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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1385: Life and death Shan Hairen! May nobody reply her, the sounds of many surrendering, reverberation starry sky.„Old man represents the sun sect ...”„Old man represents woods ...”One after another, before that burns extinguishes incense stick, in this Ninth Mountain within the four seas, besides Ninth Mountain Sect, other mountain and sea insisted that some Sect of present, in this moment, have chosen has surrendered ...Spreading of each sound, makes Meng Hao here more silent, until ... A ancient female sound, is bringing tranquilly, from the Ninth Sea reverberation, Meng Hao has lifted the head.„I am the Ninth Sea will, I ... The choice is separated from Mountains and Seas Plane, the choice ... Surrenders.”Altogether seven families, 11 Sect, have chosen surrendering, other scattered cultivator, hundreds of thousands have chosen surrendering, these people put together, has 1 million fully.These people, these families, these Sect, since choosing that moment of surrendering, must comply with the order of Shui Dongliu, leaves Mountains and Seas Plane, cannot stay here.They have revolted, in Mountains and Seas Plane, before the decisive battle, cannot accommodate them.At this moment launches the respective strength, toward Ninth Mountain outside, speeds away to go, these families, Sect, has respective background, has the respective powerhouse, was having the entire clan, the migration in the past.Their speeds are not slow, at this moment howls, is speeding away.The population, was equal to Mountains and Seas Plane this moment strength nearly 30%, in this moment, said the words of surrendering, has launched the footsteps of migration, all these, this makes other mountain and sea cultivator mind shiver, their this thinks, surrenders should not be many are.May actually not think that unexpectedly are so many ... Although, even if only then surrenders, regarding Mountains and Seas Plane morale at this moment, is the serious attack, particularly in soon decisive battle, the influence of this morale, important.Even if alien race army, has not thought that unexpectedly surrenders such, the laughter spreads, the alien race audiences cultivation, the look is even more contemptuous, eight source Paragon of that middle age, this moment smiling face reappears on the face, reason that he must estrange, must let the Mountains and Seas Plane civil strife, said that because of dreading Shui Dongliu!The final decisive battle, seemed like alien race army was in the complete status, but he lacked self-confidence, therefore, he wanted to disperse the Mountains and Seas Plane strength.But finally, the Ninth Sea will, spread the sound unexpectedly, all these, making Mountains and Seas Plane cultivation, buzz called completely, that was Ninth Sea, that was Mountains and Seas Plane part, may say the words of surrendering unexpectedly ...Mungkin kata-kata ini tidak memiliki apa-apa, berarti yang mungkin mewakili, benar-benar menakutkan, bahkan tidak berpikir, karena... Ini atas nama gunung dan lautan pesawat akan, bersama dengan deconstructions gunung dan laut, lemah untuk puncak, tidak mampu kontrol untuk membubarkan kesembilan laut.Jika pegunungan dan laut pesawat akan, analogi seorang panglima perang, kemudian sembilan potongan dari laut, pegunungan sembilan, 18 para Jenderal senior, tetapi sekarang, senior umum meninggal 16, mengarah ke puncak lemah, sisa dua Yuan senior umum, hanya telah dikendalikan tidak banyak, pilihan memuakkan.Semua ini, seolah-olah Shui Dongliu tidak berpikir bahwa matanya dua mengungkapkan intens cahaya di flash itu, melihat kesembilan laut dengan perhatian yang menegangkan, setelah lama, seolah-olah telah ragu-ragu, mendesah akhirnya.Meng Hao badan menggigil, tatapan di laut kesembilan, melihat bahwa laut kesembilan ini saat ini ombak, di atas laut yang tak terhitung klan mengubur kepala di laut, tapi ini air laut, yang memisahkan perlahan-lahan, nya tiba-tiba untuk membuka mulut, suara seperti gema surgawi Petir."Ya, karena saya!" Meng Hao suara agak bergemetar, kata-kata ini, yang ia tidak harus meminta itu tetapi ia tidak bisa tahan, harus bertanya.Bersama dengan Gema suara, kesembilan laut diam, setelah saat Meng Hao, kesembilan laut akan menyalakan untuk membuka mulut."Anda memang tumbuh untuk membuat saya agak menyesal awalnya terus tingkat membaca, tapi... Bahkan jika Anda tidak, saya jadi juga akan memilih, aku di pegunungan dan laut pesawat, pertama kali punya laut kesadaran diri, jika pegunungan dan laut pesawat unobstructive, saya pasrah menurunkan kepala, tapi sekarang... gunung dan laut akan segera menghilang, aku tidak mau dikuburkan dengan orang mati. " Kapan menyebar kata-kata, kesembilan laut seperti surut, menyeluruh dan kesembilan gunung... Perpecahan.Bersama dengan beralih pemisahan, gunung dan laut bahwa masing-masing telah tidak menyerah, di jantung nyeri menusuk, seperti tercabut terbuka, putus asa ke puncak.Juga pada saat ini, luka bakar memadamkan Dupa tongkat...
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