Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Rory sat in the padded chair, trying to hide her annoyance at being seated next to the bastard. She didn't understand why Mr. McGill was handling their bids this way. She'd known a month ago when she placed her bid that Connor was going for the same job. It hadn't been a big deal then, because they usually bid for the same job unless one of them was already busy.Usually these things were handled more privately. She couldn't remember ever being in the room with her competition before when the client announced his decision. The only thing she could come up with was that the client was hoping to use their well known animosity towards each other to start a bidding war right here and now.It wasn't going to happen. As much as she would love to get her hands on Strawberry Fields Manor, she wasn't about to get into another embarrassing public confrontation with Connor. The one they had last month at the strawberry festival still made her cringe.Things probably wouldn't have gotten out of hand if their dates had just stayed out of it, but once Mary Lee decided to get in her face and Jeff took it as his cue to get into Connor's face, things kind of went downhill quickly. Okay, so she may have started trouble when she dumped the bucket of juicy mashed strawberries over Mary Lee's head, but in her defense, she could only hear '”stupid bitch” so many times before she snapped.Dia masih tidak mengerti mengapa Komite festival melarang mereka selama satu tahun, terutama setelah mereka dibayar untuk semua stroberi-mereka telah hancur. Setidaknya dia masih diperbolehkan untuk memiliki stan di festival tahun depan untuknya bisnis, bayangan konstruksi. Memang, salah satu kakaknya harus manusia tabel dan yang mungkin tidak akan pergi terlalu baik, tapi setidaknya perusahaan akan diwakili selama acara terbesar di kota.Connor bergeser di kursi-nya disamping miliknya, mungkin hanya gugup karena dia. Pikiran terjadi padanya, mengganggu neraka keluar dari dirinya. Jika ia benar-benar pergi bersama dengan ini dan mencoba untuk dlm dia, dia adalah celana pergi pantat di jalan keluar.Bibirnya twitched di memori terakhir kali dia telah melakukan itu. Memang, sudah seminggu setelah ia melakukannya padanya, tapi setidaknya dia tidak memakai pink petinju dengan hati mereka di sebuah bar seperti seseorang tertentu. Itu benar-benar telah membawa sukacita dan saudara hidup ketika mereka melihat orang-orang yang memukul pada Connor sepanjang malam dan mengirim minuman jalannya. Ia telah enam puluh persen yakin bahwa ia akan membunuhnya dengan tangan kosongnya malam itu."Seperti yang Anda berdua tahu," Mr McGill mulai, membawa perhatian kembali kepada-Nya, "Kami punya masalah mendapatkan izin dan musim hujan lebat mendorong rencana kami kembali oleh enam bulan."Mereka berdua mengangguk."Saya tahu Anda berdua mungkin sangat bingung sebagai ke mengapa saya diminta bayangan konstruksi dan Highland konstruksi untuk pertemuan bersama." Untungnya, dia tidak meninggalkan mereka dalam ketegangan. "Mitra saya dan saya ingin Strawberry Fields Hotel dan berjalan oleh November.""That's five months," she blurted out before she could stop herself. Connor threw her an annoyed look, probably for stating the obvious. Not that she cared if she aggravated the bastard. She could care less about that. What she did care about was the fact that there was no way her company could get Strawberry Fields Hotel up and running in five months. A year? Yes, and that was after hiring ten extra men and going overboard with overtime. Five months was not doable."Yes, it is," Mr. McGill agreed with a nod of his head. "As you know, Strawberry Fields Manor needs a bit of work." Rory just barely stopped herself from snorting her disbelief out loud.Strawberry Fields Manor was going to need a complete overhaul. It was going to have to be completely gutted, have an electrical and plumbing overhaul. Those were just a few of the major things that needed to be fixed. She had a fifteen page list in her office of all the small problems that needed attention."I know this is highly unusual, but we'd like to hire both your companies to work together and finish the project," he said, shocking them both into utter stillness. She wasn't even sure she was breathing or knew how to at that moment.He really couldn't expect the two of them to work together? Could he? They'd kill each other! The entire town knew that. Hell, there were several betting pools over who would kill who and how.This could not be happening. As much as she'd love to work on Strawberry Fields Manor she really wasn't sure-"If you're both able to do this and meet our deadline, you will each be paid a bonus of fifty-thousand dollars on top of the twenty percent we already decided to add to your bids," Mr. McGill announced. "As long as you both believe that you can work on this together without any problems," he stipulated, giving them a hard glance.She looked over at Connor to find him looking at her. They narrowed their eyes on each other, deciding if that amount of money would be enough to stop them from killing each other. After several tense moments they both nodded, slowly.For that kind of money she was more than willing to do a lot of unpleasant things like let the life ruining bastard live. * * * * Connor walked into O'Malley's tavern, grinning. He really couldn't help it. Not only had he landed the most sought after project of the decade, but he was going to be getting a very nice bonus at the end. He spotted five very large men sitting to the far right, glaring openly at him and he was reminded of the little problem he would have to quickly rectify.No doubt the little tomboy thought they were really going to work this project together. That was just sad, because really at this stage of the game she should know better.This was his project and the sooner she figured that out the better off everyone would be. Sure, he'd keep her around for appearances' sake. She could fetch his lunch or something to make herself useful, but she would be staying away from his project. The use of her men was certainly a nice little bonus.Bahkan ia harus mengakui bahwa ia tidak menantikan mempekerjakan pekerja sementara. Tidak ada waktu untuk menyortir melalui pelamar sekarang dan proyek ini pasti tidak sesuatu yang ia inginkan orang hijau untuk bekerja pada. Ia membutuhkan pekerja berpengalaman dan ia akan enggan mengakui bahwa awak Rory's itu baik. Matanya kecilpun atas untuk lima orang, yang tampak robek antara menendang pantatnya dan makan makanan pembuka mereka.Setelah James bersaudara yang bekerja proyek ini adalah seperti memenangkan lotre. Bukan karena ia pernah akan mengakuinya, tapi James saudara adalah yang terbaik, bahkan lebih baik daripada timnya. Mereka bekerja keras, selalu selesai proyek-proyek mereka tepat waktu, dan pekerjaan mereka adalah tidak diragukan lagi yang terbaik di daerah tersebut. Dia tidak akan pernah mengakui semua itu tentu saja. Tidak ketika ia berusia kompetisi utama mereka. Anak yang baik, sangat baik, tetapi mereka tidak memiliki tambahan tepi yang anak-anak James dibawa ke setiap pekerjaan.Apa yang tidak dia memberikan untuk memiliki bahkan salah satu dari mereka di krunya, neraka, menjalankan krunya. Selama lima tahun ia telah serius mempertimbangkan risiko perang dengan Rory dan terjadi setelah salah satu kakaknya lebih dari satu kali. Jika dia bisa mendapatkan satu, hanya satu, ia dapat mungkin membujuk sisa mereka atas ke sisinya. Matanya pindah ke saudara tertua, Craig. Dia adalah pemimpin yang jelas dari kelompok. Jika ia datang yang lain akan mengikuti.How they managed to end up working for their baby sister, he would never know. Any of those men could easily have started up his own company and given Connor a run for his money, but they hadn't. No doubt they worked for Rory out of fear of old man James. His boys might be grown men, but he still ruled the family with an iron fist. He probably told the boys to help their sister and they jumped to do it, afraid the old man would kick their collective asses. Hell, even Connor didn't turn his back on the sixty year old man. He wasn't stupid.Of course if any of the James brothers decided after working this particular project that they'd rather work with him, who was he to argue?
"Did we get it?" Andrew, one of his oldest friends and one of his foremen, asked as Connor joined them at the round tavern table. The four other men stopped talking and sipping their beers to watch him expectantly.
"Oh yeah," he said, grinning, looking towards the James brothers. "Maybe even more.
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