After the punch, Hagen’s soul resonance disappeared and he fell on the terjemahan - After the punch, Hagen’s soul resonance disappeared and he fell on the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After the punch, Hagen’s soul reson

After the punch, Hagen’s soul resonance disappeared and he fell on the ground. He was still conscious but his entire body was tattered because of the overwhelming mana. Sephirah gestured Adelmund to quickly provide first aid to Hagen. Adelmund’s face was filled with bewilderment but seeing the state of Hagen, he immediately rushed to provide first aid. Sephirah looked at the now unconscious leader and he could tell the leader was still alive. Sephirah unsheathed his sword and also picked up Hagen’s sword. With swords on both hands he walked towards the leader. While providing first aid Adelmund saw Sephirah walking towards the leader. “Where are you going Sephirah?” Adelmund asked, his tone was filled with horror. Even though they have killed a lot of shadows, they had never killed a fellow human. The thought of killing a human filled Adelmund with terror. Sephirah turned his face and glared at Adelmund, his face was overflowing with blood thirst. Then Sephirah growled, “TO BRUTALLY MURDER HIM.” The mana around him became aggressively reacting to his emotion. Adelmund’s body trembled as he realized the seriousness in Sephirah’s tone. He wanted to stop Sephirah but his body couldn’t move from the spot. He was frozen with fear. Sephirah turned and walked towards the leader. Just then, two silhouettes appeared few dozen meters away from them. “THAT’S ENOUGH”, A voice sounded from behind Sephirah. Sephirah stopped and turned his face towards the voice. “Yo, Sephirah” One of the Silhouette said. - See more at:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After the punch, Hagen’s soul resonance disappeared and he fell on the ground. He was still conscious but his entire body was tattered because of the overwhelming mana. Sephirah gestured Adelmund to quickly provide first aid to Hagen. Adelmund’s face was filled with bewilderment but seeing the state of Hagen, he immediately rushed to provide first aid. Sephirah looked at the now unconscious leader and he could tell the leader was still alive. Sephirah unsheathed his sword and also picked up Hagen’s sword. With swords on both hands he walked towards the leader. While providing first aid Adelmund saw Sephirah walking towards the leader. “Where are you going Sephirah?” Adelmund asked, his tone was filled with horror. Even though they have killed a lot of shadows, they had never killed a fellow human. The thought of killing a human filled Adelmund with terror. Sephirah turned his face and glared at Adelmund, his face was overflowing with blood thirst. Then Sephirah growled, “TO BRUTALLY MURDER HIM.” The mana around him became aggressively reacting to his emotion. Adelmund’s body trembled as he realized the seriousness in Sephirah’s tone. He wanted to stop Sephirah but his body couldn’t move from the spot. He was frozen with fear. Sephirah turned and walked towards the leader. Just then, two silhouettes appeared few dozen meters away from them. “THAT’S ENOUGH”, A voice sounded from behind Sephirah. Sephirah stopped and turned his face towards the voice. “Yo, Sephirah” One of the Silhouette said. - See more at:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah pukulan, resonansi jiwa Hagen menghilang dan ia jatuh di tanah. Dia masih sadar tapi seluruh tubuhnya compang-camping karena mana luar biasa. Sephirah menunjuk Adelmund dengan cepat memberikan pertolongan pertama untuk Hagen. Wajah Adelmund yang penuh dengan bingung tapi melihat keadaan Hagen, ia segera bergegas untuk memberikan pertolongan pertama. Sephirah melihat pemimpin sekarang sadar dan dia bisa memberitahu pemimpin masih hidup. Sephirah terhunus pedangnya dan juga mengambil pedang Hagen. Dengan pedang di kedua tangan dia berjalan menuju pemimpin. Sambil memberikan pertolongan pertama Adelmund melihat Sephirah berjalan menuju pemimpin. "Di mana Anda akan Sephirah?" Tanya Adelmund, nadanya penuh dengan horor. Meskipun mereka telah membunuh banyak bayangan, mereka tidak pernah membunuh sesama manusia. Pikiran membunuh manusia penuh Adelmund dengan teror. Sephirah memalingkan wajahnya dan memelototi Adelmund, wajahnya dipenuhi dengan rasa haus darah. Kemudian Sephirah menggeram, "brutal membunuhnya." The mana di sekelilingnya menjadi agresif bereaksi terhadap emosinya. Tubuh Adelmund gemetar saat ia menyadari keseriusan dalam nada Sephirah ini. Dia ingin berhenti Sephirah tapi tubuhnya tidak bisa bergerak dari tempat itu. Dia membeku ketakutan. Sephirah berbalik dan berjalan menuju pemimpin. Saat itu, dua siluet muncul beberapa puluh meter dari mereka. "ITU CUKUP", Sebuah suara terdengar dari belakang Sephirah. Sephirah berhenti dan memalingkan wajahnya ke arah suara itu. "Yo, Sephirah" Salah satu Silhouette kata. - Lihat lebih lanjut di:
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