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Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011

Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP
Wind Energy Sharepoint site.

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01
Permit To Work (PTW)
Document Control Details

1.0 Purpose

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011

Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP
Wind Energy Sharepoint site.

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01
Permit To Work (PTW)
Permit to Work (PTW) is a key part of managing work activities that have inherently higher risks or
unique aspects that could lead to a higher level of risk than routine or daily work activities. It is
supported by other management policies, procedures, and processes to regulate all work activities
and manage risk. The purpose of this PTW document is to provide guidance in confirming:
 Completion of all defined work activities, notation of the hazards involved, and precautions to
be taken prior to the execution of the work (e.g., use of JSEAs, Safe Work Plan [SWP], etc.).
 Coordination of all activities to provide a safe working environment for all personnel at the site
(e.g., conducting Simultaneous Operations [SIMOPS] meetings).
2.0 Reference
2.1 BP Group CoW - GDP_4_5
2.2 HSSE 14.20.01 - BPWE JSEA Procedure
2.3 HSSE 13.40.01 - BPWE Confined Space Procedure
2.4 HSSE 13.50.01 - BPWE Hot Work Procedure
2.5 HSSE 13.30.01 - BPWE Lockout/Tagout Procedure
2.6 HSSE 13.60.01 - BPWE Ground Disturbance Procedure
3.0 Scope
3.1 This procedure is applicable to all BP Wind Energy employees and contractors that intend
to perform work on BP Wind Energy premises.
3.2 Permanent on-site contractors may utilize their own PTW procedures as long as the
procedures meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this procedure and have been
approved by BP Wind Energy.
3.3 This procedure does not apply to “Non-Operational” Construction sites. These sites may
utilize the PTW procedures of the General Contractor as long as those procedures meet or
exceed the requirements outlined in this procedure and have been approved by BP Wind

4.0 Responsibilities

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011

Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP
Wind Energy Sharepoint site.

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01
Permit To Work (PTW)
4.1 Permit Authority - This role is carried out by the Facility/Site/Project Manager and has the
following responsibilities:
 Overall operation of the Permit to Work Procedure in their physical area of
 Ensuring that the Permit to Work procedure is subject to regular monitoring and
auditing, action upon the results of these audits to maintain the integrity of the
system and proposing any recommendations for system improvement.
 Authorizing the Area Authority, Performing Authority, and Issuing Authority to carry
out their duties, as described in this procedure.
 Ensuring that the training and competency standards, as defined in this procedure
are followed and to satisfy himself/herself that the AA is competent.
 Authorization of all categories of Work Permits.
 Approval of Lessons Learned and audits.
4.2 Area Authority (AA) - are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Permit to
Work process within their defined area. The Area Authority is normally the FM, DFM,
Project Manager, site manager, or equivalent, although any individual can be assigned this
role. There can be more than one Area Authority at the site or premises.
 Have overall responsibility for the safe control of non-routine work activities within
their defined area in accordance with the Permit to Work system, including the
issue of all Work Permits and associated Certificates.
 Ensure the appropriate level of risk assessment has been carried out for the task.
 Liaise closely with the Performing Authority when planning Permits, to ensure that
appropriate controls are identified for each identified hazard.
 Ensure all the agreed control measures are in place, confirm that the Performing
Authority fully understands the scope of the task and that other members of the
work party have been fully briefed via a safety Toolbox Talk or equivalent means
of communication.
 Provide the culture to “STOP the Job” if anyone feels unsafe or uncertain about
any aspect of the task.
 Approve isolation design, control isolation implementation and ensure the agreed

isolations are in place prior to allowing an associated permit to be issued.

 Ensure that the isolations are properly removed after completion of the work and

cancellation of the permit.
 Ensure that worksite inspections are carried out before, during and after the
performance of each task (some of this task may be delegated to a competent
direct report).
 Ensure that adequate handovers take place at shift change, crew change or other
change out/over of Area Authorities, Performing Authorities and Isolation

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011

Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP
Wind Energy Sharepoint site.

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01
Permit To Work (PTW)
4.3 Issuing Authority (IA) - The IA may be the Lead Technician or Supervisor responsible for
normal operations within a particular discipline. The IA shall be an individual with additional
training and understanding of safe practices.
 The IA may be the AA. If not the AA, the IA will support the AA in the safe control
of work activities.
 This position is responsible to the AA for the management and safety of all
activities within the designated area, including the issue of a PTW.
 Must be onsite for the duration of the Permitted task and confirm the job is
performed per the requirements of the Permit, JSEA, Safe Work Plan and/or Level
2 risk assessment, whichever is applicable to the Permit.
 Issue Permits in accordance with the procedures within their area.
 Work closely with the PA when planning Permits to confirm that the appropriate
hazards and controls have been identified for that task.
 Confirm that all appropriate control measures are put in place prior to allowing a
Permit to go live.
 Confirm that the PA fully understands the scope of the task and that other
members of the work party are fully briefed.
 Authorize continuation of work where additional hazards are identified at the work
 Monitor work time limits specified on individual Permits.
 Restrict the number of Permits an individual PA manages at any one time.
 Confirm all personnel working within PTW are appropriately trained.
4.4 Performing Authority (PA) - The PA’s main duties are to:
 Initiate the Permit and identify the hazards and control measures for the task being
 Participate in any Risk Assessment where required.
 Hold tool box meetings as necessary to ensure that all other persons involved in
the task fully understand the scope of the work, the identified hazards and
associated controls (and ensure that all participating in the task sign off the
worksite hard copy of the Permit).
 Provide the culture to “STOP the Job” if anyone feels unsafe or uncertain about
any aspect of the task.
 Ensure that only personnel authorized by the Permit participate in the work and no
unauthorized interference takes place.
 Ensure that if there are any changes to the initial Permit conditions the work is
stopped and reassessed (Note: these include both changes in the work scope and
conditions at the work site).
 Report and interact regularly with the AA and IA on any issues, to ensure risks

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011

Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP
Wind Energy Sharepoint site.

Document Number HSSE 13.20.01
Permit To Work (PTW)
from all hazards continue to be mitigated by controls to as low as reasonably
practicable (ALARP).
 Ensure that any agreed supplementary controls are recorded on the Permit and
 Ensure that only work covered within the Permit scope takes place.
 Ensure that lessons learned from the job are captured.
 Ensure that the worksite is kept in a clean and safe condition both during and upon
completion of the job.
 Ensure adequate handovers take place at shift and crew change periods with the
oncoming Performing and Area Authorities.
4.5 Authorized Gas Tester
 Shall minimally test for the presence of flammable vapors, toxic gases, and oxygen
prior to and during work covered by a Hot Work or Confined Space Entry Permit.
 When it is determined that Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) or other toxic
agents may be present, the PA or AGT shall notify the IA and AA and consultation
with the HSSE Advisor shall be initiated.
 AGTs shall be trained on the specific monitor in use and must understand the
limitations of the devices that they are using.
4.6 Fire Watch - The Fire Watch is responsible for
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Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP Wind Energy Sharepoint site. Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Permit To Work (PTW) BP WIND ENERGYPOLICIES AND PROCEDURES PERMIT TO WORK (PTW) Document Control Details 1.0 Purpose Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP Wind Energy Sharepoint site. Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Permit To Work (PTW) Permit to Work (PTW) is a key part of managing work activities that have inherently higher risks orunique aspects that could lead to a higher level of risk than routine or daily work activities. It issupported by other management policies, procedures, and processes to regulate all work activitiesand manage risk. The purpose of this PTW document is to provide guidance in confirming:  Completion of all defined work activities, notation of the hazards involved, and precautions tobe taken prior to the execution of the work (e.g., use of JSEAs, Safe Work Plan [SWP], etc.).  Coordination of all activities to provide a safe working environment for all personnel at the site(e.g., conducting Simultaneous Operations [SIMOPS] meetings). 2.0 Reference 2.1 BP Group CoW - GDP_4_52.2 HSSE 14.20.01 - BPWE JSEA Procedure2.3 HSSE 13.40.01 - BPWE Confined Space Procedure2.4 HSSE 13.50.01 - BPWE Hot Work Procedure2.5 HSSE 13.30.01 - BPWE Lockout/Tagout Procedure2.6 HSSE 13.60.01 - BPWE Ground Disturbance Procedure 3.0 Scope 3.1 This procedure is applicable to all BP Wind Energy employees and contractors that intendto perform work on BP Wind Energy premises. 3.2 Permanent on-site contractors may utilize their own PTW procedures as long as theprocedures meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this procedure and have beenapproved by BP Wind Energy. 3.3 This procedure does not apply to “Non-Operational” Construction sites. These sites mayutilize the PTW procedures of the General Contractor as long as those procedures meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this procedure and have been approved by BP WindEnergy. 4.0 Responsibilities Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP Wind Energy Sharepoint site. Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Permit To Work (PTW) 4.1 Permit Authority - This role is carried out by the Facility/Site/Project Manager and has thefollowing responsibilities:  Overall operation of the Permit to Work Procedure in their physical area ofresponsibility.  Ensuring that the Permit to Work procedure is subject to regular monitoring andauditing, action upon the results of these audits to maintain the integrity of thesystem and proposing any recommendations for system improvement.  Authorizing the Area Authority, Performing Authority, and Issuing Authority to carry out their duties, as described in this procedure. Ensuring that the training and competency standards, as defined in this procedure are followed and to satisfy himself/herself that the AA is competent. Authorization of all categories of Work Permits. Approval of Lessons Learned and audits. 4.2 Area Authority (AA) - are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Permit toWork process within their defined area. The Area Authority is normally the FM, DFM,Project Manager, site manager, or equivalent, although any individual can be assigned thisrole. There can be more than one Area Authority at the site or premises.  Have overall responsibility for the safe control of non-routine work activities withintheir defined area in accordance with the Permit to Work system, including theissue of all Work Permits and associated Certificates.  Ensure the appropriate level of risk assessment has been carried out for the task. Liaise closely with the Performing Authority when planning Permits, to ensure that appropriate controls are identified for each identified hazard. Ensure all the agreed control measures are in place, confirm that the Performing Authority fully understands the scope of the task and that other members of thework party have been fully briefed via a safety Toolbox Talk or equivalent meansof communication.  Provide the culture to “STOP the Job” if anyone feels unsafe or uncertain aboutany aspect of the task.  Approve isolation design, control isolation implementation and ensure the agreedisolations are in place prior to allowing an associated permit to be issued.  Ensure that the isolations are properly removed after completion of the work andcancellation of the permit.  Ensure that worksite inspections are carried out before, during and after theperformance of each task (some of this task may be delegated to a competentdirect report).  Ensure that adequate handovers take place at shift change, crew change or otherchange out/over of Area Authorities, Performing Authorities and IsolationAuthorities. Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP Wind Energy Sharepoint site. Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Permit To Work (PTW) 4.3 Issuing Authority (IA) - The IA may be the Lead Technician or Supervisor responsible fornormal operations within a particular discipline. The IA shall be an individual with additionaltraining and understanding of safe practices.  The IA may be the AA. If not the AA, the IA will support the AA in the safe controlof work activities.  This position is responsible to the AA for the management and safety of allactivities within the designated area, including the issue of a PTW.  Must be onsite for the duration of the Permitted task and confirm the job is performed per the requirements of the Permit, JSEA, Safe Work Plan and/or Level 2 risk assessment, whichever is applicable to the Permit. Issue Permits in accordance with the procedures within their area. Work closely with the PA when planning Permits to confirm that the appropriate hazards and controls have been identified for that task. THE SAME PERSON CANNOT ACT AS IA AND PA FOR THE SAME TASK. Confirm that all appropriate control measures are put in place prior to allowing a Permit to go live. Confirm that the PA fully understands the scope of the task and that other members of the work party are fully briefed. Authorize continuation of work where additional hazards are identified at the work site. Monitor work time limits specified on individual Permits. Restrict the number of Permits an individual PA manages at any one time. Confirm all personnel working within PTW are appropriately trained. 4.4 Performing Authority (PA) - The PA’s main duties are to: Initiate the Permit and identify the hazards and control measures for the task being planned.  Participate in any Risk Assessment where required. Hold tool box meetings as necessary to ensure that all other persons involved in the task fully understand the scope of the work, the identified hazards andassociated controls (and ensure that all participating in the task sign off theworksite hard copy of the Permit).  Provide the culture to “STOP the Job” if anyone feels unsafe or uncertain aboutany aspect of the task.  Ensure that only personnel authorized by the Permit participate in the work and nounauthorized interference takes place.  Ensure that if there are any changes to the initial Permit conditions the work is stopped and reassessed (Note: these include both changes in the work scope andconditions at the work site).  Report and interact regularly with the AA and IA on any issues, to ensure risks Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Print Date: 9/17/2011 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the BP Wind Energy Sharepoint site. Document Number HSSE 13.20.01 Permit To Work (PTW) from all hazards continue to be mitigated by controls to as low as reasonablypracticable (ALARP).  Ensure that any agreed supplementary controls are recorded on the Permit andapplied.  Ensure that only work covered within the Permit scope takes place. Ensure that lessons learned from the job are captured. Ensure that the worksite is kept in a clean and safe condition both during and upon completion of the job. Ensure adequate handovers take place at shift and crew change periods with the oncoming Performing and Area Authorities. 4.5 Authorized Gas Tester  Shall minimally test for the presence of flammable vapors, toxic gases, and oxygen prior to and during work covered by a Hot Work or Confined Space Entry Permit. When it is determined that Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) or other toxic agents may be present, the PA or AGT shall notify the IA and AA and consultationwith the HSSE Advisor shall be initiated.  AGTs shall be trained on the specific monitor in use and must understand thelimitations of the devices that they are using. 4.6 Fire Watch - The Fire Watch is responsible for
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Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Cetak Tanggal: 2011/09/17 salinan kertas yang tidak terkontrol. Salinan hanya berlaku pada saat pencetakan. Versi dikendalikan dokumen ini dapat ditemukan di BP Angin situs Energi Sharepoint. Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Izin Bekerja (PTW) BP ANGIN ENERGI KEBIJAKAN DAN PROSEDUR IZIN KERJA (PTW) Dokumen Detail Pengendalian 1.0 Tujuan Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20 01 Cetak Tanggal: 2011/09/17 salinan kertas yang tidak terkontrol. Salinan hanya berlaku pada saat pencetakan. Versi dikendalikan dokumen ini dapat ditemukan di BP Angin situs Energi Sharepoint. Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Izin Bekerja (PTW) Izin Kerja (PTW) adalah bagian penting dari mengelola aktivitas kerja yang memiliki risiko inheren yang lebih tinggi atau unik aspek yang dapat menyebabkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari risiko dari aktivitas kerja rutin atau harian. Hal ini didukung oleh kebijakan lain manajemen, prosedur, dan proses untuk mengatur semua aktivitas kerja dan mengelola risiko. Tujuan dari dokumen PTW ini adalah untuk memberikan pedoman dalam mengkonfirmasikan:  Penyelesaian semua aktivitas kerja didefinisikan, notasi bahaya yang terlibat, dan tindakan pencegahan untuk diambil sebelum pelaksanaan pekerjaan (misalnya, penggunaan JSEAs, Rencana Kerja Aman [ . SWP], dll)  Koordinasi semua kegiatan untuk menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang aman untuk semua personil di lokasi (misalnya, melakukan Simultan Operasi [SIMOPS] pertemuan). 2.0 Referensi 2.1 BP Grup KK - GDP_4_5 2,2 HSSE 14.20.01 - BPWE JSEA Prosedur 2.3 HSSE 13.40.01 - BPWE Terbatas Prosedur Ruang 2.4 HSSE 13.50.01 - BPWE Hot Tata Kerja 2.5 HSSE 13.30.01 - BPWE Lockout / tagout Prosedur 2.6 HSSE 13.60.01 - BPWE tanah Gangguan Prosedur 3.0 Ruang Lingkup 3.1 Prosedur ini berlaku untuk seluruh karyawan BP Energi Angin dan kontraktor yang berniat untuk melakukan pekerjaan di tempat BP Energi Angin. 3.2 permanen di tempat kontraktor dapat memanfaatkan prosedur PTW mereka sendiri selama prosedur memenuhi atau melampaui persyaratan yang digariskan dalam prosedur ini dan telah disetujui oleh BP Energi Angin. 3.3 Prosedur ini tidak berlaku untuk "Non-Operasional" situs konstruksi. Situs-situs tersebut dapat memanfaatkan prosedur PTW dari General Contractor selama prosedur tersebut memenuhi atau melampaui persyaratan yang digariskan dalam prosedur ini dan telah disetujui oleh BP Angin Energi. 4.0 Tanggung Jawab Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Cetak Tanggal: 2011/09/17 salinan kertas yang tidak terkendali. Salinan hanya berlaku pada saat pencetakan. Versi dikendalikan dokumen ini dapat ditemukan di BP Angin situs Energi Sharepoint. Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Izin Bekerja (PTW) 4.1 Otoritas Izin - Peran ini dilakukan oleh Fasilitas / Site / Project Manager dan memiliki berikut tanggung jawab: Keseluruhan operasi  Izin Kerja Prosedur di daerah fisik mereka . tanggung jawab  Memastikan bahwa Izin Kerja prosedur tunduk pada pemantauan berkala dan audit, tindakan atas hasil audit tersebut untuk menjaga integritas sistem dan mengusulkan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan sistem.  otorisasi Otoritas Area, Pertunjukan Authority, dan Penerbit Otoritas untuk melaksanakan tugasnya, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam prosedur ini.  Memastikan bahwa standar pelatihan dan kompetensi, sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam prosedur ini diikuti dan untuk memuaskan dirinya sendiri . / dirinya sendiri bahwa AA kompeten  Otorisasi dari semua kategori Izin Kerja.  Persetujuan Pembelajaran dan audit. 4.2 Pembesar Area (AA) - ​​bertanggung jawab untuk pengelolaan Izin sehari-hari untuk bekerja dalam proses mereka area tertentu. Area Otoritas biasanya FM, DFM, Project Manager, manajer situs, atau setara, meskipun setiap individu dapat diberikan ini peran. Ada bisa lebih dari satu Authority di Area di lokasi atau tempat.  Memiliki tanggung jawab keseluruhan untuk kontrol yang aman dari kegiatan kerja non-rutin dalam daerah mereka ditetapkan sesuai dengan Izin Kerja sistem, termasuk masalah semua Izin Kerja dan terkait Sertifikat.  Pastikan tingkat yang tepat dari penilaian risiko telah dilakukan untuk tugas tersebut.  Berhubungan erat dengan Otoritas Pertunjukan ketika merencanakan Izin, untuk memastikan bahwa pengendalian yang tepat diidentifikasi untuk setiap bahaya diidentifikasi.  Pastikan semua tindakan pengendalian yang disepakati dalam Tempat, mengkonfirmasi bahwa Pertunjukan Otoritas sepenuhnya memahami ruang lingkup tugas dan anggota lain dari partai pekerjaan telah diberi pengarahan sepenuhnya melalui keselamatan Toolbox Talk atau sarana setara komunikasi.  Memberikan budaya untuk "BERHENTI Job" jika ada yang merasa tidak aman atau tidak pasti tentang segala aspek dari tugas.  Menyetujui desain isolasi, mengontrol pelaksanaan isolasi dan memastikan disepakati isolasi berada di tempat sebelum memungkinkan izin terkait yang akan dikeluarkan.  Pastikan bahwa isolasi yang benar dihapus setelah penyelesaian pekerjaan dan pembatalan izin.  Pastikan bahwa inspeksi tempat kerja dilakukan sebelum, selama dan setelah kinerja setiap tugas (beberapa tugas ini dapat didelegasikan kepada kompeten laporan langsung).  Pastikan bahwa serah terima yang memadai berlangsung di pergeseran perubahan, kru perubahan atau lainnya perubahan keluar / lebih dari Otoritas Area, Otoritas Pertunjukan dan Isolasi Pihak berwenang. Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Cetak Tanggal: 2011/09/17 salinan kertas yang tidak terkontrol. Salinan hanya berlaku pada saat pencetakan. Versi dikendalikan dokumen ini dapat ditemukan di BP Angin situs Energi Sharepoint. Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Izin Bekerja (PTW) 4.3 Penerbitan Authority (IA) - The IA mungkin Teknisi Timbal atau Pengawas bertanggung jawab untuk operasi normal dalam disiplin tertentu. IA akan menjadi individu dengan tambahan pelatihan dan pemahaman tentang praktek yang aman.  IA mungkin AA. Jika tidak AA, IA akan mendukung AA dalam kontrol yang aman dari aktivitas kerja.  Posisi ini bertanggung jawab kepada AA untuk pengelolaan dan keselamatan semua kegiatan dalam area tertentu, termasuk masalah dari PTW.  Harus onsite selama tugas yang diijinkan dan mengkonfirmasi pekerjaan yang dilakukan sesuai dengan persyaratan Izin, JSEA, Rencana Kerja Aman dan / atau Tingkat 2 penilaian risiko, mana yang berlaku untuk Izin.  Izin Isu sesuai dengan prosedur dalam daerah mereka.  Bekerja sama dengan PA ketika merencanakan Izin untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa sesuai bahaya dan kontrol telah diidentifikasi untuk tugas itu.  SAMA ORANG TIDAK BISA BERTINDAK SEBAGAI IA DAN PA UNTUK SAMA TUGAS.  Konfirmasi bahwa semua tindakan pengendalian yang tepat adalah menempatkan sebelum memungkinkan Izin untuk pergi hidup.  Konfirmasi bahwa PA sepenuhnya memahami ruang lingkup tugas dan lain anggota partai pekerjaan diberitahu secara penuh.  Otorisasi kelanjutan dari kerja di mana bahaya tambahan diidentifikasi di tempat kerja situs . .  batas waktu kerja monitor ditentukan pada Izin individu  Batasi jumlah Izin sebuah PA individu mengelola pada satu waktu.  Konfirmasi semua karyawan yang bekerja dalam PTW yang terlatih. 4.4 Pertunjukan Authority (PA) - tugas utama PA adalah untuk :  Memulai Izin dan mengidentifikasi bahaya dan tindakan pengendalian untuk tugas yang direncanakan.  Berpartisipasi dalam Penilaian Risiko di mana diperlukan.  pertemuan kotak alat Tahan yang diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa semua orang lain yang terlibat dalam tugas sepenuhnya memahami ruang lingkup kerja, bahaya diidentifikasi dan kontrol terkait (dan memastikan bahwa semua yang berpartisipasi dalam tugas menandatangani off hard copy tempat kerja dari Izin).  Memberikan budaya untuk "BERHENTI Job" jika ada yang merasa tidak aman atau tidak pasti tentang segala aspek dari tugas .  Memastikan bahwa hanya personil yang berwenang oleh Izin berpartisipasi dalam pekerjaan dan tidak ada gangguan yang tidak sah terjadi.  Pastikan bahwa jika ada perubahan pada kondisi Izin awal pekerjaan berhenti dan dinilai ulang (Catatan: ini mencakup perubahan dalam pekerjaan lingkup dan . kondisi di tempat kerja)  Laporan dan berinteraksi secara teratur dengan AA dan IA pada masalah apapun, untuk memastikan risiko Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Cetak Tanggal: 2011/09/17 salinan kertas yang tidak terkontrol. Salinan hanya berlaku pada saat pencetakan. Versi dikendalikan dokumen ini dapat ditemukan di BP Angin situs Energi Sharepoint. Dokumen Nomor HSSE 13.20.01 Izin Bekerja (PTW) dari semua bahaya terus dikurangi dengan kontrol untuk serendah mungkin praktis (ALARP).  Memastikan bahwa setiap disepakati kontrol tambahan dicatat pada Izin dan diterapkan.  Memastikan bahwa hanya kerja tertutup dalam Izin lingkup berlangsung.  Pastikan bahwa pelajaran dari pekerjaan ditangkap.  Pastikan bahwa tempat kerja disimpan dalam kondisi bersih dan aman baik selama dan setelah selesainya pekerjaan.  Pastikan handover memadai berlangsung di periode pergeseran dan perubahan kru dengan Otoritas di Area Performing lintas dan. 4.5 Resmi Tester Gas  Akan minimal tes untuk kehadiran uap yang mudah terbakar, gas beracun, dan oksigen sebelum dan selama bekerja ditutupi oleh Work Hot atau Sempit Izin Masuk Ruang.  Ketika itu ditentukan bahwa Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) atau beracun lainnya agen mungkin ada, PA atau AGT harus memberitahu IA dan AA dan konsultasi dengan HSSE yang Penasihat harus dimulai.  AGTs harus dilatih pada monitor tertentu dalam penggunaan dan harus memahami keterbatasan perangkat yang mereka gunakan. 4.6 Api Watch - Api Perhiasan bertanggung jawab untuk

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