#1252: Get rid! Meng Hao in the cabin, saw this is also the vision con terjemahan - #1252: Get rid! Meng Hao in the cabin, saw this is also the vision con Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1252: Get rid! Meng Hao in the cab

#1252: Get rid!

Meng Hao in the cabin, saw this is also the vision contraction, the brow wrinkled, looked that was leading the black robe person of mask to that.
„Said that under his mask, should be Meng De's face.” Meng Hao muttered.
At this moment, in Meng De retreats, that is leading countless eye the black robe person of mask, lifts the hand, took down own mask, has revealed the face, that face ... Such that indeed such as Meng Hao guessed, was ... Meng De!
Exactly the same!
Meng De opened the eye, retreats, is pointing at the black robe person unceasingly, in his look reveals more intense panic-stricken, in the mirthless smile, he knows that he must die without doubt!
„Killed, all around cleaning up, we ... Returns to Meng Clan.” Black robe Meng De, light to open mouth, sound also and genuine Meng De not slightly different.
When his words spread, cultivator that turns into Meng De to accompany, cracks into a smile, the right hand lifted to be just about to finish Meng De's life.
May at this moment, a sigh, when this all directions starry sky reverberation, spreads, the black robe person facial color that transforms Meng De changes, other cultivator are also surprised, immediately looks to all around.
„Who is playing tricks, comes out to me!” Black robe Meng De di roars, spiritual sense disperses loudly, his body, in this moment, lent the Dao Realm aura unexpectedly, but was source Dao Realm, may to Meng De, the same terrifying to peak.
This sigh, from Meng Hao, Meng Hao has no alternative but act, whatever if the opposite party also extinguished Meng De has killed, he wanted to enter Meng Clan, wanted to be waster the troubles, these people cannot tolerate him to exist, if returned to Meng Clan, was not good to explain. Will be suspected.
Even if Meng Hao has the idea that maternal grandfather that branch clansman carries off. Also needs to enter Meng Clan first. First understood the situation decided again.
„Really troublesome.” When Meng Hao shakes the head, his body takes a step to go out, both eyes dodge, the face change, in the starry sky, nobody has been able to see that he comes out from the boat ship, when he stands in the starry sky. As if walks from the nihility, appeared in the front of these Men in Black.
Black robe Meng De both eyes contraction, his body immediately retreats.
„Has killed him!” Words, that nine Men in Black freely hearts startled, when may actually instantaneous Cultivation dispersing, each other waves hand, immediately around them that has filled the tomahawk of malignant influences, transforms loudly, toward Meng Hao here, suddenly cuts.
Meng De shrinks in an angle. Looks at this anxiously, the innermost feelings is bringing excitedly.
The Meng Hao look is usual. After his Cultivation by the Greedy Wolf comprehensive enhancement, did not have to begin with the human truly, at this moment saw that tomahawk approaches, he does not dodge unexpectedly, but the right hand lifts, toward tomahawk one figure.
Without the magical powers, does not have the technique law, is only with the strength of mortal body, the finger with that illusory tomahawk, has bumped into one directly.
The sound of thundering, instantaneous dreadful, that nine Men in Black looks are fierce, they collaborate to strike regarding their this extremely self-confidently, Dao Law that this collaborates, the might is too big, they have shaken Quasi-Dao by this, but was a pity that they are unable to display repeatedly, but, even if Dao Realm, once had praised to this technique law, enabling these nine people of laws to have very big confidence.
But under flickers, these nine people of look fierce coagulations, two eyes opens instant, revealing is unable to believe with amazement, even also three people, directly lose one's voice.
„This ...”
„Is impossible!”
„He ...”
Let these nine people with amazement, is that tomahawk, in moves after the Meng Hao finger, the Meng Hao body has not rocked half, the facial expression has not changed, in that boom sound, actually mixed with numerously ka the sound, this sound ... From tomahawk!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1252: menyingkirkan! Meng Hao di kabin, melihat ini juga merupakan pengecutan visi, alis berkerut, melihat yang memimpin orang jubah hitam topeng itu."Mengatakan bahwa di bawah topeng, harus Meng De wajah." Meng Hao bergumam.Saat ini, di Meng De retret, yang memimpin tak terhitung mata orang jubah hitam topeng, mengangkat tangan, mengambil topeng sendiri, telah mengungkapkan wajah, wajah itu... Seperti yang memang seperti Meng Hao menebak,... Meng De!Persis sama!Meng De membuka mata, retret, menunjuk pada orang jubah hitam tanpa henti, dalam melihat mengungkapkan lebih intens panik dalam senyum mirthless dia tahu bahwa ia harus mati tanpa diragukan lagi!"Membunuh, seluruh membersihkan, kami... Kembali ke klan Meng." Hitam jubah Meng De, cahaya untuk membuka mulut, suara juga dan asli Meng De tidak sedikit berbeda.Ketika memberitakan FirmanNya, beralih yang berubah menjadi Meng De untuk menemani, retak ke dalam senyum, tangan kanan diangkat menjadi hanya sekitar untuk menyelesaikan Meng De kehidupan.Mei pada saat ini, napas, saat ini semua arah langit berbintang dengung, spread, jubah hitam orang warna wajah yang mengubah Meng De perubahan, beralih lain juga terkejut, segera terlihat ke seluruh."Yang bermain trik, keluar kepadaku!" Jubah hitam Meng De di mengaum, pengertian rohani menyebar, tubuh-Nya, pada saat ini, meminjamkan aura Dao dunia tiba-tiba, tetapi sumber alam Dao, mungkin untuk Meng De, sama menakutkan ke puncak.This sigh, from Meng Hao, Meng Hao has no alternative but act, whatever if the opposite party also extinguished Meng De has killed, he wanted to enter Meng Clan, wanted to be waster the troubles, these people cannot tolerate him to exist, if returned to Meng Clan, was not good to explain. Will be suspected.Even if Meng Hao has the idea that maternal grandfather that branch clansman carries off. Also needs to enter Meng Clan first. First understood the situation decided again.„Really troublesome.” When Meng Hao shakes the head, his body takes a step to go out, both eyes dodge, the face change, in the starry sky, nobody has been able to see that he comes out from the boat ship, when he stands in the starry sky. As if walks from the nihility, appeared in the front of these Men in Black.Black robe Meng De both eyes contraction, his body immediately retreats.„Has killed him!” Words, that nine Men in Black freely hearts startled, when may actually instantaneous Cultivation dispersing, each other waves hand, immediately around them that has filled the tomahawk of malignant influences, transforms loudly, toward Meng Hao here, suddenly cuts.Meng De shrinks in an angle. Looks at this anxiously, the innermost feelings is bringing excitedly.The Meng Hao look is usual. After his Cultivation by the Greedy Wolf comprehensive enhancement, did not have to begin with the human truly, at this moment saw that tomahawk approaches, he does not dodge unexpectedly, but the right hand lifts, toward tomahawk one figure.Without the magical powers, does not have the technique law, is only with the strength of mortal body, the finger with that illusory tomahawk, has bumped into one directly.The sound of thundering, instantaneous dreadful, that nine Men in Black looks are fierce, they collaborate to strike regarding their this extremely self-confidently, Dao Law that this collaborates, the might is too big, they have shaken Quasi-Dao by this, but was a pity that they are unable to display repeatedly, but, even if Dao Realm, once had praised to this technique law, enabling these nine people of laws to have very big confidence.But under flickers, these nine people of look fierce coagulations, two eyes opens instant, revealing is unable to believe with amazement, even also three people, directly lose one's voice.„This ...”„Is impossible!”„He ...”Let these nine people with amazement, is that tomahawk, in moves after the Meng Hao finger, the Meng Hao body has not rocked half, the facial expression has not changed, in that boom sound, actually mixed with numerously ka the sound, this sound ... From tomahawk!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1252: Singkirkan

Meng Hao di kabin, melihat ini juga merupakan visi kontraksi, alis berkerut, tampak bahwa memimpin jubah orang kulit hitam dari topeng itu.
"Mengatakan bahwa di bawah topeng, harus wajah Meng De ini. "Meng Hao gumam.
pada saat ini, di Meng De mundur, yang memimpin banyak mata jubah orang hitam masker, mengangkat tangan, menurunkan topeng sendiri, telah mengungkapkan wajah, wajah yang ... seperti yang memang seperti Meng Hao menduga, itu ... Meng De!
Tepat sama! yang
Meng De membuka mata, retret, menunjuk pada jubah orang kulit hitam tak henti-hentinya, di tampilan nya mengungkapkan lebih intens panik, dalam senyum senang, ia tahu bahwa ia harus mati tanpa diragukan lagi!
"Dibunuh, seluruh membersihkan, kami ... Returns untuk Meng Clan." Black jubah Meng De, cahaya untuk membuka mulut, suara juga dan asli Meng De tidak sedikit berbeda.
Ketika kata-katanya menyebar, pembudidaya yang berubah menjadi Meng De menemani, retak tersenyum, tangan kanan diangkat menjadi hanya sekitar untuk menyelesaikan kehidupan Meng De ini.
Semoga pada saat ini, mendesah, saat ini semua arah langit berbintang dengung, menyebar, hitam jubah orang wajah warna yang mengubah Meng De berubah, pembudidaya lainnya juga terkejut, segera terlihat di sekitar.
"Siapa yang bermain trik, datang kepada saya!" Black jubah Meng De di mengaum, rasa spiritual menyebar keras, tubuhnya, pada saat ini, meminjamkan aura Dao Realm tiba-tiba, tapi sumber Dao Realm, mungkin untuk Meng De, yang menakutkan yang sama ke puncak.
napas ini, dari Meng Hao, Meng Hao memiliki alternatif tetapi tindakan, apa pun jika pihak lawan juga padam Meng De menewaskan , ia ingin masuk Meng Clan, ingin menjadi pembuang kesulitan, orang-orang ini tidak bisa mentolerir dia untuk ada, jika kembali ke Meng Clan, tidak baik untuk menjelaskan. Akan dicurigai.
Bahkan jika Meng Hao memiliki gagasan bahwa kakek yang klan cabang membawa off. Juga perlu memasukkan Meng Clan pertama. Pertama memahami situasi memutuskan lagi.
"Benar-benar merepotkan." Ketika Meng Hao menggeleng, tubuhnya mengambil langkah untuk pergi keluar, kedua mata menghindar, perubahan wajah, di langit berbintang, tak seorang pun telah mampu melihat bahwa dia datang keluar dari kapal boat, ketika ia berdiri di langit berbintang. Seolah-olah berjalan dari nihility itu, muncul di depan Men ini di Hitam.
Hitam jubah Meng De kedua mata kontraksi, tubuhnya segera mundur.
"Telah membunuhnya!" Kata-kata, bahwa sembilan Men in Black bebas hati kaget, ketika benar-benar dapat seketika menyebar Budidaya, masing-masing gelombang sisi lain, segera di sekitar mereka yang telah mengisi tomahawk pengaruh ganas, mengubah keras, menuju Meng Hao sini, tiba-tiba memotong.
Meng De menyusut di sudut. Melihat ini cemas, perasaan terdalam adalah membawa semangat.
The Meng Hao tampilan biasa. Setelah Budidaya nya oleh peningkatan luas Serigala Greedy, tidak harus memulai dengan manusia yang benar-benar, pada saat ini melihat bahwa pendekatan tomahawk, dia tidak mengelak tiba-tiba, tetapi tangan kanan lift, menuju tomahawk satu angka.
Tanpa kekuatan magis, tidak memiliki hukum teknik, hanya dengan kekuatan tubuh yang fana, jari dengan itu tomahawk ilusi, telah bertemu dengan salah satu langsung.
suara gemuruh, seketika mengerikan, bahwa sembilan Men in Black penampilan yang sengit, mereka berkolaborasi untuk menyerang tentang mereka ini sangat penuh percaya diri, Hukum Dao bahwa ini bekerja sama, kekuatan yang terlalu besar, mereka telah terguncang Quasi-Dao dengan ini, tapi sayang bahwa mereka tidak dapat menampilkan berulang kali, namun, bahkan jika Dao Realm, pernah memiliki dipuji hukum teknik ini, memungkinkan ini sembilan orang hukum untuk memiliki keyakinan yang sangat besar.
Tetapi di bawah film, ini sembilan orang dari melihat koagulasi sengit, dua mata terbuka instan, mengungkapkan tidak dapat percaya dengan takjub, bahkan juga tiga orang, langsung kehilangan seseorang suara.
"ini ..."
"Apakah tidak mungkin!"
"Dia ..."
Mari sembilan orang tersebut dengan takjub, adalah bahwa tomahawk, dalam bergerak setelah jari Meng Hao, tubuh Meng Hao belum Rocked setengah, wajah ekspresi tidak berubah, dalam suara ledakan, sebenarnya dicampur dengan banyak sekali ka suara, suara ini ... Dari tomahawk!
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