By piecing together a product from common building blocks, modularity  terjemahan - By piecing together a product from common building blocks, modularity  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

By piecing together a product from

By piecing together a product from common building blocks, modularity allows companies to preserve flexibility and build differentiated mass-produced products. A modular strategy enables a company to reduce complexity and enjoy the benefits of economies of scale while still meeting local market requirements. The trick is to ensure that the consumer remains unaware that underneath the surface, products share some or even many of the components.
The German carmaker Volkswagen (VW) makes 245 models of passenger cars, trucks, and buses under 10 brands. These models range from economical SEATs built in Spain to upscale Audis, and, at the very top, Bentleys and Bugatti Veyrons that sell for up to $2.4 million. Probably VW'S most iconic model is the Beetle, which it has been selling for 65 years. Martin Winterkorn, the company's CEO, wants VW to become the world's most profitable car maker. He also decreed that it should be the “world's most fascinating and sustainable” one.
One of VW's main competitive advantages is its ability to maintain brand identity while achieving economies of scale. The key is to build different car models that share components without the customer noticing. Done poorly, such strategy can be disastrous, as GM found out with its Cadillac marque in the 1980s. Done well, it can save huge amounts of money for the firm.
VW's strategy of platform sharing started in 1993. After VW bought Spain's SEAT in 1986 and the Czech Skoda brand in 1991, the firm was making 20 different basic models. Ferdinand Piëch, the CEO at the time, wanted to slash that number by 75 percent. To reach that target, VW decided to cut down on unnecessary parts proliferation and develop a few key designs that could be shared by the different brands.
Source: “Volkswagen: Das Auto Giant,”
In 2007, VW further refined its modular strategy for its large cars. Under the new strategy, VW is able to use the same key parts (“assembly kits”) in 16 new vehicles. Audi could now build its entire product line with the same parts. This strategy was so successful that Audi was able double its operating profits in 2011 and achieve higher profit margins than BMW or Daimler. Starting in 2012, VW began to roll out a modular strategy to be used in more than 40 of its small cars. Under this strategy, internally known as MQB (“modularer Querbaukas-ten” or modular toolkit), VW can use the same front axle, steering, heating, air conditioning, transmission, and ventilation system across a wide range of its car models. VW estimates that its modular standardization strategy could cut product development costs by 20 percent, parts costs by another 20 percent, and production cycle times by 30 percent. Overall, annual savings could add up to $3 billion or $500 per car.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
By piecing together a product from common building blocks, modularity allows companies to preserve flexibility and build differentiated mass-produced products. A modular strategy enables a company to reduce complexity and enjoy the benefits of economies of scale while still meeting local market requirements. The trick is to ensure that the consumer remains unaware that underneath the surface, products share some or even many of the components.VOLKSWAGEN'S MODULAR STRATEGYThe German carmaker Volkswagen (VW) makes 245 models of passenger cars, trucks, and buses under 10 brands. These models range from economical SEATs built in Spain to upscale Audis, and, at the very top, Bentleys and Bugatti Veyrons that sell for up to $2.4 million. Probably VW'S most iconic model is the Beetle, which it has been selling for 65 years. Martin Winterkorn, the company's CEO, wants VW to become the world's most profitable car maker. He also decreed that it should be the “world's most fascinating and sustainable” one.One of VW's main competitive advantages is its ability to maintain brand identity while achieving economies of scale. The key is to build different car models that share components without the customer noticing. Done poorly, such strategy can be disastrous, as GM found out with its Cadillac marque in the 1980s. Done well, it can save huge amounts of money for the firm.VW's strategy of platform sharing started in 1993. After VW bought Spain's SEAT in 1986 and the Czech Skoda brand in 1991, the firm was making 20 different basic models. Ferdinand Piëch, the CEO at the time, wanted to slash that number by 75 percent. To reach that target, VW decided to cut down on unnecessary parts proliferation and develop a few key designs that could be shared by the different brands.Source: “Volkswagen: Das Auto Giant,” 2007, VW further refined its modular strategy for its large cars. Under the new strategy, VW is able to use the same key parts (“assembly kits”) in 16 new vehicles. Audi could now build its entire product line with the same parts. This strategy was so successful that Audi was able double its operating profits in 2011 and achieve higher profit margins than BMW or Daimler. Starting in 2012, VW began to roll out a modular strategy to be used in more than 40 of its small cars. Under this strategy, internally known as MQB (“modularer Querbaukas-ten” or modular toolkit), VW can use the same front axle, steering, heating, air conditioning, transmission, and ventilation system across a wide range of its car models. VW estimates that its modular standardization strategy could cut product development costs by 20 percent, parts costs by another 20 percent, and production cycle times by 30 percent. Overall, annual savings could add up to $3 billion or $500 per car.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan mengumpulkan produk dari blok bangunan umum, modularitas memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mempertahankan fleksibilitas dan membangun produk yang diproduksi secara massal dibedakan. Strategi modular memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengurangi kompleksitas dan menikmati manfaat dari skala ekonomi dengan tetap memenuhi kebutuhan pasar lokal. Caranya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa konsumen tetap tidak menyadari bahwa di balik permukaan, produk berbagi beberapa atau bahkan banyak komponen.
Produsen mobil Jerman Volkswagen (VW) membuat 245 model mobil penumpang, truk, dan bus di bawah 10 merek. Model ini berkisar dari kursi ekonomi yang dibangun di Spanyol untuk kelas atas Audi, dan, di bagian paling atas, Bentleys dan Bugatti Veyrons yang menjual hingga $ 2.400.000. Mungkin model yang paling ikonik VW'S adalah Beetle, yang telah menjual selama 65 tahun. Martin Winterkorn, CEO perusahaan, ingin VW menjadi produsen mobil paling menguntungkan di dunia. Dia juga memutuskan bahwa itu harus "paling menarik dan berkelanjutan dunia" satu.
Salah satu keuntungan utama VW kompetitif adalah kemampuannya untuk mempertahankan identitas merek sementara mencapai skala ekonomi. Kuncinya adalah untuk membangun model mobil yang berbeda yang berbagi komponen tanpa memperhatikan pelanggan. Selesai buruk, strategi tersebut dapat menjadi bencana, seperti GM tahu dengan marque Cadillac di tahun 1980-an. Dilakukan dengan baik, dapat menyimpan uang dalam jumlah besar bagi perusahaan.
Strategi VW berbagi platform yang dimulai pada tahun 1993. Setelah VW membeli SEAT Spanyol pada tahun 1986 dan merek Skoda Ceko pada tahun 1991, perusahaan itu membuat 20 model dasar yang berbeda. Ferdinand Piëch, CEO pada saat itu, ingin memangkas jumlah itu sebesar 75 persen. Untuk mencapai target itu, VW memutuskan untuk mengurangi proliferasi bagian yang tidak perlu dan mengembangkan desain beberapa kunci yang bisa digunakan bersama oleh berbagai merek.
Sumber: "Volkswagen: Das Auto raksasa," / 2012 / 10/07 / global 500-volkswagen /.
Pada tahun 2007, VW lanjut disempurnakan strategi modular untuk mobil yang besar. Berdasarkan strategi baru, VW dapat menggunakan bagian-bagian kunci yang sama ("perakitan kit") di 16 kendaraan baru. Audi sekarang bisa membangun seluruh lini produk dengan bagian yang sama. Strategi ini sangat sukses sehingga Audi mampu ganda laba operasi pada tahun 2011 dan mencapai margin keuntungan yang lebih tinggi dari BMW atau Daimler. Mulai tahun 2012, VW mulai menggelar strategi modular untuk digunakan di lebih dari 40 mobil kecil. Dalam strategi ini, secara internal dikenal sebagai MQB ("modularer Querbaukas-sepuluh" atau toolkit modular), VW dapat menggunakan poros yang sama depan, kemudi, pemanasan, AC, transmisi, dan sistem ventilasi di berbagai model mobil tersebut. VW memperkirakan bahwa strategi standarisasi modular bisa memotong biaya pengembangan produk sebesar 20 persen, biaya suku cadang sebesar 20 persen lagi, dan kali siklus produksi sebesar 30 persen. Secara keseluruhan, penghematan tahunan bisa menambahkan sampai $ 3 miliar atau US $ 500 per mobil.

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