Of the Spirit—Without the work of the Holy Spirit, our efforts are mea terjemahan - Of the Spirit—Without the work of the Holy Spirit, our efforts are mea Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Of the Spirit—Without the work of t

Of the Spirit—Without the work of the Holy Spirit, our efforts are meaningless (John 4:24, 6:63; 1 Cor. 2:13). Music is not intrinsically worship. Without due caution, one can actually be guilty of worshipping the music that one enjoys. It is important to be mindful of the distinction between spiritual truth and musical pleasure. Worship directed anywhere but to God is idolatry.
In truth—Truthfulness in worship refers to the actions we take, the attitudes of our hearts and the intentions of our minds. These should align with biblical teaching on worship (John 4:24). Our musical offerings should be genuine and offered to the best of one’s ability. The congregation and its leaders should sing psalms and hymns with understanding and with conviction—with the mind and the spirit (1 Cor. 14:15).
Skillfully-led—According to Psalm 33:1–3, we are to compose, sing, and play skillfully to the Lord. This demands that those leading in public worship music should be skillful, trained musicians. For musical leadership we draw on proficient amateur, semi-professional, and professional musicians from within the congregation and Christian brothers and sisters from other fellowships. In keeping with biblical practice (Neh.12:46–47a; 1 Chr. 23) and in order to support musicians who are dedicated to music as a calling, we customarily provide salaries for church musicians who are full- or part-time members of the staff (including interns) and offer honoraria for solo vocalists, instrumentalists, and choristers (section leaders of the choir) who participate in public worship.
Prepared—Because our music should be excellent and skillful, it follows that it must be carefully chosen, adequately rehearsed, and presented by musicians who have prepared themselves before God (1 Chr. 25:6–7). Choirs (adult and children’s) and soloists should be well-prepared for the significant roles they will play in corporate worship. Worship is not an opportunity to “try out” one’s ability or to showcase anyone or anything.
Meaningful—Our musical offerings must be intentional and have purpose. They should never be trite or perfunctory (Mt. 6:7, 15:8–9). The ministers carefully select the psalms and hymns sung in worship with the input of the Music Director. All other music is selected or approved by the Music Director, who by biblical example is to be the guardian of the people’s praise (1 Chr. 15:22). An attempt is made, whenever possible, to make service music meaningful by suiting it to a particular element of the service and/or to the theme of the sermon.
Of the people—Largely this means that our music will find its basis in congregational song, the most important kind of worship music. It also means that the congregation should be fully involved in singing, listening, and learning (Ps. 111:1, 149:1). This characteristic informs our musical choices—that generally our music should be accessible to the people (or made accessible/taught by communicating information about it) although it is directed principally to God. This does not mean, however, that music selected will not require thought or that it will be “popular” in nature or immediately accessible to all who hear it.
Joyful/emotional—One of the most significant aspects of music in worship is that it should reflect the joy of being a Christian (Psalm 47:1) and a thankful, grateful spirit (Eph. 5:19). There are many other emotions inherent in music-making, and the book of Psalms provides examples of the musical expression of many of these within the context of worship.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Of the Spirit—Without the work of the Holy Spirit, our efforts are meaningless (John 4:24, 6:63; 1 Cor. 2:13). Music is not intrinsically worship. Without due caution, one can actually be guilty of worshipping the music that one enjoys. It is important to be mindful of the distinction between spiritual truth and musical pleasure. Worship directed anywhere but to God is idolatry.In truth—Truthfulness in worship refers to the actions we take, the attitudes of our hearts and the intentions of our minds. These should align with biblical teaching on worship (John 4:24). Our musical offerings should be genuine and offered to the best of one’s ability. The congregation and its leaders should sing psalms and hymns with understanding and with conviction—with the mind and the spirit (1 Cor. 14:15).Skillfully-led—According to Psalm 33:1–3, we are to compose, sing, and play skillfully to the Lord. This demands that those leading in public worship music should be skillful, trained musicians. For musical leadership we draw on proficient amateur, semi-professional, and professional musicians from within the congregation and Christian brothers and sisters from other fellowships. In keeping with biblical practice (Neh.12:46–47a; 1 Chr. 23) and in order to support musicians who are dedicated to music as a calling, we customarily provide salaries for church musicians who are full- or part-time members of the staff (including interns) and offer honoraria for solo vocalists, instrumentalists, and choristers (section leaders of the choir) who participate in public worship.Prepared—Because our music should be excellent and skillful, it follows that it must be carefully chosen, adequately rehearsed, and presented by musicians who have prepared themselves before God (1 Chr. 25:6–7). Choirs (adult and children’s) and soloists should be well-prepared for the significant roles they will play in corporate worship. Worship is not an opportunity to “try out” one’s ability or to showcase anyone or anything.Meaningful—Our musical offerings must be intentional and have purpose. They should never be trite or perfunctory (Mt. 6:7, 15:8–9). The ministers carefully select the psalms and hymns sung in worship with the input of the Music Director. All other music is selected or approved by the Music Director, who by biblical example is to be the guardian of the people’s praise (1 Chr. 15:22). An attempt is made, whenever possible, to make service music meaningful by suiting it to a particular element of the service and/or to the theme of the sermon.Of the people—Largely this means that our music will find its basis in congregational song, the most important kind of worship music. It also means that the congregation should be fully involved in singing, listening, and learning (Ps. 111:1, 149:1). This characteristic informs our musical choices—that generally our music should be accessible to the people (or made accessible/taught by communicating information about it) although it is directed principally to God. This does not mean, however, that music selected will not require thought or that it will be “popular” in nature or immediately accessible to all who hear it.Joyful/emotional—One of the most significant aspects of music in worship is that it should reflect the joy of being a Christian (Psalm 47:1) and a thankful, grateful spirit (Eph. 5:19). There are many other emotions inherent in music-making, and the book of Psalms provides examples of the musical expression of many of these within the context of worship.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Roh-Tanpa karya Roh Kudus, upaya kita tidak ada artinya (Yohanes 4:24, 6:63;. 1 Kor 2:13). Musik tidak menyembah intrinsik. Tanpa karena hati-hati, yang benar-benar bisa menjadi bersalah menyembah musik yang satu menikmati. Hal ini penting untuk menjadi sadar akan perbedaan antara kebenaran rohani dan kesenangan musik. Ibadah diarahkan mana saja tapi kepada Allah adalah penyembahan berhala.
Sebenarnya-Sejati dalam ibadah mengacu pada tindakan yang kami ambil, sikap hati kita dan niat dari pikiran kita. Ini harus sejajar dengan ajaran Alkitab tentang ibadah (Yohanes 4:24). Persembahan musik kita harus tulus dan menawarkan untuk yang terbaik dari kemampuan seseorang. Jemaat dan para pemimpinnya harus menyanyikan mazmur dan himne dengan pemahaman dan dengan keyakinan-dengan pikiran dan semangat (1 Kor 14:15.).
Terampil dipimpin-Menurut Mazmur 33: 1-3, kita untuk menulis, menyanyi , dan bermain terampil kepada Tuhan. Ini menuntut bahwa mereka terkemuka di musik ibadah umum harus terampil, musisi terlatih. Untuk kepemimpinan musik kita menarik pada amatir mahir, semi-profesional, dan musisi profesional dari dalam saudara jemaat dan Kristen dan saudari dari beasiswa lainnya. Sesuai dengan praktek Alkitab (Neh.12:. 46-47a; 1 Taw 23) dan dalam rangka mendukung musisi yang berdedikasi untuk musik sebagai suatu panggilan, kita lazim memberikan gaji bagi para musisi gereja yang tergabung penuh atau paruh waktu dari staf (termasuk magang) dan menawarkan honor untuk vokalis solo, instrumentalis, dan choristers (pemimpin bagian dari paduan suara) yang berpartisipasi dalam ibadah umum.
Disiapkan-Karena musik kami harus sangat baik dan terampil, maka itu harus dipilih dengan hati-hati , cukup berlatih, dan disajikan oleh musisi yang telah mempersiapkan diri di hadapan Allah (1 Taw 25: 6-7).. Paduan suara (dewasa dan anak-anak) dan solois harus disiapkan untuk peran yang signifikan mereka akan bermain dalam ibadah perusahaan. Ibadah bukanlah kesempatan untuk "mencoba" kemampuan seseorang atau untuk menampilkan siapa pun atau apa pun.
Bermakna-kami sajian musik harus disengaja dan memiliki tujuan. Mereka tidak boleh basi atau asal-asalan (Matius 6: 7, 15: 8-9). Para menteri hati-hati memilih mazmur dan himne yang dinyanyikan dalam ibadah dengan input dari Music Director. Semua musik lainnya dipilih atau disetujui oleh Direktur Musik, yang dengan contoh Alkitab adalah menjadi wali pujian rakyat (1 Taw. 15:22). Dilakukan usaha, bila memungkinkan, untuk membuat musik pelayanan yang berarti dengan setelan untuk elemen tertentu dari layanan dan / atau dengan tema khotbah.
Dari orang-Sebagian besar ini berarti bahwa musik kami akan menemukan dasar dalam lagu jemaat , jenis yang paling penting dari musik ibadah. Ini juga berarti bahwa jemaat harus terlibat penuh dalam bernyanyi, mendengarkan, dan belajar (Mzm 111:. 1, 149: 1). Karakteristik ini menginformasikan pilihan-yang musik kami umumnya musik kami harus dapat diakses oleh orang-orang (atau disediakan / diajarkan oleh mengkomunikasikan informasi tentang hal itu) meskipun diarahkan terutama untuk Allah. Ini tidak berarti, bagaimanapun, bahwa musik yang dipilih akan tidak memerlukan pemikiran atau bahwa hal itu akan "populer" di alam atau segera diakses oleh semua orang yang mendengarnya.
Joyful / emosional-Salah satu aspek yang paling signifikan dari musik dalam ibadah adalah bahwa hal itu harus mencerminkan sukacita menjadi seorang Kristen (Mazmur 47: 1) dan bersyukur, semangat bersyukur (Ef 5:19.). Ada banyak emosi lain yang terdapat dalam musik-keputusan, dan kitab Mazmur memberikan contoh ekspresi musik banyak dari dalam konteks ibadah.
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