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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Yoona felt a sharp pain inher chest, and the pain slowlyspreading towards her body. It wasnothing she ever felt before. It waslike something was trying to comeout of her body, but couldn’t. Shescreamed, she growled, she wailed,she roared; she clawed the floor, sheclawed her arms, her chest, everypart of her body where she felt pain,but nothing could make it goaway. She suddenly realized the knifeon her chest, and she took it outquickly and threw it on the ground,but the pain did not subside.Shesensed a lump in her throat; itreached her mouth, and she tastedrust and a hint of bitterness. Shecoughed it out, and opened her eyesto see light.Bright.Everything was suddenlyflooded with light.She couldn’t see, but shecould feel. She could feel tearscoming out of her eyes, blood andsaliva coming out of her mouth. Shecan feel the pain from her scratchesearlier, added to the sharp, searingpain that has spread all over herbody. She wanted the pain to stop,but nobody's there to help her.No, Yuri unnie would helpme. She'll definitely help me.Her eyes had now adjustedto the brightness, and it wanderedaround the cave, not looking for theculprit who put a knife in her chest,but looking for something else. Andher eyes widened when she saw it.Hot.Everything burns.Her sister’s head was inthe middle of a blazing fire. In thatmoment, she forgot all about thepain. She quickly took her sister’shead out of the fire and cuddled it.She looked around for an exit but shecouldn’t get out. The fire was alreadysurrounding her, surrounding them.Smoke and heat filled the space notcovered by the blaze. It made Yoonatear up and cough a lot. The painmade her weaker than she had everbeen, and all the coughing didn’thelp her either. She slumped down tothe floor, the wall of the cave at herback, and her sister’s head safelytucked in her chest. For the first timein a long time, she felt scared.Am I going to die?Before, all she thoughtabout was eating, filling her hungerno matter what it takes. Recently, shethinks about her Yuri unnie. Now, sheheld her sister’s head tighter, the fearof death suddenly upon her. Shelooked down, with the slightlyburned head of Yuri in her arms. Shelets the flames lick her body, notminding the burn and the pain.At least if I die, I’m withmy Yuri unnie.Outside the cave, a girlwith long hair and glowing bodywatches as the fire burns on. She canfeel the life force of the creatureinside the cave gradually disappear.Yet she also feels that it would not bethe last time she would feel thecreature’s presence. But whatsurprises Seohyun the most is thatshe feels pity for the creature,especially when she saw how thecreature cuddled Yuri’s head as if itwas the most precious thing in theworld.Out of habit, she prays forthe creature’s soul, as she does forevery death she encounters. Herinstinct tells her that the creature isgone from this world and wouldn’tbother their village and forest again.At least for now.
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