Jodha shacken with Jalal's pain with low tone; Shenshah, I agree that  terjemahan - Jodha shacken with Jalal's pain with low tone; Shenshah, I agree that  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jodha shacken with Jalal's pain wit

Jodha shacken with Jalal's pain with low tone; Shenshah, I agree that it was my mistake too, I should have informed you in advance but that doesn't mean what you have done is forgivable. I have told you before that for me marriage means trust, faith between each other and you have completely failed in that... I have cried entire month thinking that you thinks so low for me... your words hunted me every day and night... even I didn't get one night peaceful sleep... You have crossed every line when you accuse my character...

Jalal closed his eyes to painfully...

After a few second Jodha with serious tone said "Shenshah, I have to tell something very serious, this was a conspiracy to break us apart..." Jalal suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jodha anxiously.

Jodha continued "Sujamal bhai sa had never wrote letter to meet him at the Jungle cottage and also in letter it was mentioned that not to inform any one... see me secretly. He did send a letter for our marriage blessing. Also, BhaiSa received letter from me, which I never wrote... Jalal shocking said "What are you saying, Jodha? This was conspiracy... "

Jodha regretfully replied "Yes! It was... Some one knew that I am going to Jungle...there was no one at the check point... I realized after all this was part of their plan to let me get out easily out of the palace." Then with cross question Jodha asked "Shenshah, how you came to know that I am out of the palace?" without answering her question he asked "Who gave you this letter?" Jodha responded casually "Badi Ammi gave me this letter."

Jalal asked "Jodha, did you have any conversation with Moti that you going to meet him...?

Jodha replied "Yes! I did say to Moti that I am going to see Sujamal bhai sa."

Jalal asked her again to verify "Jodha Are you sure you mention Sujamal bhai sa?"

Jodha "Yes!!!! I did mention Sujamal BhaiSa..."

Jalal's expression changed...He was shocked with his conclusion, but he was not he kept quiet.

Jodha asked him again "Shenshah, when I left you were sleeping peacefully and how you came to know, I was in jungle. Who informed you? I am sure that person is probably culprit."

Jalal screamed with extreme anger "Jodha" immediately he realized... and controlled his anger and softly said "Jodha, I will find out the truth, you don't worry..."

Jodha with upsetting tone said "I have right to know, whoever did this conspiracy, has humiliated me and ruined my reputation."

Jalal with controlling tone replied "Jodha begum, I will find out the time I have made mistake taking hasty decision and blaming you for no reason..." before he complete sentence Jodha said and called me wh**e and slap me too...

Jalal smirk and said "Jodha begum... I told you every time to use this word I will kiss...before he finish sentence, Jodha realized she swiftly got up the sofa with scared face and ran toward window.

Jalal went near window...and he pulled her and grabs her from wais towards him... Jodha with irritation, please leave me... Jalal pinned her next to the window wall...Jodha closed her eyes and moved her face... Jalal cupped her face with his both hand with care...Jodha's eyes were still close... Jalal with love said Jodha please look at me once...Jodha opened her eyes slowly... they looked at each other with intense pain and love for each other...Jalal repeated one more time with intense guilt, in pleading tone said "Jodha, please forgive me... don't kill me like this, I will die if you don't forgive me..." His intense remorse melted her heart and broke her with tears...she cried out loud... Jalal took her in arms and embraced her tightly. Jodha hugged him back and said "You have hurt me a lot... never ever do this again otherwise I will kill you." Jalal contently smiled and said "How can I dare that my Junglee billi..." She hugged him for few minutes... They both close their eyes and felt the warmth of each other... they both gone through so much pain... but this hug was washing their pain away... Jodha realized few minutes later, she was hugging him tightly; she shyly break hug and ran away to other corner...She felt extremely shy and blushed heavily... Jalal went near and hugged her from her back...

Jodha whispered "JALAL, let me go please..." She instantly realized by mistake she called him by his name and with that Jalal also surprised to hear his name for the first time from her mouth...He turned her quickly towards him and replied "How can I let you go my dear..." Jodha's eyes are still close; she was feeling extremely shy... Her cheeks turned red... Jalal with sensual tone whisper "Jodha, you have called me first time by my name... I really loved felt like my name became precious today..." Jalal in insisting tone said "Jodha look at me...I want see your beautiful eyes..."

Jodha slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jalal with love... Jalal with deep sigh whisper "Jodha, you are looking so beautiful, this white and red dress making you more beautiful." Jalal kissed her cheeks softly and carried her in his arms and put her carefully on bed...before Jalal make his next move she stopped him and said "Shenshah, I need some more time...I am much happened in past month... please forgive me but my heart is still not ready to go further."

Jalal looked at her with content look and said "Jodha I am feeling so relieved have given me so much happiness that I don't want anything... I am just happy that you are next to are not angry with me... I don't want anything, without you my life is empty...Jodha, I feel like you have complete me today. I feel suddenly my heart has started to breathe again. Jodha, I have missed you so cannot imagine was not even a second, I have not think about you... entire month I felt like my life crashed down..."

Jodha's tears knock down with happiness...She couldn't believe that Jalal's heart has started to breathe again. She said contently "Shenshah, as per mandatory requirement...Can I kiss you good night?" Jalal couldn't believe...what he heard...Jalal turned towards her and gaze at her beautiful face... Jodha leaned toward him to kiss him...she sensually smil and kissed on his forehead softly then she kissed on his cheeks with little smooch... the way Jalal was gazing at her, she felt too shy...she turned her face to other side. She couldn't lift her eyes up, Jalal pulled her towards him and said in whisper "Jodha, remember last time I teach you how to kiss..." Jodha looked straight in his eyes... she wanted him to kiss her... Jalal leaned down on her softly kiss on her lips... both felt spark in their entire body... He slowly smooches on her lower lips...and wait for her response... Her desire was at pick to kiss him... she kiss him passionately... they both kissed each other for long... finally then he hugged her tightly in his arm and sensually said "Good night Junglee billi..." They both sleep in each other arms peacefully entire night.

Hope U enjoy this chapter

Next: Holi...celebration coming up...Kali Mata Temple.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jodha shacken Jalal di nyeri dengan nada rendah; Shenshah, saya setuju bahwa itu adalah kesalahan saya juga, saya seharusnya memberitahu Anda di muka, tetapi itu tidak berarti apa yang Anda lakukan dimaafkan. Aku sudah mengatakannya kepadamu sebelum itu untukku perkawinan berarti percaya, iman antara satu sama lain dan Anda benar-benar telah gagal dalam yang... Saya menangis sebulan berpikir bahwa Anda berpikir begitu rendah bagi saya... kata-kata Anda diburu saya setiap hari dan malam... bahkan aku tidak mendapatkan satu malam damai tidur... Anda telah melintasi setiap baris ketika Anda menuduh karakter saya...Jalal ditutup matanya untuk menyakitkan...Setelah beberapa kedua Jodha dengan nada serius mengatakan "Shenshah, aku harus mengatakan sesuatu yang sangat serius, ini adalah konspirasi untuk pecah kita..." Jalal tiba-tiba membuka matanya dan menatap Jodha cemas.Jodha terus "bhai Sujamal sa tidak pernah menulis surat untuk bertemu dengannya di cottage hutan dan juga dalam Surat itu disebutkan bahwa tidak menginformasikan setiap orang... melihat saya diam-diam. Ia melakukan mengirim surat untuk memberkati perkawinan kami. Juga, BhaiSa menerima surat dari saya, yang saya tidak pernah menulis... Jalal mengejutkan mengatakan "apa yang Anda katakan, Jodha? Ini adalah konspirasi... "Jodha menyesal menjawab Ya! Itu adalah... Ada yang tahu bahwa aku akan ke hutan... tidak ada pada titik check... Saya menyadari setelah semua ini terjadi... itu adalah bagian dari rencana mereka untuk membiarkan saya keluar dengan mudah keluar istana." Kemudian dengan salib Jodha pertanyaan "Shenshah, bagaimana Anda datang untuk tahu bahwa aku keluar dari Istana?" tanpa menjawab pertanyaannya dia bertanya "Yang memberi Anda surat ini?" Jodha menanggapi santai "Badi Ammi memberi saya Surat ini."Jalal asked "Jodha, did you have any conversation with Moti that you going to meet him...?Jodha replied "Yes! I did say to Moti that I am going to see Sujamal bhai sa."Jalal asked her again to verify "Jodha Are you sure you mention Sujamal bhai sa?"Jodha "Yes!!!! I did mention Sujamal BhaiSa..."Jalal's expression changed...He was shocked with his conclusion, but he was not he kept quiet.Jodha asked him again "Shenshah, when I left you were sleeping peacefully and how you came to know, I was in jungle. Who informed you? I am sure that person is probably culprit."Jalal screamed with extreme anger "Jodha" immediately he realized... and controlled his anger and softly said "Jodha, I will find out the truth, you don't worry..."Jodha with upsetting tone said "I have right to know, whoever did this conspiracy, has humiliated me and ruined my reputation."Jalal with controlling tone replied "Jodha begum, I will find out the time I have made mistake taking hasty decision and blaming you for no reason..." before he complete sentence Jodha said and called me wh**e and slap me too...Jalal smirk and said "Jodha begum... I told you every time to use this word I will kiss...before he finish sentence, Jodha realized she swiftly got up the sofa with scared face and ran toward window.Jalal pergi dekat jendela... dan ia menariknya dan merebut dia dari wais ke arahnya... Jodha dengan iritasi, silakan tinggalkan... Jalal disematkan padanya di samping dinding jendela...Jodha memejamkan mata dan pindah wajahnya... Jalal menangkupkan wajahnya dengan kedua tangan dengan hati-hati...Jodha di mata yang masih dekat... Jalal dengan cinta kata Jodha silakan menatapku sekali...Jodha membuka matanya perlahan-lahan... mereka saling memandang dengan rasa sakit dan cinta satu sama lain...Jalal diulang sekali lagi dengan rasa bersalah yang intens, memohon nada berkata "Jodha, tolong Maafkan aku... tidak membunuh saya seperti ini, aku akan mati jika Anda tidak memaafkan saya..." Penyesalan nya intens mencair hatinya dan pecah dia dengan air mata... dia menangis keras... Jalal membawanya di lengan dan memeluk dia erat. Jodha memeluknya kembali dan berkata "Anda telah menyakitiku banyak... tidak pernah melakukan ini lagi kalau tidak aku akan membunuh Anda." Jalal contently tersenyum dan berkata "Bagaimana saya bisa berani yang saya Junglee billi..." Dia mendakapnya selama beberapa menit... Mereka berdua menutup mata dan merasakan kehangatan satu sama lain... mereka berdua pergi melalui begitu banyak rasa sakit... tapi pelukan ini adalah membasuh rasa sakit mereka... Jodha menyadari beberapa menit kemudian, dia adalah memeluk dia ketat; Dia shyly istirahat pelukan dan melarikan diri ke sudut lain...Dia merasa sangat malu dan tersipu berat... Jalal pergi dekat dan memeluknya dari kembali...Jodha berbisik "JALAL, biarkan aku pergi silahkan..." Dia segera menyadari oleh kesalahan dia memanggilnya dengan nama-Nya dan dengan itu juga terkejut mendengar nama-Nya untuk pertama kalinya dari mulutnya Jalal...Dia berbalik cepat mendekat dan menjawab "Bagaimana saya bisa membiarkan Anda pergi sayangku..." Jodha di mata masih dekat; ia merasa sangat pemalu... Pipinya berubah merah... Jalal dengan nada sensual bisikan "Jodha, engkau telah memanggilku pertama kali dengan nama-Ku... Aku benar-benar mencintai really merasa seperti namaku menjadi berharga hari ini..." Jalal di bersikeras nada berkata "Jodha menatapku...Saya ingin melihat mata indah Anda..."Jodha perlahan-lahan membuka matanya dan menatap Jalal dengan cinta... Jalal dengan mendalam mendesah bisikan "Jodha, Anda mencari begitu indah, gaun ini putih dan merah yang membuat Anda lebih cantik." Jalal mencium pipi lembut dan membawanya di tangannya dan membuatnya dengan hati-hati pada tidur... sebelum Jalal membuat nya bergerak berikutnya dia berhenti padanya dan berkata "Shenshah, aku membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu...Aku minta maaf... begitu banyak terjadi pada bulan terakhir... tolong Maafkan aku tapi hatiku masih belum siap untuk melangkah lebih jauh. "Jalal memandangnya dengan tampilan konten dan berkata "Jodha aku merasa begitu lega hari ini... Anda telah memberi saya begitu banyak kebahagiaan bahwa saya tidak ingin apa-apa... Aku hanya senang bahwa Anda di samping saya... tidak marah dengan saya... Saya tidak menginginkan sesuatu, tanpa Anda hidupku kosong...Jodha, aku merasa seperti Anda telah menyelesaikan saya hari ini. Tiba-tiba aku merasa hatiku telah mulai bernapas kembali. Jodha, aku merindukanmu begitu banyak... Anda tidak dapat membayangkan bahwa... itu tidak bahkan kedua, saya memiliki tidak berpikir tentang Anda... seluruh bulan, aku merasa seperti hidup saya jatuh ke bawah... "Air mata Jodha's merobohkan dengan kebahagiaan...Dia tidak bisa percaya bahwa Jalal di jantung telah mulai bernapas kembali. Katanya contently "Shenshah, sesuai dengan persyaratan wajib...Dapat saya mencium Anda Selamat malam?" Jalal tidak percaya... apa yang dia dengar...Jalal berpaling ke arahnya dan menatap wajah cantik... Jodha bersandar ke arah dia untuk menciumnya... dia sensual smil dan mencium pada dahinya lembut kemudian dia mencium di pipinya dengan sedikit berciuman... cara Jalal adalah menatap dia, dia merasa terlalu malu... ia berpaling wajahnya ke sisi lain. Dia tidak bisa mengangkat matanya, Jalal menariknya ke arahnya dan berkata dalam bisikan "Jodha, ingat terakhir kali saya mengajarkan Anda bagaimana untuk mencium..." Jodha tampak lurus di matanya... dia ingin dia untuk menciumnya... Jalal bersandar ke bawah pada dirinya lembut mencium bibirnya... kedua percikan dirasakan di seluruh tubuh mereka... Ia perlahan-lahan berciuman pada bibir bawah... dan menunggu respon nya... Keinginannya pada memilih untuk menciumnya... dia menciumnya bersemangat... keduanya mencium satu sama lain untuk lama... akhirnya maka ia memeluknya erat di lengannya dan sensual berkata "Selamat malam Junglee billi..." Keduanya tidur di satu sama lain lengan damai sepanjang malam.Hope U menikmati bab iniNext: Holi... perayaan datang...Kali Mata Candi.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jodha shacken with Jalal's pain with low tone; Shenshah, I agree that it was my mistake too, I should have informed you in advance but that doesn't mean what you have done is forgivable. I have told you before that for me marriage means trust, faith between each other and you have completely failed in that... I have cried entire month thinking that you thinks so low for me... your words hunted me every day and night... even I didn't get one night peaceful sleep... You have crossed every line when you accuse my character...

Jalal closed his eyes to painfully...

After a few second Jodha with serious tone said "Shenshah, I have to tell something very serious, this was a conspiracy to break us apart..." Jalal suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jodha anxiously.

Jodha continued "Sujamal bhai sa had never wrote letter to meet him at the Jungle cottage and also in letter it was mentioned that not to inform any one... see me secretly. He did send a letter for our marriage blessing. Also, BhaiSa received letter from me, which I never wrote... Jalal shocking said "What are you saying, Jodha? This was conspiracy... "

Jodha regretfully replied "Yes! It was... Some one knew that I am going to Jungle...there was no one at the check point... I realized after all this was part of their plan to let me get out easily out of the palace." Then with cross question Jodha asked "Shenshah, how you came to know that I am out of the palace?" without answering her question he asked "Who gave you this letter?" Jodha responded casually "Badi Ammi gave me this letter."

Jalal asked "Jodha, did you have any conversation with Moti that you going to meet him...?

Jodha replied "Yes! I did say to Moti that I am going to see Sujamal bhai sa."

Jalal asked her again to verify "Jodha Are you sure you mention Sujamal bhai sa?"

Jodha "Yes!!!! I did mention Sujamal BhaiSa..."

Jalal's expression changed...He was shocked with his conclusion, but he was not he kept quiet.

Jodha asked him again "Shenshah, when I left you were sleeping peacefully and how you came to know, I was in jungle. Who informed you? I am sure that person is probably culprit."

Jalal screamed with extreme anger "Jodha" immediately he realized... and controlled his anger and softly said "Jodha, I will find out the truth, you don't worry..."

Jodha with upsetting tone said "I have right to know, whoever did this conspiracy, has humiliated me and ruined my reputation."

Jalal with controlling tone replied "Jodha begum, I will find out the time I have made mistake taking hasty decision and blaming you for no reason..." before he complete sentence Jodha said and called me wh**e and slap me too...

Jalal smirk and said "Jodha begum... I told you every time to use this word I will kiss...before he finish sentence, Jodha realized she swiftly got up the sofa with scared face and ran toward window.

Jalal went near window...and he pulled her and grabs her from wais towards him... Jodha with irritation, please leave me... Jalal pinned her next to the window wall...Jodha closed her eyes and moved her face... Jalal cupped her face with his both hand with care...Jodha's eyes were still close... Jalal with love said Jodha please look at me once...Jodha opened her eyes slowly... they looked at each other with intense pain and love for each other...Jalal repeated one more time with intense guilt, in pleading tone said "Jodha, please forgive me... don't kill me like this, I will die if you don't forgive me..." His intense remorse melted her heart and broke her with tears...she cried out loud... Jalal took her in arms and embraced her tightly. Jodha hugged him back and said "You have hurt me a lot... never ever do this again otherwise I will kill you." Jalal contently smiled and said "How can I dare that my Junglee billi..." She hugged him for few minutes... They both close their eyes and felt the warmth of each other... they both gone through so much pain... but this hug was washing their pain away... Jodha realized few minutes later, she was hugging him tightly; she shyly break hug and ran away to other corner...She felt extremely shy and blushed heavily... Jalal went near and hugged her from her back...

Jodha whispered "JALAL, let me go please..." She instantly realized by mistake she called him by his name and with that Jalal also surprised to hear his name for the first time from her mouth...He turned her quickly towards him and replied "How can I let you go my dear..." Jodha's eyes are still close; she was feeling extremely shy... Her cheeks turned red... Jalal with sensual tone whisper "Jodha, you have called me first time by my name... I really loved felt like my name became precious today..." Jalal in insisting tone said "Jodha look at me...I want see your beautiful eyes..."

Jodha slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jalal with love... Jalal with deep sigh whisper "Jodha, you are looking so beautiful, this white and red dress making you more beautiful." Jalal kissed her cheeks softly and carried her in his arms and put her carefully on bed...before Jalal make his next move she stopped him and said "Shenshah, I need some more time...I am much happened in past month... please forgive me but my heart is still not ready to go further."

Jalal looked at her with content look and said "Jodha I am feeling so relieved have given me so much happiness that I don't want anything... I am just happy that you are next to are not angry with me... I don't want anything, without you my life is empty...Jodha, I feel like you have complete me today. I feel suddenly my heart has started to breathe again. Jodha, I have missed you so cannot imagine was not even a second, I have not think about you... entire month I felt like my life crashed down..."

Jodha's tears knock down with happiness...She couldn't believe that Jalal's heart has started to breathe again. She said contently "Shenshah, as per mandatory requirement...Can I kiss you good night?" Jalal couldn't believe...what he heard...Jalal turned towards her and gaze at her beautiful face... Jodha leaned toward him to kiss him...she sensually smil and kissed on his forehead softly then she kissed on his cheeks with little smooch... the way Jalal was gazing at her, she felt too shy...she turned her face to other side. She couldn't lift her eyes up, Jalal pulled her towards him and said in whisper "Jodha, remember last time I teach you how to kiss..." Jodha looked straight in his eyes... she wanted him to kiss her... Jalal leaned down on her softly kiss on her lips... both felt spark in their entire body... He slowly smooches on her lower lips...and wait for her response... Her desire was at pick to kiss him... she kiss him passionately... they both kissed each other for long... finally then he hugged her tightly in his arm and sensually said "Good night Junglee billi..." They both sleep in each other arms peacefully entire night.

Hope U enjoy this chapter

Next: Holi...celebration coming up...Kali Mata Temple.
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