Europeans began to visit and colonize the Pacific islands earlyin the  terjemahan - Europeans began to visit and colonize the Pacific islands earlyin the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Europeans began to visit and coloni

Europeans began to visit and colonize the Pacific islands early
in the European Age of Exploration and brought mainly negative
impacts to island societies. However, a steady process of
decolonization has accompanied a recent surge of Western interest
and investment in the region.

There are ethnic confl icts, related mainly to maldistribution of
income, between Malaitans and indigenous Guadalcanalans on
the Melanesian island of Guadalcanal and between indigenous
Fijians and Indo-Fijians in Fiji. Interest in securing more income
from minerals has pitted the people of New Caledonia against
the ruling power, France, and the people of Bougainville against
Australian corporate interests in Papua New Guinea.

Aside from a few notable exceptions, the poverty typical of less
developed countries prevails throughout most of the Pacifi c

In general, the Pacifi c islands’ economic picture is one of nonindustrial
economies. Typical economic activities include tourism,
plantation agriculture, mining, and income derived from
activities connected with the military needs of occupying powers.
Several countries are profi ting from offshore banking and

During the 1940s and 1950s, the United States used the Bikini
atoll in the Marshall Islands as one of its chief testing grounds
for nuclear weapons. Strong negative reaction arose throughout
the region in the 1990s as the French resumed underground
testing of nuclear weapons on the Mururoa atoll in French
Polynesia. That testing has since ceased. The United States relies
on the region for testing of its Strategic Defense Initiative
missile technology. Many inhabitants of French and American
military zones are fearful of the economic repercussions of the
withdrawal of foreign military presence.

Some of the low-island countries are fearful that global warming
might raise sea levels and inundate them, and Tuvalu considered
legal recourse against the United States and Australia
for failing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Eropa mulai mengunjungi dan menjajah Kepulauan Pasifik awal
dalam usia Eropa eksplorasi dan dibawa terutama negatif
dampak pulau masyarakat. Namun, proses mantap
dekolonisasi telah disertai lonjakan bunga Barat
dan investasi di region.

ada etnis confl ICT, terutama berkaitan dengan maldistribution dari
pendapatan, antara orang Malaitan dan adat Guadalcanalans pada
Melanesia pulau Guadalkanal dan antara adat
Fiji dan Indo-Fiji di Fiji. Minat dalam mengamankan pendapatan lebih
dari mineral telah mengadu bangsa Kaledonia Baru terhadap
sang penguasa, Perancis, dan orang-orang Bougainville terhadap
kepentingan perusahaan Australia di Papua Nugini.

Selain dari beberapa pengecualian kemiskinan khas kurang
negara-negara maju yang berlaku di sebagian besar Pacifi c

secara umum, Kepulauan c Pacifi gambaran ekonomi adalah salah satu nonindustrial
ekonomi. Kegiatan ekonomi khas termasuk pariwisata,
perkebunan pertanian, pertambangan, dan pendapatan yang diperoleh
kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan militer menempati kekuasaan.
Beberapa negara yang profi Thing dari perbankan lepas pantai dan

selama 1940-an dan 1950-an, Amerika Serikat menggunakan Bikini
atol di Kepulauan Marshall sebagai salah satu kepala dengan pengujian Taman
untuk senjata nuklir. Timbul reaksi negatif yang keras seluruh
region di tahun 1990-an sebagai Perancis dilanjutkan bawah tanah
pengujian senjata nuklir di Atol Mururoa dalam bahasa Prancis
Polinesia. Pengujian yang telah sejak berhenti. Amerika Serikat bergantung
di wilayah itu untuk pengujian inisiatif strategis pertahanan
teknologi misil. Banyak penduduk Perancis dan Amerika
militer zona takut dampak ekonomi dari
penarikan militer asing kehadiran.

beberapa negara rendah-pulau takut bahwa pemanasan global
mungkin meningkatkan tingkat laut dan membanjiri, dan Tuvalu dianggap
bantuan hukum terhadap Amerika Serikat dan Australia
karena gagal untuk meratifikasi protokol Kyoto.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Europeans began to visit and colonize the Pacific islands early
in the European Age of Exploration and brought mainly negative
impacts to island societies. However, a steady process of
decolonization has accompanied a recent surge of Western interest
and investment in the region.

There are ethnic confl icts, related mainly to maldistribution of
income, between Malaitans and indigenous Guadalcanalans on
the Melanesian island of Guadalcanal and between indigenous
Fijians and Indo-Fijians in Fiji. Interest in securing more income
from minerals has pitted the people of New Caledonia against
the ruling power, France, and the people of Bougainville against
Australian corporate interests in Papua New Guinea.

Aside from a few notable exceptions, the poverty typical of less
developed countries prevails throughout most of the Pacifi c

In general, the Pacifi c islands’ economic picture is one of nonindustrial
economies. Typical economic activities include tourism,
plantation agriculture, mining, and income derived from
activities connected with the military needs of occupying powers.
Several countries are profi ting from offshore banking and

During the 1940s and 1950s, the United States used the Bikini
atoll in the Marshall Islands as one of its chief testing grounds
for nuclear weapons. Strong negative reaction arose throughout
the region in the 1990s as the French resumed underground
testing of nuclear weapons on the Mururoa atoll in French
Polynesia. That testing has since ceased. The United States relies
on the region for testing of its Strategic Defense Initiative
missile technology. Many inhabitants of French and American
military zones are fearful of the economic repercussions of the
withdrawal of foreign military presence.

Some of the low-island countries are fearful that global warming
might raise sea levels and inundate them, and Tuvalu considered
legal recourse against the United States and Australia
for failing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
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