I’m familiar with this song and its lyrics that will surely rip my hea terjemahan - I’m familiar with this song and its lyrics that will surely rip my hea Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I’m familiar with this song and its

I’m familiar with this song and its lyrics that will surely rip my heart out if I he’s not trying to tell me something with this selection. “This isn’t cliché is it? Candles and music?” he asks as he runs his hands through his hair and down his face.

I smile playfully at his nervousness. “No, there’s nothing about you that’s cliché.” This is completely true. I’ve never met a man like him before and I doubt I ever will. Reaching out to him, he slips his hand in mine and allows me to pull him towards me. “Make love to me, handsome.”

I see it, the layer of anxiety drop in front of me as he crawls onto the bed and pushes me onto my back. Settling between my legs, he begins kissing me in the gentlest way possible. There’s tongue, because with him there’s always at least some tongue, but it’s different. I’m used to the rough, quick strokes of his against mine, against my lips, but these strokes are much more unhurried and tender. Groaning softly into his mouth, I’m quickly melting around him and I’m suddenly not sure what kind of Reese kissing I prefer. His hard I want you now kisses are insanely hot but this, the let me make love to you kisses are radiating through my body, sparking something untouched. He slowly works his way down, kissing every part of me with the same gentle mouth I just personally got very acquainted with. The song begins to play again. He’s put it on repeat? I feel his hot breath between my legs and arch up into him.

“Yes, God yes.” The first long lick causes me to fist the sheets tightly between my fingers. I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and bite it hard as he works me.

“Look at me,” he pleads and I immediately drop my gaze, meeting his green eyes. He’s watching me, capturing my every response to his movements and I’m not holding anything back. His tongue laps in and out, around and between every fold and dip. He’s even somehow making this more intimate with his unrelenting stare. His strokes are soft but carry the perfect amount of pressure. I don’t want to come yet so I concentrate on the lyrics of the song to give me a distraction. Like that’s possible. The man’s mouth is a machine.

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I'll always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Damn these lyrics. I’m not sure about him but they are definitely pushing every emotional button in my body. He moans against me and my eyes roll back into my head, the sensation moving through me like a current. His lips pull my clit into his mouth and I cry out, unable to hold back any longer. “Reese.” I’m panting and moving my hips against his mouth as I come long and hard. His tongue laps up every ounce of my arousal, slowly and tentatively, keeping me on the brink of another orgasm. Gradually releasing me, he places sweet kisses on the insides of my thighs as I stare down at him.

“Come up here.”

He crawls up my body and settles between my legs, gazing down at me as he positions himself at my entrance. I feel him, right there and know that the slightest movement will plunge him into me. But he doesn’t move. His hands hold my face and I stare up at him, hearing the beginning of the song and smiling.

“I like this song.”

“Me too,” he whispers, bending and trailing kisses to my ear. With a slow push, he’s in me and I grip his back tightly, gasping and clinging myself to him. “Fuck,” he says into my ear before he leans up and holds himself above me. Keeping my gaze, he begins moving slowly, his hips thrusting gently into mine. I stare at his chest as it tightens with each push, the muscles in his abdomen rippling with his movements. He’s never been this unhurried with me. This is different, way different than what we’ve done before. The intimacy is pouring straight out of him into me and I feel him everywhere. His eyes are soft and warm, penetrating mine and conveying unspoken words that I pray I’m not misreading. I want to tell him so many things in this moment as he lovingly strokes me, in and out, but I don’t. I wrap my legs around him and let myself feel it.

“Tell me you’ve never done this before,” I whisper, seeing his eyes dilate above me. “That you’ve never made love to anyone but me.”

There’s no hesitation in his reply. “Never. It’s only you, Dylan. Just you.” I grab his face and bring his lips to mine. Our moans are silenced by each other’s mouths and the music that is playing all around us. His panting increases and my hands are gripped as he brings them on either side of my face and laces his fingers through them. I love it when he does that to my hands. It’s such a boyfriend move. My breathing quickens as his tongue works against mine. Slow and steady thrusts, I’m pulsing around him and trying not to end this too soon. Making love to this man has gone way above any expectation I could have conjured. He increases his pace, thrusting deeper and harder and I’m close,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I’m familiar with this song and its lyrics that will surely rip my heart out if I he’s not trying to tell me something with this selection. “This isn’t cliché is it? Candles and music?” he asks as he runs his hands through his hair and down his face.I smile playfully at his nervousness. “No, there’s nothing about you that’s cliché.” This is completely true. I’ve never met a man like him before and I doubt I ever will. Reaching out to him, he slips his hand in mine and allows me to pull him towards me. “Make love to me, handsome.”I see it, the layer of anxiety drop in front of me as he crawls onto the bed and pushes me onto my back. Settling between my legs, he begins kissing me in the gentlest way possible. There’s tongue, because with him there’s always at least some tongue, but it’s different. I’m used to the rough, quick strokes of his against mine, against my lips, but these strokes are much more unhurried and tender. Groaning softly into his mouth, I’m quickly melting around him and I’m suddenly not sure what kind of Reese kissing I prefer. His hard I want you now kisses are insanely hot but this, the let me make love to you kisses are radiating through my body, sparking something untouched. He slowly works his way down, kissing every part of me with the same gentle mouth I just personally got very acquainted with. The song begins to play again. He’s put it on repeat? I feel his hot breath between my legs and arch up into him.“Yes, God yes.” The first long lick causes me to fist the sheets tightly between my fingers. I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and bite it hard as he works me.“Look at me,” he pleads and I immediately drop my gaze, meeting his green eyes. He’s watching me, capturing my every response to his movements and I’m not holding anything back. His tongue laps in and out, around and between every fold and dip. He’s even somehow making this more intimate with his unrelenting stare. His strokes are soft but carry the perfect amount of pressure. I don’t want to come yet so I concentrate on the lyrics of the song to give me a distraction. Like that’s possible. The man’s mouth is a machine.There now, steady love, so few come and don't goWill you won't you, be the one I'll always knowWhen I'm losing my control, the city spins aroundYou're the only one who knows, you slow it downDamn these lyrics. I’m not sure about him but they are definitely pushing every emotional button in my body. He moans against me and my eyes roll back into my head, the sensation moving through me like a current. His lips pull my clit into his mouth and I cry out, unable to hold back any longer. “Reese.” I’m panting and moving my hips against his mouth as I come long and hard. His tongue laps up every ounce of my arousal, slowly and tentatively, keeping me on the brink of another orgasm. Gradually releasing me, he places sweet kisses on the insides of my thighs as I stare down at him.“Come up here.”He crawls up my body and settles between my legs, gazing down at me as he positions himself at my entrance. I feel him, right there and know that the slightest movement will plunge him into me. But he doesn’t move. His hands hold my face and I stare up at him, hearing the beginning of the song and smiling.“I like this song.”“Me too,” he whispers, bending and trailing kisses to my ear. With a slow push, he’s in me and I grip his back tightly, gasping and clinging myself to him. “Fuck,” he says into my ear before he leans up and holds himself above me. Keeping my gaze, he begins moving slowly, his hips thrusting gently into mine. I stare at his chest as it tightens with each push, the muscles in his abdomen rippling with his movements. He’s never been this unhurried with me. This is different, way different than what we’ve done before. The intimacy is pouring straight out of him into me and I feel him everywhere. His eyes are soft and warm, penetrating mine and conveying unspoken words that I pray I’m not misreading. I want to tell him so many things in this moment as he lovingly strokes me, in and out, but I don’t. I wrap my legs around him and let myself feel it.“Tell me you’ve never done this before,” I whisper, seeing his eyes dilate above me. “That you’ve never made love to anyone but me.”There’s no hesitation in his reply. “Never. It’s only you, Dylan. Just you.” I grab his face and bring his lips to mine. Our moans are silenced by each other’s mouths and the music that is playing all around us. His panting increases and my hands are gripped as he brings them on either side of my face and laces his fingers through them. I love it when he does that to my hands. It’s such a boyfriend move. My breathing quickens as his tongue works against mine. Slow and steady thrusts, I’m pulsing around him and trying not to end this too soon. Making love to this man has gone way above any expectation I could have conjured. He increases his pace, thrusting deeper and harder and I’m close,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku akrab dengan lagu ini dan lirik yang yang pasti akan merobek hati saya jika saya dia tidak mencoba untuk mengatakan sesuatu dengan pilihan ini. "Ini bukan klise itu? Lilin dan musik? "Ia bertanya sambil berjalan tangannya ke rambut dan wajahnya. Aku tersenyum main-main di kegugupannya. "Tidak, tidak apa-apa tentang Anda yang klise." Ini benar-benar benar. Saya belum pernah bertemu orang seperti dia sebelumnya dan saya ragu apakah saya akan. Menjangkau dia, ia tergelincir tangannya di tambang dan memungkinkan saya untuk menariknya ke arahku. "Bercintalah denganku, tampan." Saya melihatnya, lapisan penurunan kecemasan di depan saya saat ia merangkak ke tempat tidur dan mendorong saya ke punggung saya. Menetap di antara kedua kaki saya, dia mulai menciumku dengan cara lembut mungkin. Ada lidah, karena dengan dia selalu ada setidaknya beberapa lidah, tapi itu berbeda. Saya sudah terbiasa dengan kasar, stroke cepat saya terhadap nya, bibir saya, tapi stroke ini jauh lebih tidak tergesa-gesa dan lembut. Mengerang lembut ke dalam mulutnya, aku cepat mencair di sekelilingnya dan aku tiba-tiba tidak yakin apa jenis ciuman Reese saya lebih suka. Nya keras Aku ingin kau sekarang ciuman gila-gilaan panas tapi ini, biarkan aku bercinta dengan Anda ciuman yang memancar melalui tubuh saya, memicu sesuatu yang tak tersentuh. Dia perlahan-lahan bekerja dengan cara ke bawah, mencium setiap bagian dari saya dengan mulut lembut sama saya hanya pribadi mendapat sangat berkenalan dengan. Lagu mulai bermain lagi. Dia meletakkannya di ulangi? Aku merasakan napas panas di antara kaki saya dan melengkungkan sampai ke dia. "Ya, Tuhan ya." The menjilat panjang pertama menyebabkan saya untuk tinju lembar erat antara jari-jari saya. Aku menarik bibir bawah saya ke mulut saya dan menggigit sulit saat ia bekerja saya. "Lihatlah aku," dia memohon dan saya langsung menjatuhkan pandanganku, menatap mata hijau. Dia menonton saya, menangkap setiap tanggapan saya terhadap gerakan dan aku tidak menahan sesuatu kembali. Lap lidahnya masuk dan keluar, sekitar dan antara setiap kali lipat dan dip. Dia bahkan entah bagaimana membuat ini lebih intim dengan tatapan tak henti-hentinya nya. Stroke nya lembut tapi membawa jumlah yang sempurna tekanan. Saya tidak ingin datang namun begitu saya berkonsentrasi pada lirik lagu untuk memberikan perhatian. Seperti itu mungkin. Mulut pria adalah mesin. Ada sekarang, cinta stabil, begitu sedikit datang dan tidak pergi Maukah Anda tidak akan Anda, menjadi salah satu yang saya akan selalu tahu Ketika aku kehilangan kendali saya, kota berputar Anda ' re-satunya yang tahu, Anda memperlambatnya Sialan lirik ini. Saya tidak yakin tentang dia tapi mereka pasti mendorong setiap tombol emosional dalam tubuh saya. Dia erangan terhadap saya dan mata saya memutar kembali di kepala saya, sensasi bergerak melalui saya seperti arus. Bibirnya menarik clit saya ke dalam mulutnya dan saya menangis, tidak dapat menahan lebih lama lagi. "Reese." Saya terengah-engah dan menggerakkan pinggul saya terhadap mulutnya saat aku datang panjang dan keras. Lidahnya lap setiap ons gairah saya, perlahan-lahan dan hati-hati, menjaga saya di ambang orgasme lain. Secara bertahap melepaskan saya, ia menempatkan ciuman manis di bagian dalam paha saya seperti yang saya menatap ke arahnya. "Naiklah ke mari." Dia merangkak naik tubuh saya dan mengendap di antara kedua kaki saya, menatap ke arahku sambil memposisikan dirinya di pintu masuk saya. Aku merasa dia, di sana dan tahu bahwa gerakan sedikit akan terjun dia ke saya. Tapi dia tidak bergerak. Tangannya memegang wajah saya dan saya menatap ke arahnya, mendengar awal lagu dan tersenyum. "Saya suka lagu ini." "Aku juga," bisiknya, membungkuk dan trailing ciuman ke telingaku. Dengan dorongan lambat, dia dalam Aku dan Aku cengkeramannya kembali erat, terengah-engah dan menempel sendiri kepadanya. "Brengsek," katanya di telingaku sebelum ia bersandar dan memegang dirinya di atas saya. Menjaga tatapanku, ia mulai bergerak perlahan, pinggulnya menyodorkan lembut ke tambang. Aku menatap dadanya seperti mengencangkan dengan masing-masing push, otot-otot di perutnya beriak dengan gerakannya. Dia pernah ini tidak tergesa-gesa dengan saya. Hal ini berbeda, cara yang berbeda dari apa yang telah kami lakukan sebelumnya. Keintiman yang mengalir langsung dari dia ke saya dan saya merasa di mana-mana. Matanya yang lembut dan hangat, menembus saya dan menyampaikan kata-kata yang tak terucapkan bahwa saya berdoa aku tidak salah baca. Saya ingin menceritakan banyak hal pada saat ini karena ia penuh kasih stroke saya, masuk dan keluar, tapi aku tidak. Aku membungkus kaki saya di sekelilingnya dan membiarkan diriku merasakannya. "Katakan Anda belum pernah melakukan ini sebelumnya," bisikku, melihat matanya melebar di atas saya. "Itu Anda belum pernah bercinta dengan siapa pun kecuali aku." Ada tidak ragu-ragu jawabannya. "Tak pernah. Ini hanya Anda, Dylan. Hanya Anda. "Saya ambil wajahnya dan membawa bibirnya ke tambang. Erangan kami dibungkam oleh mulut masing-masing dan musik yang diputar di sekitar kita. Terengah-engah meningkat dan tangan saya mencengkeram saat ia membawa mereka di kedua sisi wajahku dan laces jari-jarinya melalui mereka. Aku suka kalau dia melakukan itu untuk tangan saya. Ini seperti langkah pacar. Napasku mempercepat sebagai lidahnya bekerja melawan saya. Menyodorkan lambat dan mantap, aku berdenyut di sekelilingnya dan mencoba untuk tidak mengakhiri ini terlalu cepat. Bercinta dengan pria ini telah pergi jauh di atas harapan yang aku bisa menyihir. Dia meningkatkan kecepatan, menyodorkan lebih dalam dan lebih keras dan aku dekat,

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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