„Roar”The ox head man­power quiet forms of de­fen­sive ac­tion are to  terjemahan - „Roar”The ox head man­power quiet forms of de­fen­sive ac­tion are to  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Roar”The ox head man­power quiet f

The ox head man­power quiet forms of de­fen­sive ac­tion are to roar one, then starts the skill, how­ever the roar is the same, the at­tack is dif­fer­ent, is fac­ing the de­fense line that I and Li Mu two peo­ple col­lab­o­rate to com­pose, in the BOSS hand at least 3 me­ters tom­a­hawk „hum­ming sound” flee­ing that shiv­er­ing, the roar­ing flame brushes, the shaft of tom­a­hawk also in­stan­ta­neously trans­forms in­creases, is the third skill roar­ing flame axe blade edge!
The tom­a­hawk cut down hor­i­zon­tally in the crowd, I and Li Mu with­stood the biggest in­jury as the front, one group of peo­ple push in the way of the world, the per­son who hit is also not in­fre­quent
I and Li herd de­fen­sive power enough tall Hai­hao of said that had the player to be killed by the sec­ond di­rectly, prac­tic­ing med­i­cine was bring­ing back to life hur­riedly, Lin Wan Er or­dered say­ing: „Was care­ful that this roar­ing flame axe blade edge skill, too strong also had, rapid re­ac­ti­vat­ing, re­ac­ti­vat­ing two peo­ple do not get up on the back­lash again, in 60 min­utes can only be re­ac­ti­vated 3 times, do not re­ceive the sys­tem to pun­ish!”
Who once thinks that the ox head per­son does not show due re­spect for the feel­ings spe­cially, after roar­ing flame axe blade edge, is flame tor­nado, has bro­ken the [Zhan Long] lineup in­stan­ta­neously , the sec­ond has been short of sev­eral peo­ple, after is im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS, is equal ex­is­tence at pre­sent high­est strength, in fact should also have such at­tack ef­fect, but Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. refuse to ac­cept as be­fore very much.
Con­tin­ues to kill, I at­tract the main ha­tred of BOSS de­sir­ably, then has ar­rived at the side of back to cliff, mak­ing the roar­ing flame axe blade edge of ox head per­son aim at me to at­tack, like this and in­no­cent on the wound.
After sev­eral sec­onds, con­firmed my wrong odd­ness, even if BOSS ha­tred value on me, but the roar­ing flame axe blade edge strikes is get­ting down to the crowd most crowded di­rec­tion bang as be­fore , the sec­ond has killed many archers and hack­bu­teers.
„Faint, this BOSS AI was too high” has wiped the tea to raise the shield say­ing: „His roar­ing flame axe blade edge skill does not abide by the ha­tred prin­ci­ple.”
I turn around to chop around BOSS im­me­di­ately ran­domly, ar­rives at his frontage di­rectly, twice, I also saw clearly con­tin­u­ously, the gath­er­ing strength of roar­ing flame axe blade edge prob­a­bly is 1.2 sec­onds, Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian chisel strikes is un­able to break, this not by the style that the skill can break, but tries the trun­ca­tion rip­ple to could, after all I am on the spot only a strength value most to ap­proach this BOSS per­son.
The strength is roar­ing quiet, is a roar­ing flame axe blade edge, the tom­a­hawk hum­ming sound shiv­ered, was en­ter­ing gath­ered the strength the stage.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Roar”The ox head man­power quiet forms of de­fen­sive ac­tion are to roar one, then starts the skill, how­ever the roar is the same, the at­tack is dif­fer­ent, is fac­ing the de­fense line that I and Li Mu two peo­ple col­lab­o­rate to com­pose, in the BOSS hand at least 3 me­ters tom­a­hawk „hum­ming sound” flee­ing that shiv­er­ing, the roar­ing flame brushes, the shaft of tom­a­hawk also in­stan­ta­neously trans­forms in­creases, is the third skill roar­ing flame axe blade edge!„Bang!”The tom­a­hawk cut down hor­i­zon­tally in the crowd, I and Li Mu with­stood the biggest in­jury as the front, one group of peo­ple push in the way of the world, the per­son who hit is also not in­fre­quent„13128!”„15277!”„20341!”I and Li herd de­fen­sive power enough tall Hai­hao of said that had the player to be killed by the sec­ond di­rectly, prac­tic­ing med­i­cine was bring­ing back to life hur­riedly, Lin Wan Er or­dered say­ing: „Was care­ful that this roar­ing flame axe blade edge skill, too strong also had, rapid re­ac­ti­vat­ing, re­ac­ti­vat­ing two peo­ple do not get up on the back­lash again, in 60 min­utes can only be re­ac­ti­vated 3 times, do not re­ceive the sys­tem to pun­ish!”Who once thinks that the ox head per­son does not show due re­spect for the feel­ings spe­cially, after roar­ing flame axe blade edge, is flame tor­nado, has bro­ken the [Zhan Long] lineup in­stan­ta­neously , the sec­ond has been short of sev­eral peo­ple, after is im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS, is equal ex­is­tence at pre­sent high­est strength, in fact should also have such at­tack ef­fect, but Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. refuse to ac­cept as be­fore very much.Con­tin­ues to kill, I at­tract the main ha­tred of BOSS de­sir­ably, then has ar­rived at the side of back to cliff, mak­ing the roar­ing flame axe blade edge of ox head per­son aim at me to at­tack, like this and in­no­cent on the wound.After sev­eral sec­onds, con­firmed my wrong odd­ness, even if BOSS ha­tred value on me, but the roar­ing flame axe blade edge strikes is get­ting down to the crowd most crowded di­rec­tion bang as be­fore , the sec­ond has killed many archers and hack­bu­teers.„Faint, this BOSS AI was too high” has wiped the tea to raise the shield say­ing: „His roar­ing flame axe blade edge skill does not abide by the ha­tred prin­ci­ple.”I turn around to chop around BOSS im­me­di­ately ran­domly, ar­rives at his frontage di­rectly, twice, I also saw clearly con­tin­u­ously, the gath­er­ing strength of roar­ing flame axe blade edge prob­a­bly is 1.2 sec­onds, Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian chisel strikes is un­able to break, this not by the style that the skill can break, but tries the trun­ca­tion rip­ple to could, after all I am on the spot only a strength value most to ap­proach this BOSS per­son.„Roar!”The strength is roar­ing quiet, is a roar­ing flame axe blade edge, the tom­a­hawk hum­ming sound shiv­ered, was en­ter­ing gath­ered the strength the stage.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
bentuk Tenaga kerja kepala sapi tenang tindakan defensif yang mengaum satu, kemudian mulai keterampilan, namun gemuruh adalah sama, serangan itu berbeda, menghadapi garis pertahanan yang saya dan Li Mu dua orang berkolaborasi untuk menulis, di BOSS tangan minimal 3 meter tomahawk "bersenandung suara" melarikan diri yang menggigil, sikat api menderu, batang tomahawk juga seketika berubah meningkat, adalah keterampilan ketiga menderu api tepi kapak pisau!
tomahawk The ditebang secara horizontal di keramaian, saya dan Li Mu bertahan cedera terbesar sebagai depan, satu kelompok orang mendorong dengan cara dunia, orang yang terkena juga tidak jarang terjadi
I dan Li kawanan kekuatan pertahanan yang cukup tinggi Haihao Said yang memiliki pemain yang akan dibunuh oleh kedua langsung, praktek pengobatan itu membawa kembali ke kehidupan buru-buru, Lin Wan Er memerintahkan mengatakan: "Apakah hati bahwa ini mengaum api kapak keterampilan tepi pisau, terlalu kuat juga memiliki, mengaktifkan cepat, mengaktifkan dua orang tidak bangun pada reaksi lagi, dalam 60 menit hanya dapat diaktifkan kembali 3 kali, tidak menerima sistem untuk menghukum! "
Siapa yang pernah berpikir bahwa orang kepala sapi tidak menunjukkan hormat untuk perasaan khusus, setelah menderu api kapak tepi pisau, adalah api tornado, telah melanggar [Zhan panjang] lineup seketika, kedua telah singkat dari beberapa orang, setelah abadi terus menerus hujan langkah BOSS, adalah keberadaan yang sama pada kekuatan tertinggi saat ini , sebenarnya juga harus memiliki efek serangan tersebut, tetapi Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. menolak untuk menerima seperti sebelumnya sangat banyak.
Terus untuk membunuh, saya menarik kebencian utama BOSS diinginkan, maka telah tiba di sisi kembali ke tebing, membuat api kapak tepi pisau menderu sapi kepala orang bertujuan saya untuk menyerang, seperti ini dan tidak bersalah pada luka.
Setelah beberapa detik, dikonfirmasi keanehan yang salah saya, bahkan jika BOSS nilai kebencian pada saya, tapi menderu api kapak pisau tepi pemogokan semakin turun ke kerumunan paling ramai arah Bang seperti sebelumnya, kedua telah membunuh banyak . pemanah dan Hackbuteers
"Faint, BOSS ini AI terlalu tinggi" telah dihapus teh untuk menaikkan pepatah perisai: "skill tepi kapak pisau menderu api Nya tidak mematuhi prinsip kebencian."
aku berbalik untuk memotong sekitar BOSS segera acak , tiba di depan nya langsung, dua kali, saya juga melihat dengan jelas terus, kekuatan pengumpulan menderu api kapak tepi pisau mungkin 1,2 detik, Lin Wan Er dan Yue Qing Qian pemogokan pahat tidak dapat istirahat, ini bukan oleh gaya yang keterampilan dapat mematahkan, tetapi mencoba riak pemotongan untuk bisa, setelah semua saya di tempat satu-satunya nilai kekuatan yang paling mendekati BOSS orang ini.
kekuatan ini menderu tenang, adalah api kapak tepi pisau menderu, tomahawk yang bersenandung suara menggigil, itu memasuki mengumpulkan kekuatan panggung.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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