Literature is a creative activity and a work of art (Warren and Wellek, 1993:3). Literature is an expression of the human person in the form of experience, thoughts, feelings, ideas, enthusiasm, and belief in a form of concrete imagery that evokes a fascination with language tools (Sumardjo and Saini, 1988:3). Literature has a product in the form of literary works. One of the products of a literary work is the short story. Short story is a story shaped prose that is relatively short. "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" was a recent story of a human life is faced with the problem of food. They consider the Affairs of food is more important than improvements. Each time they work, they are always thinking about food.
Robert Stanton (2012:11) split the intrinsic elements of fiction into three parts, namely: the facts of the story, the story means, and themes. The fact the story is divided into three, namely plots, characters, and setting. All three elements is interconnected between one another in the form of meaning. One element to another cannot stand on its own.
The issue will be examined in this study are intrinsic elements contained in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" al-Ḥakīm Taufīq works as well as how the Association anatarunsurnya. Now the goal is to reveal and mendiskripsikan intrinsic elements in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" as well as linkages to existing antarunsur in this short story.
The short stories "Ṭajin Aṭ-Waṣala" by Taufīq al-Ḥakīm this has never been done by a student at any University in Indonesia which hosted the Arab language and literature program.
The fact the story is divided into three, namely plots, characters, and setting. The fact the story is divided into three, namely plots, characters, and setting. The Groove is a series of events in a story that linked causally (Stanton, 2012:26). The characters refer to individuals who appear in the story (Stanton, 2012:33). The setting is the environment that covers an event in the story (Stanton, 2012:35). The setting is divided into three, namely: setting the background of a place, time, and social background.
Means of literature can be interpreted as a method of selecting and compiling details of the author's story in order to achieved meaningful patterns. In this study the author only focuses on the elements of the title, viewpoints, and irony as influential in defining the elements of the theme. Stanton (2012:51-52) States the title relates to the overall story. Point of view is the central position a reader understand the event-events in the story (Stanton, 2012:53). Irony is a way to show something as opposed to something that already existed previously (Stanton, 2012:71). The theme is an aspect that is aligned with the ' meaning ' in human experience (Stanton, 2012:37).
Systematics of writing on research is divided into four chapters. As for the Systematics of writing are as follows. Chapter I is an introduction that contains the background of the problem, the problem formulation, research objectives, a review of the literature, the Foundation theory, research methods, and guidelines for writing systematic transliteration of the Arabic-Latin. Chapter II contains a biography of al-Ḥakīm Taufīq and short story synopsis "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!". Chapter III structural analysis of short stories "Ṭājin Aṭ-Waṣala ..!" that contains elements of intrinsic entanglement antarunsur-elemental. As for chapter IV conclusion from the analysis that has been done and is followed by a bibliography and a summary of Arabic.
2.1 the author's Biography
Taufīq al-Ḥakīm was born in 1898 in Alexandria, Egypt. His father and mother, Egypt arab descendants of Turkey. The old man Taufīq al-Ḥakīm including wealthy peasant family. His father worked as a judge. (www.Geocities.com/penerbit_navilla/profil/Taufik_Hakim.htm).
Graduated from high school, Taufīq al-Ḥakīm continue studying at the high school of law. While literary and artistic talents of precious rose, then he joined the sebayanya, such as the young artist whom Maḥmūd Taimur.
In 1922, the Taufīq set up several manuscripts of the play (screenplay drama) performed by the group theatre in You in the theater building Al-Azbekiyah (Atho'illah, 2007:145).
The works of al-Ḥakīm Taufīq include: people of the al-Kahf (novel-1933), ' Al-Rūh Audat (novel-1933), Syahrazād (novel, 1934), Usfūr min ash-Syarq (novel – 1938), Ahl-Fan (a collection of manuscript fragments: three plays, a short story, and two short komendi), Al-Qaṣrul-Maṣur (novel together Ṭaha Ḥusain -1936), Muhammad (biography of Muhammad ṣalallāhu ' alaihi wasallam in story form-1936), ' Abdusy-syaiṭān (collection of short stories – short story social-1938), Sulaimānul-Ḥakim (script of the play), Al-Malik Ūdib (novel-1949). Most of his work has been translated into French, United Kingdom, Russia, and Spain (Syafiq: 559, 1967).
2.2 Synopsis
The story began when a friend of his and the two Prosecutors named Judge and a judge Bandar al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd live in Damanhūr. Their life is always busy with the Affairs of food. They assume the food is more important than improvements.
When in court they are always thinking about food. Judge Ῑtāy al-Bārūd always go home early in order to get the roast so that the judge al-Bandar and prosecutors fret when conducting the trial.
When Judge al-Bandar and the Attorney handling a case a suspect and he was a maker of copper tray, both of whom turn their proceedings by discussing copper trays until they both get it wants.
This chapter will describe the intrinsic elements of "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!". This research starts from the discussion of the intrinsic elements in fact stories, themes, and great literature in the form of the title and the author's point of view as well as the linkages antarusurnya. The fact the story consists of plot, character and setting.
In this short story the main character is Judge al-Bandar. An extra figure, namely prosecutors, Judge Ῑtāy al-Bārūd, Manager of the hearing, the suspect and the lawyer.
Penyituasian stage begins with the introduction of the character of the Prosecutor and the second friend named Judge and a judge Bandar al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd who was always fussing with food. The stage of appearance of conflict began when when Judge al-Bandar and judge Ῑtāy al-Bārūd and prosecutors increasingly old loses ciata taste food and want to buy copper trays to get food more delicious. Stages of conflict marked by improvement of a judge Bandar, judge al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd and prosecutors want to buy copper trays, but they don't have enough money. The stage climax marked by when Judge al-Bandar and prosecutors shifted the trial case of violation of the law a suspect by discussing copper trays. The stage of completion is indicated by the judge al-Bandar and the Prosecutor agreed to buy copper trays.
The setting of the place that is in the city of Damanhūr, Egypt. Details on restaurants and the trial. Setting the time of day, i.e. taken from one of the events when the figure was at work in court. Social background is a community of the city of Damanhūr that are located in the lower level of the economy.
The themes contained in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" is the correct fulfillment of basic necessities of a person's effect on its performance.
A short story entitled "Ṭājin Aṭ-Waṣala ..!" translated into the Indonesian Language with "Pottery has arrived!". The title refers to the circumstances of the deaths always fussing with the food so that the Affairs of food becomes more important than his work.
Point of view in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" was the first-side. The irony in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" is a profession as a judge who generally have a large salary and made him capable of what she wanted, it turned out that not being able to instantly buy copper tray at a great price.
The theme of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" coupled with character figures, title, plot, the title of a short story, and irony. The theme of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" with regard to the character of the people who are not professionals because it is always fussing with food. The theme of the recent "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" deals with the flow of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" which shows the staple food needs fulfillment affair proved to exist at any stage. The theme of the recent "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" with regard to the title of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" translated into the Indonesian Language with "Pottery has arrived!" because the characters are always fussing with earthenware containing food. The theme of the recent "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" related to "short story irony Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" which describes the lives of the people who made their living as a judge, but was unable to make ends meet anyway especially food Affairs.
Having analyzed the short stories "Ṭājin Aṭ-Waṣala ..!" there is katerkaitan between the theme with the character the characters, plot, themes with theme with the title, and theme with irony so the interconnections between the elements with one another the meaning intact.
Hasil (Inggris) 2:
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
HE INTRINSIC ELEMENTS IN THE SHORT STORY "AṬ-ṬĀJIN WAṢALA ..!" IN THE ANTHOLOGY ' ADĀLAH WA FANN TAUFĪQ WORK AL-ḤĀKIM:STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONLiterature is a creative activity and a work of art (Warren and Wellek, 1993:3). Literature is an expression of the human person in the form of experience, thoughts, feelings, ideas, enthusiasm, and belief in a form of concrete imagery that evokes a fascination with language tools (Sumardjo and Saini, 1988:3). Literature has a product in the form of literary works. One of the products of a literary work is the short story. Short story is a story shaped prose that is relatively short. "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" was a recent story of a human life is faced with the problem of food. They consider the Affairs of food is more important than improvements. Each time they work, they are always thinking about food.Robert Stanton (2012:11) split the intrinsic elements of fiction into three parts, namely: the facts of the story, the story means, and themes. The fact the story is divided into three, namely plots, characters, and setting. All three elements is interconnected between one another in the form of meaning. One element to another cannot stand on its own. Masalah akan diteliti di dalam studi ini unsur-unsur intrinsik yang terkandung dalam cerita pendek "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala..!" Taufīq al-Ḥakīm karya maupun cara Association anatarunsurnya. Sekarang tujuan adalah untuk mengungkapkan dan mendiskripsikan unsur-unsur intrinsik dalam cerita pendek "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala..!" serta hubungan untuk antarunsur yang ada dalam cerita pendek ini.Cerita pendek "Ṭajin Aṭ-Waṣala" oleh Taufīq al-Ḥakīm ini belum pernah dilakukan oleh seorang mahasiswa di Universitas di Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan program bahasa dan sastra Arab.Fakta cerita terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu plot, karakter, dan pengaturan. Fakta cerita terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu plot, karakter, dan pengaturan. Groove adalah serangkaian acara dalam sebuah cerita yang terkait kausal (Stanton, 2012:26). Karakter yang merujuk ke individu yang muncul dalam cerita (Stanton, 2012:33). Pengaturan adalah lingkungan yang mencakup peristiwa dalam cerita (Stanton, 2012:35). Pengaturan terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: menetapkan latar belakang tempat, waktu, dan latar belakang sosial. Berarti sastra dapat ditafsirkan sebagai metode memilih dan kompilasi rincian penulis cerita dalam rangka untuk mencapai pola bermakna. Dalam studi ini penulis hanya berfokus pada unsur-unsur judul, sudut pandang, dan ironi sebagai berpengaruh dalam menentukan elemen tema. Stanton (2012:51-52) menyatakan judul yang berkaitan dengan cerita keseluruhan. Sudut pandang adalah posisi sentral pembaca memahami peristiwa-peristiwa dalam cerita (Stanton, 2012:53). Ironi adalah cara untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan sesuatu yang sudah ada sebelumnya (Stanton, 2012:71). Tema ini adalah aspek yang sejajar dengan 'makna' dalam pengalaman manusia (Stanton, 2012:37).Sistematika menulis pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi empat bab. Adapun sistematika penulisan adalah sebagai berikut. Bab I adalah pengenalan yang berisi latar belakang masalah, perumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, review literatur, Yayasan teori, metode penelitian dan pedoman penulisan sistematis transliterasi Arab-Latin. Bab II berisi biografi Sinopsis cerita pendek dan Taufīq al-Ḥakīm "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala..!". Bab III analisis struktural cerita pendek "Ṭājin Aṭ-Waṣala...!" yang berisi unsur-unsur intrinsik belitan antarunsur-elemen. Adapun Bab IV kesimpulan dari analisis yang telah dilakukan dan diikuti oleh sebuah bibliografi dan ringkasan Arab.CHAPTER IIBIOGRAPHY OF AUTHOR AND SHORT STORY SYNOPSIS "AṬ-ṬĀJIN WAṢALA ..!" 2.1 the author's BiographyTaufīq al-Ḥakīm was born in 1898 in Alexandria, Egypt. His father and mother, Egypt arab descendants of Turkey. The old man Taufīq al-Ḥakīm including wealthy peasant family. His father worked as a judge. (www.Geocities.com/penerbit_navilla/profil/Taufik_Hakim.htm).Graduated from high school, Taufīq al-Ḥakīm continue studying at the high school of law. While literary and artistic talents of precious rose, then he joined the sebayanya, such as the young artist whom Maḥmūd Taimur. In 1922, the Taufīq set up several manuscripts of the play (screenplay drama) performed by the group theatre in You in the theater building Al-Azbekiyah (Atho'illah, 2007:145). The works of al-Ḥakīm Taufīq include: people of the al-Kahf (novel-1933), ' Al-Rūh Audat (novel-1933), Syahrazād (novel, 1934), Usfūr min ash-Syarq (novel – 1938), Ahl-Fan (a collection of manuscript fragments: three plays, a short story, and two short komendi), Al-Qaṣrul-Maṣur (novel together Ṭaha Ḥusain -1936), Muhammad (biography of Muhammad ṣalallāhu ' alaihi wasallam in story form-1936), ' Abdusy-syaiṭān (collection of short stories – short story social-1938), Sulaimānul-Ḥakim (script of the play), Al-Malik Ūdib (novel-1949). Most of his work has been translated into French, United Kingdom, Russia, and Spain (Syafiq: 559, 1967). 2.2 SynopsisThe story began when a friend of his and the two Prosecutors named Judge and a judge Bandar al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd live in Damanhūr. Their life is always busy with the Affairs of food. They assume the food is more important than improvements.When in court they are always thinking about food. Judge Ῑtāy al-Bārūd always go home early in order to get the roast so that the judge al-Bandar and prosecutors fret when conducting the trial.When Judge al-Bandar and the Attorney handling a case a suspect and he was a maker of copper tray, both of whom turn their proceedings by discussing copper trays until they both get it wants.CHAPTER IIISTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF SHORT STORIES "ṬĀJIN AṬ-WAṢALA ..!" This chapter will describe the intrinsic elements of "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!". This research starts from the discussion of the intrinsic elements in fact stories, themes, and great literature in the form of the title and the author's point of view as well as the linkages antarusurnya. The fact the story consists of plot, character and setting. In this short story the main character is Judge al-Bandar. An extra figure, namely prosecutors, Judge Ῑtāy al-Bārūd, Manager of the hearing, the suspect and the lawyer. Penyituasian stage begins with the introduction of the character of the Prosecutor and the second friend named Judge and a judge Bandar al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd who was always fussing with food. The stage of appearance of conflict began when when Judge al-Bandar and judge Ῑtāy al-Bārūd and prosecutors increasingly old loses ciata taste food and want to buy copper trays to get food more delicious. Stages of conflict marked by improvement of a judge Bandar, judge al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd and prosecutors want to buy copper trays, but they don't have enough money. The stage climax marked by when Judge al-Bandar and prosecutors shifted the trial case of violation of the law a suspect by discussing copper trays. The stage of completion is indicated by the judge al-Bandar and the Prosecutor agreed to buy copper trays.The setting of the place that is in the city of Damanhūr, Egypt. Details on restaurants and the trial. Setting the time of day, i.e. taken from one of the events when the figure was at work in court. Social background is a community of the city of Damanhūr that are located in the lower level of the economy.The themes contained in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" is the correct fulfillment of basic necessities of a person's effect on its performance. A short story entitled "Ṭājin Aṭ-Waṣala ..!" translated into the Indonesian Language with "Pottery has arrived!". The title refers to the circumstances of the deaths always fussing with the food so that the Affairs of food becomes more important than his work. Point of view in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" was the first-side. The irony in the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" is a profession as a judge who generally have a large salary and made him capable of what she wanted, it turned out that not being able to instantly buy copper tray at a great price.The theme of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" coupled with character figures, title, plot, the title of a short story, and irony. The theme of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" with regard to the character of the people who are not professionals because it is always fussing with food. The theme of the recent "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" deals with the flow of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" which shows the staple food needs fulfillment affair proved to exist at any stage. The theme of the recent "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" with regard to the title of the short story "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" translated into the Indonesian Language with "Pottery has arrived!" because the characters are always fussing with earthenware containing food. The theme of the recent "Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" related to "short story irony Aṭ-Ṭājin Waṣala ..!" which describes the lives of the people who made their living as a judge, but was unable to make ends meet anyway especially food Affairs.CHAPTER IVCONCLUSIONHaving analyzed the short stories "Ṭājin Aṭ-Waṣala ..!" there is katerkaitan between the theme with the character the characters, plot, themes with theme with the title, and theme with irony so the interconnections between the elements with one another the meaning intact.Hasil (Inggris) 2:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam antologi 'Adalah WA Fann Taufiq KERJA Al-Hakim:
Sastra adalah kegiatan kreatif dan karya seni (Warren dan Wellek, 1993 : 3). Sastra adalah ekspresi dari pribadi manusia dalam bentuk pengalaman, pikiran, perasaan, ide, semangat, dan keyakinan dalam bentuk citra beton yang membangkitkan pesona dengan alat bahasa (Sumardjo dan Saini, 1988: 3). Sastra memiliki produk dalam bentuk karya sastra. Salah satu produk dari karya sastra adalah cerita pendek. Cerita pendek adalah cerita berbentuk prosa yang relatif singkat. "At-Tajin Waṣala ..!" itu cerita baru-baru ini dari kehidupan manusia dihadapkan dengan masalah makanan. Mereka menganggap Urusan makanan lebih penting daripada perbaikan. Setiap kali mereka bekerja, mereka selalu berpikir tentang makanan.
Robert Stanton (2012: 11) membagi unsur-unsur intrinsik fiksi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu: fakta-fakta cerita, cerita berarti, dan tema. Bahkan cerita dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu plot, karakter, dan pengaturan. Ketiga unsur ini saling berhubungan antara satu dengan yang lain dalam bentuk makna. Salah satu elemen yang lain tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.
Masalah ini akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah elemen intrinsik yang terkandung dalam cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" Al-Hakim Taufiq bekerja serta bagaimana anatarunsurnya Asosiasi. Sekarang tujuannya adalah untuk mengungkapkan dan mendiskripsikan unsur intrinsik dalam cerpen "At-Tajin Waṣala ..!" serta hubungan dengan antarunsur yang ada dalam cerita pendek ini.
Cerita-cerita pendek "Tajin di-Waṣala" oleh Taufiq al-Hakim ini belum pernah dilakukan oleh seorang mahasiswa di setiap universitas di Indonesia yang menjadi tuan rumah program bahasa dan sastra Arab.
Faktanya cerita dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu plot, karakter, dan pengaturan. Bahkan cerita dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu plot, karakter, dan pengaturan. Groove adalah rangkaian acara dalam sebuah cerita yang terkait kausal (Stanton, 2012: 26). Karakter mengacu pada individu yang muncul dalam cerita (Stanton, 2012: 33). Pengaturan adalah lingkungan yang meliputi acara dalam cerita (Stanton, 2012: 35). Pengaturan ini dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: pengaturan latar belakang tempat, waktu, dan latar belakang sosial.
Sarana sastra dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah metode untuk memilih dan menyusun rincian dari cerita penulis untuk mencapai pola yang bermakna. Dalam penelitian ini penulis hanya berfokus pada unsur-unsur judul, sudut pandang, dan ironi sebagai berpengaruh dalam menentukan unsur-unsur tema. Stanton (2012: 51-52) menyatakan judul berkaitan dengan cerita keseluruhan. Sudut pandang adalah posisi sentral pembaca memahami peristiwa-peristiwa dalam cerita (Stanton, 2012: 53). Ironi adalah cara untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan sesuatu yang sudah ada sebelumnya (Stanton, 2012: 71). Tema merupakan aspek yang selaras dengan 'makna' dalam pengalaman manusia (Stanton, 2012: 37).
Sistematika penulisan pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi empat bab. Adapun Sistematika penulisan adalah sebagai berikut. Bab I merupakan pendahuluan yang berisi latar belakang masalah, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, tinjauan literatur, teori Foundation, metode penelitian, dan pedoman untuk menulis transliterasi sistematis Arab-Latin. Bab II berisi biografi al-Hakim Taufiq dan cerita sinopsis pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!". Analisis struktur Bab III dari cerita pendek "Tajin di-Waṣala ..!" yang mengandung unsur intrinsik belitan antarunsur-unsur. Adapun IV kesimpulan bab dari analisis yang telah dilakukan dan diikuti oleh bibliografi dan ringkasan Arab.
2,1 penulis Biografi
Taufiq al-Hakim lahir pada tahun 1898 di Alexandria, Mesir. Ayah dan ibunya, Mesir keturunan arab dari Turki. Orang tua itu Taufiq al-Hakim termasuk keluarga petani kaya. Ayahnya bekerja sebagai seorang hakim. (www.Geocities.com/penerbit_navilla/profil/Taufik_Hakim.htm).
Lulus dari sekolah tinggi, Taufiq al-Hakim terus belajar di sekolah tinggi hukum. Sementara bakat sastra dan artistik mulia naik, maka ia bergabung sebayanya, seperti artis muda yang Mahmud Taimur.
Pada tahun 1922, Taufiq mengatur beberapa naskah drama (skenario drama) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok teater di Anda di teater Bangunan Al-Azbekiyah (Atho'illah, 2007: 145).
Karya-karya al-Hakim Taufiq meliputi: orang-orang dari al-Kahfi (novel 1933), 'Al-ruh Audat (novel 1933), Syahrazād (Novel, 1934), Usfūr min ash-Syarq (Novel - 1938), Ahl-Fan (koleksi fragmen manuskrip: tiga drama, cerita pendek, dan dua komendi pendek), Al-Qaṣrul-Masur (Novel bersama Taha Husain -1936) , Muhammad (biografi Muhammad ṣalallāhu 'alaihi wasallam dalam cerita bentuk-1936),' Abdusy-syaiṭān (kumpulan cerita pendek - pendek cerita sosial-1938), Sulaimānul-Hakim (naskah drama), Al-Malik Ūdib (Novel -1949). Sebagian besar karyanya telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Prancis, Inggris, Rusia, dan Spanyol (Syafiq: 559, 1967).
2.2 Sinopsis
Cerita dimulai ketika seorang teman dan dua Jaksa bernama Hakim dan hakim Bandar al-Ῑtāy al Bārūd tinggal di Damanhur. Hidup mereka selalu sibuk dengan urusan makanan. Mereka menganggap makanan lebih penting dari perbaikan.
Ketika di pengadilan mereka selalu berpikir tentang makanan. Hakim Ῑtāy al-Bārūd selalu pulang lebih awal untuk mendapatkan panggang sehingga hakim al-Bandar dan jaksa resah ketika melakukan sidang.
Ketika Hakim al-Bandar dan Jaksa penanganan kasus tersangka dan dia adalah seorang pembuat tembaga nampan, keduanya mengubah proses mereka dengan membahas nampan tembaga sampai mereka berdua mendapatkan yang diinginkannya.
Bab ini akan menjelaskan unsur-unsur intrinsik "At-Tajin Waṣala .. ! ". Penelitian ini dimulai dari pembahasan unsur intrinsik dalam cerita sebenarnya, tema, dan sastra besar dalam bentuk judul dan titik penulis pandang serta keterkaitan antarusurnya. Fakta cerita terdiri dari plot, karakter dan pengaturan.
Dalam cerita pendek ini karakter utama adalah Hakim al-Bandar. Seorang tokoh tambahan, yaitu jaksa, Hakim Ῑtāy al-Bārūd, Manager sidang, tersangka dan pengacara.
Tahap Penyituasian dimulai dengan pengenalan karakter Jaksa dan teman kedua bernama Hakim dan hakim Bandar al-Ῑtāy al -Bārūd yang selalu menyibukkan diri dengan makanan. Tahap munculnya konflik dimulai ketika ketika Hakim al-Bandar dan hakim Ῑtāy al-Bārūd dan jaksa semakin lama kehilangan ciata mencicipi makanan dan ingin membeli nampan tembaga untuk mendapatkan makanan lebih lezat. Tahapan konflik ditandai dengan peningkatan hakim Bandar, hakim al-Ῑtāy al-Bārūd dan jaksa ingin membeli nampan tembaga, tetapi mereka tidak memiliki cukup uang. Tahap klimaks ditandai dengan ketika Hakim al-Bandar dan jaksa bergeser kasus percobaan pelanggaran hukum tersangka dengan membahas nampan tembaga. Tahap penyelesaian ditunjukkan oleh hakim al-Bandar dan Jaksa setuju untuk membeli nampan tembaga.
Pengaturan tempat yang ada di kota Damanhur, Mesir. Rincian tentang restoran dan persidangan. Mengatur waktu hari, yaitu diambil dari salah satu peristiwa ketika angka itu bekerja di pengadilan. Latar belakang sosial adalah komunitas kota Damanhur yang terletak di tingkat yang lebih rendah dari ekonomi.
Tema-tema yang terkandung dalam cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" adalah pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar yang benar dari efek seseorang pada kinerjanya.
Sebuah cerita pendek berjudul "Tajin di-Waṣala ..!" diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan "Tembikar telah tiba!". Judul mengacu pada keadaan kematian selalu menyibukkan diri dengan makanan sehingga Urusan makanan menjadi lebih penting daripada pekerjaannya.
Sudut pandang dalam cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" adalah yang pertama-side. Ironi dalam cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" adalah profesi sebagai hakim yang umumnya memiliki gaji besar dan membuatnya mampu apa yang dia inginkan, ternyata tidak mampu untuk segera membeli nampan tembaga dengan harga yang mahal.
Tema cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala. .! " ditambah dengan karakter tokoh, judul, plot, judul cerita pendek, dan ironi. Tema cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" berkaitan dengan karakter orang-orang yang tidak profesional karena selalu menyibukkan diri dengan makanan. Tema baru "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" penawaran dengan aliran cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" yang menunjukkan makanan pokok kebutuhan urusan pemenuhan terbukti ada pada setiap tahap. Tema baru "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" berkaitan dengan judul cerita pendek "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan "Tembikar telah tiba!" karena karakter yang selalu menyibukkan diri dengan gerabah berisi makanan. Tema baru "di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" terkait dengan "cerita ironi pendek di-Tajin Waṣala ..!" yang menggambarkan kehidupan orang-orang yang membuat hidup mereka sebagai hakim, tetapi tidak mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pula terutama Urusan makanan.
Setelah menganalisis cerita pendek "Tajin di-Waṣala ..!" ada katerkaitan antara tema dengan karakter karakter, plot, tema dengan tema dengan judul, dan tema dengan ironi sehingga interkoneksi antara elemen satu dengan yang lain makna utuh.
Hasil (Inggris) 2:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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