If I don't go then, I will have to medicine from you.52900:38:45,190 - terjemahan - If I don't go then, I will have to medicine from you.52900:38:45,190 - Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

If I don't go then, I will have to

If I don't go then, I will have to medicine from you.

00:38:45,190 --> 00:38:46,570
Wear this.

00:38:46,570 --> 00:38:49,890
I bought this as a present for you when you started working at Hangang Mirae Hospital.

00:38:51,810 --> 00:38:53,240
The night air is cold.

00:38:53,240 --> 00:38:56,810
If you catch a cold, it'll get complicated for the patients you're trying to save.

00:38:56,810 --> 00:38:58,690

00:38:59,710 --> 00:39:05,010
On the way to and from the blood bank, don't even blink or get off the motorcycle.

00:39:05,010 --> 00:39:08,900
It's much more dangerous outside than what you're thinking.

00:39:08,900 --> 00:39:10,110
I got it.

00:39:10,110 --> 00:39:11,580
I'll be back.

00:39:41,920 --> 00:39:45,650
I'm sorry. You weren't even in but I put her to sleep without asking.

00:39:45,650 --> 00:39:47,350
It's okay.

00:39:47,910 --> 00:39:49,560
She's hard of hearing, right?

00:39:49,560 --> 00:39:51,900
Yes. Without any parents,

00:39:51,900 --> 00:39:54,850
it was a bit iffy for me to ask her to stay in one place with strangers.

00:39:54,850 --> 00:39:57,870
I understand, you did well. It's more comfortable here anyway.

00:39:58,840 --> 00:40:01,960
You don't have a pillow. Pillow...

00:40:01,960 --> 00:40:05,050
Oh, I should at least give her my neck pillow.

00:40:07,740 --> 00:40:10,740
As expected, a mother is different.

00:40:11,590 --> 00:40:13,210
Is that so?

00:40:13,210 --> 00:40:16,470
I saw the picture of your son on the desk.

00:40:16,470 --> 00:40:19,500
Even if you placed him somewhere safe, you would probably be worried.

00:40:19,500 --> 00:40:21,550
You're really amazing.

00:40:25,100 --> 00:40:27,710
What is it that keeps me here?

00:40:27,710 --> 00:40:29,030

00:40:29,700 --> 00:40:32,060
My trust towards people,

00:40:33,120 --> 00:40:38,880
the trust that someone will help my son just as I help others here.

00:40:39,780 --> 00:40:41,430

00:40:41,430 --> 00:40:44,880
But did the kid go somewhere?

00:40:44,880 --> 00:40:48,660
Ah, it's nothing. He's doing well.

00:40:49,530 --> 00:40:52,090
You should go and rest.

00:40:52,090 --> 00:40:55,620
It's a protocol that you get some sleep when there are no patients in the emergency room.

00:40:56,520 --> 00:40:58,090

00:40:58,090 --> 00:40:59,420
Then, I'll leave.

00:41:00,640 --> 00:41:02,480

00:41:25,590 --> 00:41:28,170
Please protect Dongha.

00:41:30,900 --> 00:41:33,990
Please forgive me,

00:41:33,990 --> 00:41:36,630
for all my shortcomings.

00:41:37,440 --> 00:41:40,830
and save my son.

00:41:40,830 --> 00:41:43,250
Protect him.

00:42:25,940 --> 00:42:31,140
When going and coming back from the blood bank, don't even blink or get off the motorcycle.

00:42:31,140 --> 00:42:35,420
The outside is much more dangerous than what you're thinking.

00:42:46,600 --> 00:42:48,780
I got it, I got it. Escort this man to the back.

00:42:48,780 --> 00:42:51,390
-It's dangerous, dangerous.
It's dangerous!

00:42:51,390 --> 00:42:53,550
It's dangerous! No!

00:42:55,850 --> 00:42:58,180
What?... Hey!

00:42:58,180 --> 00:42:59,900
Are there no sinks around here?

00:42:59,900 --> 00:43:06,180
Using that water won't put out this fire. The water in the fire trucks are already used up. The fire extinguishers are empty. Shit!

00:43:06,180 --> 00:43:07,920
What about the aquarium at the intersection? Is there no water there?

00:43:07,920 --> 00:43:11,990
How many buckets of water would it take to put out this fire?

00:43:13,550 --> 00:43:17,030
Before we get resources, we have to help the wounded.

00:43:17,030 --> 00:43:21,650
If this gets completely burned down, we'll be penniless! We won't be able to live!

00:43:21,650 --> 00:43:24,450
You cannot go into the house because of the fire. Please calm down.

00:43:24,450 --> 00:43:27,850
Headquarters, this is Yeonggwang Rescue Team.

00:43:27,850 --> 00:43:31,730
Yeonggwang Area 43, there's a fire break out, we need support.

00:43:31,730 --> 00:43:34,690
Yeonggwang Area 43, there's a fire break out. We need support.

00:43:34,690 --> 00:43:38,550
Yeonggwang rescue team, stop putting out the fire.

00:43:38,550 --> 00:43:43,230
This is disaster management policy, focus on assisting disaster victims.

00:43:43,230 --> 00:43:47,690
I repeat, don't try to put out the fire, focus on disaster victims.

00:43:47,690 --> 00:43:52,770
I repeat, don't try to put out the fire. Focus on the disaster victims.

00:43:52,770 --> 00:43:57,750
Right now! Right now! Hurry and give us support. Otherwise the fire will get bigger and bigger.

00:43:57,750 --> 00:44:01,450
I repeat, don't try to put out the fire, focus on disaster-

00:44:01,450 --> 00:44:05,050
- Elder, don't be like this!
- Stop him! Stop him!

00:44:05,050 --> 00:44:08,290
Did I pay all my taxes just to see you all stand there and do nothing?

00:44:08,290 --> 00:44:09,990
Don't be like this, father.

00:44:09,990 --> 00:44:11,390
Aigoo. Elder.

00:44:11,390 --> 00:44:14,970
You're here to put out a fire, so why are you just standing idly by?

00:44:14,970 --> 00:44:18,930
-We can't do anything, father!
-No, it's our house.

00:44:34,250 --> 00:44:36,770

00:44:36,770 --> 00:44:39,190
Take them and retreat.

00:44:39,190 --> 00:44:41,710
I said retreat!

00:44:45,230 --> 00:44:47,270

00:45:41,690 --> 00:45:42,890

00:45:42,890 --> 00:45:45,750
Hey there!
What are you doing?

00:46:02,170 --> 00:46:06,330
This won't do. His platelet count dropped so much.

00:46:07,750 --> 00:46:11,510
Blood is seeping from the wound. What about the JP drain?

00:46:11,510 --> 00:46:13,690
It drained 20 CC in an hour.

00:46:13,690 --> 00:46:18,950
The liver functions are normal, but there is bleeding from the intestines in the JP drain.

00:46:18,950 --> 00:46:22,470
Check on the JP drain regularly.

00:46:22,470 --> 00:46:25,050
His blood platelet count is only 50,000.

00:46:25,050 --> 00:46:27,390
It needs to go up in order for him to get another surgery.

00:46:27,390 --> 00:46:31,590
Before Dr. Lee left, he told us to transfuse the patient's blood.

00:46:31,590 --> 00:46:32,750
Is that so?

00:46:32,750 --> 00:46:36,150
Should I go for a blood test?

00:46:36,150 --> 00:46:40,530
If you're willing to do it, go ahead. First go draw blood and then test it.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jika aku tidak pergi kemudian, saya akan harus obat dari Anda.52900:38:45, 190--> 00:38:46, 570Memakai ini.53000:38:46, 570--> 00:38:49, 890Saya membeli ini sebagai hadiah untuk Anda ketika Anda mulai bekerja di rumah sakit Mirae Hangang.53100:38:51, 810--> 00:38:53, 240Udara malam dingin.53200:38:53, 240--> 00:38:56, 810Jika Anda menangkap dingin, itu akan menjadi rumit untuk pasien yang Anda mencoba untuk menyimpan.53300:38:56, 810--> 00:38:58, 690Terima kasih.53400:38:59, 710 00:39:05, 010-->Dalam perjalanan ke dan dari bank darah, bahkan tidak berkedip atau turun sepeda motor.53500:39:05, 010--> 00:39:08, 900Hal ini jauh lebih berbahaya di luar dari apa yang Anda pikirkan.53600:39:08, 900--> 00:39:10, 110Aku tahu.53700:39:10, 110--> 00:39:11, 580Aku akan kembali.53800:39:41, 920--> 00:39:45, 650Maaf. Anda tidak bahkan di tapi aku meletakkan tidur tanpa bertanya.53900:39:45, 650--> 00:39:47, 350Tidak apa-apa.54000:39:47, 910--> 00:39:49, 560Dia sulit mendengar, kanan?54100:39:49, 560--> 00:39:51, 900Ya. Tanpa orangtua,54200:39:51, 900--> 00:39:54, 850itu agak rapuh bagi saya untuk meminta dia untuk tinggal di satu tempat dengan orang asing.54300:39:54, 850--> 00:39:57, 870Saya mengerti, baik yang Anda lakukan. Hal ini lebih nyaman di sini pula.54400:39:58, 840--> 00:40:01, 960Anda tidak memiliki bantal. Bantal...54500:40:01, 960--> 00:40:05, 050Oh, saya harus setidaknya memberinya bantal leher.54600:40:07, 740--> 00:40:10, 740As expected, a mother is different.54700:40:11,590 --> 00:40:13,210Is that so?54800:40:13,210 --> 00:40:16,470I saw the picture of your son on the desk.54900:40:16,470 --> 00:40:19,500Even if you placed him somewhere safe, you would probably be worried.55000:40:19,500 --> 00:40:21,550You're really amazing.55100:40:25,100 --> 00:40:27,710What is it that keeps me here?55200:40:27,710 --> 00:40:29,030What?55300:40:29,700 --> 00:40:32,060My trust towards people,55400:40:33,120 --> 00:40:38,880the trust that someone will help my son just as I help others here.55500:40:39,780 --> 00:40:41,430Yes.55600:40:41,430 --> 00:40:44,880But did the kid go somewhere?55700:40:44,880 --> 00:40:48,660Ah, it's nothing. He's doing well.55800:40:49,530 --> 00:40:52,090You should go and rest.55900:40:52,090 --> 00:40:55,620It's a protocol that you get some sleep when there are no patients in the emergency room.56000:40:56,520 --> 00:40:58,090Yes.56100:40:58,090 --> 00:40:59,420Then, I'll leave.56200:41:00,640 --> 00:41:02,480Rest.56300:41:25,590 --> 00:41:28,170Please protect Dongha.56400:41:30,900 --> 00:41:33,990Please forgive me,56500:41:33,990 --> 00:41:36,630for all my shortcomings.56600:41:37,440 --> 00:41:40,830and save my son.56700:41:40,830 --> 00:41:43,250Protect him.56800:42:25,940 --> 00:42:31,140When going and coming back from the blood bank, don't even blink or get off the motorcycle.56900:42:31,140 --> 00:42:35,420 The outside is much more dangerous than what you're thinking.57000:42:46,600 --> 00:42:48,780 I got it, I got it. Escort this man to the back.57100:42:48,780 --> 00:42:51,390 -It's dangerous, dangerous. It's dangerous!57200:42:51,390 --> 00:42:53,550It's dangerous! No!57300:42:55,850 --> 00:42:58,180What?... Hey!57400:42:58,180 --> 00:42:59,900Are there no sinks around here?57500:42:59,900 --> 00:43:06,180Using that water won't put out this fire. The water in the fire trucks are already used up. The fire extinguishers are empty. Shit!57600:43:06,180 --> 00:43:07,920What about the aquarium at the intersection? Is there no water there?57700:43:07,920 --> 00:43:11,990How many buckets of water would it take to put out this fire?57800:43:13,550 --> 00:43:17,030Before we get resources, we have to help the wounded.57900:43:17,030 --> 00:43:21,650If this gets completely burned down, we'll be penniless! We won't be able to live!58000:43:21,650 --> 00:43:24,450You cannot go into the house because of the fire. Please calm down.58100:43:24,450 --> 00:43:27,850Headquarters, this is Yeonggwang Rescue Team.58200:43:27,850 --> 00:43:31,730Yeonggwang Area 43, there's a fire break out, we need support.58300:43:31,730 --> 00:43:34,690Yeonggwang Area 43, there's a fire break out. We need support.58400:43:34,690 --> 00:43:38,550Yeonggwang rescue team, stop putting out the fire.58500:43:38,550 --> 00:43:43,230This is disaster management policy, focus on assisting disaster victims.58600:43:43,230 --> 00:43:47,690I repeat, don't try to put out the fire, focus on disaster victims.58700:43:47,690 --> 00:43:52,770I repeat, don't try to put out the fire. Focus on the disaster victims.58800:43:52,770 --> 00:43:57,750Right now! Right now! Hurry and give us support. Otherwise the fire will get bigger and bigger.58900:43:57,750 --> 00:44:01,450I repeat, don't try to put out the fire, focus on disaster-59000:44:01,450 --> 00:44:05,050- Elder, don't be like this!- Stop him! Stop him!59100:44:05,050 --> 00:44:08,290Did I pay all my taxes just to see you all stand there and do nothing?59200:44:08,290 --> 00:44:09,990Don't be like this, father.59300:44:09,990 --> 00:44:11,390Aigoo. Elder.59400:44:11,390 --> 00:44:14,970You're here to put out a fire, so why are you just standing idly by?59500:44:14,970 --> 00:44:18,930-We can't do anything, father! -No, it's our house.59600:44:34,250 --> 00:44:36,770Retreat.59700:44:36,770 --> 00:44:39,190Take them and retreat.59800:44:39,190 --> 00:44:41,710I said retreat!59900:44:45,230 --> 00:44:47,270Here.60000:45:41,690 --> 00:45:42,890Hey!60100:45:42,890 --> 00:45:45,750Hey there! What are you doing?60200:46:02,170 --> 00:46:06,330This won't do. His platelet count dropped so much.60300:46:07,750 --> 00:46:11,510Blood is seeping from the wound. What about the JP drain?60400:46:11,510 --> 00:46:13,690It drained 20 CC in an hour.60500:46:13,690 --> 00:46:18,950The liver functions are normal, but there is bleeding from the intestines in the JP drain.60600:46:18,950 --> 00:46:22,470Check on the JP drain regularly.60700:46:22,470 --> 00:46:25,050His blood platelet count is only 50,000.60800:46:25,050 --> 00:46:27,390It needs to go up in order for him to get another surgery.60900:46:27,390 --> 00:46:31,590Before Dr. Lee left, he told us to transfuse the patient's blood.61000:46:31,590 --> 00:46:32,750Is that so?61100:46:32,750 --> 00:46:36,150Should I go for a blood test?61200:46:36,150 --> 00:46:40,530If you're willing to do it, go ahead. First go draw blood and then test it.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jika saya tidak pergi maka, saya harus obat dari Anda. 529 00: 38: 45.190 -> 00: 38: 46.570 Wear ini. 530 00: 38: 46.570 -> 00: 38: 49.890 Saya membeli ini sebagai hadiah untuk Anda ketika Anda mulai bekerja di Rumah Sakit Hangang Mirae. 531 00: 38: 51.810 -> 00: 38: 53.240 Malam udara dingin. 532 00: 38: 53.240 -> 00: 38: 56.810 Jika Anda masuk angin, itu akan rumit untuk pasien Anda mencoba untuk menyimpan. 533 00: 38: 56.810 -> 00: 38: 58.690 Terima kasih. 534 00: 38: 59.710 -> 00: 39: 05.010 Pada perjalanan ke dan dari bank darah, bahkan tidak berkedip atau turun sepeda motor. 535 00: 39: 05.010 -> 00: 39: 08.900. Ini jauh lebih berbahaya daripada di luar apa yang Anda pikirkan 536 00:39 : 08900 -> 00: 39: 10.110 Saya mendapatkannya. 537 00: 39: 10.110 -> 00: 39: 11.580 Aku akan kembali. 538 00: 39: 41.920 -> 00: 39: 45.650 Saya ' Maaf. Anda tidak bahkan di tapi saya menempatkan dia untuk tidur tanpa bertanya. 539 00: 39: 45.650 -> 00: 39: 47.350 Tidak apa-apa. 540 00: 39: 47.910 -> 00: 39: 49.560 Dia yang tuli , kan? 541 00: 39: 49.560 -> 00: 39: 51,900 Ya. Tanpa orang tua, 542 00: 39: 51,900 -> 00: 39: 54.850 itu sedikit rapuh bagi saya untuk memintanya untuk tinggal di satu tempat dengan orang asing. 543 00: 39: 54.850 -> 00: 39: 57.870 Saya mengerti, Anda melakukannya dengan baik. Ini lebih nyaman di sini pula. 544 00: 39: 58.840 -> 00: 40: 01.960 Anda tidak memiliki bantal. Bantal ... 545 00: 40: 01.960 -> 00: 40: 05.050 Oh, saya harus setidaknya memberinya bantal leher saya. 546 00: 40: 07.740 -> 00: 40: 10.740 Seperti yang diharapkan, seorang ibu . yang berbeda 547 00: 40: 11.590 -> 00: 40: 13.210 Apakah itu begitu? 548 00: 40: 13.210 -> 00: 40: 16.470. Saya melihat gambar anak Anda di meja 549 00:40: 16.470 -> 00: 40: 19.500 Bahkan jika Anda menempatkan dia di tempat yang aman, Anda mungkin akan khawatir. 550 00: 40: 19.500 -> 00: 40: 21.550 Kau benar-benar menakjubkan. 551 00: 40: 25.100 - -> 00: 40: 27.710 Apa yang membuat saya di sini? 552 00: 40: 27.710 -> 00: 40: 29.030 Apa? 553 00: 40: 29,700 -> 00: 40: 32.060 kepercayaan saya terhadap orang, 554 00: 40: 33.120 -> 00: 40: 38.880 kepercayaan bahwa seseorang akan membantu anak saya seperti saya membantu orang lain di sini. 555 00: 40: 39.780 -> 00: 40: 41.430. Ya 556 00:40: 41.430 -> 00: 40: 44.880 Tapi apakah anak itu pergi ke suatu tempat? 557 00: 40: 44.880 -> 00: 40: 48.660 Ah, tidak apa-apa. Dia baik-baik. 558 00: 40: 49.530 -> 00: 40: 52.090 Anda harus pergi dan beristirahat. 559 00: 40: 52.090 -> 00: 40: 55.620 Ini sebuah protokol yang Anda mendapatkan tidur ketika tidak ada pasien di ruang gawat darurat. 560 00: 40: 56.520 -> 00: 40: 58.090. Ya 561 00: 40: 58.090 -> 00: 40: 59.420 Lalu, aku akan pergi. 562 00: 41: 00.640 - -> 00: 41: 02.480 Rest. 563 00: 41: 25.590 -> 00: 41: 28.170 Silakan melindungi Dongha. 564 00: 41: 30.900 -> 00: 41: 33.990 Maafkan aku, 565 00:41: 33.990 -> 00: 41: 36.630 untuk semua kekurangan saya. 566 00: 41: 37.440 -> 00: 41: 40.830 dan menyimpan anak saya. 567 00: 41: 40.830 -> 00: 41: 43.250 Lindungi dia. 568 00: 42: 25.940 -> 00: 42: 31.140 Ketika akan dan datang kembali dari bank darah, bahkan tidak berkedip atau turun sepeda motor. 569 00: 42: 31.140 -> 00: 42: 35.420 The luar jauh lebih berbahaya daripada apa yang Anda pikirkan. 570 00: 42: 46.600 -> 00: 42: 48.780 aku mendapatkannya, aku mendapatkannya. Mengawal orang ini ke belakang. 571 00: 42: 48.780 -> 00: 42: 51.390. -Ini Ini berbahaya, berbahaya! Ini berbahaya 572 00: 42: 51.390 -> 00: 42: 53.550 Ini berbahaya! Tidak ada! 573 00: 42: 55.850 -> 00: 42: 58.180 Apa ... Hey?! 574 00: 42: 58.180 -> 00: 42: 59.900? Apakah tidak ada tenggelam di sekitar sini 575 00: 42: 59.900 -> 00: 43: 06.180 Menggunakan air yang tidak akan memadamkan api ini. Air di mobil pemadam kebakaran sudah habis. Alat pemadam kebakaran yang kosong. Sial! 576 00: 43: 06.180 -> 00: 43: 07.920 Bagaimana dengan akuarium di persimpangan? Apakah tidak ada air di sana? 577 00: 43: 07.920 -> 00: 43: 11.990 Berapa banyak ember air yang dibutuhkan untuk memadamkan api ini? 578 00: 43: 13.550 -> 00: 43: 17.030 Sebelum kita mendapatkan sumber daya, kita harus membantu yang terluka. 579 00: 43: 17.030 -> 00: 43: 21.650 Jika ini akan benar-benar terbakar habis, kami akan punya uang! Kita tidak akan bisa hidup! 580 00: 43: 21.650 -> 00: 43: 24.450 Anda tidak bisa masuk ke dalam rumah karena api. Silakan tenang. 581 00: 43: 24.450 -> 00: 43: 27.850 Markas, ini adalah Yeonggwang Rescue Team. 582 00: 43: 27.850 -> 00: 43: 31.730 Yeonggwang di Area 43, ada api keluar, kita perlu dukungan. 583 00: 43: 31.730 -> 00: 43: 34.690 Yeonggwang di Area 43, ada api keluar. Kami membutuhkan dukungan. 584 00: 43: 34.690 -> 00: 43: 38.550 tim penyelamat Yeonggwang, berhenti memadamkan api. 585 00: 43: 38.550 -> 00: 43: 43.230 Ini adalah kebijakan manajemen bencana, fokus pada membantu korban bencana. 586 00: 43: 43.230 -> 00: 43: 47.690 Saya ulangi, jangan mencoba untuk memadamkan api, fokus pada korban bencana. 587 00: 43: 47.690 -> 00: 43: 52.770 Saya ulangi, jangan mencoba untuk memadamkan api. Fokus pada korban bencana. 588 00: 43: 52.770 -> 00: 43: 57.750 Sekarang! Sekarang! Cepat dan memberi kita dukungan. Jika tidak api akan menjadi lebih besar dan lebih besar. 589 00: 43: 57.750 -> 00: 44: 01.450 Saya ulangi, jangan mencoba untuk memadamkan api, fokus pada bencana 590 00: 44: 01.450 -> 00 : 44: 05.050 - Elder, jangan seperti ini! - Hentikan dia! Menghentikannya! 591 00: 44: 05.050 -> 00: 44: 08.290 Apakah saya membayar semua pajak saya hanya untuk melihat Anda semua berdiri di sana dan melakukan apa-apa? 592 00: 44: 08.290 -> 00: 44: 09.990 Don ' t menjadi seperti ini, ayah. 593 00: 44: 09.990 -> 00: 44: 11.390 Aigoo. Elder. 594 00: 44: 11.390 -> 00: 44: 14.970 Anda berada di sini untuk memadamkan api, jadi mengapa Anda hanya berdiri diam? 595 00: 44: 14.970 -> 00: 44: 18.930 - Kita tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, ayah! -Tidak, itu rumah kami. 596 00: 44: 34.250 -> 00: 44: 36.770 Retreat. 597 00: 44: 36.770 -> 00: 44: 39.190 Membawa mereka dan mundur . 598 00: 44: 39.190 -> 00: 44: 41.710 Saya mengatakan mundur! 599 00: 44: 45.230 -> 00: 44: 47.270 Berikut. 600 00: 45: 41.690 -> 00: 45: 42.890 Hei ! 601 00: 45: 42.890 -> 00: 45: 45.750 Hei ada! Apa yang kau lakukan? 602 00: 46: 02.170 -> 00: 46: 06.330 Ini tidak akan melakukan. Jumlah trombosit nya turun begitu banyak. 603 00: 46: 07.750 -> 00: 46: 11.510 Darah merembes dari luka. Bagaimana dengan JP menguras? 604 00: 46: 11.510 -> 00: 46: 13.690 Ini terkuras 20 CC dalam satu jam. 605 00: 46: 13.690 -> 00: 46: 18.950 Fungsi hati adalah normal, tetapi ada adalah pendarahan dari usus dalam saluran JP. 606 00: 46: 18.950 -> 00: 46: 22.470 Periksa pada JP menguras teratur. 607 00: 46: 22.470 -> 00: 46: 25.050 jumlah trombosit darah-Nya adalah . hanya 50.000 608 00: 46: 25.050 -> 00: 46: 27.390 Ini perlu pergi dalam rangka baginya untuk mendapatkan operasi lain. 609 00: 46: 27.390 -> 00: 46: 31.590 Sebelum Dr. Lee meninggalkan , ia memberitahu kita untuk transfusi darah pasien. 610 00: 46: 31.590 -> 00: 46: 32.750 Apakah itu begitu? 611 00: 46: 32.750 -> 00: 46: 36.150 Haruskah aku pergi untuk tes darah? 612 00: 46: 36.150 -> 00: 46: 40.530 Jika Anda bersedia untuk melakukannya, pergi ke depan. Pertama pergi mengambil darah dan kemudian mengujinya.

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