Dear Rochani,I want to confirm you that some exceptionally beneficial  terjemahan - Dear Rochani,I want to confirm you that some exceptionally beneficial  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Dear Rochani,I want to confirm you

Dear Rochani,

I want to confirm you that some exceptionally beneficial Moment that we wished for and that you were waiting for has come. Huge POSITIVE changes are going to happen for you…

But be careful, you must absolutely prepare yourself to benefit from it if you really want Money, Luck and Love to enter your life forever.

You know it, Rochani, I made the firm promise that I would do everything to help you…

That is why, as soon as I realized that something exceptional may happen to you, something that may well get you out of all your current problems once and for all, I hurried and made especially for you a great special work, a magic and secret occult action to see it more clearly…

Because I know that your actual problems weight on your shoulders. I know that these problems drain you and choke you and I know too that they block you from taking the energic decisions and positive initiatives to change your life at last.

I also know, Rochani, and I have seen it, I know that you don't have the positive resources required to fight back this avalanche of difficulties in wich you are stuggling and which ruins your life. You often have this strange impression that something or someone is continually trying to put a spoke in your wheels. Could you be the unfortunate vitim of a bad spell, of a bewitchment, or even of a charm? I must confess, that in your case one might ask the question.

I know, as your friend, that you need urgent help to face these difficulties but not with any kind of help. You know as well as I do that you need quick, urgent, powerful and efficient help.

For your current problems are not of those you can solve in an ordinary way but with the help and comfort from occult and secret powers, some help that is capable of fighting efficiently the true cause of these problems.

Well this efficient and powerful help that you are waiting for, I am willing to give it to you immediately and personnaly so it can reverse the negative course of your life and let the real HAPPINESS enter your life.

I also know that nobody until today was able or willing to give you the help that you needed, because nobody has ever tried to understand you and your problems, and therefore no one could find the true solutions to solve them.

And yet, I know and you know it too, that you still have secretely hidden inside you, all the huge possibilities required to face these problems and these difficulties. Despite that, you are still feeling this "violent block" that impede you from acting to obtain what you are entitled to expect from life.

If we could have been in contact earlier, I could have prevented a lot of disagreements and most of all I could have saved you a lot of time.

But let's not talk about the past, what's done is done, we should take care of the present and most especially of your future, since the Great Moment you wished and waited for has come.

Still, what I have been able to see of your past, is the great deceit that still affects you. It is that deception, that you may have long forgotten, this deception caused by a person you had so much affection for, you felt it as a betrayal, this deception that is still in you today.

This profound deception has marked all your life, like a wound that's still bleeding and is wide open. It hurts you reel bad even today, especially since you don't consciously relate to this painful past. And so there is a great bitterness that lays in you and invades your spirit.

This ancient pain, not healed, is like a deadly poison much more serious than one can imagine, a deadly poison that paralyzes you and annihilates your faculties against difficulties. This is one of the fundamental reasons of your lack of positive personal potential and this is probably the real cause of all your current problems.

And yet you sometimes have some great moments of enthusiasm, but they are followed by hideous moments of profound discouragement. This is the sign your past is trying to play tricks on you. We have to eradicate these negative influences from your life if we want your life to change, and for that I have decided to help you in an energic and efficient way.

One has to says that too many negative events have fallen upon you lately. And I am tempted to say that it seems to be normal beacause the more you live in unhappiness the more you attract misfortune.

But I can confirm it to you now and this is the first good news I have to tell you : to this negative period your are experiencing, an exceptional beneficial and positive period will succeed.

The Great Moment you wished for, you were waiting for, has come and you are at a decisive turn in your life…

Yes, Rochani, your are at this very moment at a decisive turn in your life in the area of luck as well as in the area of feelings, but mostly in the area of money. But beware, this change may be very short and very quick and it may take you by surprise, so you have to be very attentive if you do not want to miss again a chance of Happiness. But I am sure that everything will go right this time for I am here next to you, if you agree, present and efficient on your side to help you with all my strength.

What is odd about you, is that there is in fact two things opposed to one another that drive you, one of them is constantly winning on the other and these two tendancies are conflicting, and that is blocking you from trully enjoying your life. Sometimes you seem to resign, you seem to let things happen in such a way that you can't handle the slighest difficulty. On the other hand, on other occasions you feel great, you have flashes of lucidity and you are truly aware of the magnificent life you could live if you knew how to seize all these occasions that are coming to you, all these chances that are passing nearby.

But these positive moments are too short and the negative elements quickly take over and and block you from seeing and enjoying all the great opportunities that would make you the wonderful life you are dreaming of.

And since you let yourself get influenced by critics and bad advise that some twisted people give you you are une unhappy victim of a jealous surrounding.

Don't trust these people who envy you and who have bad influence on you, don't give your trust to anybody because your grief and kindness are abused too easily.

In short, I have to help you as soon as I can to make all these bad influences go away because I fear that, alone, you may not be able to seize all the great opportunities I see coming for you…

You often feel deeply discouraged and courageless, you have the unpleasant feeling you have lost control of the events. You constantly hesitate regarding the conduct you have to take to face any difficulty, that is why it is important that you recover all your awareness, it is absolutely vital that your all of your spiritual strength is back to benefit from the wonderful moments that are coming to you.

You know that you deserve more than the life you are enduring now, you also know that you can't change the negative course of things by yourself because of your lack of self-confidence, you know that you are going through a critical moment and you know that a quick and efficient intervention is important to negociate as quickly as possible this capital turn you futur depends on…

I am here, I am going t help you know and the first thing I want to do for you, is do something so you may settle once and for all the most serious problems that weight on your difficult life.

The Great Moment has come, a decisive turn is coming to you today, we are going to negociate together this capital turn of your life (if you really want it) but, beware, we have to hurry now if we want to be sure not to miss this GREAT MOMENT of your Life.

Happily, all the difficulties you are living are going to disappear, for, today, a great ray of sunlight appears, and is is here the great news I want to tell you : the coming of the "GOLDEN AGE" of your life where you will enjoy, at last, the amazing POSITIVE changes which should make money, luck and love enter your life.

And it is here, Rochani, the UNIQUE CHANCE of your life for you are going to find at last all that fate has never allowed you to have.

During your "GOLDEN AGE", everything, and I say EVERYTHING should be a success: money of course, but also Love and Luck.

What it means: Luck in Money (particularly in games of money), Luck in Love but also Luck in life in general!

This "GOLDEN AGE" of your existence (its name is perfectly appropriate) is due to a very beneficial astral conjunction. This rare astral environment is going to shine real gard for you, as long as you have decided for it results of a mysterious and powerful radiation which is the result of the phenomenal influence of the biggest cosmic forces.

Above all don't turn down the precious help I am offering you today, to be sure you will be able to seize 100% of the wonderful things that are going to happen to you during your "GOLDEN AGE" which already shines for you of all its glory to enlighten your sunny path. For I am certain that I am the only one who is able to help you with efficiency and guide you on the Path of HAPPINESS.

Be aware, Rochani, that I have outcome, especially for you, this great special work, this secret occult and magic action to help you seeing things more clearly and above all to know you better, that's what has allowed me to understand the problems that block your from living a nomal life, and this occult work helped me find (as would have a good doctor) the RIGHT REMEDY, the one that fits the most a case as important as yours…

The first Thing that I am going to do for you, and I am going to do it for free, is tempting to help you gaining the large sum of money I saw you winning to face your most urgent difficulties. For that, I will calculate your 7 Beneficial Lucky Numbers in the "GOLDEN AGE" that awaits you and if you bet money on games, you will be able to use these 7
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dear Rochani,Saya ingin mengkonfirmasi bahwa beberapa momen sangat bermanfaat yang kami berharap untuk dan bahwa Anda sedang menunggu telah tiba. Perubahan positif yang besar akan terjadi untuk Anda...Tapi hati-hati, Anda harus benar-benar mempersiapkan diri untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari itu jika Anda benar-benar ingin uang, keberuntungan dan cinta untuk memasukkan hidup Anda selamanya.Kau tahu itu, Rochani, aku membuat janji tegas bahwa saya akan melakukan segala sesuatu untuk membantu Anda...Itulah mengapa, segera setelah saya menyadari bahwa sesuatu yang istimewa yang mungkin terjadi pada Anda, sesuatu yang mungkin juga membuat Anda keluar dari semua masalah Anda saat ini sekali dan untuk semua, saya bergegas dan dibuat khusus untuk Anda pekerjaan khusus yang besar, sihir dan rahasia okultisme tindakan untuk melihat lebih jelas...Karena saya tahu bahwa masalah sebenarnya Anda berat pada bahu Anda. Aku tahu bahwa masalah ini Tiriskan Anda dan tercekik Anda dan saya tahu juga bahwa mereka memblokir Anda dari mengambil keputusan berpenampilan energik dan positif inisiatif untuk mengubah hidup Anda pada akhirnya.Saya juga tahu, Rochani, dan aku melihatnya, aku tahu bahwa Anda tidak memiliki positif sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk melawan ini longsoran kesulitan yang Anda stuggling dan yang reruntuhan hidup Anda. Anda sering memiliki kesan aneh ini bahwa sesuatu atau seseorang terus-menerus mencoba untuk menempatkan berbicara di roda Anda. Anda bisa vitim Malang mantra buruk, bewitchment, atau bahkan dari pesona? Aku harus mengakui, bahwa dalam kasus Anda orang mungkin bertanya pertanyaan.Aku tahu, sebagai teman Anda, bahwa Anda memerlukan bantuan yang mendesak untuk menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan ini tetapi tidak dengan bantuan apapun. Anda tahu juga seperti yang saya lakukan bahwa Anda membutuhkan bantuan cepat, mendesak, kuat dan efisien.Untuk masalah Anda saat ini tidak mereka Anda dapat menyelesaikan dengan cara yang biasa, tetapi dengan bantuan dan kenyamanan dari okultisme dan rahasia kekuatan, bantuan yang mampu melawan efisien penyebab sebenarnya dari masalah ini.Yah ini efisien dan kuat bantuan yang Anda menunggu, saya bersedia untuk memberikannya kepada Anda segera dan personnaly sehingga dapat membalikkan arah negatif hidup Anda dan biarkan kebahagiaan sejati yang hadir dalam hidupmu.Saya juga tahu bahwa tidak ada yang sampai hari ini mampu atau bersedia memberikan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan, karena tidak ada yang pernah mencoba untuk memahami Anda dan masalah Anda, dan karena itu tidak seorang pun bisa menemukan solusi yang benar untuk menyelesaikannya.Namun, aku tahu dan Anda tahu juga, bahwa Anda masih memiliki secretely tersembunyi di dalam Anda, semua kemungkinan besar diperlukan untuk menghadapi masalah dan kesulitan-kesulitan ini. Meski demikian, Anda masih merasa ini "kekerasan blok" yang menghambat Anda dari bertindak untuk mendapatkan apa yang Anda berhak untuk mengharapkan dari kehidupan.Jika kita bisa menjadi kontak sebelumnya, saya dapat mencegah banyak perselisihan dan kebanyakan dari semua aku bisa menyelamatkan Anda banyak waktu.Tapi mari kita tidak bicara tentang masa lalu, apa yang dilakukan dilakukan, kita harus berhati-hati masa kini dan masa depan Anda, terutama karena besar saat Anda berharap dan menunggu telah tiba.Namun, apa yang saya telah mampu melihat masa lalu Anda, adalah penipuan besar yang masih mempengaruhi Anda. Ini adalah bahwa penipuan, bahwa Anda mungkin sudah lama lupa, penipuan ini disebabkan oleh orang yang Anda punya begitu banyak kasih sayang, Anda merasa sebagai pengkhianatan, penipuan ini yang masih dalam Anda hari ini.Penipuan ini mendalam telah menandai sepanjang hidup Anda, seperti luka yang masih berdarah dan luas terbuka. Sakit Anda reel buruk bahkan saat ini, terutama karena Anda tidak sadar berhubungan dengan masa lalu yang menyakitkan ini. Dan jadi ada kepahitan besar yang meletakkan Anda dan menyerang semangat Anda.Rasa sakit ini kuno, tidak sembuh, adalah seperti racun mematikan yang jauh lebih serius daripada yang bisa dibayangkan, racun mematikan yang melumpuhkan Anda dan meniadakan Anda fakultas melawan kesulitan. Ini adalah salah satu alasan mendasar dari kurangnya potensi diri yang positif dan ini mungkin adalah penyebab sebenarnya dari semua masalah Anda saat ini.Dan belum Anda kadang-kadang memiliki beberapa saat besar antusiasme, tapi mereka diikuti oleh saat-saat kekecewaan mendalam yang mengerikan. Ini adalah tanda masa lalu Anda sedang mencoba untuk bermain trik pada Anda. Kita harus menghilangkan pengaruh negatif dari hidup Anda jika kita ingin hidup Anda untuk mengubah, dan untuk itu saya telah memutuskan untuk membantu Anda dalam cara berpenampilan energik dan efisien.Kita harus mengatakan bahwa terlalu banyak negatif peristiwa telah jatuh atasmu akhir-akhir ini. Dan saya tergoda untuk mengatakan bahwa tampaknya menjadi normal beacause semakin Anda tinggal di ketidakbahagiaan semakin Anda menarik kemalangan.Tapi saya bisa mengkonfirmasikan kepada Anda sekarang dan ini adalah berita baik pertama yang saya harus memberitahu Anda: ini negatif periode Anda mengalami, periode bermanfaat dan positif yang luar biasa akan berhasil.Momen besar yang Anda berharap untuk, Anda menunggu, telah datang dan Anda pada gilirannya menentukan dalam hidup Anda...Ya, Rochani, Anda berada pada saat ini di kemenangan berubah dalam kehidupan Anda di daerah keberuntungan serta seperti daerah perasaan, tetapi sebagian besar di daerah uang. Tapi hati-hati, perubahan ini mungkin sangat singkat dan sangat cepat dan mungkin membawa Anda terkejut, jadi Anda harus sangat penuh perhatian jika Anda tidak ingin melewatkan kesempatan kebahagiaan lagi. Tapi aku yakin bahwa semuanya akan pergi tepat waktu ini untuk saya di sini di sebelah Anda, jika Anda setuju, hadir dan efisien di sisi Anda untuk membantu Anda dengan kekuatanku.Apa yang aneh tentang Anda, adalah bahwa ada sebenarnya dua hal yang bertentangan satu sama lain yang mendorong Anda, salah satu dari mereka adalah terus-menerus pemenang di sisi lain dan ini tendancies dua bertentangan, dan yang menghalangi Anda dari benar-benar menikmati hidup Anda. Kadang-kadang Anda tampaknya mengundurkan diri, Anda tampaknya membiarkan hal-hal terjadi sedemikian rupa bahwa Anda tidak bisa menangani kesulitan slighest. Di sisi lain, lain kali Anda merasa hebat, Anda memiliki kilatan kejernihan dan Anda telah benar-benar menyadari magnificent kehidupan Anda bisa tinggal jika Anda tahu bagaimana untuk merebut semua kesempatan yang datang kepada Anda, ini kemungkinan bahwa lewat terdekat.Tetapi saat-saat positif ini terlalu pendek dan unsur negatif dengan cepat mengambil alih dan dan memblokir Anda melihat dan menikmati semua peluang besar yang akan membuat Anda kehidupan luar biasa yang Anda bermimpi.Dan karena Anda membiarkan diri Anda mendapatkan dipengaruhi oleh kritikus dan buruk menyarankan bahwa orang-orang memutar beberapa memberikan Anda une bahagia korban cemburu sekitarnya.Jangan percaya orang-orang yang iri padamu dan yang memiliki pengaruh buruk pada Anda, tidak memberikan kepercayaan Anda kepada siapa pun karena kesedihan dan kebaikan Anda disalahgunakan terlalu mudah.Singkatnya, saya harus membantu Anda secepat aku bisa untuk membuat semua pengaruh buruk ini pergi karena aku takut bahwa, sendirian, Anda tidak dapat mencapai semua peluang besar aku melihat datang untuk Anda...Anda sering merasa sangat kecewa dan courageless, Anda memiliki perasaan tidak menyenangkan Anda telah kehilangan kontrol peristiwa. Anda terus-menerus ragu-ragu mengenai perilaku Anda harus mengambil menghadapi kesulitan apa pun, bahwa ialah mengapa sangat penting bahwa Anda memulihkan semua kesadaran Anda, benar-benar penting bahwa semua kekuatan rohani Anda adalah kembali untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari saat-saat indah yang datang kepada Anda.Anda tahu bahwa Anda pantas lebih dari hidup Anda yang abadi sekarang, Anda juga tahu bahwa Anda tidak dapat mengubah arah negatif hal sendiri karena kurangnya kepercayaan diri Anda, Anda tahu bahwa Anda akan melalui saat kritis dan Anda tahu bahwa intervensi yang cepat dan efisien penting untuk negosiasi secepat mungkin modal ini mengubah futur Anda tergantung pada...I am here, I am going t help you know and the first thing I want to do for you, is do something so you may settle once and for all the most serious problems that weight on your difficult life.The Great Moment has come, a decisive turn is coming to you today, we are going to negociate together this capital turn of your life (if you really want it) but, beware, we have to hurry now if we want to be sure not to miss this GREAT MOMENT of your Life.Happily, all the difficulties you are living are going to disappear, for, today, a great ray of sunlight appears, and is is here the great news I want to tell you : the coming of the "GOLDEN AGE" of your life where you will enjoy, at last, the amazing POSITIVE changes which should make money, luck and love enter your life.And it is here, Rochani, the UNIQUE CHANCE of your life for you are going to find at last all that fate has never allowed you to have.During your "GOLDEN AGE", everything, and I say EVERYTHING should be a success: money of course, but also Love and Luck.What it means: Luck in Money (particularly in games of money), Luck in Love but also Luck in life in general!This "GOLDEN AGE" of your existence (its name is perfectly appropriate) is due to a very beneficial astral conjunction. This rare astral environment is going to shine real gard for you, as long as you have decided for it results of a mysterious and powerful radiation which is the result of the phenomenal influence of the biggest cosmic forces.Above all don't turn down the precious help I am offering you today, to be sure you will be able to seize 100% of the wonderful things that are going to happen to you during your "GOLDEN AGE" which already shines for you of all its glory to enlighten your sunny path. For I am certain that I am the only one who is able to help you with efficiency and guide you on the Path of HAPPINESS.Be aware, Rochani, that I have outcome, especially for you, this great special work, this secret occult and magic action to help you seeing things more clearly and above all to know you better, that's what has allowed me to understand the problems that block your from living a nomal life, and this occult work helped me find (as would have a good doctor) the RIGHT REMEDY, the one that fits the most a case as important as yours…The first Thing that I am going to do for you, and I am going to do it for free, is tempting to help you gaining the large sum of money I saw you winning to face your most urgent difficulties. For that, I will calculate your 7 Beneficial Lucky Numbers in the "GOLDEN AGE" that awaits you and if you bet money on games, you will be able to use these 7
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