ORL measurements of a ber-optic link should be taken with all patch c terjemahan - ORL measurements of a ber-optic link should be taken with all patch c Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ORL measurements of a ber-optic li

ORL measurements of a ber-optic link should be taken with all patch cords and equipment
cords in place. All system equipment should be turned off. The receive connector should remain plugged into the equipment receiver. The transmit connector should be unplugged from the equipment transmitter and plugged into the ORL test set after the test set has been calibrated,as shown in figure 33.23. the test set should be calibrated as described in the manufacturer's operation manual. Before performing ORL testing, clean and inspect all connectors. Allow sufficient time for the ORL test set to warm up and stabilize.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ORL measurements of a ber-optic link should be taken with all patch cords and equipment
cords in place. All system equipment should be turned off. The receive connector should remain plugged into the equipment receiver. The transmit connector should be unplugged from the equipment transmitter and plugged into the ORL test set after the test set has been calibrated,as shown in figure 33.23. the test set should be calibrated as described in the manufacturer's operation manual. Before performing ORL testing, clean and inspect all connectors. Allow sufficient time for the ORL test set to warm up and stabilize.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ORL pengukuran link ber-optik? Harus diambil dengan semua kabel patch dan peralatan
kabel di tempat. Semua peralatan sistem harus dimatikan. Menerima konektor harus tetap dicolokkan ke penerima peralatan. Konektor mengirimkan harus dicabut dari pemancar peralatan dan dicolokkan ke tes ORL ditetapkan setelah set tes telah dikalibrasi, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar 33,23. set uji harus dikalibrasi seperti yang dijelaskan dalam produsen manual operasi. Sebelum melakukan pengujian ORL, bersih dan memeriksa semua konektor. Memberikan waktu yang cukup untuk set uji ORL untuk pemanasan dan menstabilkan.
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