The higher the ratio, supposedly, the greater the ability of the firm  terjemahan - The higher the ratio, supposedly, the greater the ability of the firm  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The higher the ratio, supposedly, t

The higher the ratio, supposedly, the greater the ability of the firm to pay its bills. However, the ratio must be regarded as a crude measure of liquidity because it does not take into account the liquidity of the individual components of the current assets.
Quick (acid-test) Ratio
The acid-test ratio is similar to the current ratio except that it excludes inventory. It is calculated as follows:
Quick ratio = (Current assets - inventories)
Current liabilities
For Jimco, this ratio is
$11,700,000 = 1.17 times
industry average = 0.61 times
A quick ratio of 1.0 or greater is occasionally recommended, but, as with the current ratio, an acceptable value depends largely on the industry. v
Efficiency Ratios
Efficiency ratios are used to measure the speed with which various accounts are converted into sales or cash. Some of these are: inventory turnover, average collection period, fixed asset turnover, total asset turnover.
Inventory Turnover
Inventory turnover commonly measures the activity, or liquidity, of a firm's inventory:
Inventory turnover = cost of goods sold
Jimco's turnover in 1993 yields
$38,000,000 = 3.17 times
industry average = 2.95 times
Jimco's total asset turnover ratio compares well with the industry norm of 2.95.
Average Collection Period
The average collection period, used to appraise account receivable, is computed by dividing average daily sales into accounts receivable to find the number of days' sales tied up in receivable. In the case of Jimco in 1993, this ratio is given by:
Average collection period = Accounts receivable
Average sales per day
Average collection period = Accounts receivable
Average sales/365
$10,000,000 = 71.57 days
($51,000,000 / 365)
industry average = 32.21 days
The difficulty in calculating this ratio stems from the need to find annual purchases - a value not available in published financial statements. Ordinarily, purchase are estimated as a given percentage of cost of goods sold.
Fixed Assets Turnover
The fixed assets turnover ratio measures the utilization of plan and equipment. It is the ratio of sales to fixed assets:
Fixed assets turnover = Sales
Net fixed assets
This ratio for Jimco in 1993 is
$56,000,000 = 7.286 times
industry average = 8.36 times
Thus, Jimco has a larger investment in fixed assets relative to its sales volume than is the case for the industry norm.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The higher the ratio, supposedly, the greater the ability of the firm to pay its bills. However, the ratio must be regarded as a crude measure of liquidity because it does not take into account the liquidity of the individual components of the current assets.Quick (acid-test) RatioThe acid-test ratio is similar to the current ratio except that it excludes inventory. It is calculated as follows:Quick ratio = (Current assets - inventories) Current liabilities For Jimco, this ratio is$11,700,000 = 1.17 times $10,000,000 industry average = 0.61 timesA quick ratio of 1.0 or greater is occasionally recommended, but, as with the current ratio, an acceptable value depends largely on the industry. vEfficiency RatiosEfficiency ratios are used to measure the speed with which various accounts are converted into sales or cash. Some of these are: inventory turnover, average collection period, fixed asset turnover, total asset turnover.Inventory TurnoverInventory turnover commonly measures the activity, or liquidity, of a firm's inventory:Inventory turnover = cost of goods sold inventory Jimco's turnover in 1993 yields$38,000,000 = 3.17 times $12,000,000 industry average = 2.95 timesJimco's total asset turnover ratio compares well with the industry norm of 2.95.Average Collection PeriodThe average collection period, used to appraise account receivable, is computed by dividing average daily sales into accounts receivable to find the number of days' sales tied up in receivable. In the case of Jimco in 1993, this ratio is given by:Average collection period = Accounts receivable
Average sales per day
Average collection period = Accounts receivable
Average sales/365
$10,000,000 = 71.57 days
($51,000,000 / 365)
industry average = 32.21 days
The difficulty in calculating this ratio stems from the need to find annual purchases - a value not available in published financial statements. Ordinarily, purchase are estimated as a given percentage of cost of goods sold.
Fixed Assets Turnover
The fixed assets turnover ratio measures the utilization of plan and equipment. It is the ratio of sales to fixed assets:
Fixed assets turnover = Sales
Net fixed assets
This ratio for Jimco in 1993 is
$56,000,000 = 7.286 times
industry average = 8.36 times
Thus, Jimco has a larger investment in fixed assets relative to its sales volume than is the case for the industry norm.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Semakin tinggi rasio, konon, semakin besar kemampuan perusahaan untuk membayar tagihannya. Namun, rasio harus dianggap sebagai ukuran kasar likuiditas karena tidak memperhitungkan likuiditas masing-masing komponen aktiva lancar.
Cepat (asam-test) Rasio
Rasio Asam-test mirip dengan rasio lancar kecuali bahwa itu tidak termasuk persediaan. Hal ini dihitung sebagai berikut:
rasio Cepat = (Aktiva lancar - persediaan)
Kewajiban lancar
Untuk Jimco, rasio ini adalah
$ 11.700.000 = 1,17 kali
$ 10.000.000
rata-rata industri = 0.61 kali
Rasio cepat 1,0 atau lebih besar kadang-kadang dianjurkan, tapi, seperti dengan saat ini rasio, nilai yang dapat diterima tergantung pada industri. v
Rasio Efisiensi
rasio Efisiensi digunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan dengan mana berbagai rekening diubah menjadi penjualan atau kas. Beberapa di antaranya adalah: perputaran persediaan, periode penagihan rata, perputaran aktiva tetap, perputaran total aset.
Perputaran Persediaan
Perputaran persediaan umum mengukur aktivitas, atau likuiditas, persediaan suatu perusahaan:
inventory turnover = harga pokok penjualan
omset Jimco pada tahun 1993 hasil
$ 38.000.000 = 3.17 kali
$ 12.000.000
industri rata = 2,95 kali
rasio total asset turnover Jimco ini membandingkan baik dengan norma industri dari 2,95.
rata Koleksi Periode
Periode penagihan rata-rata, yang digunakan untuk menilai piutang, dihitung dengan membagi rata penjualan harian ke akun piutang untuk menemukan jumlah penjualan hari 'diikat dalam piutang. Dalam kasus Jimco pada tahun 1993, rasio ini diberikan oleh:
rata-rata periode pengumpulan = Piutang
rata penjualan per hari
periode pengumpulan rata = Piutang
rata penjualan / 365
$ 10.000.000 = 71,57 hari
($ 51.000.000 / 365)
rata-rata industri = 32,21 hari
Kesulitan dalam menghitung rasio ini berasal dari kebutuhan untuk menemukan pembelian tahunan - nilai tidak tersedia dalam laporan keuangan yang dipublikasikan. Biasanya, pembelian diperkirakan sebagai persentase tertentu harga pokok penjualan.
Aktiva Tetap Turnover
mengukur rasio aset turnover tetap pemanfaatan rencana dan peralatan. Ini adalah rasio penjualan aktiva tetap:
Aktiva tetap turnover = Penjualan
aset tetap bersih
Rasio ini untuk Jimco pada tahun 1993 adalah
$ 56.000.000 = 7,286 kali
$ 7.000.000
industri rata = 8.36 kali
demikian, Jimco memiliki investasi yang lebih besar dalam aktiva tetap relatif terhadap volume penjualan daripada adalah kasus untuk norma industri.
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