cient, even if were im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS can also see the scene that the blood strip fell ran­domly, was less than 3 min­utes, BOSS fell 80% HP, the range es­ti­mate could also mas­sacre on the quar­ter, after all here player was the Ba Huang City out­stand­ing out­stand­ing per­son.
After the first time was re­pelled, I retro­cede rapidly, after wall of tough­ness Man Xue­man mump­ing, rushed once again, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. grasp the op­por­tu­nity, be­fore open­ing is mump­ing to pro­tect the body rushes, loses com­pletely sev­eral main skills, these fel­lows are in­tel­li­gent enough, know that grasps BOSS skill CD and at­tacks CD, the at­tack rhythm of king prob­a­bly is 0.75. sec­onds time at­tacks, there­fore loses the skill to walk after an at­tack rapidly, this is the ab­solute safety, this also causes the in­suf­fi­ciently in­tel­li­gent player only to go against BOSS to kill, the re­sult on is killed very mis­er­ably, ba­si­cally. Was an axe on the back Ba Huang City rhythm.
Cooldown every lit­tle bit past, above the tom­a­hawk of king also swayed the wind of roar­ing flame, that was the crowd kills the sput­ter­ing the ef­fect, but the play­ers did not have timid draw­ing back as be­fore, rush that went forth to bat­tle one after an­other, near 15 min­utes of fight­ing with all might, HP of king, only then, the big move also lost, the final time ar­rived.
„Stands firm!”
Sim­ple is judg­ing the scene calmly, said: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai and Yanzhao un­par­al­leled, the Jian Feng Han three peo­ple go to the main at­tack, other peo­ple will tow the BOSS po­si­tion, BOSS will soon hang, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled per­son can ap­proach, other peo­ple will make way, we ac­cord­ing to the BOSS de­gree of con­tri­bu­tion con­firmed that the player will ob­tain equip­ment!”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled nods: „OK!”
I and Jian Feng Han fan out in two groups has fired into BOSS, a round skill loses, BOSS HP placed 0%, mak­ing the human in­ter­twine, Jian Feng Han also wor­ries, he and I wants the ex­pe­ri­ence of BOSS, after all this is the huge wel­fare!
„Sand rus­tle”
Treads Yun Xue­cai thin grass to re­treat back­ward, I raise the left arm sud­denly, threw the town month sword di­rectly, „brush­ing” the spi­ral sharp knife blade at­tack ef­fect flushed to­gether, con­sec­u­tively for three times pen­e­trated the BOSS stature!
King mis­er­able howl­ing, the tom­a­hawk leans on the tread to kneel down: „How I can such die, my hege­mony has not been com­pleted!”
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Con­grat­u­lates player Xiao Yao Zi Zai to kill the map suc­cess­fully 【Heroic memo­r­ial park】 In first im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS, ob­tains the re­ward: Em­pir­i­cal value + 2.2 E and gold coin + 50000 and charm val­ues + 15, sig­nif­i­cantly pro­moted in the Tian Ling Em­pire pres­ti­gious value!
NND, re­ally this re­ward ex­cep­tion­ally rich, com­pe­ti­tion that I and Jian Feng Han break­neck struck fi­nally is also feels emo­tion to be pos­si­ble ac­tu­ally orig­i­nal.
Wang Gua­diao the in­stance, my hor­i­zon­tal sword has fired into the right sud­denly, Jian­feng sweeps away to surge to­gether the brac­ing cold, im­me­di­ately one crowd tries to com­pete for the spoils of war Sen­nin­dani and thou­sand peo­ple of tomb play­ers to be swayed in abun­dance retro­cedes, ab­solutely does not have the op­por­tu­nity to bribe.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At this time, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month et al. the at­tacks also fol­lowed, Lin Wan Er raised the dag­ger was ad­vanc­ing BOSS, the edges of var­i­ous god con­sec­u­tively three struck to rum­ble BOSS has reached as high as 1 W + HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously started the ice blade edge ma­neu­ver ef­fect, above the dou­ble dag­ger surged in­cor­rupt­ible, had the enor­mous prob­a­bil­ity to be able ice-bound BOSS, „brushed” three cut­ting , a king low roar, first time by ice-bound suc­cess.Arrow arrow and magic in all di­rec­tions flew in abun­dance to BOSS, the fire­power was suf­fi­cient, even if were im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS can also see the scene that the blood strip fell ran­domly, was less than 3 min­utes, BOSS fell 80% HP, the range es­ti­mate could also mas­sacre on the quar­ter, after all here player was the Ba Huang City out­stand­ing out­stand­ing per­son.After the first time was re­pelled, I retro­cede rapidly, after wall of tough­ness Man Xue­man mump­ing, rushed once again, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. grasp the op­por­tu­nity, be­fore open­ing is mump­ing to pro­tect the body rushes, loses com­pletely sev­eral main skills, these fel­lows are in­tel­li­gent enough, know that grasps BOSS skill CD and at­tacks CD, the at­tack rhythm of king prob­a­bly is 0.75. sec­onds time at­tacks, there­fore loses the skill to walk after an at­tack rapidly, this is the ab­solute safety, this also causes the in­suf­fi­ciently in­tel­li­gent player only to go against BOSS to kill, the re­sult on is killed very mis­er­ably, ba­si­cally. Was an axe on the back Ba Huang City rhythm.Cooldown every lit­tle bit past, above the tom­a­hawk of king also swayed the wind of roar­ing flame, that was the crowd kills the sput­ter­ing the ef­fect, but the play­ers did not have timid draw­ing back as be­fore, rush that went forth to bat­tle one after an­other, near 15 min­utes of fight­ing with all might, HP of king, only then, the big move also lost, the final time ar­rived.„Stands firm!”Sim­ple is judg­ing the scene calmly, said: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai and Yanzhao un­par­al­leled, the Jian Feng Han three peo­ple go to the main at­tack, other peo­ple will tow the BOSS po­si­tion, BOSS will soon hang, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled per­son can ap­proach, other peo­ple will make way, we ac­cord­ing to the BOSS de­gree of con­tri­bu­tion con­firmed that the player will ob­tain equip­ment!”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled nods: „OK!”I and Jian Feng Han fan out in two groups has fired into BOSS, a round skill loses, BOSS HP placed 0%, mak­ing the human in­ter­twine, Jian Feng Han also wor­ries, he and I wants the ex­pe­ri­ence of BOSS, after all this is the huge wel­fare!„Sand rus­tle”Treads Yun Xue­cai thin grass to re­treat back­ward, I raise the left arm sud­denly, threw the town month sword di­rectly, „brush­ing” the spi­ral sharp knife blade at­tack ef­fect flushed to­gether, con­sec­u­tively for three times pen­e­trated the BOSS stature!„”King mis­er­able howl­ing, the tom­a­hawk leans on the tread to kneel down: „How I can such die, my hege­mony has not been com­pleted!”„Bites!”Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Con­grat­u­lates player Xiao Yao Zi Zai to kill the map suc­cess­fully 【Heroic memo­r­ial park】 In first im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS, ob­tains the re­ward: Em­pir­i­cal value + 2.2 E and gold coin + 50000 and charm val­ues + 15, sig­nif­i­cantly pro­moted in the Tian Ling Em­pire pres­ti­gious value!NND, re­ally this re­ward ex­cep­tion­ally rich, com­pe­ti­tion that I and Jian Feng Han break­neck struck fi­nally is also feels emo­tion to be pos­si­ble ac­tu­ally orig­i­nal.Wang Gua­diao the in­stance, my hor­i­zon­tal sword has fired into the right sud­denly, Jian­feng sweeps away to surge to­gether the brac­ing cold, im­me­di­ately one crowd tries to com­pete for the spoils of war Sen­nin­dani and thou­sand peo­ple of tomb play­ers to be swayed in abun­dance retro­cedes, ab­solutely does not have the op­por­tu­nity to bribe.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada saat ini, Lin Xiaowu, Dong Cheng bulan et al. serangan juga diikuti, Lin Wan Er mengangkat belati itu maju BOSS, tepi berbagai dewa berturut-turut tiga melanda bergemuruh BOSS telah mencapai setinggi 1 W + HP, secara bersamaan mulai es pisau efek tepi manuver, di atas belati ganda melonjak fana, memiliki probabilitas yang sangat besar untuk dapat BOSS es terikat, "disikat" tiga potong, seorang raja gemuruh rendah, pertama kali oleh keberhasilan es terikat.
panah panah dan sihir dalam segala arah terbang dalam kelimpahan untuk BOSS, senjata itu cukup , bahkan jika yang abadi terus menerus hujan langkah BOSS juga dapat melihat adegan yang strip darah turun secara acak, itu kurang dari 3 menit, BOSS turun 80% HP, estimasi kisaran bisa juga pembantaian pada kuartal tersebut, setelah semua di sini pemain adalah Ba Huang Kota orang luar biasa yang luar biasa.
setelah pertama kalinya berhasil dipukul mundur, saya retrocede cepat, setelah dinding ketangguhan Man Xueman mumping, bergegas sekali lagi, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. menangkap peluang, sebelum pembukaan mumping untuk melindungi tubuh bergegas, kehilangan benar-benar beberapa keterampilan utama, orang-orang ini cerdas cukup, tahu bahwa menangkap BOSS CD skill dan serangan CD, ritme serangan raja mungkin 0.75. serangan waktu detik, oleh karena itu kehilangan keterampilan untuk berjalan setelah serangan cepat, ini adalah keamanan mutlak, ini juga menyebabkan pemain kurang cerdas hanya untuk melawan BOSS untuk membunuh, hasil pada dibunuh sangat sedih, pada dasarnya. Adalah kapak di bagian belakang Ba Huang Kota ritme.
Cooldown setiap bit terakhir sedikit, di atas tomahawk raja juga bergoyang angin menderu api, itu orang banyak membunuh sputtering efek, namun para pemain tidak memiliki gambar pemalu kembali sebagai sebelumnya, rush yang keluar untuk pertempuran satu demi satu, di dekat 15 menit pertempuran dengan semua mungkin, HP raja, hanya kemudian, langkah besar juga kehilangan, waktu akhir tiba.
"Stand perusahaan!"
Sederhana menilai adegan dengan tenang , mengatakan: "Xiao Yao Zi Zai dan Yanzhao tak tertandingi, Jian Feng Han tiga orang pergi ke serangan utama, orang lain akan menderek posisi BOSS, BOSS akan segera menggantung, yang Yanzhao orang yang tak tertandingi bisa mendekati, orang lain akan membuat jalan, kami sesuai dengan tingkat BOSS kontribusi menegaskan bahwa pemain akan mendapatkan peralatan "!
Yanzhao mengangguk tak tertandingi:"! OK "
saya dan Jian Feng Han penggemar di dua kelompok telah ditembakkan ke BOSS, keterampilan putaran kehilangan, BOSS HP ditempatkan 0% , membuat jalin manusia, Jian Feng Han juga khawatir, dia dan aku ingin pengalaman BOSS, setelah semua ini adalah kesejahteraan besar!
"Sand gemerisik"
Treads Yun Xuecai rumput tipis untuk mundur ke belakang, aku mengangkat lengan kiri tiba-tiba, melemparkan
! bulan pedang kota langsung, "menyikat" spiral pisau tajam efek serangan pisau memerah bersama-sama, berturut-turut selama tiga kali menembus bertubuh BOSS ""
Raja menyedihkan lolongan, tomahawk bersandar pada tapak untuk berlutut: "Bagaimana saya bisa mati seperti , hegemoni saya belum selesai "!
" Bites! "
Sistem pengumuman: mengucapkan selamat pemain Xiao Yao Zi Zai untuk membunuh peta berhasil 【Heroic memorial park】 pada pertama abadi terus menerus hujan langkah BOSS, memperoleh pahala: empiris nilai + 2.2 E dan emas nilai koin + 50000 dan pesona + 15, secara signifikan dipromosikan nilai prestisius Tian Ling Empire!
NND, benar-benar hadiah ini sangat kaya, persaingan yang saya dan Jian Feng Han berbahaya melanda akhirnya juga merasa emosi menjadi mungkin benar-benar asli.
Wang Guadiao contoh, pedang horisontal saya telah ditembakkan ke kanan tiba-tiba, Jianfeng menyapu melonjak bersama menguatkan dingin, segera satu orang mencoba untuk bersaing untuk rampasan perang Sennindani dan ribuan orang pemain makam untuk bergoyang di retrocedes kelimpahan, benar-benar tidak tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk menyuap.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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