To, they have arbitrarily overbearing, ninth Paragon that may actually terjemahan - To, they have arbitrarily overbearing, ninth Paragon that may actually Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To, they have arbitrarily overbeari

To, they have arbitrarily overbearing, ninth Paragon that may actually hide shortcomings , they have Chosen, sweeps away Fang Mu of entire boundless faction!
All these all, cause ninth with other Sect, was completely different.
This magnificent ceremony, has continued for one month, gradually subsides, what may subside is only the surface, ninth disciple overall rousing, will continue unceasingly, that glorious feeling, transforms for regarding the ninth ownership and approval, forever constant.
But Meng Hao in this month, is unable not to see the same side, comes the person of visiting to be continuous, after one month of past, not only has not reduced, instead when are more, Meng Hao somewhat cannot withstand, closes off a mountain area once more.
After closing off a mountain area, he does not leave the mountain peak half step, declined all visits, but he has not actually closed up, but with all time, teaches the method of Yan Er practicing.
The time passes slowly, in an instant, after Meng Hao returns to ninth, passed for three years.
In the three years, he does not hesitate own Cultivation, helping Yan Er mold Immortal meridians in within the body, this lifetime practicing experience, became aware regarding the Ming, without any retained, taught to Yan Er, drainless ample force.
Under the Meng Hao this devoted guidance, Yan Er Cultivation erupts once more, after progressing by leaps and bounds, not only the foundation is reliable, is the ultra peer.
As if realized that from time to time when anything, Yan Er in these years, as if the laughter has been short, looks to Meng Hao, in the item also has did not abandon and worried.
She and Meng Hao is bound by a common destiny for dozens years, regarding teacher here change, is very sensitive, these three years, makes her have a strong feeling repeatedly
„Teacher, must walk” this feeling, making her be afraid very much, asked the exit repeatedly, but Meng Hao with a smile did not speak each time, but looked to her vision, was gentle, from time to time also revealed to recall.
Until passed for ten years
Cultivation unceasing increasing of Yan Er, but her heart, actually even more anxious, she has one time to see teacher there jade slip, seems in Sect regarding the description of Transcendence road, this, lets the Yan Er innermost feelings thump.
She knows the Transcendence road, that is one only has Dao Realm to have the road that the qualifications take, it is said among has the huge good fortune, may be this, has the person who the guts go to truly, are not really many.
The bad risk on Transcendence road is very big, and Transcendence road is not the boundless stage, constructs in Sect, that is in outside world, a space crack of boundless starry sky.
Once steps into, isolates with outside world, often dozens years of even several hundred years can return, and cultivator life, only may step into twice.
If there is traded the Yan Er beforehand disposition, she asks the teacher to inquire immediately, even does not make the teacher go to such dangerous place with all methods, but she has grown up now, she understands that the choice of teacher, understands that in the heart of teacher, hides not to understand holds to read.
She can only be silent.
The soul lamp of Meng Hao within the body, in these 13 years, one after another has also gone out, although is slow, may also extinguish three, at this moment remaining seven, throughout are not only able to extinguish.
But Yan Er here, another year later, has finally reached the Immortal Realm peak, such speed, surpasses the common sense, was been shocking by the ninth disciple, may think after her master is Meng Hao, as if all these change is fair.
After all, the good fortunes of eight boundless stages, is far from common.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mereka memiliki sewenang-wenang sombong, Paragon kesembilan yang dapat benar-benar menyembunyikan kelemahan, mereka telah memilih, menyapu pergi Fang Mu seluruh fraksi tak terbatas!Semua ini semua, menyebabkan kesembilan dengan sekte lain, sama sekali berbeda.Upacara ini, telah berlangsung selama satu bulan, secara bertahap Reda, apa mungkin mereda adalah hanya permukaan, kesembilan murid secara keseluruhan meriah, akan terus tanpa henti, bahwa perasaan mulia, mengubah untuk mengenai kepemilikan kesembilan dan persetujuan, selamanya konstan.Tapi Meng Hao bulan ini, tidak mampu melihat sisi yang sama, berasal orang mengunjungi terus-menerus, setelah satu bulan dari masa lalu, tidak hanya tidak berkurang, sebaliknya ketika yang lebih, Meng Hao agak tidak dapat menahan, menutup area Gunung sekali lagi.Setelah penutupan area pegunungan, ia tidak meninggalkan puncak gunung menolak setengah langkah, Semua kunjungan, tapi dia tidak benar-benar ditutup, tetapi dengan semua waktu, mengajarkan metode Yan Er berlatih.Kelak tiket perlahan-lahan, dalam sekejap, setelah Meng Hao kembali ke kesembilan, selama tiga tahun.Dalam tiga tahun, ia tidak ragu-ragu sendiri budidaya, membantu Yan Er cetakan Meridian abadi di dalam tubuh, hidup ini berlatih pengalaman, menjadi sadar mengenai Ming, tanpa apapun dipertahankan, diajarkan untuk Yan Er, drainless kekuatan yang cukup.Di bawah Meng Hao ini dikhususkan bimbingan, Yan Er budidaya meletus sekali lagi, setelah berkembang pesat, tidak hanya Yayasan handal, adalah rekan ultra.As if realized that from time to time when anything, Yan Er in these years, as if the laughter has been short, looks to Meng Hao, in the item also has did not abandon and worried.She and Meng Hao is bound by a common destiny for dozens years, regarding teacher here change, is very sensitive, these three years, makes her have a strong feeling repeatedly„Teacher, must walk” this feeling, making her be afraid very much, asked the exit repeatedly, but Meng Hao with a smile did not speak each time, but looked to her vision, was gentle, from time to time also revealed to recall.Until passed for ten yearsCultivation unceasing increasing of Yan Er, but her heart, actually even more anxious, she has one time to see teacher there jade slip, seems in Sect regarding the description of Transcendence road, this, lets the Yan Er innermost feelings thump.She knows the Transcendence road, that is one only has Dao Realm to have the road that the qualifications take, it is said among has the huge good fortune, may be this, has the person who the guts go to truly, are not really many.The bad risk on Transcendence road is very big, and Transcendence road is not the boundless stage, constructs in Sect, that is in outside world, a space crack of boundless starry sky.Once steps into, isolates with outside world, often dozens years of even several hundred years can return, and cultivator life, only may step into twice.Jika ada diperdagangkan disposisi sebelumnya Yan Er, dia meminta guru untuk menanyakan langsung, bahkan tidak membuat guru pergi ke tempat berbahaya seperti itu dengan semua metode, tetapi ia telah tumbuh sekarang, dia mengerti bahwa pilihan guru, mengerti bahwa di jantung guru, menyembunyikan tidak untuk memahami memegang untuk membaca.Dia hanya bisa terdiam.Lampu jiwa Meng Hao dalam tubuh, dalam 13 tahun, satu setelah lainnya juga telah pergi keluar, meskipun lambat, juga dapat memadamkan tiga, pada saat ini tujuh, seluruh tidak hanya dapat memadamkan.Tapi Yan Er di sini, satu tahun kemudian, telah mencapai puncak dunia abadi, seperti kecepatan, melampaui akal, telah mengejutkan oleh murid kesembilan, mungkin berpikir setelah tuannya Meng Hao, seolah-olah semua perubahan ini adil.Setelah semua, nasib baik delapan tahapan tak terbatas, masih jauh dari umum.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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