Putting effective supervision into practiceSelf-check your supervision terjemahan - Putting effective supervision into practiceSelf-check your supervision Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Putting effective supervision into

Putting effective supervision into practice
Self-check your supervision practice
• What are the outcomes of your supervision practice? This should be agreed
beforehand and ideally with a time frame. For example, for the supervisee to
become more proactive about their own learning, for decision-making about
people who use services to be more robust.
• Has your supervision practice achieved the intended outcomes?
• Is there a benefit from the point of view of the person at the core of the process
(i.e. the person who uses services)?
• Are there any other benefits?
It is important to clarify what is meant by ‘outcome’ and what is meant by ‘benefit’.
Outcome is used here to mean ‘end result’, aim or objective. Benefit means a positive
result from the point of view of a particular group of people. This will be subjective
because it will be informed by their point of view. Moreover, what may benefit one
individual or group may not benefit another.
Recommendation 3 states that ‘codes of practice within health and social care
highlight the importance of workers taking responsibility for their own learning and
professional development, supported by their employer’. Now consider the following
definition of supervision: ‘Supervision is a process by which one worker is given
responsibility by the organisation to work with another worker in order to meet certain
organisational, professional and personal objectives which together promote the best
outcomes for people who use services’. In order for this to work you will need to
consider your part in the process.
The underlying principle of supervision is that it is seen as a process in which you, the
individual worker, have an active part and of which you can take ownership. The
purpose of supervision is for you to get to grips with your practice in relation to your role,
making sure you are working towards the best outcomes for the people who are at the
heart of your service.
Ask yourself the following questions:
• How often does your supervision occur?
• What do you expect from it? Does it match what your supervisor expects?
• Do you understand the purpose of supervision?
• How is supervision recorded and how is that record used?
• Are you aware of your responsibility in relation to your role?
• Do you understand the different types of supervision available?
• Does your organisation offer training?
• How can you use supervision to develop practice within your role?
• How can you make the most of supervision?
• What leadership qualities do you have?
Care workers should prepare for their supervision session by reading the notes from
their last supervision session and reminding themselves of the actions required. They
should choose examples of their practice they wish to discuss. This may be in relation
to specific incidents or more general issues with the people they support, their relatives
or other professionals. They may have questions they need to ask regarding a person’s
care. As practice is always evolving they may wish to consider where they would like to
be in terms of their development and their role. As part of their active input into the
supervision process they could consider supervision records as evidence of
achievement in, for example, common induction. See SCIE's Understanding Common
Induction resource.
Video clip
Consider how supervision is being used to develop a worker’s role in a
residential setting (Video on You Tube).
Support workers may wish to consider any or all of the above, or practice issues
related to positive behaviour support and management, for example the British
Institute of Learning Difficulties (BiLD) has a number of resources in relation to this.
Social workers should prepare for their supervision session by reading through the
notes from the last session and reminding themselves of any actions required. They
may identify patterns of practice from these notes. They may have practice questions or
wish to discuss outcomes from their interventions. They may also wish to review their
practice more generally in relation to the professional capabilities framework.
For PAs all of the above in relation to care and support may apply. However, it is
acknowledged that the issue of whether a PA is receiving supervision at all or who is
providing it may be more pertinent and this will need to be discussed and agreed with
the employer.
It is recognised that you may be both a supervisee and a supervisor. Check the
recommendations at the beginning of this guide and if you have not already done so,
read through the section on the foundations of effective supervision practice,
especially those parts concerned with reflection, critical thinking and managing
performance. Then ask yourself the following questions.
• What leadership qualities do I have?
• How do I define supervision?
• What makes for good supervision?
• What outcomes do I expect from supervision and do these align with what my
supervisees expect?
• Is my practice knowledge up to date and relevant to the specific populations of
people with whom my supervisees are working?
• Am I familiar with current research on supervision and current practice?
Strategic and operational leaders
Leading the development and maintenance of effective supervision within your
organisation may require you to consider how this can best be done. As stated at the
beginning of this guide all sections are relevant to you, starting with the
You will need to be clear about what you understand supervision to be (its definition)
and about the types of one-to-one supervision (clinical, professional, managerial and
any other you wish to be used in your organisation). You should consider what you
already have in place and whether it is fit for purpose. You should listen to what staff
feel they need in relation to their role and their practice and you may like to consider
how you can engage the people who use your service and informal carers in the
process. You will need to be clear that everyone understands the purpose and intent of
You should also consider the benefits of good supervision. These include improvements
• the quality and effectiveness of practice (for workers and eventually people
who use services)
• quality of life and wellbeing
• service delivery
• the quality of care and support
• recruitment and retention
• performance
• organisational functioning
• the reputation of the organisation.
Video clip
Watch what two organisations have to say about the benefits of supervision
(Video on You Tube).
It should be stressed that more focused research into practice may be required to
pinpoint which aspects of supervision are likely to deliver specific benefits within a given
Organisational commitment to cost-benefit analysis (measureable benefits in relation to
aggregated costs) may have the advantage of clarifying for you and your organisation
where resources should be committed.
For organisations that employ social workers in England, you should be familiar with the
Social worker employer standards and supervision framework. The Local
Government Association (LGA) has responsibility for this.
There are a number of templates that could be useful, such as the Employers'
standards action plan. There is also guidance available for providing supervision in
different settings.
Supervision and the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)
From the point of view of employers of social workers it is worth considering this issue.
Supervision plays a critical part in the development (and possible retention) of social
workers, with particular reference to those at the beginning of their careers. Some of the
key functions of supervision overlap with the functions of assessment in the ASYE. It
will be important to be clear about this and to consider what the evaluation of these
programmes can tell us. Consider the following questions.
• Is it good practice for the supervisor, assessor and line management role to be
concentrated in one person?
• Do managers, supervisors and assessors have the appropriate qualities, skills
and knowledge?
• How are assessments standardised?
• How are supervision records maintained?
• How are they used as evidence of practice?
• How will they be considered through service inspection?
Information about the ASYE programmes may be found at the websites of the
Department for Education (DfE), Skills for Care and The College of Social Work
Supervision and induction
It is good practice for those joining a service to be prepared for the work they will be
doing. Induction standards systematically set out all the things that a worker should
know to enable them to do their job safely and effectively. In England, the expectation is
that social care workers in adult services will meet the Common Induction Standards
(CIS). Supervision is one place where workers and supervisors can discuss practice in
relation to the eight areas of induction. The manager is responsible for ‘signing off’
common induction and even if they do not directly supervise a worker, evidence of
achieving the outcomes related to the eight areas of induction may be in the supervision
Commissioners should consider the resource implications required to develop and
maintain effective supervision. You could look at the sections on cost and cost-benefit
analysis as well as the recommendations in relation to PAs and people who use
services. You may wish to consider the benefits of good supervision and how this might
affect the people for whom you are commissioning services.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Putting effective supervision into practiceSelf-check your supervision practice• What are the outcomes of your supervision practice? This should be agreedbeforehand and ideally with a time frame. For example, for the supervisee tobecome more proactive about their own learning, for decision-making aboutpeople who use services to be more robust.• Has your supervision practice achieved the intended outcomes?• Is there a benefit from the point of view of the person at the core of the process(i.e. the person who uses services)?• Are there any other benefits?It is important to clarify what is meant by ‘outcome’ and what is meant by ‘benefit’.Outcome is used here to mean ‘end result’, aim or objective. Benefit means a positiveresult from the point of view of a particular group of people. This will be subjectivebecause it will be informed by their point of view. Moreover, what may benefit oneindividual or group may not benefit another.SuperviseesRecommendation 3 states that ‘codes of practice within health and social carehighlight the importance of workers taking responsibility for their own learning andprofessional development, supported by their employer’. Now consider the followingdefinition of supervision: ‘Supervision is a process by which one worker is givenresponsibility by the organisation to work with another worker in order to meet certainorganisational, professional and personal objectives which together promote the bestoutcomes for people who use services’. In order for this to work you will need toconsider your part in the process.The underlying principle of supervision is that it is seen as a process in which you, theindividual worker, have an active part and of which you can take ownership. Thepurpose of supervision is for you to get to grips with your practice in relation to your role,making sure you are working towards the best outcomes for the people who are at theheart of your service.Ask yourself the following questions:• How often does your supervision occur?• What do you expect from it? Does it match what your supervisor expects?• Do you understand the purpose of supervision?• How is supervision recorded and how is that record used?• Are you aware of your responsibility in relation to your role?• Do you understand the different types of supervision available?• Does your organisation offer training?• How can you use supervision to develop practice within your role?• How can you make the most of supervision?• What leadership qualities do you have?Care workers should prepare for their supervision session by reading the notes fromtheir last supervision session and reminding themselves of the actions required. Theyshould choose examples of their practice they wish to discuss. This may be in relationto specific incidents or more general issues with the people they support, their relativesor other professionals. They may have questions they need to ask regarding a person’scare. As practice is always evolving they may wish to consider where they would like tobe in terms of their development and their role. As part of their active input into thesupervision process they could consider supervision records as evidence ofachievement in, for example, common induction. See SCIE's Understanding CommonInduction resource.Video clipConsider how supervision is being used to develop a worker’s role in aresidential setting (Video on You Tube).Support workers may wish to consider any or all of the above, or practice issuesrelated to positive behaviour support and management, for example the BritishInstitute of Learning Difficulties (BiLD) has a number of resources in relation to this.Social workers should prepare for their supervision session by reading through thenotes from the last session and reminding themselves of any actions required. Theymay identify patterns of practice from these notes. They may have practice questions orwish to discuss outcomes from their interventions. They may also wish to review theirpractice more generally in relation to the professional capabilities framework.For PAs all of the above in relation to care and support may apply. However, it isacknowledged that the issue of whether a PA is receiving supervision at all or who isproviding it may be more pertinent and this will need to be discussed and agreed withthe employer.SupervisorsIt is recognised that you may be both a supervisee and a supervisor. Check therecommendations at the beginning of this guide and if you have not already done so,read through the section on the foundations of effective supervision practice,especially those parts concerned with reflection, critical thinking and managingperformance. Then ask yourself the following questions.• What leadership qualities do I have?• How do I define supervision?• What makes for good supervision?• What outcomes do I expect from supervision and do these align with what mysupervisees expect?• Is my practice knowledge up to date and relevant to the specific populations ofpeople with whom my supervisees are working?• Am I familiar with current research on supervision and current practice?Strategic and operational leadersLeading the development and maintenance of effective supervision within yourorganisation may require you to consider how this can best be done. As stated at thebeginning of this guide all sections are relevant to you, starting with therecommendations.You will need to be clear about what you understand supervision to be (its definition)and about the types of one-to-one supervision (clinical, professional, managerial andany other you wish to be used in your organisation). You should consider what youalready have in place and whether it is fit for purpose. You should listen to what stafffeel they need in relation to their role and their practice and you may like to considerhow you can engage the people who use your service and informal carers in theprocess. You will need to be clear that everyone understands the purpose and intent ofsupervision.You should also consider the benefits of good supervision. These include improvementsin:• the quality and effectiveness of practice (for workers and eventually peoplewho use services)• quality of life and wellbeing• service delivery• the quality of care and support• recruitment and retention• performance• organisational functioning• the reputation of the organisation.Video clipWatch what two organisations have to say about the benefits of supervision(Video on You Tube).It should be stressed that more focused research into practice may be required topinpoint which aspects of supervision are likely to deliver specific benefits within a givensetting.Organisational commitment to cost-benefit analysis (measureable benefits in relation toaggregated costs) may have the advantage of clarifying for you and your organisationwhere resources should be committed.For organisations that employ social workers in England, you should be familiar with theSocial worker employer standards and supervision framework. The LocalGovernment Association (LGA) has responsibility for this.There are a number of templates that could be useful, such as the Employers'standards action plan. There is also guidance available for providing supervision indifferent settings.Supervision and the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)From the point of view of employers of social workers it is worth considering this issue.Supervision plays a critical part in the development (and possible retention) of socialworkers, with particular reference to those at the beginning of their careers. Some of thekey functions of supervision overlap with the functions of assessment in the ASYE. Itwill be important to be clear about this and to consider what the evaluation of theseprogrammes can tell us. Consider the following questions.• Is it good practice for the supervisor, assessor and line management role to beconcentrated in one person?• Do managers, supervisors and assessors have the appropriate qualities, skillsand knowledge?• How are assessments standardised?• How are supervision records maintained?• How are they used as evidence of practice?• How will they be considered through service inspection?Information about the ASYE programmes may be found at the websites of theDepartment for Education (DfE), Skills for Care and The College of Social Work(TCSW).Supervision and inductionIt is good practice for those joining a service to be prepared for the work they will bedoing. Induction standards systematically set out all the things that a worker shouldknow to enable them to do their job safely and effectively. In England, the expectation isthat social care workers in adult services will meet the Common Induction Standards(CIS). Supervision is one place where workers and supervisors can discuss practice inrelation to the eight areas of induction. The manager is responsible for ‘signing off’common induction and even if they do not directly supervise a worker, evidence ofachieving the outcomes related to the eight areas of induction may be in the supervisionrecords.CommissionersCommissioners should consider the resource implications required to develop andmaintain effective supervision. You could look at the sections on cost and cost-benefitanalysis as well as the recommendations in relation to PAs and people who useservices. You may wish to consider the benefits of good supervision and how this mightaffect the people for whom you are commissioning services.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menempatkan pengawasan yang efektif dalam praktek
Self-memeriksa praktik pengawasan Anda
• Apa hasil dari praktik pengawasan Anda? Ini harus disepakati
terlebih dahulu dan idealnya dengan kerangka waktu. Misalnya, untuk supervisee untuk
menjadi lebih proaktif tentang pembelajaran mereka sendiri, untuk pengambilan keputusan tentang
orang-orang yang menggunakan layanan untuk menjadi lebih kuat.
• Memiliki praktik pengawasan Anda mencapai hasil yang diharapkan?
• Apakah ada manfaat dari sudut pandang orang di inti dari proses
(yaitu orang yang menggunakan jasa)?
• Apakah ada manfaat lain?
Hal ini penting untuk memperjelas apa yang dimaksud dengan 'hasil' dan apa yang dimaksud dengan 'manfaat'.
Hasil yang digunakan di sini untuk berarti 'hasil akhir', tujuan atau tujuan. Manfaat berarti positif
hasil dari sudut pandang dari sekelompok orang tertentu. Ini akan menjadi subjektif
karena akan diinformasikan oleh sudut pandang mereka. Selain itu, apa yang bisa mendapatkan manfaat satu
individu atau kelompok tidak dapat mengambil manfaat lain.
Rekomendasi 3 menyatakan bahwa 'kode praktek dalam perawatan kesehatan dan sosial
menyoroti pentingnya pekerja mengambil tanggung jawab untuk pembelajaran mereka sendiri dan
pengembangan profesional, didukung oleh majikan mereka. Sekarang perhatikan berikut
definisi pengawasan: 'Pengawasan adalah suatu proses dimana satu pekerja diberikan
tanggung jawab oleh organisasi untuk bekerja dengan pekerja lain dalam rangka memenuhi tertentu
tujuan organisasi, profesional dan pribadi yang bersama-sama mempromosikan terbaik
hasil bagi orang-orang yang menggunakan layanan '. Dalam rangka untuk bekerja Anda akan perlu
mempertimbangkan bagian Anda dalam proses.
Prinsip yang mendasari pengawasan adalah bahwa hal itu dipandang sebagai suatu proses di mana Anda, para
pekerja individu, memiliki bagian aktif dan dari mana Anda dapat mengambil kepemilikan. The
Tujuan pengawasan adalah untuk Anda untuk mendapatkan untuk mengatasi dengan praktek Anda dalam kaitannya dengan peran Anda,
pastikan Anda bekerja menuju hasil terbaik bagi orang-orang yang berada di
jantung layanan Anda.
Tanyakan pada diri Anda pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
• Seberapa sering tidak pengawasan Anda terjadi?
• Apa yang Anda harapkan dari itu? Apakah itu sesuai dengan apa yang atasan Anda mengharapkan?
• Apakah Anda memahami tujuan pengawasan?
• Bagaimana pengawasan dicatat dan bagaimana yang merekam digunakan?
• Apakah Anda menyadari tanggung jawab Anda dalam kaitannya dengan peran Anda?
• Apakah Anda memahami berbagai jenis pengawasan tersedia?
• Apakah tawaran organisasi pelatihan Anda?
• Bagaimana Anda bisa menggunakan pengawasan untuk mengembangkan praktek dalam peran Anda?
• Bagaimana Anda dapat membuat sebagian besar pengawasan?
• Apa kualitas kepemimpinan yang Anda miliki?
pekerja Perawatan harus mempersiapkan sesi pengawasan mereka dengan membaca catatan dari
sesi pengawasan terakhir mereka dan mengingatkan diri dari tindakan yang diperlukan. Mereka
harus memilih contoh praktek mereka mereka ingin membicarakan. Hal ini mungkin terkait
dengan insiden tertentu atau isu-isu yang lebih umum dengan orang-orang yang mereka mendukung, keluarga mereka
atau profesional lainnya. Mereka mungkin memiliki pertanyaan mereka perlu bertanya mengenai seseorang
perawatan. Sebagai praktek selalu berkembang mereka mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan di mana mereka ingin
menjadi dalam hal perkembangan mereka dan peran mereka. Sebagai bagian dari masukan aktif mereka ke dalam
proses pengawasan mereka bisa mempertimbangkan catatan pengawasan sebagai bukti
prestasi dalam, misalnya, induksi umum. Lihat Memahami umum SCIE ini
sumber daya Induksi.
Video klip
Pertimbangkan bagaimana pengawasan yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan peran pekerja dalam
pengaturan perumahan (Video di You Tube).
Pekerja Dukungan mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan salah satu atau semua hal di atas, atau praktek isu
yang berkaitan dengan positif dukungan perilaku dan manajemen, misalnya British
Institute of Kesulitan Belajar (Bild) memiliki sejumlah sumber daya dalam kaitannya dengan ini.
Para pekerja sosial harus mempersiapkan sesi pengawasan mereka dengan membaca melalui
catatan dari sesi terakhir dan mengingatkan diri dari setiap tindakan yang diperlukan . Mereka
dapat mengidentifikasi pola-pola praktik dari catatan ini. Mereka mungkin memiliki pertanyaan praktek atau
ingin mendiskusikan hasil dari intervensi mereka. Mereka juga mungkin ingin meninjau mereka
praktek lebih umum dalam kaitannya dengan kerangka kemampuan profesional.
Untuk HK semua hal di atas dalam kaitannya dengan perawatan dan dukungan mungkin berlaku. Namun,
diakui bahwa masalah apakah PA menerima pengawasan sama sekali atau yang
menyediakan mungkin lebih relevan dan ini perlu dibahas dan disepakati dengan
Diakui bahwa Anda mungkin baik supervisee sebuah dan supervisor. Periksa
rekomendasi pada awal panduan ini dan jika Anda belum melakukannya,
membaca bagian tentang dasar-dasar praktek pengawasan yang efektif,
terutama bagian-bagian yang bersangkutan dengan refleksi, pemikiran kritis dan mengelola
kinerja. Kemudian tanyakan pada diri Anda pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut.
• Apa kualitas kepemimpinan yang saya miliki?
• Bagaimana saya mendefinisikan pengawasan?
• Apa yang membuat pengawasan yang baik?
• hasil Apa yang saya harapkan dari pengawasan dan melakukan hal-sejajar dengan apa yang saya
supervisees harapkan?
• Apakah saya pengetahuan praktik up to date dan relevan dengan populasi tertentu
orang dengan siapa yang disupervisi saya bekerja?
• Apakah saya akrab dengan penelitian terkini tentang pengawasan dan praktek saat?
pemimpin Strategis dan operasional
Memimpin pengembangan dan pemeliharaan pengawasan yang efektif dalam Anda
organisasi mungkin memerlukan Anda untuk mempertimbangkan bagaimana ini terbaik bisa dilakukan. Seperti yang dinyatakan pada
awal buku ini semua bagian yang relevan untuk Anda, dimulai dengan
Anda akan harus jelas tentang apa yang Anda memahami pengawasan menjadi (definisi)
dan tentang jenis satu-ke-satu pengawasan (klinis , profesional, manajerial dan
lain Anda ingin digunakan dalam organisasi Anda). Anda harus mempertimbangkan apa yang Anda
sudah miliki di tempat dan apakah itu cocok untuk tujuan. Anda harus mendengarkan apa staf
merasa mereka perlu dalam kaitannya dengan peran mereka dan praktek mereka dan Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan
bagaimana Anda dapat terlibat orang-orang yang menggunakan layanan Anda dan pengasuh informal
proses. Anda akan harus jelas bahwa semua orang mengerti tujuan dan maksud dari
Anda juga harus mempertimbangkan manfaat dari pengawasan yang baik. Ini termasuk perbaikan
• kualitas dan efektivitas praktek (untuk pekerja dan akhirnya orang
yang menggunakan jasa)
• kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan
• pelayanan
• kualitas perawatan dan dukungan
• rekrutmen dan retensi
• kinerja
• fungsi organisasi
• reputasi organisasi.
Video klip
Perhatikan apa dua organisasi harus mengatakan tentang manfaat pengawasan
(Video di You Tube).
Perlu ditekankan bahwa penelitian lebih terfokus ke dalam praktek mungkin diperlukan untuk
menentukan mana aspek pengawasan cenderung memberikan manfaat tertentu dalam diberikan
komitmen organisasi untuk analisis biaya-manfaat (manfaat terukur dalam kaitannya dengan
biaya agregat) mungkin memiliki keuntungan menjelaskan untuk Anda dan organisasi Anda
di mana sumber daya harus dilakukan.
Untuk organisasi yang mempekerjakan pekerja sosial di Inggris, Anda harus akrab dengan
standar majikan pekerja sosial dan kerangka pengawasan. Daerah
Asosiasi Pemerintah (LGA) memiliki tanggung jawab untuk ini.
Ada sejumlah template yang dapat berguna, seperti pengusaha
rencana aksi standar. Ada juga bimbingan tersedia untuk memberikan pengawasan di
pengaturan yang berbeda.
Pengawasan dan Asesmen dan Tahun yang didukung dalam Pekerjaan (ASYE)
Dari sudut pandang majikan pekerja sosial perlu mempertimbangkan masalah ini.
Pengawasan memainkan bagian penting dalam pengembangan ( dan kemungkinan retensi) dari sosial
pekerja, dengan referensi khusus untuk orang-orang di awal karir mereka. Beberapa
fungsi utama dari pengawasan tumpang tindih dengan fungsi penilaian dalam ASYE tersebut. Ini
akan menjadi penting untuk menjadi jelas tentang hal ini dan mempertimbangkan apa evaluasi ini
program dapat memberitahu kami. Pertimbangkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut.
• Apakah praktik yang baik untuk pengawas, penilai dan peran manajemen lini harus
terkonsentrasi di satu orang?
• Apakah manajer, supervisor dan penilai memiliki kualitas yang sesuai, keterampilan
dan pengetahuan?
• Bagaimana penilaian standar?
• Bagaimana yang catatan pengawasan dipertahankan?
• Bagaimana mereka digunakan sebagai bukti praktek?
• Bagaimana mereka dianggap melalui layanan inspeksi?
Informasi tentang program ASYE dapat ditemukan di situs-situs
Departemen Pendidikan (DFE), Keterampilan untuk Perawatan dan The College of Social Work
Pengawasan dan induksi
Ini adalah praktik yang baik bagi mereka bergabung layanan harus siap untuk pekerjaan yang mereka akan
lakukan. Standar induksi sistematis mengatur semua hal-hal yang seorang pekerja harus
tahu untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk melakukan pekerjaan mereka dengan aman dan efektif. Di Inggris, harapan adalah
bahwa pekerja perawatan sosial di layanan dewasa akan memenuhi Induksi Standar Umum
(CIS). Pengawasan adalah salah satu tempat di mana pekerja dan supervisor dapat mendiskusikan praktek dalam
kaitannya dengan delapan area induksi. Manajer bertanggung jawab untuk 'sign off'
induksi umum dan bahkan jika mereka tidak secara langsung mengawasi pekerja, bukti
mencapai hasil yang terkait dengan delapan bidang induksi mungkin dalam pengawasan
Komisaris harus mempertimbangkan implikasi sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan dan
memelihara pengawasan yang efektif. Anda bisa melihat bagian biaya dan biaya-manfaat
analisis serta rekomendasi dalam kaitannya dengan HK dan orang-orang yang menggunakan
layanan. Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan manfaat dari pengawasan yang baik dan bagaimana hal ini dapat
mempengaruhi orang-orang untuk siapa Anda layanan commissioning.
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