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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
MATERIALS AND METHODSZebrafish care, maintenance and breedingWild type zebrafish (Danio rerio) wereobtained from a pet shop in Anantapur andwere bred for two generations in our aquariumfacility by following the conditions describedby Westerfield (1995). Healthy fish of thirdgeneration were only used for the present experimentations.Fifty fish of third generationwere housed in each 100L glass aquaria withcontinuous aeration at a temperature of 27 ±1°C and 13:11 hr light:dark photoperiod. Fishwere fed twice a day with alternating diet offreshly hatched brine shrimp (sanders brineshrimp co, utah) in the morning and dry flakefood (tetra brand) in the evening.Toxicant tested – preparation of stock solutionTechnical grade deltamethrin (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R, 3R)-3-(2, 2-dibromovinyl)-2, 2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate-99.8% pure) was obtained fromsigma-aldrich (Laborchemikalien GmbH D-30918). The stock solution was prepared bydissolving 10mg of deltamethrin in 2ml of absoluteethanol (99% pure) and stored at 4°C.From this daily requirement are taken for dailyrenewal of the test solution in the aquaria.Exposure strategyMature adult zebrafish in equal ratio(n=8) of male and female from our aquariumstock were kept in 20L glass aquaria with continuousaeration for ten days. Later 2μg/L and5μg/L of DM was added. Simultaneously controland solvent control (addition of samequantity of solvent used to dissolve DM) fishtetap dipertahankan secara terpisah. Sekitar 50%Air di aquaria dihapus setiap hari dandiisi dengan air segar; Namun konsentrasiDM dan pelarut pada tingkat yang diinginkan yangdikelola oleh segar penambahan sesuai. Setelahyaitu waktu ditetapkan setelah 6 hari eksposurikan yang anaesthetized dengan methanesulfonategaram (MS-222; Sigma) dan kemudian darahdan gonad dikumpulkan dari kedua laki-laki danPerempuan ikan untuk melakukan eksperimendisebutkan di bawah ini. Protokol eksperimentalmembawa out disetujui oleh kelembagaanHewan etika Komite Sri KrishnadevarayaUnviersity,Anantapur, India.
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