How­ever he falls dur­ing my sen­tences in ad­vance, when the sword wh terjemahan - How­ever he falls dur­ing my sen­tences in ad­vance, when the sword wh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

How­ever he falls dur­ing my sen­te

How­ever he falls dur­ing my sen­tences in ad­vance, when the sword wheel cuts is gath­er­ing the po­ten­tial I speed­ily retro­ceded one step, turns around layer on layer to hit on the with shoul­der with­out enough time in his chest, town Yue Dao sud­denly sweep­ing from bot­tom to top, im­me­di­ately „” „at­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully” four blue large char­ac­ters to fly mag­nif­i­cently, I make use to turn around am a cold ice fierce + ride, when thou­sand sec­onds have killed the eter­nal wind­mill.
In in­stance that the eter­nal wind­mill kneels down, my slid retro­cedes sud­denly sev­eral steps, MISS fell the spin fierce tom­a­hawk skill of pure gold horse­shoe, lifted the hand, the but­ter­fly wraps the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin skill to sep­a­rate the air raid to kill, „puff” two pen­e­trated the chest of pure gold horse­shoe con­tin­u­ously, car­ried over the in­juries of two 3 W +, came great an­tiq­uity again, he al­ready rem­nant blood!
„Horse­shoe, re­treats!” demon Shan Da shouted to clear the way.
I have not ac­tu­ally given him such op­por­tu­nity, the three stars mag­i­cal in­stru­ment neck­lace cham­pion rem­nant blade edge treads the bro­ken space mine ef­fect to erupt, the di­rect long-dis­tance sec­ond has mas­sa­cred the pure gold horse­shoe, si­mul­ta­ne­ously filled 9 lev­els of good wine Lan­ling hua­diao, 100 lev­els of angry val­ues re­stored, opened the sword fierce storm to clash rapidly for­ward.
The demon moun­tain gives a loud shout, the human in im­me­di­ately the shield golden color twin­kle is an im­pact!
My stature trem­bles, un­ex­pect­edly was hit , the fire god spear emerges the flame sud­denly, in­stan­ta­neous flame dragon has swal­lowed my stature, the whole body boil­ing hot fell 4 W + HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously on shoul­der a se­vere pain, in I was hit the delay move­ment in short Cooldown and a two tom­a­hawk pro­jected and three sword air/Qi day­break the skill, com­pletely be­came the col­lec­tion hot ob­ject.
In­stance of body back­lash, opens the arm sud­denly by the sword hilt hit in the skill of hell crazy snake, hell crazy snake „” calls out in alarm, a but­ter­fly mys­te­ri­ous anx­ious spin in my hand at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully his of­fen­sive, was draw­ing sup­port from the flight ef­fects of thou­sand frost wings, my whirling body town Yue Daozhong suf­fered a re­lapse in the napes of the neck of hell crazy snake, killed!
Foot pedal earth, is a skill ef­fect of ice pole, im­me­di­ately pe­riph­ery the play­ers of ham­mer of trade unions over 70% god of thun­der were frozen in abun­dance, the body stands firm, the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly re­turns rapidly, in process that nu­mer­ous hits on the shield of demon moun­tain, demon moun­tain charged, this was ac­tu­ally struck to rum­ble con­tin­u­ally by the but­ter­fly draws back sev­eral steps, the com­plex­ion with amaze­ment.
Comes to come on sev­eral ar­rows by the archer of ham­mer of god of thun­der again, my Zix­iao cape al­ready trig­gered the Shuan­g­long ef­fect, ices the fire Shuan­g­long image to linger in the body week pro­tects my com­plete­ness, but I also jump to rise straight from the ground to fly hun­dred me­ters, left is at­tacked the re­gion, be­fore leav­ing, was the sword blade edge howls, killing of long-dis­tance co­or­di­nate an­tiq­uity god tiger evening light solv­ing.
In demon Shan Yan brought to be as­ton­ished and angry, raises the fire god spear to retro­cede dozens me­ters, looked up to me, hated and is star­tled, under their mount­ing a large-scale at­tack, I can ac­tu­ally mas­sacre his 12 gods stiffly the 5 peo­ple, this re­sult prob­a­bly is the demon moun­tain does not think that but his 12 gods also too will un­der­es­ti­mate as if that my sur­vival ca­pa­bil­ity and strik­ing power, did not have this at­tribute, I how pos­si­ble, in Tian Ling Em­pire fought to live chaot­i­cally, more­over after that many time ex­pe­ri­ences, my op
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
How­ever he falls dur­ing my sen­tences in ad­vance, when the sword wheel cuts is gath­er­ing the po­ten­tial I speed­ily retro­ceded one step, turns around layer on layer to hit on the with shoul­der with­out enough time in his chest, town Yue Dao sud­denly sweep­ing from bot­tom to top, im­me­di­ately „” „at­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully” four blue large char­ac­ters to fly mag­nif­i­cently, I make use to turn around am a cold ice fierce + ride, when thou­sand sec­onds have killed the eter­nal wind­mill.In in­stance that the eter­nal wind­mill kneels down, my slid retro­cedes sud­denly sev­eral steps, MISS fell the spin fierce tom­a­hawk skill of pure gold horse­shoe, lifted the hand, the but­ter­fly wraps the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin skill to sep­a­rate the air raid to kill, „puff” two pen­e­trated the chest of pure gold horse­shoe con­tin­u­ously, car­ried over the in­juries of two 3 W +, came great an­tiq­uity again, he al­ready rem­nant blood!„Horse­shoe, re­treats!” demon Shan Da shouted to clear the way.I have not ac­tu­ally given him such op­por­tu­nity, the three stars mag­i­cal in­stru­ment neck­lace cham­pion rem­nant blade edge treads the bro­ken space mine ef­fect to erupt, the di­rect long-dis­tance sec­ond has mas­sa­cred the pure gold horse­shoe, si­mul­ta­ne­ously filled 9 lev­els of good wine Lan­ling hua­diao, 100 lev­els of angry val­ues re­stored, opened the sword fierce storm to clash rapidly for­ward.„Leave!”The demon moun­tain gives a loud shout, the human in im­me­di­ately the shield golden color twin­kle is an im­pact!„Bang!”My stature trem­bles, un­ex­pect­edly was hit , the fire god spear emerges the flame sud­denly, in­stan­ta­neous flame dragon has swal­lowed my stature, the whole body boil­ing hot fell 4 W + HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously on shoul­der a se­vere pain, in I was hit the delay move­ment in short Cooldown and a two tom­a­hawk pro­jected and three sword air/Qi day­break the skill, com­pletely be­came the col­lec­tion hot ob­ject.In­stance of body back­lash, opens the arm sud­denly by the sword hilt hit in the skill of hell crazy snake, hell crazy snake „” calls out in alarm, a but­ter­fly mys­te­ri­ous anx­ious spin in my hand at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully his of­fen­sive, was draw­ing sup­port from the flight ef­fects of thou­sand frost wings, my whirling body town Yue Daozhong suf­fered a re­lapse in the napes of the neck of hell crazy snake, killed!Foot pedal earth, is a skill ef­fect of ice pole, im­me­di­ately pe­riph­ery the play­ers of ham­mer of trade unions over 70% god of thun­der were frozen in abun­dance, the body stands firm, the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly re­turns rapidly, in process that nu­mer­ous hits on the shield of demon moun­tain, demon moun­tain charged, this was ac­tu­ally struck to rum­ble con­tin­u­ally by the but­ter­fly draws back sev­eral steps, the com­plex­ion with amaze­ment.Comes to come on sev­eral ar­rows by the archer of ham­mer of god of thun­der again, my Zix­iao cape al­ready trig­gered the Shuan­g­long ef­fect, ices the fire Shuan­g­long image to linger in the body week pro­tects my com­plete­ness, but I also jump to rise straight from the ground to fly hun­dred me­ters, left is at­tacked the re­gion, be­fore leav­ing, was the sword blade edge howls, killing of long-dis­tance co­or­di­nate an­tiq­uity god tiger evening light solv­ing.„Day”In demon Shan Yan brought to be as­ton­ished and angry, raises the fire god spear to retro­cede dozens me­ters, looked up to me, hated and is star­tled, under their mount­ing a large-scale at­tack, I can ac­tu­ally mas­sacre his 12 gods stiffly the 5 peo­ple, this re­sult prob­a­bly is the demon moun­tain does not think that but his 12 gods also too will un­der­es­ti­mate as if that my sur­vival ca­pa­bil­ity and strik­ing power, did not have this at­tribute, I how pos­si­ble, in Tian Ling Em­pire fought to live chaot­i­cally, more­over after that many time ex­pe­ri­ences, my op
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