#1373: The landslide sea extinguishes! ( First ) Shells Mountains and  terjemahan - #1373: The landslide sea extinguishes! ( First ) Shells Mountains and  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1373: The landslide sea extinguish

#1373: The landslide sea extinguishes! ( First )

Shells Mountains and Seas Plane by the mainland, this matter is indeed crazy, when indeed starting from the next day, Xuan Fang arrives leaves the Li Long subsequent party, once this matter has done, he definitely will undertake the price.
This price is too big, he will even face the hates of entire 33 days of all alien races, only wins, may all these changes, but now ... The aspect of victory, Xuan Fang could not see that but his oneself soon will also fall from the sky.
„After I died, ... Manages its flood to be dreadful!” The Xuan Fang laughter is demented, reverberation all directions, since next day, several days of mainland has hit, then he minded, when oneself died, starts various day of mainland, shells Mountains and Seas Plane.
Only by doing so, he can Mountains and Seas Plane unprecedented heavy losses, only by doing so, this war, he be able for 17 th day above, to strive to take the initiative.
„I can do ... Only then these.” The Xuan Fang big sleeve flings, various day of mainland thunder, directly soar Mountains and Seas Plane, several hundred more than ten million alien races, encirclement all around, enter Mountains and Seas Plane.
But Xuan Fang here, has closed at this moment also the eye, in his both eyes closed instant, in his body erupted shakes the heavens to move the strength of place directly!
His body, in this flash, immediately from exploding, Paragon from exploding, not like Li Long clone, but is complete Paragon, is not Cultivation drops, although is injured, but Xuan Fang also has Paragon Cultivation.
His from exploding, the source in within the body, started from exploding, the sound of thundering, made the starry sky burn in this moment, lets shiver boundlessly, lets Mountains and Seas Plane everything may become vulnerable.
But his here, all from the strength of exploding, is not the proliferation of unconsciousness, under control that he intends, his from the strength that exploding has, completely became the propelling force , to promote that various day of mainland, at indescribable speed, bang to Mountains and Seas Plane.
In Mountains and Seas Plane, even if the hits to this various day of mainland, were prepared, had guarding, but this hit, with was entirely different in the past, this time, has Xuan Fang to hold from strength of in addition exploding, causes this various day of mainland, is similar to the sharp sword, the crazy penetration goes.
War, unprecedented frigidity, thorough eruption!
The sound of thundering, reverberates continuously, the starry sky shivers, the world sways, most approaches the sea of these various day of mainland, was evaporated directly, mountain peak, shivers the collapse, explodes directly.
Three Great Daoist Societies act, took out Daoist canon fully, has launched astonishing Dao Law, Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple, did not hesitate the price to summon several Dao Shade, prevented various day of mainland.
Highest Sword Sect, condenses infinite sword, that was sword that 1.08 million flying swords condensed, howled to go, mainland that the bombardment approached.
Ninth Sea God World, they lose seriously, background that may erupt, is as before terrorist, innumerable Sea Dragon depart, innumerable cultivator fly, gates of the god appear, after opening completely, from, is stepping the stride, went out of giants.
These giants brandish the arm, has formed a city wall, prevents various day of mainland.
That disciples of three Senior, at risk of life a war, are taking the magic weapon of Senior at this moment, act, thunders fully dreadfully, puts together completely all!
Even if Hai Meng Paragon looks pale, even if blood overflows, even if injury recrudescence, departs, bombardment mainland.
The Paragon puppet also under the control of Meng Hao, similarly flies, thunders unceasingly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1373: The landslide sea extinguishes! ( First ) Shells Mountains and Seas Plane by the mainland, this matter is indeed crazy, when indeed starting from the next day, Xuan Fang arrives leaves the Li Long subsequent party, once this matter has done, he definitely will undertake the price.This price is too big, he will even face the hates of entire 33 days of all alien races, only wins, may all these changes, but now ... The aspect of victory, Xuan Fang could not see that but his oneself soon will also fall from the sky.„After I died, ... Manages its flood to be dreadful!” The Xuan Fang laughter is demented, reverberation all directions, since next day, several days of mainland has hit, then he minded, when oneself died, starts various day of mainland, shells Mountains and Seas Plane.Only by doing so, he can Mountains and Seas Plane unprecedented heavy losses, only by doing so, this war, he be able for 17 th day above, to strive to take the initiative.„I can do ... Only then these.” The Xuan Fang big sleeve flings, various day of mainland thunder, directly soar Mountains and Seas Plane, several hundred more than ten million alien races, encirclement all around, enter Mountains and Seas Plane.But Xuan Fang here, has closed at this moment also the eye, in his both eyes closed instant, in his body erupted shakes the heavens to move the strength of place directly!Rumbling!Tubuhnya, di flash ini, segera dari meledak, Paragon dari meledak, tidak seperti klon Li panjang, tetapi adalah lengkap Paragon, bukanlah tetes budidaya, meskipun terluka, tetapi Xuan Fang juga memiliki Paragon budidaya.Nya dari meledak, sumber di dalam tubuh, mulai dari meledak, suara gemuruh, membuat langit berbintang membakar pada saat ini, memungkinkan menggigil boundlessly, memungkinkan pegunungan dan laut pesawat semuanya dapat menjadi rentan.Tapi sini nya, semua dari kekuatan meledak, tidak proliferasi ketidaksadaran, di bawah kendali yang berniat, nya dari kekuatan yang meledak, benar-benar menjadi mendorong kekuatan, untuk mempromosikan bahwa berbagai hari daratan, kecepatan tak terlukiskan, bang ke pegunungan dan laut pesawat.Di pegunungan dan laut pesawat, bahkan jika hits hari ini berbagai daratan, disusun, telah menjaga, tapi ini memukul, dengan itu sama sekali berbeda di masa lalu, kali ini, telah Xuan Fang untuk menahan dari kekuatan Selain itu meledak, menyebabkan ini berbagai hari daratan, serupa dengan pedang yang tajam, penetrasi gila pergi.Perang, frigiditas belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, letusan menyeluruh!Suara gemuruh, terus bergema, bergemetar langit berbintang, dunia bergoyang, pendekatan yang paling laut ini berbagai hari daratan, adalah menguap langsung, puncak gunung, bergemetar runtuhnya, meledak langsung.Tiga besar Dao masyarakat bertindak, mengambil Dao canon sepenuhnya, telah meluncurkan menakjubkan Dao hukum, Kuil upacara abadi kuno Dao, tidak ragu-ragu harga untuk memanggil beberapa naungan Dao, mencegah berbagai hari daratan.Mengembun tertinggi sekte pedang, pedang yang tak terbatas, itu adalah pedang yang 1,08 juta terbang pedang kental, melolong untuk pergi, daratan yang mendekati pemboman.Tuhan kesembilan Sea World, mereka kehilangan serius, latar belakang yang mungkin meletus, seperti sebelum berangkat teroris, tak terhitung Naga Laut, terbang tak terhitung beralih, gerbang Allah muncul, setelah pembukaan sepenuhnya, dari, adalah untuk meningkatkan langkahnya, pergi dari raksasa.Raksasa ini mengayunkan lengan, telah membentuk dinding kota, mencegah berbagai hari daratan.Bahwa murid-murid tiga Senior, berisiko kehidupan perang, mengambil senjata sihir Senior pada saat ini, tindakan, guruh sepenuhnya sangat, menempatkan bersama-sama benar-benar semua!Bahkan jika Hai Meng Paragon terlihat pucat, bahkan jika darah meluap, bahkan jika cedera recrudescence, berangkat, pemboman daratan.Wayang Paragon juga di bawah kendali Meng Hao, demikian pula terbang, guruh tanpa henti.
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