Makes use rushes ahead the pe­riod of time in the crowd, I take ad­van terjemahan - Makes use rushes ahead the pe­riod of time in the crowd, I take ad­van Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Makes use rushes ahead the pe­riod

Makes use rushes ahead the pe­riod of time in the crowd, I take ad­van­tage of not to eat the dizzi­ness and de­fense super­el­e­va­tion, from the start has not paid at­ten­tion to these black cav­alry sol­diers, brings to wipe the tea, Lin Wan Er and Li Mu three peo­ple in the crowd to rush ahead reck­lessly, lives off the gov­ern­ment, 20% Drain ef­fects al­most en­able my HP to main­tain at over 50%, even if were pro­jected by the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce and tom­a­hawk gives the col­lec­tion to be hot, that is also a pur­ple mir­a­cle cure mat­ter.
The dis­tant place, Wang Jian, Ran Min, white, Dong Cheng thun­der et al. also in abun­dance to rush ahead the im­pe­r­ial enemy in the array front, rides the im­pulse that the re­duc­tion with­stands for we's iron blade edge, these fel­lows ba­si­cally are Lum­ing set of + iron blade edge ride, weapon also very ex­cel­lent, ab­solute crush in at­tribute, rear area has again swims baby and other MM the ad­di­tional blood, does not fear the life and death is out­putting fully.
, [Zhan Long] has blocked grad­u­ally has fought the wave of fiercest of­fen­sive of war ca­su­alty trade union, even Li Mengyao has led one crowd of iron edges to ride to start the counter-at­tack!
How­ever the dis­tant place, Prague, trial and other trade unions were not re­laxed, the trial that the per­son who es­pe­cially the frontage and frost for­est leads con­tends with, the in­cor­rupt­ible war sheep rode al­most died in bat­tle over a thou­sand peo­ple in 10 min­utes, but the per­son of op­po­site party ac­tu­ally prob­a­bly killed un­ceas­ingly the com­mon, con­tin­u­ous cav­alry sol­dier im­pact, al­ready made our peo­ple some­what stren­u­ous.
„Can sup­port?” I gave Ye Laifa a news.
Ye Laizheng raises the tom­a­hawk to rush ahead in the crowd, replies me in a hurry: „At least I can sup­port, relax, is not 2 hours, we can! 4”
The typ­ing is too hur­ried, he has also hit a digit, seems like not op­ti­mistic.
Li Mu is cut­ting down in the crowd, while looks to me: „Looks like is not quite won­der­ful, our loss speeds were too fast! Es­pe­cially tries, that side Prague!”
I nod: „Bat­tle­field that re­or­ga­ni­za­tion iron blade edge rides, pro­ceeds to clash with me to­gether, the iron blade edge rides, only then can show the biggest su­pe­ri­or­ity in the charge, was used to de­fend too wastes!”
After sev­eral min­utes, is rid­den the cav­alry sol­dier bat­tle­field com­prised to ap­pear 7000 + iron edges in the [Zhan Long] frontal line, the peo­ple after my is­su­ing an order ad­vances the im­pact for­ward, the speed is get­ting more and more fast, the im­pact re­sulted in the Japan­ese play­ers in Lin­hai city to be some­what stren­u­ous, again, when we started the full speed im­pact, looks like sheared the rice same the player kills to re­verse to the both sides, the Japan­ese def­i­nitely has not thought of us, when to lit­tle fight many also dares to at­tack, prob­a­bly was also thinks that we were in­sane, after ask­ing for ad­vice the might that the iron blade edge rode, this idea on this has also van­ished into thin air!
I in the for­ma­tion front line, town Yue Dao raise, started the stunt town moun­tain bat­tle song di­rectly!
The dark blue brac­ing cold just likes the shock-wave same sweeps across the sur­round­ings to­gether, all Chi­nese play­ers in my 1000 yards pro­motes 4000 foun­da­tion strik­ing power com­pletely, but in my 1000 yards, dense and nu­mer­ous troop peo­ple, at least sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple ob­tain ben­e­fits, es­pe­cially the iron blade edge rides, ob­tains the town moun­tain bat­tle song ef­fect com­pletely, strik­ing power sud­denly to in­crease, al­most un­in­hab­ited area was rush­ing ahead in the crowd.
Pre­cious 10 min­utes, is our best op­por­tu­ni­ties, is not only [Zhan Long], sev­eral other trade union also Qi Qi in­stead has charged, air­borne can see that the frost for­est or­dered the peo­ple to with­stan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Makes use rushes ahead the pe­riod of time in the crowd, I take ad­van­tage of not to eat the dizzi­ness and de­fense super­el­e­va­tion, from the start has not paid at­ten­tion to these black cav­alry sol­diers, brings to wipe the tea, Lin Wan Er and Li Mu three peo­ple in the crowd to rush ahead reck­lessly, lives off the gov­ern­ment, 20% Drain ef­fects al­most en­able my HP to main­tain at over 50%, even if were pro­jected by the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce and tom­a­hawk gives the col­lec­tion to be hot, that is also a pur­ple mir­a­cle cure mat­ter.The dis­tant place, Wang Jian, Ran Min, white, Dong Cheng thun­der et al. also in abun­dance to rush ahead the im­pe­r­ial enemy in the array front, rides the im­pulse that the re­duc­tion with­stands for we's iron blade edge, these fel­lows ba­si­cally are Lum­ing set of + iron blade edge ride, weapon also very ex­cel­lent, ab­solute crush in at­tribute, rear area has again swims baby and other MM the ad­di­tional blood, does not fear the life and death is out­putting fully., [Zhan Long] has blocked grad­u­ally has fought the wave of fiercest of­fen­sive of war ca­su­alty trade union, even Li Mengyao has led one crowd of iron edges to ride to start the counter-at­tack!How­ever the dis­tant place, Prague, trial and other trade unions were not re­laxed, the trial that the per­son who es­pe­cially the frontage and frost for­est leads con­tends with, the in­cor­rupt­ible war sheep rode al­most died in bat­tle over a thou­sand peo­ple in 10 min­utes, but the per­son of op­po­site party ac­tu­ally prob­a­bly killed un­ceas­ingly the com­mon, con­tin­u­ous cav­alry sol­dier im­pact, al­ready made our peo­ple some­what stren­u­ous.„Can sup­port?” I gave Ye Laifa a news.Ye Laizheng raises the tom­a­hawk to rush ahead in the crowd, replies me in a hurry: „At least I can sup­port, relax, is not 2 hours, we can! 4”The typ­ing is too hur­ried, he has also hit a digit, seems like not op­ti­mistic.Li Mu is cut­ting down in the crowd, while looks to me: „Looks like is not quite won­der­ful, our loss speeds were too fast! Es­pe­cially tries, that side Prague!”I nod: „Bat­tle­field that re­or­ga­ni­za­tion iron blade edge rides, pro­ceeds to clash with me to­gether, the iron blade edge rides, only then can show the biggest su­pe­ri­or­ity in the charge, was used to de­fend too wastes!”„Un­der­stand­ing!”After sev­eral min­utes, is rid­den the cav­alry sol­dier bat­tle­field com­prised to ap­pear 7000 + iron edges in the [Zhan Long] frontal line, the peo­ple after my is­su­ing an order ad­vances the im­pact for­ward, the speed is get­ting more and more fast, the im­pact re­sulted in the Japan­ese play­ers in Lin­hai city to be some­what stren­u­ous, again, when we started the full speed im­pact, looks like sheared the rice same the player kills to re­verse to the both sides, the Japan­ese def­i­nitely has not thought of us, when to lit­tle fight many also dares to at­tack, prob­a­bly was also thinks that we were in­sane, after ask­ing for ad­vice the might that the iron blade edge rode, this idea on this has also van­ished into thin air!„Kills!”
I in the for­ma­tion front line, town Yue Dao raise, started the stunt town moun­tain bat­tle song di­rectly!
The dark blue brac­ing cold just likes the shock-wave same sweeps across the sur­round­ings to­gether, all Chi­nese play­ers in my 1000 yards pro­motes 4000 foun­da­tion strik­ing power com­pletely, but in my 1000 yards, dense and nu­mer­ous troop peo­ple, at least sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple ob­tain ben­e­fits, es­pe­cially the iron blade edge rides, ob­tains the town moun­tain bat­tle song ef­fect com­pletely, strik­ing power sud­denly to in­crease, al­most un­in­hab­ited area was rush­ing ahead in the crowd.
Pre­cious 10 min­utes, is our best op­por­tu­ni­ties, is not only [Zhan Long], sev­eral other trade union also Qi Qi in­stead has charged, air­borne can see that the frost for­est or­dered the peo­ple to with­stan
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Memanfaatkan bergegas menjelang periode waktu di kerumunan, saya mengambil keuntungan dari tidak makan pusing dan pertahanan superelevasi, dari awal belum memperhatikan ini prajurit kavaleri hitam, membawa untuk menyeka teh, Lin Wan Er dan Li Mu tiga orang dalam kerumunan untuk terburu-buru ke depan sembarangan, hidup dari pemerintah, 20% efek Tiriskan hampir mengaktifkan HP saya untuk menjaga di lebih dari 50%, bahkan jika diproyeksikan oleh carte kekaisaran dan Tierce dan tomahawk memberikan koleksi menjadi panas, yang juga soal obat ajaib ungu.
tempat yang jauh, Wang Jian, Ran Min, putih, Dong Cheng guntur et al. juga dalam kelimpahan buru-buru ke depan musuh kekaisaran di depan array, naik dorongan bahwa pengurangan yang tahan untuk kami ini pisau besi tepi, orang-orang ini pada dasarnya Luming set + pisau besi tepi naik, senjata juga sangat baik, naksir mutlak dalam atribut, area belakang memiliki lagi berenang bayi dan MM lainnya darah tambahan, tidak takut hidup dan mati adalah keluaran sepenuhnya.
, [Zhan panjang] telah diblokir secara bertahap telah berjuang gelombang serangan sengit perang korban serikat buruh, bahkan Li Mengyao telah menyebabkan salah satu kerumunan tepi besi untuk naik untuk memulai serangan balik!
Namun tempat yang jauh, Praha, percobaan dan serikat buruh lainnya tidak santai, sidang bahwa orang yang terutama depan dan hutan es memimpin berpendapat dengan, domba perang yang tidak fana naik hampir tewas dalam pertempuran lebih dari seribu orang di 10 menit, tetapi orang dari pihak lawan benar-benar mungkin membunuh tanpa henti umum, terus menerus dampak prajurit kavaleri, sudah membuat orang-orang kita agak berat.
"dapat mendukung?" saya memberi Ye Laifa berita.
Ye Laizheng menimbulkan tomahawk untuk buru-buru maju dalam kerumunan, menjawab saya terburu-buru: "setidaknya saya bisa mendukung, santai, tidak 2 jam, kita bisa! 4 "
mengetik terlalu terburu-buru, ia juga telah memukul digit, sepertinya tidak optimis.
Li Mu yang menebang di kerumunan, sementara penampilan saya:" Sepertinya tidak cukup indah, kecepatan hilangnya kami terlalu cepat! Terutama mencoba, sisi Praha "!
Saya mengangguk:" Battlefield yang ujung pisau reorganisasi besi naik, hasil berbenturan dengan saya bersama-sama, pisau besi tepi naik, hanya kemudian dapat menunjukkan keunggulan terbesar di charge, digunakan untuk mempertahankan juga limbah ! "
" Understanding! "
setelah beberapa menit, yang ditunggangi medan perang tentara kavaleri terdiri muncul 7000 tepi + besi di [Zhan panjang] garis frontal, orang-orang setelah saya mengeluarkan perintah kemajuan dampak ke depan, kecepatan semakin lebih dan lebih cepat, dampak mengakibatkan para pemain Jepang di kota Linhai menjadi agak berat, lagi, ketika kita mulai dampak kecepatan penuh, tampak seperti dicukur beras sama pemain membunuh untuk membalikkan ke kedua sisi, Jepang pasti tidak berpikir dari kita, kapan harus sedikit berjuang banyak juga berani menyerang, mungkin juga berpikir bahwa kami gila, setelah meminta saran kekuatan yang tepi pisau besi naik, ide ini pada ini juga telah lenyap ke udara tipis!
aku di garis formasi depan, kota Yue Dao menaikkan, mulai kota stunt gunung pertempuran lagu langsung!
The biru tua menguatkan dingin hanya menyukai gelombang kejut menyapu sama di lingkungan bersama-sama, semua pemain Cina di saya 1000 yard mempromosikan kekuatan mencolok 4000 yayasan sepenuhnya, tetapi pada tahun 1000 yard saya, padat dan banyak pasukan orang, setidaknya beberapa ribu orang memperoleh manfaat, terutama pisau besi tepi naik, memperoleh kota pegunungan pertempuran efek lagu-benar, kekuatan mencolok tiba-tiba meningkat , daerah hampir tak berpenghuni bergegas maju dalam kerumunan.
Berharga 10 menit, adalah peluang terbaik, tidak hanya [Zhan panjang], beberapa serikat buruh lainnya juga Qi Qi bukan menuduh, udara dapat melihat bahwa hutan frost memerintahkan orang-orang untuk withstan
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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