At this moment, that dry corpse forehead blue Sun, is suddenly forever terjemahan - At this moment, that dry corpse forehead blue Sun, is suddenly forever Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At this moment, that dry corpse for

At this moment, that dry corpse forehead blue Sun, is suddenly forever glorious, may dimness rapidly, be possible suddenly in this dim, in Sun suddenly fuzzy, reappeared faintly a face, this face ... Greedy Wolf!!
He closed one's eyes, at this moment suddenly opens, in the item reveals crazily, stubbornly is staring at Meng Hao, reveals not the willingly demented meaning, sends out toward Meng Hao silent whooshes roars.
His reveals the hatred, regarding hate of Meng Hao, regarding hate of Jiu Feng Paragon, arrived at peak.
Has given Meng Hao this huge good fortune, finally was swallowed by Meng Hao, is part of Greedy Wolf state of mind, is not complete, part, in this blue Sun.
In the past when he by the Jiu Feng Paragon suppression, the state of mind splits, branches out half outside, this half is swallowed by Meng Hao now, regarding Greedy Wolf, was extremely serious heavy losses.
Even past Jiu Feng Paragon, to his wound, does not have this big.
That is 50% states of mind, that is 50% life sources, did not have these, regarding Greedy Wolf, was equal to going to half life!
The Greedy Wolf face in this blue Sun, sends out instant, Meng Hao body reacted that silent roared, on his forehead, the fourth Nirvana fruit sparkle rapidly, already fused loudly nearly perfectly.
Said is nearly , because by no means true perfect, but also misses one!
Fused 99%, this final, what need is the time integrates in the flesh and blood slowly, no longer needs the vitality to emerge, Meng Hao feels silently, he has confidence, most several months, oneself ... Can attack Ancient Realm!
Meanwhile, under this fusion, Meng Hao also felt thundering of Cultivation in within the body, that type compared with former stronger big feelings of many strength, making Meng Hao confident, again powerhouse who if faced the Dao Lord boundary, oneself no longer are mutually wounded, but had has defeated the strength of Dao Lord.
In this moment, his within the body the bloodline of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, seethes with excitement, along with the ebullition, directly affected in Ninth Mountain entire Fang Clan.
On this day, the Fang Clan clansman, many lit a type directly, has awakened the bloodline, became preliminary Heaven's Crown Immortal!
On this day, the Fang Clan overall strength, enhanced nearly one time, on this day, the Fang Clan stir, the clansman is shocked completely, on this day, Fang Shoudao Cultivation breaks through!
Day, Fang Clan, expanded too many were too many, similarly, in this day, there are innumerable Fang Clan clansmen, felt in that remote Eighth Mountain, let their to revere aura, dreadfully.
That is ... Meng Hao!
Meng Hao two eyes, suddenly opens, his both eyes such as contained the starry sky, profound, carefully looks, as if vortex, can attract removes the strength of all spiritual sense!
More astonishing, in his all around, impressively ... Presented the thunder, walks randomly following his stature, that belongs to Greedy Wolf the strength of thunder source.
Meng Hao breathes deeply, a breath, has raised the sound of intermittent thundering, as if the aura of this entire grave palace, rewinds in this flash.
In Meng Hao reveals slowly wild with joy, he gets hold of the fist, has felt own stature, the intrepid degree of this stature, has surpassed before by far, are too many are too many.
He felt the tenacity of bone, after that was by the sacrifice built up again the terrifying, his meridians, was so, was most important, was his blood, under the Greedy Wolf beforehand not hesitating price, a drop of blood, heavy, if thousand honored!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At this moment, that dry corpse forehead blue Sun, is suddenly forever glorious, may dimness rapidly, be possible suddenly in this dim, in Sun suddenly fuzzy, reappeared faintly a face, this face ... Greedy Wolf!!He closed one's eyes, at this moment suddenly opens, in the item reveals crazily, stubbornly is staring at Meng Hao, reveals not the willingly demented meaning, sends out toward Meng Hao silent whooshes roars.His reveals the hatred, regarding hate of Meng Hao, regarding hate of Jiu Feng Paragon, arrived at peak.Has given Meng Hao this huge good fortune, finally was swallowed by Meng Hao, is part of Greedy Wolf state of mind, is not complete, part, in this blue Sun.In the past when he by the Jiu Feng Paragon suppression, the state of mind splits, branches out half outside, this half is swallowed by Meng Hao now, regarding Greedy Wolf, was extremely serious heavy losses.Even past Jiu Feng Paragon, to his wound, does not have this big.That is 50% states of mind, that is 50% life sources, did not have these, regarding Greedy Wolf, was equal to going to half life!The Greedy Wolf face in this blue Sun, sends out instant, Meng Hao body reacted that silent roared, on his forehead, the fourth Nirvana fruit sparkle rapidly, already fused loudly nearly perfectly.Said is nearly , because by no means true perfect, but also misses one!Fused 99%, this final, what need is the time integrates in the flesh and blood slowly, no longer needs the vitality to emerge, Meng Hao feels silently, he has confidence, most several months, oneself ... Can attack Ancient Realm!Meanwhile, under this fusion, Meng Hao also felt thundering of Cultivation in within the body, that type compared with former stronger big feelings of many strength, making Meng Hao confident, again powerhouse who if faced the Dao Lord boundary, oneself no longer are mutually wounded, but had has defeated the strength of Dao Lord.In this moment, his within the body the bloodline of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, seethes with excitement, along with the ebullition, directly affected in Ninth Mountain entire Fang Clan.On this day, the Fang Clan clansman, many lit a type directly, has awakened the bloodline, became preliminary Heaven's Crown Immortal!On this day, the Fang Clan overall strength, enhanced nearly one time, on this day, the Fang Clan stir, the clansman is shocked completely, on this day, Fang Shoudao Cultivation breaks through!Day, Fang Clan, expanded too many were too many, similarly, in this day, there are innumerable Fang Clan clansmen, felt in that remote Eighth Mountain, let their to revere aura, dreadfully.That is ... Meng Hao!Meng Hao two eyes, suddenly opens, his both eyes such as contained the starry sky, profound, carefully looks, as if vortex, can attract removes the strength of all spiritual sense!More astonishing, in his all around, impressively ... Presented the thunder, walks randomly following his stature, that belongs to Greedy Wolf the strength of thunder source.Meng Hao breathes deeply, a breath, has raised the sound of intermittent thundering, as if the aura of this entire grave palace, rewinds in this flash.In Meng Hao reveals slowly wild with joy, he gets hold of the fist, has felt own stature, the intrepid degree of this stature, has surpassed before by far, are too many are too many.He felt the tenacity of bone, after that was by the sacrifice built up again the terrifying, his meridians, was so, was most important, was his blood, under the Greedy Wolf beforehand not hesitating price, a drop of blood, heavy, if thousand honored!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada saat ini, bahwa mayat kering dahi biru Sun, tiba-tiba selamanya mulia, mungkin keremangan cepat, mungkin tiba-tiba di redup ini, di Sun tiba-tiba kabur, muncul kembali samar-samar wajah, wajah ini ... Greedy Serigala !!
Dia memejamkan mata seseorang , pada saat ini tiba-tiba terbuka, di item mengungkapkan ayun, keras kepala menatap Meng Hao, mengungkapkan bukan arti rela gila, mengirimkan ke arah Meng Hao whooshes diam mengaum.
Nya mengungkapkan kebencian, tentang kebencian dari Meng Hao, tentang kebencian dari jiu Feng Paragon, tiba di puncak.
telah diberikan Meng Hao keberuntungan ini baik besar, akhirnya ditelan oleh Meng Hao, adalah bagian dari negara Serigala Greedy pikiran, tidak lengkap, sebagian, dalam Sun. biru ini
di masa lalu ketika ia dengan penindasan Jiu Feng Paragon, keadaan pikiran perpecahan, cabang keluar setengah luar, ini setengah ditelan oleh Meng Hao sekarang, mengenai Greedy Wolf, adalah kerugian besar sangat serius.
Bahkan terakhir Jiu Feng Paragon, untuk lukanya, tidak memiliki ini besar.
itu adalah 50% kondisi pikiran, yaitu 50 sumber% hidup, tidak memiliki ini, mengenai Greedy Wolf, itu sama dengan akan setengah hidup!
The Greedy wajah Serigala di Sun biru ini, mengirimkan instant, Meng Hao tubuh bereaksi yang diam meraung, di dahinya, kilauan buah Nirvana keempat cepat, sudah menyatu keras hampir sempurna.
Kata hampir, karena tidak berarti sempurna benar, tetapi juga merindukan satu!
Fused 99%, ini akhir, apa yang perlu adalah waktu mengintegrasikan dalam daging dan darah perlahan-lahan, tidak lagi membutuhkan vitalitas muncul, Meng Hao merasa diam-diam, ia memiliki keyakinan, paling beberapa bulan, diri sendiri ... Bisa menyerang Realm Kuno!
Sementara itu, di bawah fusi ini, Meng Hao juga merasa gemuruh budidaya di dalam tubuh, jenis dibandingkan dengan mantan perasaan kuat besar banyak kekuatan, membuat Meng Hao percaya diri, lagi pembangkit tenaga listrik yang jika menghadapi batas Dao Tuhan, diri sendiri tidak lagi saling terluka, tetapi telah telah mengalahkan kekuatan Dao Tuhan.
pada saat ini, ia dalam tubuh garis keturunan Surga Crown Dao Immortal, seethes dengan kegembiraan, bersama dengan semangat yg meluap-luap, yang terkena dampak langsung di Kesembilan gunung seluruh Fang Clan.
pada hari ini, para anggota klan Fang Clan, banyak menyalakan tipe langsung, memiliki terbangun garis keturunan, menjadi awal Surga Crown Immortal!
pada hari ini, Fang Clan kekuatan keseluruhan, ditingkatkan hampir satu waktu, pada hari ini, Fang Clan aduk, klan yang terkejut sepenuhnya, pada hari ini, Fang Shoudao Budidaya istirahat melalui!
hari, Fang Clan, diperluas terlalu banyak yang terlalu banyak, sama, di hari ini, ada banyak sekali klan Fang Clan, merasa bahwa jauh Kedelapan gunung, biarkan mereka untuk menghormati aura, amat sangat.
itu ... Meng Hao!
Meng Hao dua mata, tiba-tiba membuka, itu kedua mata seperti yang terkandung langit berbintang, yang mendalam, hati-hati terlihat, seolah pusaran, dapat menarik menghilangkan kekuatan dari semua rasa spiritual!
Lebih mencengangkan, dalam bukunya seluruh, mengesankan ... Disajikan guntur , berjalan secara acak mengikuti perawakannya, yang dimiliki Greedy Serigala kekuatan sumber guntur.
Meng Hao bernafas dalam-dalam, napas, telah mengangkat suara gemuruh intermiten, seakan aura seluruh istana makam ini, menggulung dalam sekejap ini.
dalam Meng Hao mengungkapkan perlahan liar dengan sukacita, ia mendapat memegang kepalan tangan, telah merasa bertubuh sendiri, tingkat pemberani ini tinggi, telah melampaui sebelum jauh, terlalu banyak terlalu banyak.
dia merasa kegigihan tulang, setelah itu oleh pengorbanan dibangun lagi menakutkan, meridian nya, begitu, yang paling penting, adalah darahnya, di bawah Wolf Greedy sebelumnya tidak ragu harga, setetes darah, berat, jika ribu dihormati!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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