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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Persiapan dan evaluasi Sparfloxacin ParenteralBentuk sediaanSparfloxacin adalah fluoroquinolone sintetis spektrum yang luas anti mikroba agen yang digunakan dalam pengobataninfeksi bakteri dan tersedia saat ini di pasar hanya sebagai bentuk dosis tablet. Itu lebih disukai diperawatan orang dewasa dengan masyarakat memperoleh pneumonia, akut bakteri yang mengalami eksaserbasi bronkitis kronisdisebabkan oleh organisme rentan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan maksud untuk mengembangkan yang stabil danefektif formulasi parenteral, yang mengandung obat sparfloxacin. Sparfloxacin adalah obat tidak larut air. TheEfek berbagai co pelarut di kelarutan sparfloxacin telah dievaluasi. Sparfloxacin diadili denganCo pelarut PEG-400, Propylene glycol, gliserin, etanol, Tween 80. Obat dijadikan injeksiformulasi untuk administrasi dengan infus. PEG-400 Terpilih sebagai pelarut co dan formulasi telahdirumuskan dalam kombinasi yang berbeda dengan etil alkohol. Berbagai kumpulan sparfloxacin injeksiformulasi telah dipersiapkan untuk menilai pengaruh panas, cahaya, atmosfer oksigen dan antioksidanpada stabilitas obat dan formulasi juga mengalami pengujian dalam rangka stabilitas dipercepatuntuk memprediksi perkiraan rak-hidup produk.Daftar bahan-bahan yang digunakan diberikan dalam tabel 1.Studies2 preformulation, 3, 4, 5, 6Kelarutan studi Sparfloxacin dalam berbagaisolvents (saturation solubility method)Excess of drug was added to different solvents in10 ml stoppered volumetric flasks. Then Drug wasmade to dissolve in the solvent by placing thevolumetric flask in the shaker bath at 25° C for 6hours. The volumetric flasks were then placed atroom temperature for 24 hours. The solutions werefiltered and appropriate dilutions were made tomeasure absorbances at 286nm using UV visiblespectrophotometer, and water as blank. The dataare given in Table 3.Effect of Temperature on Stability of Drug1% Sparfloxacin solution in 0.0.1N NaOH is filledinto vials. The vials were sealed and placed atrefrigeration, room-temperature, 50°C, 75°C and95°C for 1 week and observed for colour changeand crystal growth. The samples placed atrefrigeration and room temperature served ascontrols. The data are given in Table 4.Light Stability of Drug1% of Sparfloxacin solution in 0.0.1N NaOH isfilled in to 20ml glass vials (amber and clear).Also samples of drug substance are placed in anopen perti dish to expose a large surface. Drug anddilutions placed in a light-resistant amber colouredglass vials, foil wrapped and in a cardboard box ascontrols. This is carried out for 4 weeks withweekly examinations for visible colour change orprecipitation in solution in clear vials, thecompound can be considered as potentially lightsensitive and should be handled accordingly. Thedata are given in Table 5.Effect of Oxygen on Drug1% of Sparfloxacin in 0.0.1N NaOH is filled intovials and placed at 30°C and 40°C. One group ispurged and another group is sealed with air.Solutions are observed for colour change and drugcontent. The data are given in Table 6 to 11.FORMULATION DEVELOPMENTAttempts were made to develop a stable parenteralformulation using cosolvent/s along with otherexcipients. The dose selected for formulation was400 mg of Sparfloxacin in 2ml solvent. Theprepared formulations contain the followingingredients along with their concentrations aregiven in Table 2.Thus prepared formulations were assayed for drugcontent respectively and 10ml of these were placedat 5°C, room temperature (RT), 37°C, 40°C and45°C for six weeks and observed for crystalgrowth, clarity, pH change, and drug content.
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