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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sejarah Jack dan pohon kacang Di zaman raja Alfred hiduplah seorang perempuan miskin. Dia adalah seorang janda dan anak nama Jack, siapa dia terlibat untuk suatu kesalahan. Konsekuensi dari keberpihakan buta nya adalah bahwa Jack tidak membayar perhatian paling tidak apa-apa katanya. Kebodohan nya yang tidak karena sifat buruknya, tapi ibunya tidak pernah telah memeriksa padanya. Wanita miskin satu hari berbicara dengan Jack dengan air mata di matanya. Darurat adalah besar, dan untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupnya, ia tidak cukup uang untuk membeli bahkan sedikit roti untuk hari lain. Sekarang tidak ada yang tersisa untuk menjual tapi sapi miskin nya. Jack mulai meminta ibunya untuk membiarkan dia menjual sapi di desa berikutnya dan dia akhirnya setuju. Ketika ia akan bersama, Jack bertemu tukang daging. Tukang daging bertanya mengapa ia mengambil sapi dari rumah. Jack menjawab bahwa ia akan menjual. Tukang daging diadakan beberapa kacang penasaran dalam topi yang dari berbagai warna dan menarik Jack pemberitahuan. Tukang daging bertanya apa harga sapi, menawarkan pada waktu yang sama semua kacang di topi untuk itu. Tawar-menawar terpana langsung dan sapi yang ditukar dengan kacang. Segera setelah itu, Jack bergegas rumah dan memanggil keras kepada ibunya sebelum ia mencapai rumah, berpikir untuk memberikan kejutan. Ketika dia melihat kacang dan mendengar Jack's account, ia menjadi sangat marah. Dia keras menendang kacang pergi dan terbang di segala penjuru dengan beberapa tersebar di taman. The following morning, Jack awoke very early and saw something uncommon from the window of his bed chamber. Quickly, he ran downstairs into the garden, where he soon discovered that some of the beans had taken root and sprung up surprisingly. The stalks were of an immense thickness and had so entwined that they formed a leader almost like a chain in appearance. Without thinking twice, he began to climb the beanstalk. Up and up he climbed, until he reached the top. Jack saw a path that led to a big castle. The castle had a huge door and Jack pushed with all his strength to open it. Then he went inside. Jack looked around in wonder. He was in an enormous room. He saw a huge pile of silver and gold coins. He also saw the biggest table he had ever seen. Next to the table there was a huge chair. The table was covered with lots of delicious looking food. Feeling very hungry, Jack climbed up unto the chair and then onto the table. He started to eat the delicious food. Suddenly, he heard rumbling noise coming from a corner of the room. Jack looked into the dark corner and realized that the noise was coming from a sleeping giant. He was snoring loudly, Jack was really scared. Jack quickly jumped down from the table and grabbed some coins from the floor. Then he ran as fast as he could and climbed back down the beanstalk. The next morning, Jack felt brave and climbed up the beanstalk again. This time he saw a goose with two golden eggs next to the sleeping giant. Jack tiptoed across the room toward the goose. Suddenly, he tripped and fell onto the floor with a crash. The giant woke up and saw Jack. He was very angry and shouted: “Fee, fi, fo, fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.” As Jack ran out of the castle he grabbed the goose and then hurried down the beanstalk. He was much faster than the big clumsy giant and quickly reached the ground. Jack called out, “Help! Help! Mother, quick, bring the axe!’ on hearing Jack’s cries, his mother came running with the axe. Using all his strength Jack chopped down the beanstalk. The beanstalk was down tumbled and so did the giant. The giant laid dead on the ground. In the end, Jack and his mother were never poor again. They used some of the gold coins to buy another cow. The goose continued to lay golden eggs and they lived happily ever after.
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