The story followed the lives of Asad, Zoya and their families, living  terjemahan - The story followed the lives of Asad, Zoya and their families, living  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The story followed the lives of Asa

The story followed the lives of Asad, Zoya and their families, living in Bhopal. Now, the story took a 20 year leap and reflects the lives of Sanam, Asad and Zoya's daughter and Aahil, a rich businessman with a troubled childhood. When their paths meet for the first time, Sanam's life is changed for good. After living a troublesome life in Punjab with her grandmother Dilshad and cousin, Haya (Najma and Imraan's daughter), Sanam moves to Bhopal to find herself a job. Unknowingly, she enters the Ibrahim mansion, which was the previous residence of her parents and the present residence of Aahil. She joins the family as a cook in the house. Her relationship with Aahil soon turns out to be bitter as he troubles her with his attitude and anger. The two seem to keep fighting constantly over little things all the time. However, when Sanam crushes his ego and Aahil ends up saving Sanam when she was attacked by some goons, Aahil grows closer to her by taking care of her. Eventually, he falls in love with Sanam. It is revealed that Aahil is the stepson of Tanveer, Asad and Zoya's murderer. Tanveer wants all the late Nawab's property for her biological son, Rehaan, and hence tries to manipulate Aahil to work according to her ways. She gets Aahil to marry Sanam forcefully, as she comes to know that the property can be legally Aahil's only if he is married.

Initially after the marriage, Aahil turns cold towards Sanam. Sanam finds a good friend in Rehaan, who is an assistant in Aahil's business and his step-brother. She comes across a room that belonged to her parents and tries to find out the truth about her parents' death. In the process of seeking help from Rehaan, in this task, she grows closer to him, but not in a romantic way (although it is shown that Rehaan has feelings for Sanam). However, Aahil misunderstands their relationship and confronts Sanam about it. In spite of her turning down his doubts, he behaves badly with Rehaan saying that he should stay away from Sanam. Rehaan gets hurt and leaves the mansion forever, telling Tanveer also, that he doesn't want to help her in her evil deeds and that he doesn't want an property.

Meanwhile, Haya, the deaf and dumb cousin of Sanam is seen in a troublesome life in the house of Munisa, an evil householder. She is made to do all the chores like a slave. Rahat, Munisa's brother rescues her from time to time. Haya and Rahat fall in love with each other, but are interrupted by Faiz, Rahat's younger brother. After a series of incidents, Faiz falls for Haya and expresses his will to marry her. With a heavy heart, Rahat gets Haya and Faiz married. During the wedding, Tanveer lets out a poisonous gas in Dilshad's room in order to kill her. Aahil saves her, but himself gets hurt and is hospitalized. Sanam gets worried about Aahil's life and remember all the incidents that took place between him and her. She prays for Aahil's life, and soon enough, he gets better. Sanam takes care of him until he gets well and during this period, she starts caring about him. Aahil also starts loving her again. Sanam gets to know about Aahil's grieving past in his childhood and brings him out of it, saying that he should move on with his life and not spoil his future because of his past.

It is also seen that Seher, Sanam's twin sister has entered Bhopal. Seher is dashing and modern girl brought up by a couple involved in con activities. Seher also grows in their footsteps, under a different name, Sunehri. Rehaan encounters with her and after seeing his financial status, Sunehri plans to loot him. She falsifies her identity and starts living with him as his business assistant. She tries to grab every chance to open his safe locker but her inner self forbids her from doing so. She starts to fall in love with Rehaan, by seeing his pure heart and hatred for lies. Eventually, both of them fall in love with each other, but Sunehri's true identity is revealed to Rehaan by policemen. Sunehri accepts her mistake saying that she is indeed a con-woman. Rehaan gets heartbroken and ends the relationship with her.

In the Ibrahim, residence, Tanveer sees Sanam and Aahil getting closer and is scared about their relationship. She gets the property and divorce papers ready and persists Aahil to sign them. Aahil refuses to sign the papers immediately, as he doesn't want to break his relation with Sanam. He undergoes a lot of pain. Sanam also refuses to sign the papers, but Tanveer threatens her to sign the papers, saying that her life can be in danger if she doesn't comply with her. Meanwhile, Razia signs a contract with Seher of 50 lakhs and plans to ruin Tanveer's life.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Cerita diikuti kehidupan Asad, Zoya dan keluarga mereka, tinggal di Bhopal. Sekarang, cerita mengambil lompatan 20 tahun dan mencerminkan kehidupan Sanam, Asad dan Zoya di putri dan Aahil, seorang pengusaha kaya dengan bermasalah masa kanak-kanak. Ketika jalan mereka bertemu untuk pertama kalinya, daripurwo di kehidupan berubah untuk kebaikan. Setelah menjalani kehidupan yang mengganggu di Punjab dengan nenek Dilshad dan sepupu, Haya (putri Najma dan wa 's), Sanam bergerak untuk Bhopal menemukan dirinya pekerjaan. Tanpa sadar, dia memasuki rumah Ibrahim, yang merupakan kediaman orang tuanya dan sekarang kediaman Aahil. Dia bergabung dengan keluarga sebagai koki di rumah. Hubungan dengan Aahil segera ternyata menjadi pahit seperti dia masalah dengannya dengan sikap dan kemarahan. Dua tampaknya terus berjuang terus-menerus atas hal-hal kecil sepanjang waktu. Namun, ketika Sanam meremukkan egonya dan Aahil yang akhirnya menyimpan Sanam ketika dia diserang oleh beberapa preman, Aahil tumbuh semakin dekat padanya oleh merawat. Akhirnya, ia jatuh cinta dengan Sanam. Terungkap bahwa Aahil adalah anak tiri dari Daffy, Asad dan Zoya di pembunuh. Daffy menginginkan semua Zakiyuddin akhir di properti untuk anaknya biologis, Rehaan, dan oleh karena itu mencoba untuk memanipulasi Aahil bekerja menurut cara Nya. Dia mendapat Aahil menikah Sanam tegas, sebagai dia datang untuk tahu bahwa properti dapat secara legal di Aahil hanya jika dia menikah.Awalnya setelah perkawinan, Aahil berubah dingin terhadap Sanam. Sanam menemukan seorang teman baik di Rehaan, yang adalah asisten di Aahil's bisnis dan saudaranya langkah. Dia datang di sebuah ruangan yang milik orangtuanya dan mencoba untuk menemukan kebenaran tentang kematian orangtuanya. Dalam proses mencari bantuan dari Rehaan, dalam tugas ini, dia tumbuh lebih dekat kepadanya, tetapi tidak dengan cara yang romantis (meskipun itu adalah menunjukkan bahwa Rehaan memiliki perasaan untuk Sanam). Namun, Aahil salah faham tentang hubungan mereka dan menghadapkan Sanam tentang hal itu. Meskipun dia berbalik turun rasa ragu, dia berperilaku buruk dengan mengatakan bahwa ia harus tinggal jauh dari Sanam Rehaan. Rehaan terluka dan daun mansion selamanya, mengatakan Daffy juga, bahwa dia tidak ingin membantunya dalam perbuatan jahat dia dan bahwa ia tidak ingin properti.Sementara itu, Haya, sepupu tuli dan bisu Sanam dilihat dalam kehidupan yang bermasalah di rumah Munisa, kepala rumah tangga jahat. Ia dibuat untuk melakukan semua tugas-tugas seperti budak. Rahat, saudara Munisa yang menyelamatkan dia dari waktu ke waktu. Haya dan Rahat jatuh cinta dengan satu sama lain, tetapi terganggu oleh Faiz, adik Rahat's. Setelah serangkaian insiden, Faiz jatuh untuk Haya dan menyatakan kehendakNya untuk menikah dengannya. Dengan berat hati, Rahat mendapat Haya dan Faiz menikah. Selama pernikahan, Daffy memungkinkan gas beracun di Dilshad di ruang untuk membunuhnya. Aahil menyimpan padanya, namun dirinya terluka dan sedang dirawat. Sanam mendapat khawatir tentang Aahil di kehidupan dan mengingat semua insiden yang terjadi antara dia dengannya. Dia berdoa untuk Aahil di kehidupan, dan segera cukup, ia mendapat lebih baik. Sanam merawat dia sampai dia mendapatkan baik dan selama periode ini, dia mulai peduli tentang dirinya. Aahil juga mulai mencintai dia lagi. Sanam mendapat untuk tahu tentang Aahil di berduka masa lalu di masa kecilnya dan membawa dia keluar dari itu, mengatakan bahwa ia harus melanjutkan hidupnya dan tidak merusak masa depan karena masa lalu.Hal ini juga terlihat bahwa Seher, saudara kembar daripurwo di telah memasuki Bhopal. Seher gagah dan modern gadis yang dibesarkan oleh beberapa terlibat dalam kegiatan con. Seher juga tumbuh di jejak mereka, di bawah nama yang berbeda, Sunehri. Rehaan pertemuan dengannya dan setelah melihat statusnya keuangan, Sunehri berencana untuk menjarah kepadanya. Dia penyempurna identitasnya dan mulai hidup dengannya sebagai asistennya bisnis. Dia mencoba untuk mengambil setiap kesempatan untuk membuka nya aman tapi batinnya sendiri melarang dia dari melakukannya. Dia mulai jatuh cinta dengan Rehaan, dengan melihat hati murni dan kebencian untuk kebohongan. Akhirnya, keduanya jatuh cinta dengan satu sama lain, tetapi Sunehri's jati dinyatakan kepada Rehaan oleh polisi. Sunehri menerima kesalahan nya mengatakan bahwa ia memang seorang con. Rehaan akan patah hati dan berakhir hubungan dengannya.Dalam Ibrahim, residence, Daffy melihat Sanam dan Aahil semakin dekat dan takut tentang hubungan mereka. Dia bersiap karya properti dan perceraian dan tetap Aahil tanda mereka. Aahil menolak untuk menandatangani surat-surat segera, karena dia tidak ingin hubungannya dengan Sanam istirahat. Ia mengalami banyak rasa sakit. Sanam juga menolak untuk menandatangani surat-surat, tetapi Daffy mengancam dia untuk menandatangani surat-surat, mengatakan bahwa hidupnya bisa dalam bahaya jika dia tidak sesuai dengan dirinya. Sementara itu, Razia menandatangani kontrak dengan Seher 50 lakhs dan rencana untuk merusak kehidupan Daffy 's.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The story followed the lives of Asad, Zoya and their families, living in Bhopal. Now, the story took a 20 year leap and reflects the lives of Sanam, Asad and Zoya's daughter and Aahil, a rich businessman with a troubled childhood. When their paths meet for the first time, Sanam's life is changed for good. After living a troublesome life in Punjab with her grandmother Dilshad and cousin, Haya (Najma and Imraan's daughter), Sanam moves to Bhopal to find herself a job. Unknowingly, she enters the Ibrahim mansion, which was the previous residence of her parents and the present residence of Aahil. She joins the family as a cook in the house. Her relationship with Aahil soon turns out to be bitter as he troubles her with his attitude and anger. The two seem to keep fighting constantly over little things all the time. However, when Sanam crushes his ego and Aahil ends up saving Sanam when she was attacked by some goons, Aahil grows closer to her by taking care of her. Eventually, he falls in love with Sanam. It is revealed that Aahil is the stepson of Tanveer, Asad and Zoya's murderer. Tanveer wants all the late Nawab's property for her biological son, Rehaan, and hence tries to manipulate Aahil to work according to her ways. She gets Aahil to marry Sanam forcefully, as she comes to know that the property can be legally Aahil's only if he is married.

Initially after the marriage, Aahil turns cold towards Sanam. Sanam finds a good friend in Rehaan, who is an assistant in Aahil's business and his step-brother. She comes across a room that belonged to her parents and tries to find out the truth about her parents' death. In the process of seeking help from Rehaan, in this task, she grows closer to him, but not in a romantic way (although it is shown that Rehaan has feelings for Sanam). However, Aahil misunderstands their relationship and confronts Sanam about it. In spite of her turning down his doubts, he behaves badly with Rehaan saying that he should stay away from Sanam. Rehaan gets hurt and leaves the mansion forever, telling Tanveer also, that he doesn't want to help her in her evil deeds and that he doesn't want an property.

Meanwhile, Haya, the deaf and dumb cousin of Sanam is seen in a troublesome life in the house of Munisa, an evil householder. She is made to do all the chores like a slave. Rahat, Munisa's brother rescues her from time to time. Haya and Rahat fall in love with each other, but are interrupted by Faiz, Rahat's younger brother. After a series of incidents, Faiz falls for Haya and expresses his will to marry her. With a heavy heart, Rahat gets Haya and Faiz married. During the wedding, Tanveer lets out a poisonous gas in Dilshad's room in order to kill her. Aahil saves her, but himself gets hurt and is hospitalized. Sanam gets worried about Aahil's life and remember all the incidents that took place between him and her. She prays for Aahil's life, and soon enough, he gets better. Sanam takes care of him until he gets well and during this period, she starts caring about him. Aahil also starts loving her again. Sanam gets to know about Aahil's grieving past in his childhood and brings him out of it, saying that he should move on with his life and not spoil his future because of his past.

It is also seen that Seher, Sanam's twin sister has entered Bhopal. Seher is dashing and modern girl brought up by a couple involved in con activities. Seher also grows in their footsteps, under a different name, Sunehri. Rehaan encounters with her and after seeing his financial status, Sunehri plans to loot him. She falsifies her identity and starts living with him as his business assistant. She tries to grab every chance to open his safe locker but her inner self forbids her from doing so. She starts to fall in love with Rehaan, by seeing his pure heart and hatred for lies. Eventually, both of them fall in love with each other, but Sunehri's true identity is revealed to Rehaan by policemen. Sunehri accepts her mistake saying that she is indeed a con-woman. Rehaan gets heartbroken and ends the relationship with her.

In the Ibrahim, residence, Tanveer sees Sanam and Aahil getting closer and is scared about their relationship. She gets the property and divorce papers ready and persists Aahil to sign them. Aahil refuses to sign the papers immediately, as he doesn't want to break his relation with Sanam. He undergoes a lot of pain. Sanam also refuses to sign the papers, but Tanveer threatens her to sign the papers, saying that her life can be in danger if she doesn't comply with her. Meanwhile, Razia signs a contract with Seher of 50 lakhs and plans to ruin Tanveer's life.
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