The earliest authenticatedmention of the Thugs is found inthe followin terjemahan - The earliest authenticatedmention of the Thugs is found inthe followin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The earliest authenticatedmention o

The earliest authenticated
mention of the Thugs is found in
the following passage of Ziau-d
din Barni's History of Firoz Shah
(written about 1356):
In the reign of that sultan
(about 1290) , some Thugs
were taken in Delhi, and a
man belonging to that
fraternity was the means of
about a thousand being
captured. But not one of
these did the sultan have
killed. He gave orders for
them to be put into boats
and to be conveyed into the
lower country, to the
neighborhood of Lakhnauti,
where they were to be set
free. The Thugs would thus
have to dwell about
Lakhnauti and would not
trouble the neighborhood of
Delhi any more."
Though they themselves trace
their origin to seven Muslim
tribes, the Hindu followers only
seem to be related during the
early periods of Islamic
development; at any rate, their
religious creed and staunch
worship of Kali, one of the Hindu
Tantric Goddesses, showed no
Islamic influence. Assassination
for gain was a religious duty for
them, and was considered a holy
and honorable profession, in
which moral feelings did not
come into play. The practice of
Thuggee was categorically
stamped out by the British by
the early nineteenth century.
Induction was sometimes passed
from father to son; the leaders of
the thug groups tended to come
from these hereditary lines.
Another way by which people
became thugs was this;
sometimes the thugs did not kill
the young children of the
travellers and groomed them to
become thugs themselves. Some
men became thugs to escape
great poverty. A fourth way of
becoming a thug was by learning
it from an guru.
The Thuggee cult was eventually
suppressed by the British rulers
of India in 1828, due largely to
the efforts of Lord William
Bentinck, Governor General of
India from 1828, who started an
extensive campaign involving
profiling, intelligence , and
executions. The campaign was
heavily based on informants
recruited from captured thugs
who were offered protection on
the condition that they told
everything that they knew. By the
1870s, the Thug cult was extinct,
but the concept of 'criminal
tribes' and 'criminal castes' is
still in use in India. A police
organization known as the
'Thuggee and Dacoity
Department' was established
within the Government of India,
with William Sleeman appointed
Superintendent of the
department in 1835. The
Department remained in
existence until 1904, when it was
replaced by the Central Criminal
Intelligence Department. The
defeat of the Thuggees played a
part in securing Indian loyalty to
the British Raj .
Previous attempts at prosecuting
and eliminating the thugs had
been largely unsuccessful due to
the lack of evidence for their
crimes. The thugs' modus
operandi yielded very little
evidence: no witnesses, no
weapons, and no corpses.
Besides, the thugs usually made
no confessions when captured.
Another main reason was the fact
that thug groups did not act
locally, but all over the Indian
subcontinent, including
territories that did not belong to
British India in combination with
the fact that there was then no
centralized criminal intelligence
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The earliest authenticatedmention of the Thugs is found inthe following passage of Ziau-ddin Barni's History of Firoz Shah(written about 1356):In the reign of that sultan(about 1290) , some Thugswere taken in Delhi, and aman belonging to thatfraternity was the means ofabout a thousand beingcaptured. But not one ofthese did the sultan havekilled. He gave orders forthem to be put into boatsand to be conveyed into thelower country, to theneighborhood of Lakhnauti,where they were to be setfree. The Thugs would thushave to dwell aboutLakhnauti and would nottrouble the neighborhood ofDelhi any more."Though they themselves tracetheir origin to seven Muslimtribes, the Hindu followers onlyseem to be related during theearly periods of Islamicdevelopment; at any rate, theirreligious creed and staunchworship of Kali, one of the HinduTantric Goddesses, showed noIslamic influence. Assassinationfor gain was a religious duty forthem, and was considered a holyand honorable profession, inwhich moral feelings did notcome into play. The practice ofThuggee was categoricallystamped out by the British bythe early nineteenth century.Induction was sometimes passedfrom father to son; the leaders ofthe thug groups tended to comefrom these hereditary lines.Another way by which peoplebecame thugs was this;sometimes the thugs did not killthe young children of thetravellers and groomed them tobecome thugs themselves. Somemen became thugs to escape
great poverty. A fourth way of
becoming a thug was by learning
it from an guru.
The Thuggee cult was eventually
suppressed by the British rulers
of India in 1828, due largely to
the efforts of Lord William
Bentinck, Governor General of
India from 1828, who started an
extensive campaign involving
profiling, intelligence , and
executions. The campaign was
heavily based on informants
recruited from captured thugs
who were offered protection on
the condition that they told
everything that they knew. By the
1870s, the Thug cult was extinct,
but the concept of 'criminal
tribes' and 'criminal castes' is
still in use in India. A police
organization known as the
'Thuggee and Dacoity
Department' was established
within the Government of India,
with William Sleeman appointed
Superintendent of the
department in 1835. The
Department remained in
existence until 1904, when it was
replaced by the Central Criminal
Intelligence Department. The
defeat of the Thuggees played a
part in securing Indian loyalty to
the British Raj .
Previous attempts at prosecuting
and eliminating the thugs had
been largely unsuccessful due to
the lack of evidence for their
crimes. The thugs' modus
operandi yielded very little
evidence: no witnesses, no
weapons, and no corpses.
Besides, the thugs usually made
no confessions when captured.
Another main reason was the fact
that thug groups did not act
locally, but all over the Indian
subcontinent, including
territories that did not belong to
British India in combination with
the fact that there was then no
centralized criminal intelligence
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Awal dikonfirmasi
menyebutkan Preman ditemukan dalam
kutipan berikut dari Ziau-d
din Barni Sejarah dari Firoz Shah
(ditulis sekitar 1356):
Pada masa pemerintahan yang sultan
(sekitar 1290), beberapa Preman
diambil di Delhi, dan
pria milik bahwa
persaudaraan adalah sarana
sekitar seribu yang
ditangkap. Tapi bukan salah satu dari
ini tidak sultan telah
tewas. Dia memberi perintah untuk
mereka untuk dimasukkan ke dalam perahu
dan yang ingin disampaikan ke
negara yang lebih rendah, dengan
lingkungan Lakhnauti,
di mana mereka harus ditetapkan
gratis. Preman demikian akan
harus tinggal sekitar
Lakhnauti dan tidak akan
kesulitan lingkungan
. Delhi lagi "
Meskipun mereka sendiri melacak
asal mereka untuk tujuh Muslim
suku, para pengikut Hindu hanya
tampaknya terkait selama
periode awal Islam
pembangunan; setiap tingkat, mereka
keyakinan agama dan setia
menyembah Kali, salah satu Hindu
Tantra Dewi, tidak menunjukkan
pengaruh Islam. Pembunuhan
untuk keuntungan adalah kewajiban agama untuk
mereka, dan dianggap sebagai suci
profesi dan terhormat, di
mana perasaan moral yang tidak
datang ke . bermain Praktek
pembunuhan dgn perampokan itu kategoris
dicap oleh Inggris dengan
awal abad kesembilan belas.
Induksi kadang-kadang melewati
dari ayah ke anak, para pemimpin
kelompok preman cenderung untuk datang
. dari garis-garis keturunan
Cara lain dimana orang
menjadi preman itu ini;
kadang-kadang preman tidak membunuh
anak-anak muda dari
wisatawan dan dipersiapkan mereka untuk
menjadi preman sendiri Beberapa.
pria menjadi preman untuk melarikan diri
kemiskinan besar Cara keempat.
menjadi preman itu dengan belajar
dari seorang guru.
The pembunuhan dgn perampokan kultus itu akhirnya
ditekan oleh penguasa Inggris
dari India pada tahun 1828, terutama disebabkan oleh
upaya Tuhan William
Bentinck, Gubernur Jenderal
India dari tahun 1828, yang memulai
kampanye luas yang melibatkan
profiling, kecerdasan, dan
eksekusi. Kampanye ini
sangat didasarkan pada informan
direkrut dari preman ditangkap
yang ditawarkan perlindungan pada
kondisi bahwa mereka mengatakan
segala sesuatu yang mereka tahu. Oleh
1870-an, kultus Thug itu punah,
tapi konsep 'kriminal
suku 'dan' kasta kriminal 'adalah
masih digunakan di India. Sebuah polisi
organisasi yang dikenal sebagai
'pembunuhan dgn perampokan dan Dacoity
Departemen didirikan
dalam Pemerintah India,
dengan William Sleeman ditunjuk
Inspektur dari
departemen di 1835.
Departemen tetap
ada sampai tahun 1904, ketika
digantikan oleh Kriminal Central
Department Intelijen. The
kekalahan Thuggees memainkan
bagian dalam mengamankan loyalitas India untuk
Raj Inggris.
Usaha-usaha sebelumnya untuk menuntut para
dan menghilangkan preman telah
sebagian besar telah berhasil karena
kurangnya bukti untuk mereka
kejahatan. Para preman 'Modus
operandi menghasilkan sangat sedikit
bukti: ada saksi, tidak ada
senjata, dan tidak ada mayat.
Selain itu, preman biasanya dibuat
tidak ada pengakuan ketika ditangkap.
Alasan utama lainnya adalah kenyataan
bahwa kelompok-kelompok preman tidak bertindak
secara lokal, tetapi di seluruh India
benua, termasuk
wilayah yang bukan milik
British India dalam kombinasi dengan
fakta bahwa ada maka tidak ada
intelijen kriminal terpusat
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