During your childhood you had tense or risky experiences that have str terjemahan - During your childhood you had tense or risky experiences that have str Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

During your childhood you had tense

During your childhood you had tense or risky experiences that have strengthened your temperament. It is possible that you suffered falls or blows because of your fearlessness and desire for adventure. Your home underwent profound changes and you experienced aggressive situations. You have learned that sensitivity is synonymous to weakness and because of that today you appear to be combative. Also, since childhood you have shown yourself to be stubborn and inflexible in your plans and also capable of imposing yourself on or dominating others. If you can free yourself from the negative emotions such as jealousy, revenge, resentment, etc. and can channel your aggressiveness as a constructive energy, you will be very successful throughout your life.

SECOND HOUSE: Money. Assets. Resources.

Sagittarius on 2nd house cusp

Throughout your life your economic possibilities will expand considerably. You can earn money through independent activities or those related to education, law, philosophy, foreign commerce, import and export, and also through the use of the natural gift of intuition or prophecy you have.

Your economic success can come in another country, in a place different from where you were born. In general, you will have a touch of luck in any enterprise.

Pluto in 2nd house

You will have many different sources of income, with the possibility of becoming rich thanks to your ability to manage finances. Your desire to accumulate material objects could make you treat the people you love as possessions, even possibly to the point of domination and jealousy. You must learn to control your ambitions and not be greedy; otherwise, you could suffer severe economic setbacks that will disturb your emotional life.

Pluto in Sagittarius

Your generation is very enthusiastic and enterprising; it is inclined towards studies especially in the fields of philosophy and religion. The people of your group are fascinated by the idea of voyages and explorations to strange and unknown places. They are interested in expanding their horizons and knowledge, which is why they will be interested in the exchange between nations of very different cultures and languages. Desi , as a part of this movement, you will express a great desire for personal freedom, to be able to move around as you wish. You are very happy, positive and enterprising. You will have a variety of interests but will be inclined especially towards the humanitarian and spiritual.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
During your childhood you had tense or risky experiences that have strengthened your temperament. It is possible that you suffered falls or blows because of your fearlessness and desire for adventure. Your home underwent profound changes and you experienced aggressive situations. You have learned that sensitivity is synonymous to weakness and because of that today you appear to be combative. Also, since childhood you have shown yourself to be stubborn and inflexible in your plans and also capable of imposing yourself on or dominating others. If you can free yourself from the negative emotions such as jealousy, revenge, resentment, etc. and can channel your aggressiveness as a constructive energy, you will be very successful throughout your life. SECOND HOUSE: Money. Assets. Resources.Sagittarius on 2nd house cusp Throughout your life your economic possibilities will expand considerably. You can earn money through independent activities or those related to education, law, philosophy, foreign commerce, import and export, and also through the use of the natural gift of intuition or prophecy you have. Your economic success can come in another country, in a place different from where you were born. In general, you will have a touch of luck in any enterprise.Pluto in 2nd house You will have many different sources of income, with the possibility of becoming rich thanks to your ability to manage finances. Your desire to accumulate material objects could make you treat the people you love as possessions, even possibly to the point of domination and jealousy. You must learn to control your ambitions and not be greedy; otherwise, you could suffer severe economic setbacks that will disturb your emotional life.
Pluto in Sagittarius

Your generation is very enthusiastic and enterprising; it is inclined towards studies especially in the fields of philosophy and religion. The people of your group are fascinated by the idea of voyages and explorations to strange and unknown places. They are interested in expanding their horizons and knowledge, which is why they will be interested in the exchange between nations of very different cultures and languages. Desi , as a part of this movement, you will express a great desire for personal freedom, to be able to move around as you wish. You are very happy, positive and enterprising. You will have a variety of interests but will be inclined especially towards the humanitarian and spiritual.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Selama masa kecil Anda Anda memiliki pengalaman tegang atau berisiko yang telah memperkuat temperamen Anda. Ada kemungkinan bahwa Anda menderita jatuh atau pukulan karena keberanian dan keinginan untuk petualangan. Rumah Anda mengalami perubahan yang mendalam dan Anda mengalami situasi agresif. Anda telah belajar bahwa sensitivitas identik dengan kelemahan dan karena itu hari ini Anda tampak agresif. Juga, sejak kecil Anda telah menunjukkan diri Anda untuk menjadi keras kepala dan tidak fleksibel dalam rencana Anda dan juga mampu memaksakan diri atau mendominasi orang lain. Jika Anda dapat membebaskan diri dari emosi negatif seperti iri hati, dendam, kebencian, dll dan dapat menyalurkan agresivitas Anda sebagai energi konstruktif, Anda akan sangat sukses sepanjang hidup Anda. KEDUA RUMAH: Uang. Aset. Sumber. Sagitarius pada 2 rumah puncak Sepanjang hidup Anda kemungkinan ekonomi Anda akan memperluas jauh. Anda bisa mendapatkan uang melalui kegiatan independen atau yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan, hukum, filsafat, perdagangan luar negeri, impor dan ekspor, dan juga melalui penggunaan karunia alam intuisi atau nubuat yang Anda miliki. Keberhasilan ekonomi Anda bisa datang di negara lain, di tempat yang berbeda dari tempat Anda dilahirkan. Secara umum, Anda akan memiliki sentuhan keberuntungan di perusahaan apapun. Pluto di rumah 2 Anda akan memiliki banyak sumber yang berbeda dari pendapatan, dengan kemungkinan menjadi kaya berkat kemampuan Anda untuk mengelola keuangan. Keinginan Anda untuk mengumpulkan benda-benda bisa membuat Anda memperlakukan orang-orang yang Anda cintai sebagai harta, bahkan mungkin ke titik dominasi dan cemburu. Anda harus belajar untuk mengendalikan ambisi Anda dan tidak serakah; . jika tidak, Anda bisa menderita kemunduran ekonomi parah yang akan mengganggu kehidupan emosional Anda Pluto di Sagitarius generasi Anda sangat antusias dan giat; itu cenderung ke arah studi terutama di bidang filsafat dan agama. Orang-orang dari kelompok Anda terpesona oleh gagasan pelayaran dan eksplorasi ke tempat-tempat yang aneh dan tidak dikenal. Mereka tertarik dalam memperluas cakrawala dan pengetahuan mereka, itulah sebabnya mereka akan tertarik pada pertukaran antara bangsa-bangsa dari budaya dan bahasa yang sangat berbeda. Desi, sebagai bagian dari gerakan ini, Anda akan mengekspresikan keinginan yang besar untuk kebebasan pribadi, untuk dapat bergerak sesuai keinginan. Anda sangat senang, positif dan giat. Anda akan memiliki berbagai kepentingan, tetapi akan cenderung terutama terhadap kemanusiaan dan spiritual.

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