6 Functions of Indonesian forestIndonesia is one of countries with the terjemahan - 6 Functions of Indonesian forestIndonesia is one of countries with the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

6 Functions of Indonesian forestInd

6 Functions of Indonesian forest

Indonesia is one of countries with the largest forest area in the world and really need to do the conservation. It also completed with a management of forests for conservation and ecological balance of the earth nature. Different types of forests in Indonesia have the following functions.
1. Prevent erosion and landslides. The roots of the tree serve as a binder grain of soil. With no forest, no rain fell to the ground but fell to the leaf surface or absorbed into the ground.
2. Keeps, organize, maintain supplies of water in the rainy season also dry season.
3. Fertilize the soil, as fallen leaves will break down into soil humus.
4. As an economic resource. It can be utilized as a result of forest raw materials or raw materials for industrial and building. For example, rattan, rubber, and gutta-percha are used for handicrafts and materials of building.
5. As a dutfah plasma source for diversity in forest ecosystems that allow for the development of genetic biodiversity.
6. Reduce pollution to air pollution. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen needed by a living.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
6 Functions of Indonesian forestIndonesia is one of countries with the largest forest area in the world and really need to do the conservation. It also completed with a management of forests for conservation and ecological balance of the earth nature. Different types of forests in Indonesia have the following functions.1. Prevent erosion and landslides. The roots of the tree serve as a binder grain of soil. With no forest, no rain fell to the ground but fell to the leaf surface or absorbed into the ground.2. Keeps, organize, maintain supplies of water in the rainy season also dry season.3. Fertilize the soil, as fallen leaves will break down into soil humus.4. As an economic resource. It can be utilized as a result of forest raw materials or raw materials for industrial and building. For example, rattan, rubber, and gutta-percha are used for handicrafts and materials of building.5. As a dutfah plasma source for diversity in forest ecosystems that allow for the development of genetic biodiversity.6. Reduce pollution to air pollution. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen needed by a living.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
6 Fungsi hutan Indonesia Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan luas hutan terbesar di dunia dan benar-benar perlu melakukan konservasi. Hal ini juga dilengkapi dengan pengelolaan hutan untuk konservasi dan keseimbangan ekologi alam bumi. Berbagai jenis hutan di Indonesia memiliki fungsi sebagai berikut. 1. Mencegah erosi dan tanah longsor. Akar pohon berfungsi sebagai pengikat butiran tanah. Tanpa hutan, tidak ada hujan jatuh ke tanah tapi jatuh ke permukaan daun atau diserap ke dalam tanah. 2. Terus, mengatur, menjaga pasokan air di musim hujan juga musim kemarau. 3. Menyuburkan tanah, karena daun-daun jatuh akan terurai menjadi humus tanah. 4. Sebagai sumber ekonomi. Hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai akibat dari bahan baku hutan atau bahan baku untuk industri dan bangunan. Sebagai contoh, rotan, karet, dan getah perca yang digunakan untuk kerajinan dan bahan bangunan. 5. Sebagai sumber plasma dutfah untuk keragaman ekosistem hutan yang memungkinkan untuk pengembangan keanekaragaman hayati genetik. 6. Mengurangi polusi polusi udara. Tanaman menyerap karbon dioksida dan menghasilkan oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh hidup.

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