Implications for Group Leaders Bozarth, Zimring, and Tausch (2002) ass terjemahan - Implications for Group Leaders Bozarth, Zimring, and Tausch (2002) ass Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Implications for Group Leaders Boza

Implications for Group Leaders Bozarth, Zimring, and Tausch (2002) assert
that the most important aspect of training is to develop the attitude of the therapist
to support the client’s perception of the world, to demonstrate faith in the
client’s inner resources, and to attend to the therapeutic relationship. Coghlan
and McIlduff (1990) maintain that an important aspect of training group
facilitators is teaching them the use of personal power. Because the personcentered
approach emphasizes an equalization of power, it is critical that the
facilitator’s behavior in no way diminish the power of members. Coghlan and
McIlduff believe facilitators need to learn how to offer alternatives in sensitive
ways to group members so that real choice and increased freedom become the
property of the group rather than the instrument of the leader.
Researchers have confi rmed that the person-centered assumption that the
facilitator’s expression of three core therapeutic attitudes—genuineness (or
congruence), acceptance, and empathic understanding—is foundational for
positive therapeutic outcomes (Cain, 2010; Kirschenbaum, 2009; Raskin, 1986b).
Emphasis is best placed on the art of listening and understanding rather than
on techniques and strategies. Clients often identify “being understood” as one
of the most helpful aspects of their therapy and express appreciation for being
carefully listened to (Cain, 2010). Thorne (1992) puts the challenge to clinicians
well: “The ‘core conditions’ of congruence, acceptance, and empathy are
simple to state, much more diffi cult to describe and infi nitely challenging to
practice” (p. 36).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Menegaskan implikasi bagi grup pemimpin Bozarth, Zimring, dan Tausch (2002)bahwa aspek yang paling penting dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sikap terapisuntuk mendukung klien persepsi tentang dunia, untuk menunjukkan imansumber daya batin klien, dan untuk menghadiri hubungan terapeutik. Coghlandan McIlduff (1990) berpendapat bahwa aspek penting dari pelatihan kelompokFasilitator adalah mengajar mereka menggunakan kekuatan pribadi. Karena personcenteredpendekatan menekankan pemerataan kekuasaan, sangat penting bahwaperilaku fasilitator sama sekali tidak mengurangi kekuatan anggota. Coghlan danMcIlduff percaya fasilitator perlu belajar bagaimana untuk menawarkan alternatif di sensitifcara untuk anggota kelompok sehingga menjadi kebebasan nyata pilihan dan peningkatanproperti grup daripada instrumen pemimpin.Para peneliti telah XQWXN rmed yang berpusat pada orang asumsi yangFasilitator ekspresi tiga inti terapeutik sikap — keaslian (atauharmoni), penerimaan, dan pemahaman empatik — dasar untukhasil terapi positif (kain, 2010; Kirschenbaum, 2009; Raskin, 1986b).Terbaik penekanan pada seni mendengarkan dan memahami daripadapada teknik dan strategi. Klien sering mengidentifikasi "menjadi mengerti" sebagai salah satuaspek yang paling berguna dari terapi dan menyampaikan penghargaan karena merekahati-hati mendengarkan (kain, 2010). Thorne (1992) menempatkan tantangan untuk dokterbaik: "'Ketentuan inti' harmoni, penerimaan dan empati adalahsederhana untuk negara, jauh lebih sulit kultus untuk menggambarkan dan menantang untuk infi nitelypraktek"(ms. 36).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Implications for Group Leaders Bozarth, Zimring, and Tausch (2002) assert
that the most important aspect of training is to develop the attitude of the therapist
to support the client’s perception of the world, to demonstrate faith in the
client’s inner resources, and to attend to the therapeutic relationship. Coghlan
and McIlduff (1990) maintain that an important aspect of training group
facilitators is teaching them the use of personal power. Because the personcentered
approach emphasizes an equalization of power, it is critical that the
facilitator’s behavior in no way diminish the power of members. Coghlan and
McIlduff believe facilitators need to learn how to offer alternatives in sensitive
ways to group members so that real choice and increased freedom become the
property of the group rather than the instrument of the leader.
Researchers have confi rmed that the person-centered assumption that the
facilitator’s expression of three core therapeutic attitudes—genuineness (or
congruence), acceptance, and empathic understanding—is foundational for
positive therapeutic outcomes (Cain, 2010; Kirschenbaum, 2009; Raskin, 1986b).
Emphasis is best placed on the art of listening and understanding rather than
on techniques and strategies. Clients often identify “being understood” as one
of the most helpful aspects of their therapy and express appreciation for being
carefully listened to (Cain, 2010). Thorne (1992) puts the challenge to clinicians
well: “The ‘core conditions’ of congruence, acceptance, and empathy are
simple to state, much more diffi cult to describe and infi nitely challenging to
practice” (p. 36).
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