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Growth (part 1)The spring wind came

Growth (part 1)

The spring wind came, turning green the poplar trees near the empty space outside of Wushan town. On the empty ground, a group of youths were ardently training. Almost a year had passed since the Dragonblood test, and Linley was eight years old now. Over the course of this period of time, Hillman clearly saw that Linley had only become even harder working!

“Well done, Linley! Hold it, hold it!” Hillman encouraged from the side.

Right now, Linley was only wearing trousers. His upper body was covered with sweat, and his body, as taut as a drawn bowstring, was lying on the ground. His hands were pressed fiercely to the ground, as straight as tree trunks, while the rest of his body was motionless. He was supporting himself from a push-up position, with just his hands and the tips of his toes! His entire body was taut!

The ‘Static Tension’ training exercise!

A very simple yet very effective training exercise. If a person could reach the level of being able to maintain this pose for an hour, then his body would no longer fear ordinary swords or sabres.

Drip, drip!

Beads of sweat rolled down from Linley’s forehead. The sweat entered Linley’s left eye, and he couldn’t help but wince at the pain.

“Ley is really amazing. Just eight years old, but he’s able to match the thirteen year olds in doing the ‘Static Tension’ exercise.” Some of the children who had already given up were sprawled on the ground, chatting as they watched Linley.

“Ley, keep it up! Keep it up for the rest of us! Beat those thirteen year olds!” The golden-haired Hadley shouted from the side.

“Yeah, keep it up, Ley!” The other children started to chant as well.

Linley was on extremely good terms with the other kids. Although Linley was the child of a noble house, he was extremely kind to the children of commoners, and often helped them train as well.

“Gotta hold it. Gotta hold it.” Linley constantly said to himself.

In the back of Linley’s mind, the words his father said a year ago constantly echoed. “Linley, we are the family of the Dragonblood Warriors. As a member of the Dragonblood Warriors clan, you have an advantage, but also a disadvantage! The advantage is, even though the density of Dragonblood in your veins hasn’t reached a sufficient level, your body will still be much stronger than those of most ordinary people. It might be very difficult for others to become a warrior of the sixth rank through training alone, but for you, it will be somewhat easier.”

“However, your disadvantage is this. The descendants of the Dragonblood clan are not able to train battle qi according to normal manuals. This is because the blood in our veins is only suited to the training method inside the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’. It conflicts with all other types of battle qi cultivation methods. Unfortunately, only those who have reached a certain density of Dragonblood are able to practice using the method within the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’. Therefore, you will not be able to cultivate battle qi at all.”

“Also, although in theory, anyone training the body can reach the sixth rank, that’s just in theory. In practice, the number of people who accomplish this is very low. But for us, it is different. Even if the amount of Dragonblood in our veins is low, our starting level will be higher than others. Just from training alone, we can become warriors of the sixth rank. Your great grandfather, based on training alone, managed to become a warrior of the seventh rank!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pertumbuhan (Bagian 1)Angin musim semi datang, berubah hijau pohon-pohon gandarusa di ruang kosong di luar kota Wushan. Pada tanah kosong, sekelompok pemuda yang dengan tekun pelatihan. Hampir setahun berlalu sejak tes Dragonblood, dan Linley adalah delapan tahun sekarang. Selama periode waktu, Hillman dengan jelas melihat bahwa Linley telah hanya menjadi bekerja bahkan lebih keras!"Well done, Linley! Terus, terus!" Hillman didorong dari sisi.Tepat sekarang, Linley hanya memakai celana panjang. Tubuhnya atas ditutupi dengan keringat, dan tubuhnya, sebagai kencang seperti ditarik bowstring, berbaring di tanah. Tangannya yang ditekan keras ke tanah, setegak batang pohon, sementara sisa tubuhnya bergerak. Ia mendukung dirinya dari posisi push-up, dengan hanya tangan dan ujung jari-jari kakinya! Seluruh tubuhnya kencang!'Statis ketegangan' latihan!Sangat sederhana namun sangat efektif latihan. Jika seseorang bisa mencapai tingkat mampu mempertahankan pose ini selama satu jam, kemudian tubuhnya akan tidak lagi takut biasa pedang atau sabres.Menetes, menetes!Manik-manik keringat digulung turun dari Linley di dahi. Keringat memasuki mata kiri Linley's, dan dia tidak bisa membantu tetapi wince pada penderitaan."Ley benar-benar menakjubkan. Hanya delapan tahun tua, tapi dia di dapat mencocokkan tiga belas tahun dalam melakukan latihan 'Statis ketegangan'." Beberapa anak-anak yang sudah putus yang tergeletak di tanah, mengobrol ketika mereka menyaksikan Linley.“Ley, keep it up! Keep it up for the rest of us! Beat those thirteen year olds!” The golden-haired Hadley shouted from the side.“Yeah, keep it up, Ley!” The other children started to chant as well.Linley was on extremely good terms with the other kids. Although Linley was the child of a noble house, he was extremely kind to the children of commoners, and often helped them train as well.“Gotta hold it. Gotta hold it.” Linley constantly said to himself.In the back of Linley’s mind, the words his father said a year ago constantly echoed. “Linley, we are the family of the Dragonblood Warriors. As a member of the Dragonblood Warriors clan, you have an advantage, but also a disadvantage! The advantage is, even though the density of Dragonblood in your veins hasn’t reached a sufficient level, your body will still be much stronger than those of most ordinary people. It might be very difficult for others to become a warrior of the sixth rank through training alone, but for you, it will be somewhat easier.”“However, your disadvantage is this. The descendants of the Dragonblood clan are not able to train battle qi according to normal manuals. This is because the blood in our veins is only suited to the training method inside the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’. It conflicts with all other types of battle qi cultivation methods. Unfortunately, only those who have reached a certain density of Dragonblood are able to practice using the method within the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’. Therefore, you will not be able to cultivate battle qi at all.”“Also, although in theory, anyone training the body can reach the sixth rank, that’s just in theory. In practice, the number of people who accomplish this is very low. But for us, it is different. Even if the amount of Dragonblood in our veins is low, our starting level will be higher than others. Just from training alone, we can become warriors of the sixth rank. Your great grandfather, based on training alone, managed to become a warrior of the seventh rank!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pertumbuhan (Bagian 1) The angin musim semi datang, berubah hijau pepohonan poplar dekat ruang kosong di luar kota Wushan. Di tanah kosong, sekelompok pemuda yang rajin melatih. Hampir setahun berlalu sejak tes Dragonblood, dan Linley berusia delapan tahun sekarang. Selama jangka waktu ini, Hillman jelas melihat bahwa Linley hanya menjadi lebih keras kerja! "Well done, Linley! Tunggu, tahan! "Hillman mendorong dari samping. Sekarang, Linley hanya mengenakan celana panjang. Bagian atas tubuhnya ditutupi dengan keringat, dan tubuhnya, sekencang tali busur ditarik, tergeletak di tanah. Tangannya menekan keras ke tanah, lurus seperti batang pohon, sementara sisa tubuhnya bergerak. Dia mendukung dirinya dari posisi push-up, hanya dengan tangan dan ujung jari-jari kakinya! Seluruh tubuhnya tegang! The latihan 'Ketegangan Static'! Sebuah latihan yang sangat sederhana namun sangat efektif. Jika seseorang bisa mencapai tingkat yang mampu mempertahankan ini berpose untuk satu jam, kemudian tubuhnya tidak lagi takut pedang biasa atau pedang. Drip, drip! Butir-butir keringat meluncur turun dari dahi Linley ini. Keringat memasuki mata kiri Linley, dan dia tidak bisa membantu tetapi meringis di rasa sakit. "Ley adalah benar-benar menakjubkan. Baru berusia delapan tahun, tapi dia mampu menyamai usia tiga belas tahun dalam melakukan 'Ketegangan Static' latihan. "Beberapa anak-anak yang sudah menyerah tergeletak di tanah, mengobrol saat mereka menyaksikan Linley. " Ley, tetap naik! Menyimpannya untuk sisa dari kami! Mengalahkan mereka berusia tiga belas tahun! "The Hadley berambut emas berteriak dari samping. " Ya, tetap up, Ley! "Anak-anak lain mulai melantunkan juga. Linley adalah istilah yang sangat baik dengan anak-anak lain. Meskipun Linley adalah anak dari rumah yang mulia, dia sangat baik untuk anak-anak jelata, dan sering membantu mereka melatih juga. "Harus tahan. Harus tahan. "Linley terus berkata kepada dirinya sendiri. Di belakang pikiran Linley, kata-kata ayahnya mengatakan tahun lalu terus bergema. "Linley, kami adalah keluarga dari Warriors Dragonblood. Sebagai anggota dari klan Dragonblood Warriors, Anda memiliki keuntungan, tetapi juga merugikan! Keuntungannya adalah, meskipun kepadatan Dragonblood di pembuluh darah Anda belum mencapai tingkat yang cukup, tubuh Anda akan tetap jauh lebih kuat daripada orang yang paling biasa. Mungkin sangat sulit bagi orang lain untuk menjadi seorang prajurit dari peringkat keenam melalui pelatihan saja, tetapi untuk Anda, itu akan sedikit lebih mudah. ​​" " Namun, kelemahan Anda adalah ini. Keturunan klan Dragonblood tidak mampu melatih pertempuran qi menurut manual normal. Hal ini karena darah dalam pembuluh darah kita hanya cocok untuk metode pelatihan dalam 'Secret Dragonblood Manual'. Hal itu bertentangan dengan semua jenis lain dari metode budidaya pertempuran qi. Sayangnya, hanya mereka yang telah mencapai kepadatan tertentu Dragonblood dapat berlatih menggunakan metode dalam 'Secret Dragonblood Manual'. Oleh karena itu, Anda tidak akan dapat menumbuhkan pertempuran qi sama sekali. " " Juga, meskipun secara teori, orang melatih tubuh dapat mencapai peringkat keenam, itu hanya dalam teori. Dalam prakteknya, jumlah orang yang melakukannya adalah sangat rendah. Tapi bagi kami, itu berbeda. Bahkan jika jumlah Dragonblood di pembuluh darah kita rendah, tingkat awal kita akan lebih tinggi daripada yang lain. Hanya dari pelatihan saja, kita bisa menjadi prajurit dari peringkat keenam. Kakek besar Anda, berdasarkan pelatihan saja, berhasil menjadi seorang prajurit dari peringkat ketujuh! "

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