Subclinical CVDAbnormal vascular findings associatedwith atherosclerosi terjemahan - Subclinical CVDAbnormal vascular findings associatedwith atherosclerosi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Subclinical CVDAbnormal vascular fin

Subclinical CVD
Abnormal vascular findings associated
with atherosclerosis are also seen in pa-
tients with T1DM. Coronary artery calci-
fication (CAC) burden, an accepted
noninvasive assessment of atheroscle-
rosis and a predictor of CVD events in
the general population, is greater in
people with T1DM than in nondiabetic
healthy control subjects, as found in the
Coronary Artery Calcification in Type 1
Diabetes (CACTI) Study (33). With re-
gard to subclinical carotid disease,
both carotid intima-media thickness
(cIMT) and plaque are increased in chil-
dren, adolescents, and adults with
T1DM (online-only Data Supplement
Table 3) compared with age- and sex-
matched healthy control subjects (34–
39). Traditional and glycemia-related
risk factors such as age, DM duration,
BMI, total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C,
BP, smoking, and albumin excretion
rate are associated with cIMT and pla-
que in T1DM (35,36,38–41).
Endothelial function is altered even at a
very early stage of T1DM (42,43), as dis-
cussed in the section on children. Interest-
ingly, the extent of endothelial dysfunction
correlated significantly with blood glucose
levels and was inversely related to DM
duration. Adults in the Pittsburgh EDC
study who had markers of endothelial
dysfunction were more likely to develop
CHD (44). Taken together, these data sug-
gest that preclinical CVD can be seen more
frequently and to a greater extent in pa-
tients with T1DM, even at an early age.
Some data suggest that its presence may
portend CVD events; however, how these
subclinical markers function as end points
is not clear.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Subclinical CVDAbnormal vascular findings associatedwith atherosclerosis are also seen in pa-tients with T1DM. Coronary artery calci-fication (CAC) burden, an acceptednoninvasive assessment of atheroscle-rosis and a predictor of CVD events inthe general population, is greater inpeople with T1DM than in nondiabetichealthy control subjects, as found in theCoronary Artery Calcification in Type 1Diabetes (CACTI) Study (33). With re-gard to subclinical carotid disease,both carotid intima-media thickness(cIMT) and plaque are increased in chil-dren, adolescents, and adults withT1DM (online-only Data SupplementTable 3) compared with age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects (34–39). Traditional and glycemia-relatedrisk factors such as age, DM duration,BMI, total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C,BP, smoking, and albumin excretionrate are associated with cIMT and pla-que in T1DM (35,36,38–41).Endothelial function is altered even at avery early stage of T1DM (42,43), as dis-cussed in the section on children. Interest-ingly, the extent of endothelial dysfunctioncorrelated significantly with blood glucoselevels and was inversely related to DMduration. Adults in the Pittsburgh EDCstudy who had markers of endothelialdysfunction were more likely to developCHD (44). Taken together, these data sug-gest that preclinical CVD can be seen morefrequently and to a greater extent in pa-tients with T1DM, even at an early age.Beberapa data menyarankan bahwa kehadirannya mungkinportend CVD peristiwa; Namun, bagaimanapenanda subklinis berfungsi sebagai titik akhirini tidak jelas.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
CVD subklinis
Abnormal temuan pembuluh darah yang berhubungan
dengan aterosklerosis juga terlihat di-pasien
pasien-dengan T1DM. Arteri koroner calci-
fi kasi (CAC) beban, sebuah diterima
penilaian noninvasif aterosklerosis
Rosis dan prediktor kejadian CVD di
populasi umum, lebih besar di
masyarakat dengan T1DM dibandingkan nondiabetes
subyek kontrol yang sehat, seperti yang ditemukan di
Arteri Koroner Calci fi kasi di Tipe 1
Diabetes (CACTI) Studi (33). Dengan kembali
gard penyakit karotis subklinis,
baik karotid ketebalan intima-media
(CIMT) dan plak meningkat pada anak
anak, remaja, dan orang dewasa dengan
T1DM (online-hanya data Tambahan
Tabel 3) dibandingkan dengan usia dan jenis kelamin
cocok subyek kontrol yang sehat (34-
39). Tradisional dan-glikemia terkait
faktor risiko seperti usia, durasi DM,
BMI, kolesterol total (TC) dan LDL-C,
BP, merokok, dan ekskresi albumin
tingkat berkaitan dengan CIMT dan pla-
que di T1DM (35,36,38 -41).
fungsi endotel diubah bahkan pada
tahap yang sangat awal T1DM (42,43), seperti dis
mengumpat di bagian anak-anak. Menariknya
ingly, tingkat disfungsi endotel
berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan glukosa darah
tingkat dan berbanding terbalik dengan DM
durasi. Orang dewasa di Pittsburgh EDC
studi yang memiliki penanda endotel
disfungsi lebih mungkin untuk mengembangkan
penyakit jantung koroner (44). Secara bersama-sama, data ini nyarankan-
gest yang praklinis CVD dapat dilihat lebih
sering dan untuk tingkat yang lebih besar di-pasien
pasien-dengan T1DM, bahkan pada usia dini.
Beberapa data menunjukkan bahwa kehadirannya dapat
meramalkan kejadian CVD; Namun, bagaimana
penanda subklinis berfungsi sebagai titik akhir
tidak jelas.
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