In the ear­phone broad­casts the sound once more: „Wang Dui, they had  terjemahan - In the ear­phone broad­casts the sound once more: „Wang Dui, they had  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the ear­phone broad­casts the so

In the ear­phone broad­casts the sound once more: „Wang Dui, they had 41 peo­ple to enter the build­ing, but has left be­hind 16 peo­ple out­side, seems sim­i­lar to Li Dui said that they want to climb up out­side the hotel wall, re­con­noi­ters the sig­nal to be in­tense, a S level breeds to think of the human, dragon blood sol­diers of 7 A lev­els, other is the B level mem­bers.”
„Con­firmed that who the S level breeds to think of human is.”
„He wears the topee, can­not see.”
„Su­per­vises in the hotel all cam­eras, iden­ti­fies sys­tem read screen­ing with the face.”
After sev­eral min­utes, in the ear­phone broad­casts the sound of axe: „Boss, con­firmed that truly is the Wang Ze hon­est this grand­son, mother!”
„Do not act rashly, do not ob­struct them, puts on them two build­ings!”
My slowly held the long shape suit­case straight, then drew nearby armed forces to spend MM, her today's role acts Lin Wan Er, but was very ob­vi­ously anx­ious, the fra­grant shoul­der was shiv­er­ing slightly.
„Do not fear that one will begin, you hide in me be­hind and that's the end.” I com­fort her.
She ac­tu­ally gains ground to show a faint smile, said: „My name was Xia Xin.”
„Xia Xin hello.”
„Li Xiao Yao.” She walks arm in arm in my arms, said with a smile: „If my this time has been wounded, you must be re­spon­si­ble for rais­ing me, hee hee, you to are truly same, ultra com­man­der-in-chief who they said that, if I died in the line of duty”
„Stop­ping” I said with a smile: „This be­longs to my fight, once they come in you im­me­di­ately to hide the back­stage, fought did not fin­ish do not come out.”
„Snort, did you also look down upon me?” The sum­mer joy­ful del­i­cate eye­brows raise, said: „I am the wres­tle mas­ter who in the spe­cial op­er­a­tions forces camp ranks among the best, I come to here not com­pletely to dis­guise as your fi­ancee, I am fight.”
I smile: „As you like, but the per­son of close com­bat must be I.”
I turn on com­mu­ni­ca­tion, in­quired one: „Scans, did they bring the weapon?”
Xing Liedao: „Does not have the heavy weapon, has only car­ried the pis­tol, the boss, when do we begin?”
„Wang Zecheng ap­pears , in front of me.”
The front door of ban­quet hall opened sud­denly, the per­son who wore the topee to think of walked, wore the young peo­ple of west­ern-style cloth­ing, not care­ful iden­ti­fi­ca­tion words, but also thinks re­ally this group of peo­ple were only at­tend the en­gage­ment cer­e­mony, but could not es­cape my eye, the re­sult that their pate ex­trava­sa­tions, after that was the wild an­i­mal changed body, leaves be­hind.
The topee lifts sud­denly, an ex­cep­tion­ally pretty face ap­pears in the front, is Wang Zecheng, his face twists grad­u­ally, said with a smile lightly: „Li Xiao Yao, do you want to marry Lin Wan Er re­ally very much? You have al­most de­stroyed all my, has de­stroyed my fu­ture, do you also want to get mar­ried the beloved woman?”
Raises the right hand sud­denly, a pis­tol points to Xia Xin, Wang Zecheng is grin­ning to say with a smile: „Lin Wan Er, your this cheap per­son, which my can­not com­pare him, un­ex­pect­edly wants him not to want me, since this, the fa­ther kills to con­sider as fin­ished you con­ve­niently to­gether.”
The [Zhan Long] last month, every­body gives pow­er­ful, bus per­mit pound­ing! Amen! Please gen­er­ous sup­port leaves!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the ear­phone broad­casts the sound once more: „Wang Dui, they had 41 peo­ple to enter the build­ing, but has left be­hind 16 peo­ple out­side, seems sim­i­lar to Li Dui said that they want to climb up out­side the hotel wall, re­con­noi­ters the sig­nal to be in­tense, a S level breeds to think of the human, dragon blood sol­diers of 7 A lev­els, other is the B level mem­bers.”„Con­firmed that who the S level breeds to think of human is.”„He wears the topee, can­not see.”„Su­per­vises in the hotel all cam­eras, iden­ti­fies sys­tem read screen­ing with the face.”„Yes!”After sev­eral min­utes, in the ear­phone broad­casts the sound of axe: „Boss, con­firmed that truly is the Wang Ze hon­est this grand­son, mother!”„Do not act rashly, do not ob­struct them, puts on them two build­ings!”„Yes!”My slowly held the long shape suit­case straight, then drew nearby armed forces to spend MM, her today's role acts Lin Wan Er, but was very ob­vi­ously anx­ious, the fra­grant shoul­der was shiv­er­ing slightly.„Do not fear that one will begin, you hide in me be­hind and that's the end.” I com­fort her.She ac­tu­ally gains ground to show a faint smile, said: „My name was Xia Xin.”„Xia Xin hello.”„Li Xiao Yao.” She walks arm in arm in my arms, said with a smile: „If my this time has been wounded, you must be re­spon­si­ble for rais­ing me, hee hee, you to are truly same, ultra com­man­der-in-chief who they said that, if I died in the line of duty”„Stop­ping” I said with a smile: „This be­longs to my fight, once they come in you im­me­di­ately to hide the back­stage, fought did not fin­ish do not come out.”
„Snort, did you also look down upon me?” The sum­mer joy­ful del­i­cate eye­brows raise, said: „I am the wres­tle mas­ter who in the spe­cial op­er­a­tions forces camp ranks among the best, I come to here not com­pletely to dis­guise as your fi­ancee, I am fight.”
I smile: „As you like, but the per­son of close com­bat must be I.”
I turn on com­mu­ni­ca­tion, in­quired one: „Scans, did they bring the weapon?”
Xing Liedao: „Does not have the heavy weapon, has only car­ried the pis­tol, the boss, when do we begin?”
„Wang Zecheng ap­pears , in front of me.”
The front door of ban­quet hall opened sud­denly, the per­son who wore the topee to think of walked, wore the young peo­ple of west­ern-style cloth­ing, not care­ful iden­ti­fi­ca­tion words, but also thinks re­ally this group of peo­ple were only at­tend the en­gage­ment cer­e­mony, but could not es­cape my eye, the re­sult that their pate ex­trava­sa­tions, after that was the wild an­i­mal changed body, leaves be­hind.
The topee lifts sud­denly, an ex­cep­tion­ally pretty face ap­pears in the front, is Wang Zecheng, his face twists grad­u­ally, said with a smile lightly: „Li Xiao Yao, do you want to marry Lin Wan Er re­ally very much? You have al­most de­stroyed all my, has de­stroyed my fu­ture, do you also want to get mar­ried the beloved woman?”
Raises the right hand sud­denly, a pis­tol points to Xia Xin, Wang Zecheng is grin­ning to say with a smile: „Lin Wan Er, your this cheap per­son, which my can­not com­pare him, un­ex­pect­edly wants him not to want me, since this, the fa­ther kills to con­sider as fin­ished you con­ve­niently to­gether.”
The [Zhan Long] last month, every­body gives pow­er­ful, bus per­mit pound­ing! Amen! Please gen­er­ous sup­port leaves!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam siaran earphone suara sekali lagi: "Wang Dui, ​​mereka memiliki 41 orang untuk memasuki gedung, tetapi telah meninggalkan 16 orang di luar, tampaknya mirip dengan Li Dui mengatakan bahwa mereka ingin memanjat luar tembok Hotel, reconnoiters sinyal menjadi intens, tingkat S keturunan memikirkan manusia, tentara darah naga dari 7 tingkat A, lainnya adalah anggota tingkat B. "
" Dikonfirmasi bahwa yang keturunan tingkat S memikirkan manusia adalah. "
" Dia memakai topi yang , tidak bisa melihat ".
" Mengawasi di hotel semua kamera, mengidentifikasi sistem baca skrining dengan wajah. "
" Ya "!
Setelah beberapa menit, earphone menyiarkan suara kapak:" Boss, menegaskan bahwa benar-benar adalah jujur ​​Wang Ze cucu ini, ibu! "
" Jangan bertindak gegabah, tidak menghalangi mereka, menempatkan mereka dua bangunan! "
" Ya! "
Foto Saya perlahan memegang koper bentuk lurus panjang, kemudian menarik angkatan bersenjata terdekat untuk menghabiskan MM, tindakan perannya saat ini Lin Wan Er, tapi sangat jelas cemas, bahu harum menggigil sedikit.
"Jangan takut bahwa seseorang akan mulai, Anda bersembunyi di saya di belakang dan itulah akhirnya." saya menghiburnya.
Dia benar-benar memperoleh tanah untuk menunjukkan senyum tipis , mengatakan: "nama saya adalah Xia Xin."
"Xia Xin halo".
"Li Xiao Yao." Dia berjalan bergandengan tangan di lengan saya, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Jika saat ini saya telah terluka, Anda harus bertanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan saya, hee hee, Anda benar-benar sama, ultra komandan-in-chief yang mereka mengatakan bahwa, jika saya meninggal dalam menjalankan tugas "
" Menghentikan "aku berkata sambil tersenyum:" ini milik perjuangan saya, sekali . mereka datang dalam Anda segera untuk menyembunyikan belakang panggung, berjuang tidak menyelesaikan tidak keluar "
"? Snort, apakah Anda juga memandang rendah saya "musim panas alis halus gembira mengangkat, mengatakan:" Akulah penguasa menggeluti yang di khusus kamp pasukan operasi peringkat di antara yang terbaik, saya datang ke sini tidak sepenuhnya untuk menyamarkan sebagai tunangan Anda, saya pertarungan ".
aku tersenyum:" seperti yang Anda suka, tapi orang dari pertempuran jarak dekat harus I. "
" Um. "
saya mengaktifkan komunikasi, bertanya satu: "? Scan, apakah mereka membawa senjata"
Xing Liedao: "Apakah tidak memiliki senjata berat, hanya membawa pistol, bos, kapan kita mulai?"
"Wang Zecheng muncul, di depan saya. "
" Ya! "
" "
pintu depan ruang perjamuan dibuka tiba-tiba, orang yang mengenakan topi untuk memikirkan berjalan, mengenakan orang-orang muda dari gaya barat pakaian, tidak hati-hati kata-kata identifikasi, tetapi juga berpikir benar-benar ini sekelompok orang hanya menghadiri upacara pertunangan, tapi tidak bisa melarikan diri mata saya, hasil yang extravasations pate mereka, setelah itu adalah binatang liar berubah tubuh, meninggalkan.
topi itu mengangkat tiba-tiba, wajah sangat cantik muncul di depan, adalah Wang Zecheng, tikungan wajahnya secara bertahap, berkata sambil tersenyum ringan: "Li Xiao Yao, Anda ingin menikah Lin Wan Er benar-benar sangat banyak? Anda telah hampir menghancurkan semua saya, telah menghancurkan masa depan saya, apakah Anda juga ingin menikah wanita tercinta "?
Meningkatkan tangan kanan tiba-tiba, pistol poin ke Xia Xin, Wang Zecheng yang menyeringai mengatakan dengan senyum:" Lin Wan Er, Anda orang yang murah ini, yang saya tidak bisa membandingkan dia, tiba-tiba ingin dia untuk tidak ingin aku, karena ini, ayah membunuh untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai selesai anda nyaman bersama-sama. "
" Bang! "
The [Zhan panjang] bulan lalu, semua orang memberikan kuat, izin bus berdebar! Amin! Silahkan daun dukungan yang murah hati!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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