#1264: You, where are at At the same time, when these nine sacrificial terjemahan - #1264: You, where are at At the same time, when these nine sacrificial Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1264: You, where are at At the sam

#1264: You, where are at

At the same time, when these nine sacrificial altars have disrupted four, same in Eighth Mountain and Sea, but not in Meng Clan, but in Deity Alliance, in that Eighth Mountain and Sea ... On Eighth Mountain!
This Shan Shantai many are too many, some people said that the deity came from Han Clan, some people said that the deity came from Meng Clan, some also say that the deity was eternal, the origin was not Mountains and Seas Plane.
May in any event, many years, nobody see the portrait under deity mask. As if regardless of. Regardless of which years. The people see, forever is such an appearance.
Gradually, many a hearsay, this hearsay few people believe that because is extremely strange, in the hearsay, said the deity ... Is by no means eternal.
The hearsay said ... Lord of the Mountain and Sea, is by no means eternal. Any Lord of the Mountain and Sea, life had the date of cutting off, reason that still existed, because of each Lord of the Mountain and Sea, had the special method, enabling oneself to practice trickery general, existed.
And, regarding this Eighth Mountain and Sea deity the law of existence, in the hearsay said that yes ... Cassock and almsbowl inheritance. Before each generation of deities died, will look for the person of inheritance. Similar to the reincarnation, forever will hold the deity.
But at this moment, in this Eighth Mountain and Sea, in the Meng Clan subcontinent, in the grandmother that branch house, Meng Hao has stood up similarly the body, toward walking into the grandmother in house, holds the fist in the other hand does obeisance.
All people who before arrived at this house, Meng Hao have not gone to do obeisance, only grandmother.
The grandmother looks at Meng Hao, on the face is revealing gently, nodded, sits cross-legged to sit before the body of Meng Hao, Meng Hao breathes deeply, his look grim, has serious, sitting down slowly.
„ Do not be anxious, the grandmother lived for a long time was very very long, experiences were too many, anything may not experience, even if were the defeat has not related, had beyond your two great uncle, our branch, are doomed also to rise.
Grandmother's only regret, is this lives to want before eyes closed, looks at your maternal grandfather again, I can feel, he has not fallen from the sky ... He is away from me, not that remote. ” The grandmother muttered in a soft voice, in the item revealed to recall, finally changed sighed lightly.
Meng Hao heart is complex, missing of maternal grandfather, to save him.
„Grandmother, you will not have regrettable, I will certainly succeed, will find maternal grandfather!” Meng Hao to open mouth, the grandmother smiled in a soft voice, is even more gentle.
Meng Hao breathes deeply, both hands waves hand, beforehand several times, he already thorough how was familiar to take down these nails, this moment assurance was bigger, both hands also lifted, fell on grandmother's forehead directly, at the same time, Meng Hao Cultivation erupted completely!
Before even if in beyond the great uncle for two therapy, Meng Hao has also used 30% Cultivation, but at present, is actually complete, thundered, the grandmother body shivered fiercely, may at this moment, on the grandmother, nine places including forehead, send out the bright ray suddenly suddenly.
These nine regions, nail is, almost in instant, the Meng Hao suddenly facial color that this ray appears changes, near his ear, heard nine to roar at this moment.
„Dares to move me and other Spell formation, the death!!” These nine roared, changes to such words, the bang entered in the Meng Hao mind, resembled to his mind blast out directly.
„Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew!” In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, when coldly snorted, Dao Divinity after huge spiritual sense that practicing trades, proliferates instantaneously, with that nine consciousness direct confrontations.
This is an indirect Dao Realm war, a person, fights nine people!
Thunders the reverberation, the bang is dreadful, the Meng Hao body shivers, but both hands are very steady, the grandmother shivers, on the body the ray is radiant, has the nail to be compelled gradually slowly.
At this moment, in that Seventh Mountain and Sea, that nine Dao Realm old man facial color big changes, each of them has spelled fully, may unable to shake a that person unexpectedly.
„The Eighth Mountain and Sea powerhouse, I am familiar, were when many such!!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1264: Anda, mana di Pada saat yang sama, ketika mezbah-mezbah korban sembilan ini memiliki terganggu empat, sama dalam delapan gunung dan laut, tetapi tidak di Meng Clan, tetapi dalam aliansi dewa, yang kedelapan pegunungan dan laut... Di Gunung kedelapan!Shantai Shan ini banyak terlalu banyak, beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa dewa berasal dari suku Han, beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa dewa berasal dari klan Meng, beberapa juga mengatakan bahwa dewa adalah abadi, asal tidak pegunungan dan laut pesawat.Mungkin dalam setiap peristiwa, bertahun-tahun, tak seorang pun melihat potret di bawah dewa masker. Seperti jika terlepas dari. Terlepas dari yang tahun. Lihat orang-orang, selamanya adalah sebuah penampilan.Secara bertahap, banyak desas-desus, desas-desus ini beberapa orang percaya bahwa karena sangat aneh, di desas-desus, kata dewa... Ini tidak berarti kekal.Desas-desus mengatakan... Tuhan gunung dan laut, ini tidak berarti kekal. Setiap Tuhan gunung dan laut, kehidupan telah tanggal memotong, alasan bahwa masih ada, karena setiap Tuhan gunung dan laut, memiliki metode yang khusus, memungkinkan diri untuk praktik tipu-daya yang umum, ada.Dan, mengenai dewa ini delapan gunung dan laut hukum keberadaan, desas-desus mengatakan bahwa ya... Topi dan almsbowl warisan. Sebelum setiap generasi dewa-dewa yang mati, akan mencari orang dari warisan. Mirip dengan reinkarnasi, selamanya akan mengadakan dewa.But at this moment, in this Eighth Mountain and Sea, in the Meng Clan subcontinent, in the grandmother that branch house, Meng Hao has stood up similarly the body, toward walking into the grandmother in house, holds the fist in the other hand does obeisance.All people who before arrived at this house, Meng Hao have not gone to do obeisance, only grandmother.The grandmother looks at Meng Hao, on the face is revealing gently, nodded, sits cross-legged to sit before the body of Meng Hao, Meng Hao breathes deeply, his look grim, has serious, sitting down slowly.„ Do not be anxious, the grandmother lived for a long time was very very long, experiences were too many, anything may not experience, even if were the defeat has not related, had beyond your two great uncle, our branch, are doomed also to rise.Grandmother's only regret, is this lives to want before eyes closed, looks at your maternal grandfather again, I can feel, he has not fallen from the sky ... He is away from me, not that remote. ” The grandmother muttered in a soft voice, in the item revealed to recall, finally changed sighed lightly.Meng Hao heart is complex, missing of maternal grandfather, to save him.„Grandmother, you will not have regrettable, I will certainly succeed, will find maternal grandfather!” Meng Hao to open mouth, the grandmother smiled in a soft voice, is even more gentle.Meng Hao breathes deeply, both hands waves hand, beforehand several times, he already thorough how was familiar to take down these nails, this moment assurance was bigger, both hands also lifted, fell on grandmother's forehead directly, at the same time, Meng Hao Cultivation erupted completely!Before even if in beyond the great uncle for two therapy, Meng Hao has also used 30% Cultivation, but at present, is actually complete, thundered, the grandmother body shivered fiercely, may at this moment, on the grandmother, nine places including forehead, send out the bright ray suddenly suddenly.These nine regions, nail is, almost in instant, the Meng Hao suddenly facial color that this ray appears changes, near his ear, heard nine to roar at this moment.„Dares to move me and other Spell formation, the death!!” These nine roared, changes to such words, the bang entered in the Meng Hao mind, resembled to his mind blast out directly.„Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew!” In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, when coldly snorted, Dao Divinity after huge spiritual sense that practicing trades, proliferates instantaneously, with that nine consciousness direct confrontations.This is an indirect Dao Realm war, a person, fights nine people!Thunders the reverberation, the bang is dreadful, the Meng Hao body shivers, but both hands are very steady, the grandmother shivers, on the body the ray is radiant, has the nail to be compelled gradually slowly.At this moment, in that Seventh Mountain and Sea, that nine Dao Realm old man facial color big changes, each of them has spelled fully, may unable to shake a that person unexpectedly.„The Eighth Mountain and Sea powerhouse, I am familiar, were when many such!!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1264: Anda, di mana pada

Pada saat yang sama, ketika sembilan altar pengorbanan ini telah mengganggu empat, sama Kedelapan gunung dan laut, tapi tidak di Meng Clan, tapi di Dewa Alliance, dalam Kedelapan gunung dan laut ... On kedelapan gunung!
ini Shan Shantai banyak yang terlalu banyak, beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa dewa datang dari Han Clan, beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa dewa datang dari Meng Clan, beberapa juga mengatakan bahwa dewa itu abadi, asal tidak Gunung dan Laut Pesawat .
Mei di acara apapun, bertahun-tahun, tak seorang pun melihat potret di bawah dewa topeng. Seolah tanpa. Apapun yang tahun. Orang-orang melihat, selamanya adalah penampilan seperti itu.
Secara bertahap, banyak desas-desus yang, desas-desus ini beberapa orang percaya bahwa karena sangat aneh, di desas-desus, kata dewa ... Apakah tidak berarti kekal.
Desas-desus yang mengatakan ... Tuhan Gunung dan Laut, ini tidak berarti kekal. Setiap Lord of the Mountain and Sea, kehidupan memiliki tanggal memotong, alasan itu masih ada, karena masing-masing Lord of the Mountain and Sea, memiliki metode khusus, memungkinkan diri untuk berlatih tipuan umum, ada.
Dan, mengenai Kedelapan ini gunung dan laut dewa hukum keberadaan, di desas-desus yang mengatakan bahwa ya ... jubah dan warisan almsbowl. Sebelum setiap generasi dewa meninggal, akan mencari orang dari warisan. Mirip dengan reinkarnasi, selamanya akan terus dewa.
Tapi saat ini, di Mountain dan Sea Kedelapan ini, di benua Meng Clan, di nenek rumah cabang, Meng Hao telah berdiri sama tubuh, menuju berjalan ke nenek di rumah, memegang tangan di sisi lain tidak hormat.
Semua orang yang sebelum tiba di rumah ini, Meng Hao tidak pergi untuk melakukan penghormatan, hanya nenek.
nenek melihat Meng Hao, pada wajah yang mengungkapkan lembut, mengangguk, duduk bersila untuk duduk sebelum tubuh Meng Hao, Meng Hao bernafas dalam-dalam, terlihat muram, memiliki serius, duduk perlahan.
"Jangan cemas, nenek tinggal untuk waktu yang lama sangat sangat lama, pengalaman terlalu banyak, apa pun mungkin tidak mengalami, bahkan jika itu kekalahan belum terkait, memiliki lebih dari dua paman Anda, cabang kami, ditakdirkan juga meningkat.
Nenek-satunya penyesalan, apakah ini hidup untuk inginkan sebelum mata tertutup, melihat kakek Anda lagi, aku bisa merasakan, ia tidak jatuh dari langit ... dia jauh dari saya, tidak jauh itu. "Nenek bergumam dengan suara lembut, pada item mengungkapkan untuk mengingat, akhirnya berubah mendesah ringan.
Meng Hao jantung adalah kompleks, hilang dari kakek, untuk menyelamatkannya.
" Nenek, Anda tidak akan memiliki disesalkan, saya pasti akan berhasil, akan menemukan kakek! "Meng Hao membuka mulut, nenek tersenyum dengan suara lembut, bahkan lebih lembut.
Meng Hao bernafas dalam-dalam, kedua tangan gelombang tangan, terlebih dahulu beberapa kali, dia sudah menyeluruh bagaimana akrab untuk mencatat kuku ini , jaminan saat ini lebih besar, kedua tangan juga mengangkat, jatuh di dahi nenek langsung, pada saat yang sama, Meng Hao Budidaya meletus benar!
Sebelum bahkan jika di luar paman besar untuk dua terapi, Meng Hao juga telah menggunakan 30% Budidaya, tapi saat ini, sebenarnya lengkap, bergemuruh, tubuh nenek menggigil keras, mungkin pada saat ini, pada nenek, sembilan tempat termasuk dahi, mengirimkan sinar terang tiba-tiba tiba-tiba.
ini sembilan daerah, kuku, hampir instan, yang Meng Hao warna tiba-tiba wajah yang ray ini muncul perubahan, dekat telinganya, mendengar sembilan mengaum pada saat ini.
"Dares memindahkan aku dan pembentukan Eja lainnya, kematian !!" sembilan raung, perubahan kata-kata seperti, bang masuk dalam pikiran Meng Hao, mirip dengan ledakan pikirannya langsung.
"Apakah tidak menganggap sumber menggigit lebih dari bisa mengunyah!" di mata Meng Hao dodges niat membunuh, ketika dingin mendengus, Dao Divinity setelah rasa spiritual besar yang berlatih perdagangan , berproliferasi seketika, dengan sembilan kesadaran konfrontasi langsung.
ini adalah perang Dao Realm tidak langsung, seseorang, perkelahian sembilan orang!
Thunders dengung itu, bang mengerikan, menggigil tubuh Meng Hao, tetapi kedua tangan yang sangat stabil, nenek menggigil, pada tubuh sinar bersinar, memiliki kuku yang akan dipaksa secara bertahap perlahan.
pada saat ini, dalam Ketujuh gunung dan laut, bahwa manusia lama sembilan Dao Realm warna wajah perubahan besar, masing-masing dari mereka telah dieja sepenuhnya, mungkin tidak dapat mengguncang orang yang tiba-tiba.
"Kedelapan gunung dan laut pembangkit tenaga listrik, saya akrab, yang ketika banyak seperti !!"
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