A blueprint in the brain?Could any linguistic informationconceivably b terjemahan - A blueprint in the brain?Could any linguistic informationconceivably b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A blueprint in the brain?Could any

A blueprint in the brain?
Could any linguistic information
conceivably be innate?
There are very deep and restrictive principles that determine the nature
of human language and are rooted in the specific character of the
human mind.
Chomsky, Language and Mind
Young children must learn . . . the set of linguistic conventions used
by those around them . . . for any given language . . . The human
species is biologically prepared for this prodigious task . . . , but this
preparation cannot be too specific, as human children must be flexible
enough to learn not only all of the different words and conventional
expressions of any language but also all the different types of abstract
constructional patterns . . . It thus takes many years.
Tomasello, Constructing a Language
It is relatively easy to show that humans are innately predisposed to
acquire language. The hard part is finding out exactly what is innate.
People have indulged in speculation about this for centuries. Over
two thousand years ago the Egyptian king Psammetichus had a theory
that if a child was isolated from human speech, the first word he
spontaneously uttered would come from the world’s oldest inhabitants.
Naturally he hoped this would be Egyptian. He gave instructions for
two newborn children to be brought up in total isolation. When
eventually the children uttered the word BEKOS, Psammetichus
discovered to his dismay that this was the Phrygian word for ‘bread’.
He reluctantly concluded that the Phrygians were more ancient than
the Egyptians.
Nobody takes Psammetichus’s theory seriously today – especially as
the few reliable accounts we have of children brought up without
human contact indicate that they were totally without speech when
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A blueprint in the brain?Could any linguistic informationconceivably be innate?There are very deep and restrictive principles that determine the natureof human language and are rooted in the specific character of thehuman mind.Chomsky, Language and MindYoung children must learn . . . the set of linguistic conventions usedby those around them . . . for any given language . . . The humanspecies is biologically prepared for this prodigious task . . . , but thispreparation cannot be too specific, as human children must be flexibleenough to learn not only all of the different words and conventionalexpressions of any language but also all the different types of abstractconstructional patterns . . . It thus takes many years.Tomasello, Constructing a LanguageIt is relatively easy to show that humans are innately predisposed toacquire language. The hard part is finding out exactly what is innate.People have indulged in speculation about this for centuries. Overtwo thousand years ago the Egyptian king Psammetichus had a theorythat if a child was isolated from human speech, the first word hespontaneously uttered would come from the world’s oldest inhabitants.Naturally he hoped this would be Egyptian. He gave instructions fortwo newborn children to be brought up in total isolation. Wheneventually the children uttered the word BEKOS, Psammetichusdiscovered to his dismay that this was the Phrygian word for ‘bread’.He reluctantly concluded that the Phrygians were more ancient thanthe Egyptians.Nobody takes Psammetichus’s theory seriously today – especially asthe few reliable accounts we have of children brought up withouthuman contact indicate that they were totally without speech when
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah cetak biru dalam otak?
Bisa informasi linguistik setiap
dibayangkan menjadi bawaan?
Ada prinsip-prinsip yang sangat dalam dan terbatas yang menentukan sifat
bahasa manusia dan berakar pada karakter spesifik dari
pikiran manusia.
Chomsky, Bahasa dan Pikiran
Muda anak harus belajar. . . set konvensi linguistik yang digunakan
oleh orang-orang di sekitar mereka. . . untuk setiap bahasa tertentu. . . Manusia
spesies secara biologis dipersiapkan untuk tugas luar biasa ini. . . , Tapi ini
persiapan tidak bisa terlalu spesifik, sebagai anak-anak manusia harus fleksibel
cukup untuk belajar tidak hanya semua kata yang berbeda dan konvensional
ekspresi bahasa apapun tetapi juga semua jenis abstrak
pola konstruksi. . . Karena itu, dibutuhkan bertahun-tahun.
Tomasello, Membangun Bahasa
Hal ini relatif mudah untuk menunjukkan bahwa manusia bawaan cenderung untuk
memperoleh bahasa. Bagian yang sulit adalah mencari tahu persis apa yang bawaan.
Orang-orang telah terlibat dalam spekulasi tentang hal ini selama berabad-abad. Lebih dari
dua ribu tahun yang lalu raja Mesir Psammetichus punya teori
bahwa jika seorang anak diisolasi dari ucapan manusia, kata pertama yang
diucapkan secara spontan akan datang dari penduduk tertua di dunia.
Tentu dia berharap ini akan menjadi Mesir. Dia memberi instruksi untuk
dua anak yang baru lahir untuk dibawa dalam isolasi total. Ketika
akhirnya anak-anak mengucapkan kata BEKOS, Psammetichus
. menemukan untuk cemas bahwa ini adalah kata Phrygian untuk 'roti'
Dia enggan menyimpulkan bahwa Phrygia yang lebih kuno dari
Tidak ada mengambil teori Psammetichus serius hari ini - terutama karena
beberapa handal account yang kita miliki anak-anak dibesarkan tanpa
kontak manusia menunjukkan bahwa mereka benar-benar tanpa bicara ketika
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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