To My Daughter’s StepmomI never wanted you here. You simply were never terjemahan - To My Daughter’s StepmomI never wanted you here. You simply were never Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To My Daughter’s StepmomI never wan

To My Daughter’s Stepmom

I never wanted you here. You simply were never part of the plan. Growing up and dreaming of my family I never included you. I didn’t want help from another woman to raise my child. The plan was for my family to include me, daddy and our children, not you. I doubt you ever wanted me in your life. I doubt you planned to mother a child that you didn’t give birth to. I can bet that your plan for your family included you, daddy and your children together, not me or my daughter. I can almost bet that when you dreamed of becoming a mother it would be the day you gave birth and not the day you married your husband. I’m pretty sure you never planned on me being here.

But God has plans that far exceed our own and when my little family dissolved to form two families I knew you would be coming.

In my mind you would be a terrible beast and my daughter would not want you to mother her at all, ever! I was hoping that you would be semi unattractive and prayed my daughter wouldn’t look up to you. Her daddy would know that he was settling for second best. Evil swirled in me because I never wanted to face the fact that another woman would mother my child in my absence.

Then you arrived.

When I first met you I’ll admit you weren’t what I had in mind and a twinge of jealousy shot through my body. You were supposed to be hideous, remember? But you weren’t, you were stunningly beautiful. You were supposed to be a mean old hag, remember? But you weren’t, you were a young, sweet woman.

My plans were foiled.

I realized by the look on your face that meeting me was just as hard as it was for me to meet you. My heart immediately softened. Dang your kind smile! I was planing on really hating you. Why are your ruining my plan?!

I wanted to resent you but you made it impossible and I quickly grew thankful for you. You’ve accepted our daughter from the very start and have unconditionally loved both her and her daddy, that’s a true gift to all of us. You’ve included our daughter in everything you do and make her feel loved and accepted. You put her relationship with her daddy above yours and only a brave and courageous woman knows how to do that with such grace.

I knew when her daddy and I decided to divorce and live in separate homes there would be times when she would need me, her mommy, and I wouldn’t be there. I’m so thankful that you are there in my absence. I’m grateful that you have mercy on her teen years and never reject her. She needs a mommy at your house and you’ve done an amazing job being that for her.

You’ve respected my position as mom from the very start. I appreciate that you always check with me when you question if you are making the right decision with her. I know our situation is rare. It’s not often that a mom and stepmom text each other to remind each other that they love and respect each other. You are a gift.

Because of you and your courage to mother our daughter the way that you do, she will be a better woman. She will grow up with more love than I could have ever imagined. It wasn’t her choice to have divorced parents and even though I wouldn’t wish that on any child I am so thankful that she now has 3 parents who love and respect her and each other. She’s compassionate because of it and understands that a failure in one area can turn into a blessing in another.

I don’t see you as a fill in for when I’m not there. You are her mother when she’s with you and when she’s with me. She’s excited to call you and tell you her stories when she’s at my house and that makes my heart want to jump from my chest with joy. I fill with pride when you wrap your arms around me and squeeze for a genuine and loving hug each time we see each other.
I am extremely aware of what it looks like when a mother cannot emotionally accept her childs stepmother in their life. Gratefulness pours heavily from me that we are able to rise above anything like that and do what is truly right for our daughter. Thank you for being mature enough and respectful enough to co-parent with me.

I promise to always respect your input for our daughter. I promise to never lessen the position you hold in her life or make you feel like you are not her mother. I promise to raise her to be grateful to have two strong and brave women in her life that have the courage to mother her together. Even though our situation is peaceful I pray that she is never in it, but if she ever finds herself here I promise to set an example for her of what co-parenting should look like.

Precious woman, you are a rare and beautiful gem.

God bless you and I love you.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
To My Daughter’s StepmomI never wanted you here. You simply were never part of the plan. Growing up and dreaming of my family I never included you. I didn’t want help from another woman to raise my child. The plan was for my family to include me, daddy and our children, not you. I doubt you ever wanted me in your life. I doubt you planned to mother a child that you didn’t give birth to. I can bet that your plan for your family included you, daddy and your children together, not me or my daughter. I can almost bet that when you dreamed of becoming a mother it would be the day you gave birth and not the day you married your husband. I’m pretty sure you never planned on me being here.But God has plans that far exceed our own and when my little family dissolved to form two families I knew you would be coming.In my mind you would be a terrible beast and my daughter would not want you to mother her at all, ever! I was hoping that you would be semi unattractive and prayed my daughter wouldn’t look up to you. Her daddy would know that he was settling for second best. Evil swirled in me because I never wanted to face the fact that another woman would mother my child in my absence.Then you arrived.When I first met you I’ll admit you weren’t what I had in mind and a twinge of jealousy shot through my body. You were supposed to be hideous, remember? But you weren’t, you were stunningly beautiful. You were supposed to be a mean old hag, remember? But you weren’t, you were a young, sweet woman.Rencana saya adalah digagalkan.Saya menyadari dengan melihat pada wajah Anda bertemu saya itu hanya keras seperti itu bagi saya untuk bertemu dengan Anda. Hati saya segera melunak. Dang baik tersenyum! Saya planing pada benar-benar membenci Anda. Mengapa Apakah Anda merusak rencana saya?!Aku ingin membenci Anda tapi Anda membuat mustahil dan aku cepat tumbuh bersyukur untuk Anda. Anda telah menerima putri kami dari awal dan tanpa syarat telah mengasihi dia dan ayah, itu hadiah sejati kepada kita semua. Anda telah menyertakan putri kami dalam segala hal yang Anda lakukan dan membuatnya merasa dikasihi dan diterima. Anda menempatkan hubungan dengan ayah di atas milik Anda dan hanya berani dan berani wanita tahu bagaimana melakukan itu dengan rahmat tersebut.Aku tahu ketika ayah dan saya memutuskan untuk perceraian dan tinggal di rumah-rumah terpisah yang akan ada saat-saat ia akan membutuhkan saya, mommy dia, dan aku tidak akan ada. Saya sangat bersyukur bahwa Anda berada di sana dalam ketidakhadiran saya. Saya bersyukur bahwa Anda ampuni remaja dan tidak pernah menolaknya. Dia kebutuhan ibu di rumah Anda dan Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan yang menakjubkan adalah bahwa untuknya.Anda menghormati posisi saya sebagai ibu dari awal. Saya menghargai bahwa Anda selalu memeriksa dengan saya ketika Anda pertanyaan jika Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat dengannya. Aku tahu situasi kita langka. Hal ini tidak sering bahwa teks ibu dan stepmom satu sama lain untuk mengingatkan satu sama lain bahwa mereka mengasihi dan saling menghormati. Anda adalah hadiah.Because of you and your courage to mother our daughter the way that you do, she will be a better woman. She will grow up with more love than I could have ever imagined. It wasn’t her choice to have divorced parents and even though I wouldn’t wish that on any child I am so thankful that she now has 3 parents who love and respect her and each other. She’s compassionate because of it and understands that a failure in one area can turn into a blessing in another.I don’t see you as a fill in for when I’m not there. You are her mother when she’s with you and when she’s with me. She’s excited to call you and tell you her stories when she’s at my house and that makes my heart want to jump from my chest with joy. I fill with pride when you wrap your arms around me and squeeze for a genuine and loving hug each time we see each other.I am extremely aware of what it looks like when a mother cannot emotionally accept her childs stepmother in their life. Gratefulness pours heavily from me that we are able to rise above anything like that and do what is truly right for our daughter. Thank you for being mature enough and respectful enough to co-parent with me.I promise to always respect your input for our daughter. I promise to never lessen the position you hold in her life or make you feel like you are not her mother. I promise to raise her to be grateful to have two strong and brave women in her life that have the courage to mother her together. Even though our situation is peaceful I pray that she is never in it, but if she ever finds herself here I promise to set an example for her of what co-parenting should look like.Precious woman, you are a rare and beautiful gem.God bless you and I love you.
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