„No mat­ter and these, baby, I, and asked you, did you buy such Heav­e terjemahan - „No mat­ter and these, baby, I, and asked you, did you buy such Heav­e Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„No mat­ter and these, baby, I, and

„No mat­ter and these, baby, I, and asked you, did you buy such Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man to do?” That sound low and deep has a faint trace to be swift and fierce.
In the Nie Li heart moves, is it pos­si­ble that this does Ex­pert, have what re­la­tions with Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race?
Wasn't the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, the seal in End­less Wilder­ness?
„Re­ported the se­nior, I re­spected the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, wanted to lead these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men to leave End­less Wilder­ness!” Nie Li ex­plained said.
„I do not be­lieve that the young peo­ple, you are lying!” That sound said cold.
Nie Li silent mo­ment, said: „I know that is very dif­fi­cult to make se­nior be­lieve that so ex­plained that I and Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race have the com­mon enemy, I can lead these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men, mak­ing them be­come stronger, then helped me re­sist that per­son!”
„Com­mon enemy, ha, is re­ally laugh­able, what com­mon enemy do you have?” That sound sneered three to say.
„No mat­ter the se­nior does be­lieve that this is my truth.” Nie Li said very much se­ri­ously.
That sound silent for a long time, as if had been con­sid­er­ing that the Nie Li words are whether cred­i­ble.
„Does not know how the se­nior did call?” Saw that sound silent, Nie Li probed once more asks.
„Tianyuan! Out­side per­son called me for the Tianyuan Great!” That sound has hes­i­tated a mo­ment later, an­swered said.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„No mat­ter and these, baby, I, and asked you, did you buy such Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man to do?” That sound low and deep has a faint trace to be swift and fierce.In the Nie Li heart moves, is it pos­si­ble that this does Ex­pert, have what re­la­tions with Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race?Wasn't the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, the seal in End­less Wilder­ness?„Re­ported the se­nior, I re­spected the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, wanted to lead these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men to leave End­less Wilder­ness!” Nie Li ex­plained said.„I do not be­lieve that the young peo­ple, you are lying!” That sound said cold.Nie Li silent mo­ment, said: „I know that is very dif­fi­cult to make se­nior be­lieve that so ex­plained that I and Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race have the com­mon enemy, I can lead these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men, mak­ing them be­come stronger, then helped me re­sist that per­son!”„Com­mon enemy, ha, is re­ally laugh­able, what com­mon enemy do you have?” That sound sneered three to say.„No mat­ter the se­nior does be­lieve that this is my truth.” Nie Li said very much se­ri­ously.That sound silent for a long time, as if had been con­sid­er­ing that the Nie Li words are whether cred­i­ble.„Does not know how the se­nior did call?” Saw that sound silent, Nie Li probed once more asks.„Tianyuan! Out­side per­son called me for the Tianyuan Great!” That sound has hes­i­tated a mo­ment later, an­swered said.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Tidak peduli dan ini, bayi, saya, dan meminta Anda, apakah Anda membeli seperti Heavenly Primordial Roh Balap klan lakukan?" Itu terdengar rendah dan jauh memiliki jejak samar menjadi cepat dan sengit.
Di Nie Li bergerak jantung, adalah Mungkinkah hal ini Ahli, memiliki apa hubungan dengan Heavenly Primordial Roh Race?
Bukankah Heavenly Primordial Roh Balap klan, segel di Wilderness tak berujung?
"Dilaporkan senior, saya menghormati Surgawi Primordial Roh Balap klan, ingin memimpin ini ! surgawi Primordial klan Roh Balap meninggalkan Wilderness tak berujung ". Nie Li menjelaskan kata
" saya tidak percaya bahwa orang-orang muda, Anda berbaring ". itu suara mengatakan dingin
Nie Li saat diam, berkata:" saya tahu bahwa sangat sulit untuk membuat senior yang percaya bahwa begitu menjelaskan bahwa saya dan Heavenly Primordial Roh Balap memiliki musuh bersama, saya bisa memimpin ini Primordial klan Roh Balap Surgawi, membuat mereka menjadi lebih kuat, kemudian membantu saya menolak orang itu! "
" musuh umum, ha, benar-benar menggelikan, apa musuh bersama yang Anda miliki? "itu suara ejek tiga untuk mengatakan.
" tidak peduli senior tidak percaya bahwa ini adalah kebenaran saya. "Nie Li mengatakan sangat banyak serius.
itu terdengar diam untuk waktu yang lama, seolah-olah telah mengingat kata-kata Nie Li adalah apakah kredibel.
"Apakah tidak tahu bagaimana senior memang menelepon?" Saw yang terdengar diam, Nie Li diperiksa sekali lagi bertanya.
"Tianyuan! Di luar orang menelepon saya untuk Tianyuan besar! "Itu suara telah ragu-ragu sesaat kemudian, menjawab kata.
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