ResultThe 21 participants ranged in age from 19 to 35 years, with abou terjemahan - ResultThe 21 participants ranged in age from 19 to 35 years, with abou Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ResultThe 21 participants ranged in

The 21 participants ranged in age from 19 to 35 years, with about half under 26 years, and were evenly split between males and females. Six participants reported college or graduate degrees, and 8 reported some college education and 7 reported lower levels of education. Five subjects were employed and the rest were unemployed. All subjects reported having some concerns about their later marriages, and decided to marry in future. Only a minority of the participants indicated that they had sufficient information about their future marriages from their families and social contexts. None reported having marriage preparation courses. Our interviews highlight some key categories of marital readiness in young adults of Isfahan which included: age readiness ; physical readiness ; mental readiness ; financial readiness ; moral readiness ; emotional readiness ; contextual-social readiness ; inter personal readiness and marital life skills. Each of the categories included codes derived from concepts and data of the study. (table 1). All categories can be integrated into three major themes: personal, interpersonal, and social readiness. 3.Discussion Because marriage readiness is a key variable in the decision to marry, and a predictor of later marital satisfaction, studying it can explain some aspects of marriage and successful marital relationships. This study explored what young men and women believe to be the important criteria for marriage readiness. Study results revealed nine categories emerged from data collected regarding young single adults attitudes about marriage and family life. Each categories discussed in more detail below. Theme 1: Personal readiness 3.1 Age readiness for marriage Young adults in this study referred to criteria such as reaching a maturity age to get a perception of being ready for marriage. Most participants believed they should have reached a minimum of 20 years before they start to marry. The desired age for marriage can be effective on young adults perception of marital readiness and behaviors;those who desire to marry in lower ages would prepare themselves for marriage sooner (Carroll et al, 2006). One of the female participants stated, “A young woman should have reached to an age that can bear and raise children” she continued, “this maturity age differs in individuals but it is at least above 20 years”The fact that respondents believed in having a minimum of 20 years for being ready for marriage may seem contradictive with young adult’s postponing marriage to late 20’s or 30’s;nevertheless,we may explain it by contextual factors.For example some
participants mentioned that they desired to marry soon but they have to wait because of some family or economic barriers. 3.2: Physical readiness for marriage Sexual ability and the ability to bear children were examples of physical readiness for several respondents specially male ones who emphasized on sexual readiness as an important indicator of marital readiness.This finding was in consensus with results of Larson(1998)and( Holman ,lee,1997)’s study. Participants meanwhile noted that there was no clear definition for this type of readiness because it was a social taboo. In fact, although physical readiness was emphasized by our respondents in consensus with their peers in industrial societies (Badger, 2005), there was no obvious description of how this type of readiness is obtained and what are the signs of physical readiness in young people. 3. 3: Mental readiness for marriage Young single adults also stated that a young man or woman should be mentally prepared for marriage. For example, one man addressed the issue of mental readiness to the ability to plan for future life. Another one stressed on having logical expectations and a positive attitude toward marriage.A notable finding in this category was that participants did not view academic education as a main factor of mental maturation; rather, most of them emphasized on some kind of cognitive development. This may be an indicator of changing life values or marital values among the current generation of young people in a way that they prefer social realistic values to mere scientific ones. 3. 4: Financial readiness for marriage All participants stated that financial readiness is particularly an important criterion for readiness for marriage. They refer to qualities such as earning enough money, settled into a long-term career, financial independence (from parents and others) as necessary for entering marital relationship. There seemed to be a great concern (in better words “ warry ”) about economic issues in young people. We observed some uncertainty about economic aspects of marital life in future: “ I don’t feel ready enough for marriage because I don’t earn much money and … I wonder if I could support a family financially, I’m really anxious…about my future life “ one of the male participants said. We can conclude that readiness for marriage is to a large extent dependent on contextual factors including income (Holman & Lee, 1991)as well as individual marital self-efficacy
3. 5: Moral readiness for marriage Moral readiness was an emerging theme in the present study. We put concepts such as commitment, adherence to moral principles, patience, forgiveness in this sub category. The mentioned qualities were of great importance for both young men and women in the study. We may attribute this theme to religious values and the cultural backgrounds of the research society. Also, it seems that moral criteria for marriage is to some extent the result of the notion that young persons are wary of marital failure and anxious to achieve criteria they believe will prepare them for successful marriage and family life(Badger,2005) and prevent divorce in their later marital relationships. In fact, they stress on those criteria that help them establish a stable marriage. They seemingly thought that they could prevent their later marriage from dissolution by commitment to some moral principles. Perhaps this is some kind of being wary about uncertain statue of marital relationships in present society. 3.6: Emotional readiness for marriage “To have good control of his/her emotions”, “to avoid aggressive and violent behavior”, and “to be able to express feelings in close relationships” were some statements of participants that were supplemental into emotional reading category. This finding was in consensus with Stinett’s (1996) study of main variables for being ready for marriage.It seems that having stable emotions plays an important role in developing and maintaining a successful marital relationship. 3.7- Contextual - social readiness Subjects reported that they must develop a variety of capacities for forming and maintaining marriage. .For example they believed that it was needed for a young man to complete military service before act of marriage.Besides, the society should provide them a career to be capable of supporting future family. According to sociologic theories economic stagnation, high costs, unemployment and increasing levels of young people's expectations in developing countries may result in postponing marriage and decreasing rates of marriage.(Ardalan,2002). It seems that respondents in this study experience a time of economic problems in their society as well as a desire to be independent of parents; these situation makes them to wait more for marriage until a proper time in which they perceive themselves more ready to marry.
3.8-Interpersonal readiness. Marriage readiness criteria associated with interpersonal competency in relationships were among the most widely endorsed by participants. Most of them believed that it is necessary for a person to listen to others in an understanding way, discuss personal problems with partner, and be respectful of others when dealing with differences and conflicts in order to be ready for marriage. These findings are in accordant with marriage scholar opinions about factors influencing marital success or break up. As Carroll et al (2006) posed the ability to negotiate is the cornerstone of interpersonal readiness. Negotiation is the ability to bargain, problem-solve and make decisions and ideas with interacting with others in a way that consensus can be reached while respecting the rights of each individual. This includes capacities such as conflict resolution, problem solving and, communication skills. In his study on couples' interactions, Gottman(1998)found that a set of marital interactional processes, referred to "four horsemen of the apocalypse", is strongly related to the cascade toward divorce. These four horsemen of the apocalypse were: negative behavioral processes that he labeled criticism, contempt, defensiveness and withdrawal.
3.9- Marital life skills In order to feel ready for marriage young adults reported that they must develop a variety of capacities for fulfilling specific roles in a family, such as running a house hold, cooking, caring and nurturing children. Of course,marital roles differed in males and females according to cultural assumptions. Most young people in the study believed in some gender differentiation in marital role issue: for example, they referred to cooking and caring children mainly as female responsibilities and running household expenses as a male duty. In summary, although the findings of this study do not support generalizations, they do provide some preliminary insight in important criteria of marital readiness. Also, they generally reflect the formation of a unique culture of marriage preparation among young people in comparison to the one experienced by their peers in industrialized countries as well as their parents and previous generations. It seems that single individuals stress on those criteria which implies marital satisfaction and preventing divorce. Moreover, while they still have some traditional marital attitudes, but it seems that they desire to
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hasil21 partisipan berkisar dari 19 usia-35 tahun, dengan tentang setengah di bawah 26 tahun, dan merata dibagi antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Enam peserta melaporkan perguruan tinggi atau gelar sarjana, dan 8 melaporkan pendidikan tinggi dan 7 melaporkan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih rendah. Lima pokok dipekerjakan dan sisanya menganggur. Semua mata pelajaran melaporkan mengalami beberapa kekhawatiran tentang pernikahan kemudian mereka, dan memutuskan untuk menikah di masa depan. Hanya minoritas peserta menunjukkan bahawa mereka mempunyai informasi yang cukup tentang perkawinan mereka masa depan dari keluarga dan konteks sosial mereka. Tidak ada dilaporkan memiliki kursus persiapan perkawinan. Wawancara kami menyoroti beberapa kategori kunci perkawinan kesiapan di dewasa muda dari Isfahan yang termasuk: usia kesiapan; Kesiapan fisik; mental kesiapan; Kesiapan keuangan; Kesiapan moral; Kesiapan emosional; Kesiapan kontekstual-sosial; Inter kesiapan pribadi dan keterampilan hidup perkawinan. Masing-masing kategori termasuk kode yang berasal dari konsep-konsep dan data penelitian. (Tabel 1). Semua kategori dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam tiga tema utama: kesiapan pribadi, interpersonal dan sosial. 3. diskusi karena kesiapan perkawinan adalah variabel kunci dalam keputusan untuk menikah, dan prediktor kemudian perkawinan kepuasan, mempelajari itu dapat menjelaskan beberapa aspek dari perkawinan dan hubungan pernikahan yang sukses. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi apa laki-laki muda dan perempuan percaya menjadi kriteria penting untuk pernikahan kesiapan. Hasil studi mengungkapkan sembilan kategori muncul dari data yang dikumpulkan mengenai dewasa muda satu sikap tentang kehidupan pernikahan dan keluarga. Setiap kategori dibahas secara lebih rinci di bawah ini. Tema 1: Kesiapan pribadi 3.1 kesiapan usia dewasa muda perkawinan dalam studi ini disebut kriteria seperti mencapai usia jatuh tempo untuk mendapatkan persepsi yang siap untuk pernikahan. Sebagian besar peserta percaya mereka harus telah mencapai minimal 20 tahun sebelum mereka mulai untuk menikah. Usia diinginkan untuk pernikahan dapat efektif pada orang dewasa muda persepsi tentang kesiapan perkawinan dan perilaku; mereka yang ingin menikah di bawah usia akan mempersiapkan diri untuk pernikahan cepat (Carroll et al, 2006). Salah satu peserta perempuan menyatakan, "seorang wanita muda harus telah mencapai usia yang dapat menanggung dan membesarkan anak-anak" lanjutnya, "umur kedewasaan ini berbeda dalam individu tetapi hal ini setidaknya di atas 20 tahun" fakta bahwa responden percaya memiliki minimal 20 tahun untuk siap untuk menikah mungkin tampak bertentangan dengan dewasa muda menunda perkawinan akhir 20-an atau 30-an; bagaimanapun, kita bisa menjelaskannya dengan faktor-faktor kontekstual.Sebagai contoh beberapa peserta disebutkan bahwa mereka diinginkan untuk menikah segera, tetapi mereka harus menunggu karena beberapa hambatan keluarga atau ekonomi. 3.2: kesiapan fisik untuk pernikahan seksual kemampuan dan kemampuan untuk melahirkan anak-anak itu contoh-contoh fisik kesediaan untuk beberapa responden khusus laki-laki yang menekankan pada kesiapan seksual sebagai indikator penting kesiapan perkawinan.Temuan ini adalah dalam konsensus dengan hasil Larson (1998) dan (Holman, lee, 1997)'s studi. Sementara itu, peserta mencatat bahwa ada tidak ada definisi yang jelas untuk jenis kesiapan karena itu adalah tabu sosial. Pada kenyataannya, meskipun kesiapan fisik ditekankan oleh responden kami dalam konsensus dengan rekan-rekan mereka di industri masyarakat (Badger, 2005), ada tidak ada deskripsi yang jelas tentang bagaimana jenis kesiapan diperoleh dan apa tanda-tanda fisik kesiapan pada orang muda. 3. 3: mental kesiapan untuk menikah muda orang dewasa tunggal juga menyatakan bahwa seorang pria muda atau wanita harus mental siap untuk pernikahan. Sebagai contoh, satu orang berbicara mengenai masalah mental kesiapan untuk kemampuan untuk merencanakan masa depan kehidupan. Lain satu stres pada memiliki harapan yang logis dan sikap positif terhadap perkawinan.Terkenal mencari dalam kategori ini adalah bahwa peserta tidak melihat pendidikan sebagai faktor utama mental pematangan; Sebaliknya, sebagian besar dari mereka menekankan pada beberapa jenis perkembangan kognitif. Ini mungkin menjadi indikator perubahan nilai-nilai kehidupan atau nilai-nilai perkawinan antara generasi sekarang orang-orang muda dalam cara mereka memilih nilai-nilai sosial yang realistis yang ilmiah belaka. 3. 4: kesiapan keuangan untuk pernikahan semua peserta menyatakan bahwa kesiapan keuangan adalah terutama kriteria penting untuk kesiapan untuk perkawinan. Mereka merujuk kepada kualitas seperti mendapatkan cukup uang, menetap di jangka panjang karir, kemandirian finansial (dari orang tua dan orang lain) yang diperlukan untuk memasuki hubungan perkawinan. Tampaknya ada perhatian besar (dalam lebih baik kata-kata "warry") tentang isu-isu ekonomi pada orang muda. Kami mengamati beberapa ketidakpastian tentang ekonomi aspek kehidupan perkawinan di masa depan: "saya tidak merasa cukup siap untuk menikah karena saya tidak mendapatkan banyak uang dan... Aku bertanya-tanya jika saya bisa mendukung keluarga finansial, aku benar-benar khawatir... hidup masa depan saya "salah satu peserta pria yang mengatakan. Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kesiapan untuk pernikahan adalah untuk sebagian besar tergantung pada faktor-faktor kontekstual yang termasuk pendapatan (Holman & Lee, 1991) serta perkawinan diri individu-kemanjuran 3. 5: Moral readiness for marriage Moral readiness was an emerging theme in the present study. We put concepts such as commitment, adherence to moral principles, patience, forgiveness in this sub category. The mentioned qualities were of great importance for both young men and women in the study. We may attribute this theme to religious values and the cultural backgrounds of the research society. Also, it seems that moral criteria for marriage is to some extent the result of the notion that young persons are wary of marital failure and anxious to achieve criteria they believe will prepare them for successful marriage and family life(Badger,2005) and prevent divorce in their later marital relationships. In fact, they stress on those criteria that help them establish a stable marriage. They seemingly thought that they could prevent their later marriage from dissolution by commitment to some moral principles. Perhaps this is some kind of being wary about uncertain statue of marital relationships in present society. 3.6: Emotional readiness for marriage “To have good control of his/her emotions”, “to avoid aggressive and violent behavior”, and “to be able to express feelings in close relationships” were some statements of participants that were supplemental into emotional reading category. This finding was in consensus with Stinett’s (1996) study of main variables for being ready for marriage.It seems that having stable emotions plays an important role in developing and maintaining a successful marital relationship. 3.7- Contextual - social readiness Subjects reported that they must develop a variety of capacities for forming and maintaining marriage. .For example they believed that it was needed for a young man to complete military service before act of marriage.Besides, the society should provide them a career to be capable of supporting future family. According to sociologic theories economic stagnation, high costs, unemployment and increasing levels of young people's expectations in developing countries may result in postponing marriage and decreasing rates of marriage.(Ardalan,2002). It seems that respondents in this study experience a time of economic problems in their society as well as a desire to be independent of parents; these situation makes them to wait more for marriage until a proper time in which they perceive themselves more ready to marry. 3,8-interpersonal kesiapan. Kriteria kesiapan perkawinan yang terkait dengan kompetensi interpersonal dalam hubungan adalah antara yang paling luas didukung oleh peserta. Kebanyakan mereka percaya bahwa itu perlu bagi seseorang untuk mendengarkan orang lain dalam cara pemahaman, membahas masalah-masalah pribadi dengan mitra, dan akan menghormati orang lain ketika berhadapan dengan perbedaan dan konflik agar siap untuk pernikahan. Temuan ini di menuruti dengan perkawinan sarjana pendapat tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan perkawinan atau break up. Sebagai Carroll et al (2006) berpose kemampuan bernegosiasi adalah landasan dari kesiapan interpersonal. Negosiasi adalah kemampuan untuk tawar-menawar, memecahkan masalah dan membuat keputusan dan ide dengan berinteraksi dengan orang lain di jalan konsensus yang dapat dihubungi sementara menghormati hak-hak masing-masing individu. Ini termasuk kapasitas seperti resolusi konflik, masalah pemecahan dan, keterampilan komunikasi. Dalam studi pada pasangan interaksi, Gottman (1998) menemukan bahwa serangkaian proses interaksi perkawinan, disebut "empat penunggang kuda Wahyu", sangat berhubungan dengan cascade menuju perceraian. Ini empat penunggang kuda Wahyu adalah: negatif perilaku proses bahwa ia berlabel kritik, penghinaan, defensif dan penarikan. Kehidupan 3.9 - perkawinan keterampilan untuk merasa siap untuk pernikahan orang dewasa muda yang melaporkan bahwa mereka harus mengembangkan berbagai kapasitas untuk memenuhi peran tertentu dalam keluarga, seperti menjalankan sebuah rumah memegang, memasak, merawat dan membesarkan anak. Tentu saja, perkawinan peran berbeda pada pria dan wanita sesuai budaya asumsi. Kebanyakan orang-orang muda dalam studi percaya beberapa jenis kelamin diferensiasi dalam masalah perkawinan peran: sebagai contoh, mereka disebut memasak dan merawat anak-anak terutama sebagai tanggung jawab perempuan dan menjalankan pengeluaran rumah tangga sebagai tugas laki-laki. Singkatnya, meskipun temuan-temuan dari studi ini tidak mendukung generalisasi, mereka memberikan wawasan awal dalam kriteria penting kesiapan perkawinan. Juga, mereka umumnya mencerminkan pembentukan budaya yang unik persiapan perkawinan antara kaum muda dibandingkan dengan yang dialami oleh rekan-rekan mereka di negara-negara serta orang tua dan generasi sebelumnya. Tampaknya bahwa stres individu pada kriteria tersebut yang menyiratkan perkawinan kepuasan dan mencegah perceraian. Selain itu, sementara mereka masih memiliki beberapa sikap perkawinan tradisional, tetapi tampaknya bahwa mereka keinginan untuk
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