Chaper 10Recap: Jodha with smile: Shenshah do you know meaning of marr terjemahan - Chaper 10Recap: Jodha with smile: Shenshah do you know meaning of marr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chaper 10Recap: Jodha with smile: S

Chaper 10

Recap: Jodha with smile: Shenshah do you know meaning of marriage... It's bridge between trust, faith, respect, and love for each other. It is connection between two souls...two hearts...In Hindu belief... Once you marry to someone with your heart than your souls are connected to each other for seven lives. The day you will start taking your decision from your heart people will started to love you from heart as well...

Jalal couldn't say word...he was utterly shaken, he changed topic and said with a serious voice, I have to go to court Jodha begum... Kudha AAfij and left ...he couldn't stand her purity anymore.

Maham was getting more and more annoyed seeing Jalal and Jodha closeness. Dasi came gave lots of messages to Maham. She was the one was managing all the mail and passes it appropriate people. There was a message for Jodha...and she wickedly smiles seeing this message...

Chapter 10:

Jalal is in the court room surrounded by many administrators but he couldn't concentrate on his work... His ears were ringing constantly with Jodha's sweet bitter words, her utterance really touched his spirit. Why I am so much concern about what she said??? Do I have heart??? Can I ever love her with my heart? Is it true, my own people doesn't love me because I don't love them with my heart. They just respect me out of fear, he consoles his feeling to himself.

Jodha is so innocent and divine she doesn't understand politics and power, in this game no one is your friend, or relative. If I start taking my decision with my heart, people will have no fear of his king, no one will follow orders, everything will be ruined... Oh!!! Her thoughts are making me weak; She is washing my brain with her thoughts... I better stay away from her.

He is back to his cruel and merciless judgment and that is how he was grown up under shadow of Beharm Khan and Maham manga, his foundation was based on Power is everything to gain it go to any extent, people only respect others with fear. Do not trust anyone one even your shadow, everyone around you, wants something from you. Those are MANTRA for Jalal for his actions. After Beharm Khan's death, Maham was controlling almost all the judgment and his thinking, Maham hated hindu's, so hindu people treated very poorly at that time, they had to pay extra taxes, they were not allow in many places, many of them force to change their religion... Overall it was not fair kingdom, after many years of proceeding identical way Jalal also started to think somewhat Hindu people are not that trustworthy.

Jalal original foundation by his father Humayu and Hamida was strong so many times he took decision unknowingly with his heart. He never agreed with Adham or Beharam khan that after winning war killing or arresting all soldiers and king. If they wants to surrender give them proper respect, inside of his heart he knew what he was doing it was not fair but never wanted to admit it. He became king in very young age; he had seen many betrayals from his own family that made him crueler. Jodha was altering him little by little she was showing him real truth. Since Jodha enter in his life he was going through many emotions like love, hate, aggravation, mystification, delusion, rejection, which he didn't see in many years in his repetitive life. Jodha put stone in still water and took away his peace, after their marriage, he didn't sleep one peaceful night. He wanted to make her life miserable and without doing anything she made is life puzzling and more confusing. Her words were crushing his pride slowly and gradually...

Jalal wanted to satisfied his ego...wanted see love for him...So he decided see Rukaiya, She was only one he could open his heart to her, and he also knew that he has overlook her since he got married to Jodha. Jalal's ignorance was really hurtful for Rukaiya but she knew he will come back to her after a while. There foundation on based of friendship and trust on each other.

Jalal went to her room silently and grab her from back and hold her waist with passionate love before Rukaiya say anything he started to kiss her on her neck with passion... At first she got surprise with sudden kiss... she moved a little away from him to show her anger for ignorance without saying word. Jalal turned her towards her and kissed her again, before she could say anything he kissed on her lips softly and whisper "Rukaiya, I miss you so much..." Before Rukaiya come out of sudden passion he moved on further carried her in his arms and softly put her on the bed... he opened her blouse slowly and in no time they were lost in each other arm with deep passionate love, finally their sensual touch took him to heavenly pleasure and they became one...

After completion of their love making session, they were still sleeping on bed panting loudly. Rukaiya notice change in Jalal touch, she never felt this much desire and possessiveness in his love before... Jalal's eyes were close, he suddenly felt restless? He realized his entire session he was thinking about Jodha... while making love in Rukaiya he was seeing Jodha only... Realization gave him a deep sting in his heart, immediately guilt spread on his face, he couldn't see in Rukaiya's eyes.

Rukaiya also felt big change in Jalal, his sudden passion, his touch was incredible unusual, he never made a move this passionately and aggressive both were silently lost in their thought...

After dressing up, Rukaiya hugged him with love and asked him straight... "Why I feel you have changed? Your touch and love was not same, feels like you have renewed...what is so different about you, I can't tell...?"

Jalal didn't want to hurt her, so he hid his guilt and mask his feeling replied "Why! You did not enjoy it."

She blushed shyly and said "Oh Jalal, I have never experienced this passionate love from you before, I felt like your touch was pouring so much love for me. I felt complete today, I am feeling that I am being loved by you for first time..."

Hearing from Rukaiya...he got annoyed with the word LOVE' ...Jalal got so irritated and mad, he shouted "Stop it Jodha begum, how many time I have told you, I don't have heart and I don't love any one..." He realized immediately what he has done! Jalal got dumbfounded and shocked at himself... COMPLETE SILENCE... didn't know what to say ... he knew he has hurt Rukaiya to extreme...He also knew that Rukaiya loves him so much... He had no strength left to perceive in Rukaiya's eyes...Jalal also loved her as a best closest friend and companion... he decided to leave chamber but before that Rukaiya hold his hand, she wanted to verify one more time in Jalal's eyes... he looked back with immense guilt in his eyes, her eyes filled with immense pain...finally tears pricked out of her eyes. She realized Jalal came to see Jodha not her...He was pouring all love to Jodha not her... She releases his hand ran out of his sight... Jalal is still standing, freeze there with repentant face saw her ran away out of the room with tears and tremendous pain.

Jalal realize his mind and heart both are entirely captured by Jodha...

Other side!!!!!!!!! Jodha was feeling much relieved after talking to him about her feelings, suddenly her face was shimmering with unpredictable smile, she wanted to tell everything to Moti...what happened. She lost in the morning romance and their first kiss, his passionate desire for her, his strong grip all moment giving her goosebumps and she was constantly blushing. She talked to herself, oh I was so wrong about him, he is so loving and caring, and little by little her heart was opening of him.

It was almost evening, Moti came back and saw Jodha lost in deep thought and smiling mischievously. She couldn't tell, she is charmed by Jalal. She said playfully "Jodha, where are you lost? Jalal's Arm?" with giggle... Jodha with annoyance replied "Moti, stop teasing me, I have to tell you lot of thing." She told her every detail what happen and with so much contentment... Two friend were chatting and lost in their talk and never realized Maham was standing outside listening to their conversation...Hearing about Jalal and Jodha, Maham got so crazy mad, she never thought Jalal will come this close to her... Finally Maham came inside to Jodha's chamber and gave her the message. Respectfully Jodha said thank you and took message from her...Maham gave evil guise and left.

She was surprised and excited to see a letter from Sujamal bhaisa... This was the first time, she heard from him after her wedding. She also worried for him, she knew he was feeling betrayal from Amer but their brother and sister love was so pure... this dispute didn't touch their relation. She shocked to read that Sujamal wanted to see her, twenty miles away from the palace in the Jungle cottage and also mentioned not to inform anyone but she knew that he is alone and very much in pain so decided to go see him in the morning. It was a very difficult task for her to leave palace without any permission but she decided to take a risk and see Sujamal.

Maham was watching Jodha's reaction and her wicked smile came on her face!!!!

Jodha with worried expression said "Moti, I will have to go see Sujamal bhaisa, there must be something very important. Moti with guiding tone replied "Jodha, you need to tell Shenshah before you go...don't hide anything from him, he is your husband." Jodha with confusion " Moti, Sujamal is my bhai sa, how can I betrayed him, he said not to inform anyone. Moti replied "how you will go, you have to spend night with Shenshah tonight... how you will manage." Jodha playfully gaze and said "you forgot how many time, I have ran out of the palace in Amer. Don't worry I will manage."
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chaper 10

Recap: Jodha with smile: Shenshah do you know meaning of marriage... It's bridge between trust, faith, respect, and love for each other. It is connection between two souls...two hearts...In Hindu belief... Once you marry to someone with your heart than your souls are connected to each other for seven lives. The day you will start taking your decision from your heart people will started to love you from heart as well...

Jalal couldn't say word...he was utterly shaken, he changed topic and said with a serious voice, I have to go to court Jodha begum... Kudha AAfij and left ...he couldn't stand her purity anymore.

Maham was getting more and more annoyed seeing Jalal and Jodha closeness. Dasi came gave lots of messages to Maham. She was the one was managing all the mail and passes it appropriate people. There was a message for Jodha...and she wickedly smiles seeing this message...

Chapter 10:

Jalal is in the court room surrounded by many administrators but he couldn't concentrate on his work... His ears were ringing constantly with Jodha's sweet bitter words, her utterance really touched his spirit. Why I am so much concern about what she said??? Do I have heart??? Can I ever love her with my heart? Is it true, my own people doesn't love me because I don't love them with my heart. They just respect me out of fear, he consoles his feeling to himself.

Jodha is so innocent and divine she doesn't understand politics and power, in this game no one is your friend, or relative. If I start taking my decision with my heart, people will have no fear of his king, no one will follow orders, everything will be ruined... Oh!!! Her thoughts are making me weak; She is washing my brain with her thoughts... I better stay away from her.

He is back to his cruel and merciless judgment and that is how he was grown up under shadow of Beharm Khan and Maham manga, his foundation was based on Power is everything to gain it go to any extent, people only respect others with fear. Do not trust anyone one even your shadow, everyone around you, wants something from you. Those are MANTRA for Jalal for his actions. After Beharm Khan's death, Maham was controlling almost all the judgment and his thinking, Maham hated hindu's, so hindu people treated very poorly at that time, they had to pay extra taxes, they were not allow in many places, many of them force to change their religion... Overall it was not fair kingdom, after many years of proceeding identical way Jalal also started to think somewhat Hindu people are not that trustworthy.

Jalal original foundation by his father Humayu and Hamida was strong so many times he took decision unknowingly with his heart. He never agreed with Adham or Beharam khan that after winning war killing or arresting all soldiers and king. If they wants to surrender give them proper respect, inside of his heart he knew what he was doing it was not fair but never wanted to admit it. He became king in very young age; he had seen many betrayals from his own family that made him crueler. Jodha was altering him little by little she was showing him real truth. Since Jodha enter in his life he was going through many emotions like love, hate, aggravation, mystification, delusion, rejection, which he didn't see in many years in his repetitive life. Jodha put stone in still water and took away his peace, after their marriage, he didn't sleep one peaceful night. He wanted to make her life miserable and without doing anything she made is life puzzling and more confusing. Her words were crushing his pride slowly and gradually...

Jalal wanted to satisfied his ego...wanted see love for him...So he decided see Rukaiya, She was only one he could open his heart to her, and he also knew that he has overlook her since he got married to Jodha. Jalal's ignorance was really hurtful for Rukaiya but she knew he will come back to her after a while. There foundation on based of friendship and trust on each other.

Jalal went to her room silently and grab her from back and hold her waist with passionate love before Rukaiya say anything he started to kiss her on her neck with passion... At first she got surprise with sudden kiss... she moved a little away from him to show her anger for ignorance without saying word. Jalal turned her towards her and kissed her again, before she could say anything he kissed on her lips softly and whisper "Rukaiya, I miss you so much..." Before Rukaiya come out of sudden passion he moved on further carried her in his arms and softly put her on the bed... he opened her blouse slowly and in no time they were lost in each other arm with deep passionate love, finally their sensual touch took him to heavenly pleasure and they became one...

After completion of their love making session, they were still sleeping on bed panting loudly. Rukaiya notice change in Jalal touch, she never felt this much desire and possessiveness in his love before... Jalal's eyes were close, he suddenly felt restless? He realized his entire session he was thinking about Jodha... while making love in Rukaiya he was seeing Jodha only... Realization gave him a deep sting in his heart, immediately guilt spread on his face, he couldn't see in Rukaiya's eyes.

Rukaiya also felt big change in Jalal, his sudden passion, his touch was incredible unusual, he never made a move this passionately and aggressive both were silently lost in their thought...

After dressing up, Rukaiya hugged him with love and asked him straight... "Why I feel you have changed? Your touch and love was not same, feels like you have renewed...what is so different about you, I can't tell...?"

Jalal didn't want to hurt her, so he hid his guilt and mask his feeling replied "Why! You did not enjoy it."

She blushed shyly and said "Oh Jalal, I have never experienced this passionate love from you before, I felt like your touch was pouring so much love for me. I felt complete today, I am feeling that I am being loved by you for first time..."

Hearing from Rukaiya...he got annoyed with the word LOVE' ...Jalal got so irritated and mad, he shouted "Stop it Jodha begum, how many time I have told you, I don't have heart and I don't love any one..." He realized immediately what he has done! Jalal got dumbfounded and shocked at himself... COMPLETE SILENCE... didn't know what to say ... he knew he has hurt Rukaiya to extreme...He also knew that Rukaiya loves him so much... He had no strength left to perceive in Rukaiya's eyes...Jalal also loved her as a best closest friend and companion... he decided to leave chamber but before that Rukaiya hold his hand, she wanted to verify one more time in Jalal's eyes... he looked back with immense guilt in his eyes, her eyes filled with immense pain...finally tears pricked out of her eyes. She realized Jalal came to see Jodha not her...He was pouring all love to Jodha not her... She releases his hand ran out of his sight... Jalal is still standing, freeze there with repentant face saw her ran away out of the room with tears and tremendous pain.

Jalal realize his mind and heart both are entirely captured by Jodha...

Other side!!!!!!!!! Jodha was feeling much relieved after talking to him about her feelings, suddenly her face was shimmering with unpredictable smile, she wanted to tell everything to Moti...what happened. She lost in the morning romance and their first kiss, his passionate desire for her, his strong grip all moment giving her goosebumps and she was constantly blushing. She talked to herself, oh I was so wrong about him, he is so loving and caring, and little by little her heart was opening of him.

It was almost evening, Moti came back and saw Jodha lost in deep thought and smiling mischievously. She couldn't tell, she is charmed by Jalal. She said playfully "Jodha, where are you lost? Jalal's Arm?" with giggle... Jodha with annoyance replied "Moti, stop teasing me, I have to tell you lot of thing." She told her every detail what happen and with so much contentment... Two friend were chatting and lost in their talk and never realized Maham was standing outside listening to their conversation...Hearing about Jalal and Jodha, Maham got so crazy mad, she never thought Jalal will come this close to her... Finally Maham came inside to Jodha's chamber and gave her the message. Respectfully Jodha said thank you and took message from her...Maham gave evil guise and left.

She was surprised and excited to see a letter from Sujamal bhaisa... This was the first time, she heard from him after her wedding. She also worried for him, she knew he was feeling betrayal from Amer but their brother and sister love was so pure... this dispute didn't touch their relation. She shocked to read that Sujamal wanted to see her, twenty miles away from the palace in the Jungle cottage and also mentioned not to inform anyone but she knew that he is alone and very much in pain so decided to go see him in the morning. It was a very difficult task for her to leave palace without any permission but she decided to take a risk and see Sujamal.

Maham was watching Jodha's reaction and her wicked smile came on her face!!!!

Jodha with worried expression said "Moti, I will have to go see Sujamal bhaisa, there must be something very important. Moti with guiding tone replied "Jodha, you need to tell Shenshah before you go...don't hide anything from him, he is your husband." Jodha with confusion " Moti, Sujamal is my bhai sa, how can I betrayed him, he said not to inform anyone. Moti replied "how you will go, you have to spend night with Shenshah tonight... how you will manage." Jodha playfully gaze and said "you forgot how many time, I have ran out of the palace in Amer. Don't worry I will manage."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Chaper 10 Rekap: Jodha sambil tersenyum: Shenshah kau tahu arti pernikahan ... Ini jembatan antara kepercayaan, keyakinan, rasa hormat, dan cinta satu sama lain. Ini adalah hubungan antara dua jiwa ... dua hati ... Dalam kepercayaan Hindu ... Setelah Anda menikah dengan seseorang dengan hati Anda daripada jiwa Anda saling terhubung satu sama lain selama tujuh nyawa. Hari Anda akan mulai mengambil keputusan Anda dari orang-orang hati Anda akan mulai mencintaimu dari hati juga ... Jalal tidak bisa berkata-kata ... dia benar-benar terguncang, ia mengubah topik dan berkata dengan suara yang serius, saya memiliki untuk pergi ke pengadilan Jodha begum ... Kudha AAfij dan kiri ... dia tidak tahan kemurnian dia lagi. Maham itu semakin kesal melihat Jalal dan Jodha kedekatan. Dasi datang memberikan banyak pesan ke Maham. Dia adalah salah satu yang mengelola semua surat dan dibagikan orang yang tepat. Ada pesan untuk Jodha ... dan dia tersenyum jahat melihat pesan ini ... Bab 10: Jalal dalam ruang sidang dikelilingi oleh banyak administrator tapi ia tidak bisa berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaannya ... Telinganya berdering terus-menerus dengan Kata-kata pahit Jodha manis, ucapan nya benar-benar menyentuh rohnya. Mengapa saya begitu banyak kekhawatiran tentang apa yang dia katakan ??? Apakah saya harus hati ??? Dapatkah saya pernah mencintainya dengan hati saya? Apakah benar, orang-orang saya sendiri tidak mencintai saya karena saya tidak mencintai mereka dengan hati saya. Mereka hanya menghormati saya keluar dari rasa takut, ia konsol perasaan untuk dirinya sendiri. Jodha begitu polos dan ilahi dia tidak mengerti politik dan kekuasaan, dalam game ini tidak ada teman, atau saudara. Jika saya mulai mengambil keputusan saya dengan hati saya, orang tidak akan takut rajanya, tidak ada yang akan mengikuti perintah, semuanya akan hancur ... Oh !!! Pikirannya membuat saya lemah; Dia mencuci otak saya dengan pikirannya ... Saya lebih baik tinggal jauh dari dia. Dia kembali ke pengadilan kejam dan tanpa ampun dan itu adalah bagaimana ia tumbuh di bawah bayang-bayang Beharm Khan dan Maham manga, yayasannya didasarkan pada daya adalah segalanya untuk mendapatkan pergi sampai batas tertentu, orang hanya menghormati orang lain dengan rasa takut. Jangan percaya siapa pun salah satu bahkan bayangan Anda, semua orang di sekitar Anda, menginginkan sesuatu dari Anda. Mereka adalah MANTRA untuk Jalal atas perbuatannya. Setelah kematian Beharm Khan, Maham yang mengendalikan hampir semua penghakiman dan pemikirannya, Maham membenci hindu, masyarakat jadi hindu diperlakukan sangat buruk pada waktu itu, mereka harus membayar pajak tambahan, mereka tidak memungkinkan di banyak tempat, banyak dari mereka kekuatan untuk mengubah agama mereka ... Secara keseluruhan itu tidak adil kerajaan, setelah bertahun-tahun melanjutkan cara yang sama Jalal juga mulai berpikir orang agak Hindu tidak yang dapat dipercaya. dasar asli Jalal oleh ayahnya Humayu dan Hamidah yang kuat berkali-kali ia mengambil keputusan sadar dengan hatinya. Dia tidak pernah setuju dengan Adham atau Beharam khan bahwa setelah memenangkan perang atau pembunuhan menangkap semua prajurit dan raja. Jika mereka ingin menyerah memberi mereka hormat, dalam hatinya dia tahu apa yang dia lakukan itu tidak adil tetapi tidak pernah ingin mengakuinya. Ia menjadi raja di usia yang sangat muda; ia melihat banyak pengkhianatan dari keluarganya sendiri yang membuatnya kejam. Jodha itu mengubah dirinya sedikit demi sedikit ia menunjukkan kepadanya kebenaran sejati. Sejak Jodha masuk dalam hidupnya ia akan melalui banyak emosi seperti cinta, benci, kejengkelan, mistifikasi, delusi, penolakan, yang ia tidak melihat dalam bertahun-tahun dalam kehidupan berulang-Nya. Jodha menempatkan batu di air dan mengambil kedamaian, setelah pernikahan mereka, dia tidak tidur satu malam yang damai. Dia ingin membuat hidupnya sengsara dan tanpa melakukan apa-apa dia membuat hidup membingungkan dan lebih membingungkan. Kata-katanya yang menghancurkan harga dirinya perlahan-lahan dan secara bertahap ... Jalal ingin puas egonya ... ingin melihat cinta untuknya ... Jadi dia memutuskan melihat Rukaiya, Dia hanya satu dia bisa membuka hatinya kepadanya, dan dia juga tahu bahwa ia telah mengabaikan dirinya sejak ia menikah dengan Jodha. Ketidaktahuan Jalal itu benar-benar menyakitkan untuk Rukaiya tapi ia tahu ia akan kembali kepadanya setelah beberapa saat. Ada fondasi berdasarkan persahabatan dan kepercayaan satu sama lain. Jalal pergi ke kamarnya diam-diam dan mengambil dia dari belakang dan terus pinggangnya dengan gairah cinta sebelum Rukaiya mengatakan apa-apa ia mulai menciumnya di lehernya dengan gairah ... Pada awalnya dia mendapat kejutan dengan ciuman tiba-tiba ... dia pindah agak jauh dari dia untuk menunjukkan kemarahannya untuk ketidaktahuan tanpa mengucapkan sepatah kata. Jalal berbalik ke arahnya dan menciumnya lagi, sebelum dia bisa mengatakan apa-apa dia mencium bibirnya dengan lembut dan berbisik "Rukaiya, aku sangat merindukanmu ..." Sebelum Rukaiya keluar dari gairah tiba-tiba ia pindah lanjut membawanya dalam bukunya lengan dan lembut menempatkan dia di tempat tidur ... ia membuka bajunya perlahan dan dalam waktu singkat mereka hilang dalam masing-masing kelompok lain dengan gairah cinta yang mendalam, akhirnya sentuhan sensual mereka membawanya ke kenikmatan surgawi dan mereka menjadi salah satu ... Setelah selesai sesi bercinta mereka, mereka masih tidur di tempat tidur terengah-engah keras. Rukaiya perubahan pemberitahuan di Jalal sentuh, dia tidak pernah merasa banyak keinginan dan posesif cinta sebelum ... mata Jalal itu yang dekat, ia tiba-tiba merasa gelisah? Dia menyadari seluruh sesi, ia sedang berpikir tentang Jodha ... saat bercinta di Rukaiya ia melihat Jodha hanya ... Realisasi memberinya sengatan jauh di dalam hatinya, segera bersalah menyebar di wajahnya, dia tidak bisa melihat di Rukaiya itu mata. Rukaiya juga merasa perubahan besar dalam Jalal, gairah mendadak, sentuhannya luar biasa yang tidak biasa, ia tidak pernah membuat langkah ini dengan penuh semangat dan agresif keduanya diam-diam hilang dalam pemikiran mereka ... Setelah berdandan, Rukaiya memeluknya dengan kasih dan bertanya dia langsung ... "Mengapa saya merasa Anda telah berubah? sentuhan Anda dan cinta itu tidak sama, merasa seperti Anda telah diperbarui ... apa yang begitu berbeda tentang Anda, saya tidak bisa mengatakan ...?" Jalal tidak ingin menyakitinya, jadi dia menyembunyikan kesalahannya dan menutupi perasaannya menjawab "Mengapa Engkau tidak menikmatinya." Dia tersipu malu-malu dan berkata "Oh Jalal, saya tidak pernah mengalami cinta ini bergairah dari sebelumnya, aku merasa seperti sentuhan Anda mengalir begitu banyak cinta untuk saya. Saya merasa lengkap hari ini, saya merasa bahwa saya sedang dicintai oleh Anda untuk pertama kalinya ... " Mendengar dari Rukaiya ... dia kesal dengan kata CINTA '... Jalal punya begitu jengkel dan marah, ia berteriak "Hentikan Jodha begum, berapa banyak waktu yang telah saya katakan, saya tidak punya hati dan saya tidak suka ada orang ..." Dia menyadari segera apa yang telah dilakukannya! Jalal mendapat tercengang dan terkejut pada dirinya sendiri ... SILENCE LENGKAP ... tidak tahu harus berkata apa ... ia tahu ia telah menyakiti Rukaiya ekstrim ... Dia juga tahu bahwa Rukaiya mencintainya begitu banyak ... Dia tidak ada kekuatan yang tersisa untuk memahami mata Rukaiya itu ... Jalal juga mencintainya sebagai teman terdekat terbaik dan pendamping ... ia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan ruang tapi sebelum itu Rukaiya memegang tangannya, dia ingin memverifikasi sekali lagi di mata Jalal itu .. . ia melihat kembali dengan rasa bersalah yang sangat besar di matanya, matanya penuh dengan rasa sakit besar ... akhirnya air mata tertusuk keluar dari matanya. Dia menyadari Jalal datang untuk melihat Jodha bukan dia ... Dia menuangkan semua cinta Jodha bukan dia ... Dia melepaskan tangannya berlari dari hadapan-Nya ... Jalal masih berdiri, membeku di sana dengan wajah yang bertobat melihatnya lari keluar dari ruangan dengan air mata dan rasa sakit yang luar biasa. Jalal menyadari pikiran dan hatinya keduanya sepenuhnya ditangkap oleh Jodha ... Lain !!!!!!!!! sisi Jodha merasa lebih lega setelah berbicara kepadanya tentang perasaannya, tiba-tiba wajahnya berkilauan dengan senyum yang tak terduga, dia ingin memberitahu segalanya untuk Moti ... apa yang terjadi. Dia hilang dalam percintaan pagi dan ciuman pertama mereka, keinginan gairah untuknya, pegangan yang kuat semua saat memberikan merinding dan dia terus-menerus memerah. Dia berbicara dengan dirinya sendiri, oh aku begitu salah tentang dia, dia begitu mencintai dan peduli, dan sedikit demi sedikit hatinya adalah pembukaan dirinya. Itu hampir malam, Moti kembali dan melihat Jodha hilang dalam pemikiran yang mendalam dan tersenyum nakal. Dia tidak tahu, dia terpesona oleh Jalal. Dia mengatakan bercanda "Jodha, di mana kau hilang? Jalal itu Arm?" dengan tertawa ... Jodha dengan jengkel menjawab "Moti, berhenti menggodaku, saya harus memberitahu Anda banyak hal." Dia mengatakan setiap detail apa yang terjadi dan dengan begitu banyak kepuasan ... Dua teman mengobrol dan hilang dalam pembicaraan mereka dan tidak pernah menyadari Maham berdiri di luar mendengarkan percakapan mereka ... Mendengar tentang Jalal dan Jodha, Maham marah begitu gila, dia tidak pernah berpikir Jalal akan datang ini dekat dengannya ... Akhirnya Maham datang dalam untuk ruang Jodha dan memberinya pesan. Hormat Jodha mengatakan terima kasih dan mengambil pesan dari dia ... Maham memberikan kedok jahat dan kiri. Dia terkejut dan bersemangat untuk melihat surat dari Sujamal bhaisa ... Ini adalah pertama kalinya, ia mendengar dari dia setelah pernikahannya. Dia juga khawatir untuknya, ia tahu ia merasa pengkhianatan dari Amer tapi saudara mereka dan kakak cinta begitu murni ... sengketa ini tidak menyentuh hubungan mereka. Dia terkejut membaca bahwa Sujamal ingin melihatnya, dua puluh mil jauhnya dari istana di pondok Jungle dan juga disebutkan tidak memberitahu siapa pun tapi ia tahu bahwa ia sendirian dan sangat banyak kesakitan sehingga memutuskan untuk pergi melihat dia di pagi hari. Itu adalah tugas yang sangat sulit baginya untuk meninggalkan istana tanpa izin tapi dia memutuskan untuk mengambil risiko dan melihat Sujamal. Maham menonton reaksi Jodha dan senyum jahat nya datang di wajahnya !!!! Jodha dengan ekspresi cemas mengatakan "Moti, Aku harus pergi melihat bhaisa Sujamal, harus ada sesuatu yang sangat penting. Moti dengan nada membimbing menjawab "Jodha, Anda perlu memberitahu Shenshah sebelum Anda pergi ... tidak menyembunyikan apa pun dari dia, dia adalah suami Anda." Jodha dengan kebingungan "Moti, Sujamal adalah sa bhai saya, bagaimana saya bisa mengkhianatinya, katanya tidak memberitahu siapa pun. Moti menjawab "bagaimana Anda akan pergi, Anda harus menghabiskan malam dengan Shenshah malam ini ... bagaimana Anda akan mengelola." Jodha bercanda menatap dan berkata "Anda lupa berapa banyak waktu, saya telah kehabisan istana di Amer. Jangan khawatir saya akan mengelola."

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