Psychological OrientationAs regards the manner in which I shall have t terjemahan - Psychological OrientationAs regards the manner in which I shall have t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Psychological OrientationAs regards

Psychological Orientation
As regards the manner in which I shall have to administer this lectureship, I am neither
a theologian, nor a scholar learned in the history of religions, nor an anthropologist.
Psychology is the only branch of learning in which I am particularly versed. To the
psychologist the religious propensities of man must be at least as interesting as any
other of the facts pertaining to his mental constitution. It would seem, therefore, that, as
a psychologist, the natural thing for me would be to invite you to a descriptive survey
of those religious propensities.
If the inquiry be psychological, not religious institutions, but rather religious feelings
and religious impulses must be its subject, and I must confine myself to those more
developed subjective phenomena recorded in literature produced by articulate and
fully self-conscious men, in works of piety and autobiography. Interesting as the
origins and early stages of a subject always are, yet when one seeks earnestly for its full
significance, one must always look to its more completely evolved and perfect forms. It
follows from this that the documents that
will most concern us will be those of the
men who were most accomplished in the
religious life and best able to give an
intelligible account of their ideas and
motives. These men, of course, are either comparatively modern writers, or else such
earlier ones as have become religious classics. The documents humains which we shall
find most instructive need not then be sought for in the haunts of special erudition —
they lie along the beaten highway; and this circumstance, which flows so naturally
from the character of our problem, suits admirably also your lecturer’s lack of special
theological learning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Orientasi psikologisMengenai cara di mana aku harus mengelola lectureship ini, aku tidakseorang teolog, atau seorang sarjana belajar dalam sejarah agama, juga seorang antropolog.Psikologi adalah cabang hanya belajar di mana aku am terutama berpengalaman. Untukpsikolog kecenderungan agama manusia harus setidaknya sama menariknya setiaplain fakta-fakta yang berkaitan dengan Konstitusi nya mental. Tampaknya, oleh karena itu, yang, sebagaiseorang psikolog, hal yang alami bagi saya akan mengundang Anda ke survei deskriptifdari kecenderungan agama mereka.Jika penyelidikan menjadi lembaga psikologis, bukan agama, tetapi bukan agama perasaandan dorongan keagamaan harus subjek, dan saya harus membatasi diri mereka lebihdikembangkan subjektif fenomena yang dicatat dalam sastra yang dihasilkan oleh mengartikulasikan danpria sepenuhnya sadar diri, dalam karya-karya kesalehan dan otobiografi. Menarik sebagaiasal-usul dan tahap-tahap awal dari sebuah mata pelajaran selalu adalah, namun ketika seseorang berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk yang penuhmakna, salah satu harus selalu melihat ke bentuknya lebih benar-benar berkembang dan sempurna. ItuBerikut ini bahwa dokumen-dokumen yangakan kekhawatiran paling kita akan menjadi orang-orangorang-orang yang paling dicapai dalamkehidupan keagamaan dan terbaik dapat memberikandimengerti tentang ide-ide mereka danmotif. Orang-orang ini, tentu saja, adalah baik penulis relatif modern, atau yang lain sepertiorang yang sebelumnya telah menjadi klasik agama. Humains dokumen yang kami akanmenemukan yang paling instruktif perlu tidak kemudian dicari untuk dalam menghantui pengetahuan khusus —mereka berbohong sepanjang jalan dipukuli; dan keadaan ini, yang mengalir Jadi tentu sajadari karakter masalah kita, sesuai dengan mengagumkan juga dosen Anda kurangnya khususbelajar teologi.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Psychological Orientation
As regards the manner in which I shall have to administer this lectureship, I am neither
a theologian, nor a scholar learned in the history of religions, nor an anthropologist.
Psychology is the only branch of learning in which I am particularly versed. To the
psychologist the religious propensities of man must be at least as interesting as any
other of the facts pertaining to his mental constitution. It would seem, therefore, that, as
a psychologist, the natural thing for me would be to invite you to a descriptive survey
of those religious propensities.
If the inquiry be psychological, not religious institutions, but rather religious feelings
and religious impulses must be its subject, and I must confine myself to those more
developed subjective phenomena recorded in literature produced by articulate and
fully self-conscious men, in works of piety and autobiography. Interesting as the
origins and early stages of a subject always are, yet when one seeks earnestly for its full
significance, one must always look to its more completely evolved and perfect forms. It
follows from this that the documents that
will most concern us will be those of the
men who were most accomplished in the
religious life and best able to give an
intelligible account of their ideas and
motives. These men, of course, are either comparatively modern writers, or else such
earlier ones as have become religious classics. The documents humains which we shall
find most instructive need not then be sought for in the haunts of special erudition —
they lie along the beaten highway; and this circumstance, which flows so naturally
from the character of our problem, suits admirably also your lecturer’s lack of special
theological learning.
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